Tag: pulp

#15 The Face

| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

Sorry for the lateness on the entry guys.

Real name: Franklin Holman


Weight:198 lbs.

Age:39 Location:Chicago, Illinois

Franklin was a celebrated make-up and special effects artist. After he is wanted for a murder he didn’t commit, he faked his death in order to hide and figure out who did this to him and why. he created a horrifying face from a mask made from an experimental idea he had for a Halloween costume. Using a old suit he had in his closet to go along with the mask, he patrols the city in search of injustice to destroy as The Face.

Powers: None Personality:  Go-getter.

#1 Oblique



Tantalizing. Attractive. Indirect. Appealing. Distant. Mysterious.

Is she heroine or villainess? Cat burglar, or informant? Criminal, or vigilante? Are her abilities the result of a lifetime of training, powered by atomic-age science, or thanks to some arcane connection? Will she call back?

You sure as Christmas don’t know, chum– and she ain’t saying. She’s Oblique.

Created by Ian Struckhoff. Design artwork by Jonathan Wyke. A Black Label Comics production.


| November 3, 2010 | 0 Comments

Mr. Indigo- Scourge of crime-lords and science villains in New York City! Using intellect, eastern mystic arts and gold-plated .45’s, he wages war on those whom society cannot. Beware the blue light of justice, fear the cobalt mage- Evil feel the piercing rage…of INDIGO.

First pulp appearance: BLUE LOTUS MYSTERIES, Nov. 1937, Later, MR. INDIGO MYSTERY TALES (comic) 1935.