Tag: Nil

DAY 15: 21st Century Sandshark Studios Presents NIL

| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

21st Century Sandshark Studios
in conjunction with
A Dan Nokes Happening
DAY 15
Character Biography-Little is known about the being known simply as Nil. He is ruler, master, and to most of the inhabitants of the Shadow Realm, its god! The Shadow Realm is a dimension somewhat paralell, but different in nature from ours. In some ways it is best described as a hell based in darkness. It can be accessed by the shadows cast by everyday objects, but only a few gifted, some say cursed individuals can access this dimension. Its ruler is a cold, cruel, and sadistic, creature known as Nil. Nil only became known to this world recently through the actions of the US based super hero team known as THE DIVISION, and more specifically, through its shadow power based member known as The Shadeling. Nil has been a foe of The Division and many other of the adventurers of the 1960’s and 70’s. After the battle against Ghor in 1975, spottings of Nil have been almost non-existant. But whispers of him attempting to invade and conquer our realm have begun to cerculate. For now they are just whispers. But whispers and shadows are how Nil has always begun…