Tag: style

#5- Moe the chib

| November 5, 2011 | 0 Comments


An avid fan of 70’s blaxploitation films, Jean- Luc Godard and Jean Genet, Moe likes to think of himself as something of a sophisticated thug. He’s the suave counterpart to Salvatore’s recklessness, but just as cruel.


#1 Tyler, The (Next) Karate Kid

| November 1, 2011 | 0 Comments

This is Tyler. He’s a normal high school student with a normal life. He’s very laid back and has a wild sense of humor. One day, he found himself watching The Karate Kid and figured that he could do anything in that movie! After that, he decided to take karate (though no one took him seriously at first). Maybe he’ll be the next awesome Karate Kid?

This was inspired by the new Self-Defense Club at my school 😀 And I figured that since this is the first drawing of the month, I should keep it simple and then just branch out from there. Hoping to see some improvement after this!