Tag: SciFi
#8: The Alchemist
Alan Flamel Dyer was about to start his Graduate Program in Chemistry at UIC, until he received some horrible news; his father, Edward Nick Dyer, was involved and killed in a car accident. At the funeral; Jason Kim, a close family friend, revealed to Alan that his father was more than just a civil engineer, he was also an Alchemist, descended from Nicolas Flamel and a member of the John Dee Society, part of a secret order of mystics who enforce the Rules of Alchemy and safeguard one of several mounds known as the Source Stone, where the ancient Philosopher’s Stone is forged.Initially dismissive of this revelation, Alan soon discovers that truth, is indeed stranger than fiction as he discovers the great and terrible responsibility of wielding the powers of a God.
After a length of time as a hero and dealing with other factions within the John Dee Society, Alan realizes the importance of “strength in numbers” and takes steps into forming the first public team called The Frontline. To secure funding, Alan has procured financial and technical support from the Loman Foundation, a public charitable and research organization that also operates as the chief paranormal and extraterrestrial peace keeping organization. In exchange, Alan’s team will include a couple of the Loman Organization’s members as part of their team and Alan will provide his consulting services in regards to alchemy and practical science.
Abilities: Using the Philosopher’s Stone; The Alchemist is capable of transmuting matter into new forms via contact either with his hands or feet. Enhanced mental cognition allows him to calculate and perform transmutations in an instant, while enabling him to create and utilize various tactical scenarios. Though one of the most powerful items in the world, it relies on a connection to life for the Philosopher’s Stone to work, which is done by drawing the blood and spirit of the user, therefore, prolong or extended use of the Philosopher’s stone without proper rest can drain all life from the user.
Energy Projection
Manifest weapons from his clothing
Armor Mode (Turning his entire uniform into a suit of armor)
Enhancing his own body in one aspect, whether in strength or in senses.
Training with Jason Kim (Tao) has also made Alan proficient in martial arts and in weapons combat. Training with Jason has also aided in improving Alan’s transmutation abilities and in prolonging his time in using the Stone’s power.
Creation: Another character that was designed as a fan drawing of another established superhero, this time, Green Lantern. The plan was to make a fanfiction character as a new Earth Green Lantern, but then I went and changed it into the Alchemist as part of an upcoming comic startup company. The company didn’t get off the ground, yet the character remained and I slowly altered and modified his look. Originally he had an elaborate costume with a long overcoat, my most recent revamp gave him a more cohesive pattern, yet the coat would have covered up the entire outfit, which is when I realized that I could simply combine the two to make a unique and distinctive hero look. Now, if I could finalize a color scheme, as my friends said my first color scheme was too much like Green Lantern, as I tried a mono-green color scheme. This character was entered into Stan Lee’s Superhero contest at Talenthouse in January, yet didn’t win. Even so, I still see some value in this and all my characters and I am proud to showcase him to everyone.
Day 6-Theresa-interdemensional bounty hunter
She’s an inerdemensional bounty hunter. She warps through time and space and catches the baddies. That’s about it.
Phipp, Tech Apprentice, Upper City from my Novel “Mentor”
Phipp plays a key role in my novel “Mentor”. His technological skills border on the magical, even for the relatively computer dependent and decadent Upper City Citizens. He just has a way with computers and code, and inherited tools and skills passed down through his family for generations.
And a good thing, too. His family was responsible for the health and repair of the MAICS, the Master Artificial Intelligence Computer System, that controlled not only all services inside the bubble that was Upper City, but also the Grid which connected every one to everyone else.
Things have been going seriously wrong with MAICS lately. Anomolies showing up in the code, replicators not creating perfect copies, changes in communications. It was Phipp’s job as apprentice to see troubleshoot any physical problems with MAICS, but somehow these problems seems to be more than just a melted core, or a board crumbling with age. MAICS was getting old, yes. But… Could someone be trying to sabotage it?
When Phipps begins to investigate, he find much much more than he bargained for.
#5 Sciven Quick-foot
A revolutionary oof the world of Trizzt, Sciven is not a supporter of the Earthlings and their colonization program. She sees the Earthers for what they are: Resource theives; Locusts at best, hoping from world to world and gobbling up what they can, leaving the planets they colonize diseased and barren. Sciven understands the need for allies, though. The rumors circulating from other worlds of the burning ones, has reachedher ears as well…of the conquerors. They ARE coming.
Trizzt will not cower. Trizzt will not bow. Trizzt will fight back. Sciven knows this.
#4 The Green Monks
There is only one religion of the beings of Charn, and the Green Monks are the preachers of Aresium. The holy word of Aresium speaks of the Architect, or creator of all known beings. The Monks are a vast organization with tendrils spread throughout most of the known galaxy, with various operatives dedicated to specific goals of the Monks and the Pillars. The Pillars guide the Monks in the desires of the Majestrix. Secretly the role of of the Green Monks has been to find evidence of the creator in all beings which thus far has been the case, but a new initiative has been put forth by the Majestrix herself since the conquering of a new world on the outskirts of the Dominion. A world inhabited by a race of prognosticators…
#3 – Colem Cready
A former football player, and “that guy”, Colem has assisted the colonization of at least a dozen new worlds since Earth began the New Life program. He has been awarded numerous accolades for valor and diplomacy, (something he chuckles at), and amazingly has not seen heavy casualties on any of his off-world missions. His current mission to Trizzt 4, is a bit different. The indigenous people who currently live there are very welcoming to new cultures and even the new colony. They’ve offered only friendship and have asked that their people be allowed to live amonst human worlds – something the New Life program has not seen yet. Perhaps humanity has found it’s first true  interstellar ally…
#6 Dr. Muahahahaha
Dr. Hiram Muahahahaha is a mad scientist. One of the maddest as a matter of fact. He is somewhat scatterbrained, his practices are questionable, and he frequently works for the bad guys, building semi-ridiculous super weapons.
What made him go mad you may ask? The systematic release of the Star Wars Prequels during Grad School made Hiram lose his mind completely. In 1999 Hiram was one of the many fanboys drooling over the upcoming release of the Star Wars Prequels beginning with the Phantom Menace written and directed by George Lucas. The utter disgust and complete disappointment totally devastated the young Hiram spiraling him into 1/3 complete madness. He continued his studies albeit somewhat jaded and twisted. Then in 2002 with the release of the disappointing Attack of the Clones Hiram again was utterly devastated and sent careening into 2/3 complete madness. Finally with the release of The Revenge of the Sith in 2005 the sheer devastation of how horrible the films were, finally destroyed Hiram’s mind sending him into total madness.
He may be mad, but Hiram does throw great parties!
A Slither, a monster from my novel “Mentor”
Mentor: A science fantasy adventure, by J S Rowe
These reptilian predators were thought at first to be those that escaped from the BioSynth transport container that was delivering a shipment of designer DNA “snakes” to the Ancient Wonders Theme Park. That BioSynth container had been derailed by a small earthquake which opened up a large sinkhole that swallowed parts of two buildings as well as the part of the stasis tube that separated them. The container crashed through the tube and shattered itself on the ground, releasing it’s charges to the wilds. There were six “snakes” as they were dubbed, though no one had a description other than they would grow to be up to four feet long and eight to twelves inches in diameter. Thought to be engineered to be sterile, Ancient Wonders was sent another batch fresh from the Vats by way of compensation, and the lost snakes became no more than an entry in a ledger subtracting their cost in engineering and bio mass from the main stores and the profit and loss paras.
But as usual nature has its own commitment to keep regarding the viability of her creatures whether conjured through evolution itself or by the helpful hand of intelligent monkeys. Some how they did manage to breed, and along the way, grew legs and claws, four of them, and grew to a much larger size than predicted and spread themselves through out the Under City.
Under City inhabitants hunted them to keep their numbers down and found that their meat was very tasty as long as the creature was fully bled at its death, and as well, that it’s venom was a useful numbing agent for practical medical applications. Once a way was found to pierce the scales, those too were found to be useful for both ornamentation, and protective coverings.
The Slither prefers the darkness, hunting its prey by smell. The poison secreted from long sacs on either side of the head, paralyses the prey of the Slither instantly. Though it looks clumsy and somewhat comical, it is lightning fast and deadly. The unhinged jaw can open wide enough to swallow a fully grown Wamba bear, but it’s preference is for the tender flesh of babies and young humanoids, and any other smallish mammals.
Buy #30! Inhuman Issue #1 – Notebook
Soshika Lypha doesn’t much like Humans. When her commanding officer orders her to help release Grey from a military controlled psychiatric ward, she has no choice but to come face to face with one. Only now, the Rulerist military wants him back…
A dark sci-fi comic about a schizophrenic, an intergalactic struggle, jaded aliens and the meaning of humanity. When Grey is freed from a hospital, no one could have expected the entire force of the Rulerist military to come after him…
Tarou of Undercity from my Novel “Mentor”.
A rock painting of the hunter, Tarou, attributed to Gibbi the Seer painted in her youth.
Tarou: A young man of burning intensity. Wary, incredibly strong and yet still fast and agile in spite of his size and bulging muscles. Sometimes huge slabs of grey stone would fall from high above. Once, Tarou lifted one of these slabs to rescue the contents of the storage hut that had been crushed beneath it. He was very strong. The strongest in the tribe. But he was also smart. He could quickly size up any situation and then act upon his conclusions. Sometimes the conclusions were wrong, as where Marnal was concerned, but where danger threatened, or when new tactics were needed on a hunt, he was more often right. The packs that he led on hunts always returned, to a man or woman, not always whole or with all their limbs, but alive to hunt another day. And always returned with that for which they had gone out to hunt. And as he grew in stature and aged into his first manhood, there were fewer and fewer casualties. In this he had more and more of the awe and respect of the tribe.
Tarou was considered the best hunter the tribe had ever had and was therefore in line for the leadership. That was something he wasn’t sure he wanted. But the present leader was still young and had all his digits, so that decision could be put away for now. That being the case he couldn’t help being a little full of himself. A little arrogant, though always respectful to the elders. This showed mostly in his pursuit of the woman of his choice. Marnal. She was perfect for him. She matched him in every way and one day she would realise it and stop this silly holding him at bay, putting him off. Pretending that she had no interest in bedding with him. No matter. He was patience itself. Though he wasn’t adverse to pushing her a little. She always gave as good as she got. He’d love to experience that passion under the skins of their own hut someday.
He smiled inwardly at the thought. He rarely let others know his inner feelings, though his actions usually spoke louder than his expressions. Yes, he was pleased with the way things were going, with Marnal as his constant companion, even though she never sought him out. She sought the company of no man. Likely this was to reduce the jealousies that her kind could induce in a well balanced hunting team. He was aware that there was no other man in the tribe who could stand up to him in either appearance, strength, or wit. And Marnal. She was all business all the time. She was focused and quick witted and though not as strong as he (how could she be? She was a female!) But she used her wit to advantages that strength alone couldn’t match.
Then there was the rock painting that little Gibbi had made of him. She had mixed ash and ichor and had stroked it deftly onto a piece of the black rock that lay under every part of his world. It was a special honour to be chosen as subject for one of her paintings. She had done something unusual with the eyes. Not unpleasant, but strange, that made the subject look both determined and intense. Was that how he looked to others? Still it pleased him like so many things did. He was pleased and yet there were stirrings of unease in him, as if a change were coming, bringing the unknown hurtling down upon them like a falling slab of grey rock.
#4 The Vortex Swimmer
I don’t know anything about her. She arrived in and exited my doodle-book in exactly the way pictured here.
The Droogle, A Live SynthPet ©BioSynth, from my novel “Mentor”
The Droogle, Designer DNA SynthPet from “Mentor” my novel WIP.
This SynthPet, Droogle, ©BioSynth Corporation, was designed by Frabgo A’tal Rethgrad as a promotional gift for the wife of the Governor of the Lakes District of T’rest, Deira A’tan Re’kalanth del Re’sjahlak. Deira found the whole concept of designer pets and humans for the marketplace sickening and abhorrent, but the political gambit on the part of the BioSynth Marketing paid off for them in spades.
The pet was hairless, brightly coloured, and was grown from DNA from a surprising number of indigenous species, as you can probably tell by looking at it’s flat snout, leathery ears, and claws. It was also tweaked to be playful, obedient, and docile in the presence of humans. It had no teeth and could only take liquid nourishment due to it’s tight chitinous neck rings. To Deira A’tan Re’kalanth it was the embodiment of an abomination, a parody of a living creature, an yet it was a living creature harmless and deserving of food, shelter and love, like any other living creature.
In her position, politically she could not refuse the pet since it was already alive. On the one hand, she could not condone a practise she found painfully abhorrent and that she had secretly been trying to undermine. On the other, she couldn’t bear to have a living thing destroyed, and she knew that the media (fueled by BioSynth tainted coin) would forever hold her up as a champion of the SynthPet market. It wasn’t the pets themselves that she hated. To her, they were the victims, like all the designer dna creatures BioSynth leased in public and in private.
Her strong views on Designer DNA SynthPets were known to the media and therefore the general public who held her in great respect. This of course kept the sales of the Synth pets lower than estimated, hence the design of a gift Deira couldn’t refuse. If she refused it the pet would be returned to the BioMass vats, effectively killing it, to Deira’s way of thinking. She grew to love the little Droodle as it was named on the certificate of ownership (which was actually a lease) at the same time as she grew to hate it’s creators.
When the Droodle began to show signs of biogenetic deterioration, patchy skin colour, fading, jaundice around the eyes and mouth, she swore vengeance on those who had created a living being into a life of pain and torture. She finally formed the Society for the Abolishment of SynthPet Creation. Her husband the Governor, backed her up, risking losing everything. And just as the tension grew to a head, she contracted a rare new disease and died within days.
Upon the death of the owner, a SynthPet who was not passed on as heirloom to another member of the diseased family, was collected by BioSynth, and if healthy was re-sold. If found to be unhealthy was returned to the vats.
When Synth Corp arrived to pick up the Droodle, it could not be found. It’s disappearance was hushed up and the consequences of irresponsibility were once again cast aside by BioSnth Corp –for a time.
#3 F00SB0T
The bastard offspring of a late-night, rec room tryst, he was an outcast. Now F00SB0T kick-punches terror into the heart of the city!
#2 Olaf
i don't think he quite GETS local laws. all he knows is that sometimes people start fights if he tries to leech energy off of them with his psuedopods, and then sometimes the nice folks ask him if he'd like to pay a fine or spend a free night in this place they call jail. but it has cable! can't be jail, translator must be malfunctioning again...
#1 Phoen
Little more than a mid-level burner, Phoen is a lonely emissary of the star-torn world of Charn. Her soft amber flame denoted her as a glorified messenger, and she had resolved herself with her fate until the off-worlder pushed her towards more…She didn’t seek more. She never wanted to arouse the blues or purples. Attracting their attention never ended well for ambers.
#30Characters Chatter…