Name: Heavy Metal King Akkarrokk Kivokak
Species: Ogre (mutant human)
Age/Sex/Race: 44/Male/N/A
Main Goal: Maintain his control over the Iron Sands Desert and crush all who oppose him.
Occupation: Monarch/Warlord
Motivation: Lust for Power
Inner Need: Control over others
Flaw: Not very bright, takes what he wants without asking, kills whoever opposes him
Good/Bad Habits: Never trusts anyone, always goes to give orders in person so he can bully the subordinate.
Secret: He installed a secret self-destruct mechanism in every piece of ancient technology he gives to his henchmen, the remote for which he keeps on his person at all times.
Skills, Knowledge, Props: Biggest, toughest ogre of the Kivokak tribe. Inspires fear and respect into the other ogres, if not hatred and jealousy.
Quirks: Carries only an iron club for himself and gives his entourage the high-tech weapons so he can order them to kill while he watches.
Attitude: Morbidly Cheerful, Cruel, Menacing
Dialogue Style: Wry, sarcastic, loud, intimidating, full of mean-spirited threats and insults.
Backstory/Description: Akkarrokk was, by pure accident of birth, the biggest, toughest ogre of his clan, the Kivokaks. Growing up he’d fight and damn-near kill anyone who so much as looked at him funny, and when he was a young man he challenged the king of his clan to a fight, killing him in the process. Akkarrokk then declared himself king, but was not content to rule over just one ogre clan. He had heard tales of ancient humans using powerful weapons and technology, so he sent out his scouts to find him a learned human. Eventually they found Frakkus, a servant of a long-dead forge god, and his son, Russ. Frakkus refused to make them weapons, and thus was bludgeoned to death. Seeing this, Russ agreed, and crafted and restored scores of weapons and technology for him, such as giant dune bikes made from bisected automobiles, crude firearms and cannons, even a few suits of powered-armor scaled up for ogre use. Using these weapons, Akkarrokk and his men rode out to conquer all the twelve other ogre clans and made their kings swear oathes of fealty. Having conquered such a vast kingdom with his metal weapons, Akkarrokk took on the title of Heavy Metal King and now rules his territory with extreme cruelty.
Yeah, remember this guy (http://stoneman123.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d2to5l9)? He’s the one Akkarrokk gets his weapons from! I don’t know about you guys, but I think that’s pretty cool.
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