Tag: Noir

Character 3: Natalia Knuckles

| November 3, 2013 | 1 Comment


Natalia Knuckles is a hardened enforcer for the mafia. She has a strong affinity toward sweatpants.

Character 2: Mr. Slilch

| November 3, 2013 | 0 Comments



Mr. Slilch is a lanky goon. I’m going to try and do mostly dramatic noir characters because of reasons. I’m most comfortable on toned paper.

11/02/2012: Frank Marcello, Agano Private Eye

| November 2, 2012 | 0 Comments

NAME: Frank Marcello  ORIGIN: Zuras  OCCUPATION: Private Detective

As a young initiate in the order of Ga’uum, Frank, then known by his birth name, Makaro, came to Nexus City on pilgrimige, a ceremony undertaken by all Agano peoples beholden to the “Wanderer God.” During a trip to the Undercity, he and his fellow initiates were assaulted by gangers. Left for dead, Frank climbed out of the Undercity, vowing to take his revenge on the criminal scum that ruled the labyrinthine tunnels below. After changing his name and serving seven years as an officer of  Nexus Security, Frank went into business for himself, opening a small detective firm specializing in gang-related cases. Several gangs have tried to assassinate Frank over the years and, though all attempts have failed, he has sustained numerous injuries and mutilations including a missing finger and a hoarse, raspy voice as a result having his throat cut by a vibro-machete.

Model designed in TinkerCAD and Sculptris (3D print pending…)


#8 Eliot Mess

| November 8, 2010 | 0 Comments

#2 Charles, Detective of Purgatory City

| November 2, 2010 | 1 Comment

Charles fell asleep on the banks of the river Styx, exhausted by the conundrum that had plagued his mind. No dead had come to be ferried. What or who Charles was prior to today didn’t matter now. There were questions that needed answers and Charles was just the person to find them.

That’s how he ended up in Purgatory City, a bustling noir-style cut out of 1920s America. In the city center a monolithic glass sky scraper that none seemed to know about. The dead still come, but they never moved on. Purgatory runs on the hopes, dreams, and anger of those who are not ready to move on.

This is where Charles took on the role of detective. Trying his best to figure out what had happen before while also taking on cases of those who cling to life still. His agency operates in the living and dead worlds. Thanks to a special coin paid to him long ago by a certain arch-angel, he is able to become human. Though when he uses it he enters the world just like any other human does, unclothed and screaming.

Far as Charles is concerned, he is still doing the job he always has, he is just doing it differently now.

(Based off an old story concept I have bouncing around my noggin)