Tag: Pigman

11/01/2012: Fabiano Porcini, Pigman Rocker

| November 1, 2012 | 0 Comments

NAME: Fabiano Porcini  ORIGIN: Pig-Earth OCCUPATION: Rock Star

Formerly the head of the trans-universally acclaimed hair-metal band, Iron Thunder, and four-time winner of Battle Axes (a Teledrome production) Fabiano now makes a paltry living on an ill-received solo act. Once considered the foremost Power-Grunter in the known universes, Fabiano’s poor leadership skills failed to keep his band together. Though he spends most of his days in the Nexus Undercity in between casino gigs, Fabiano has recently received noteworthy praise for his back-up grunting on Hott Trapp’s latest album, Kold Swett.

Model designed in TinkerCAD and Sculptris (3D print pending…)
