Tag: viceroy
#7 The Viceroy
Super villain time. I was having brunch with my wife and friend on Halloween and we went to our usual spot: The Viceroy on 18th Street & 8th Ave here in NYC. While there, I wondered what a viceroy was and when I looked it up, I found the makings of what I hope will be a great villain.
Concept: A viceroy is a high ranking official that governs in the king’s place. This one (Miguel Morales-Rojo), however, has no king and the power has gone to his head. He isn’t time displaced…just a little crazy (think an evil Don Quixote crossed with the Batman rogue, the Cavalier). I envision him having a ship that is part scooner, part TARDIS (that should spark your imagination).
Design: I knew I wanted someone that had a regal look, and that piece reminded me of the Spanish Armada, which was also the thinking behind the colors. The character is modern, but I wanted the character to have an air of “privateer” about him. Those pants are killer. And the wolf also seems appropriate for some reason. You can’t tell, but he has gray hair under that hood.
A week’s worth of characters in the can. Let’s see if I can keep that pace.
Art by Uriel Duran!
Copyright © 2010, Vito Delsante.
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