Tag: rooster
Day 14 – Rooster Cogsworth
MarshallĂ‚Â Rooster Cogsworth aka RoboRooster, the only law on planet C.R.U.D. in the Omega Meta Gamma cluster. Injured in the Great War, as a soldier of fortune he turned to a law abiding gunslinger after his robotic makeover made him see red anytime injustice reared its’ foxy head. C.R.U.D. is a dry and desolate planet full of mutant outlaws, thieves and villains as they and honest citizens vie to claim and mine the elusive, mysterious and possibly living crystalline C.R.U.D., the only substance in the known galaxy that can convert common rocks into gold. Cogsworth and his misfit army are the only stopgap of chaos and lawlessness on C.R.U.D.
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