Tag: Nightwolf Crime Syndicate
#1 Tommy Hansen
#1 Tommy Hansen
Character Back Story:
Tommy Hansens’ earliest memories are of growing up homeless with his fellow street gang of children named “The Rejects”. He doesn’t remember his family or how he ended up a homeless child. The Rejects would beg and steal to survive the harsh and deadly streets. Tommy was never a leader among the group,  but he always supported them. Like all the kids on the street Tommy looked up to the crime bosses and their lieutenants. Tommy saw them as rich successful men and he wanted to be one of them one day.  He eventually started shadowing Jake “the Hammer” Armstrong, a middle class criminal who worked for the Nightwolf Crime Syndicate. Tommy would offer to help The Hammer with runs and anything he could. He eventually became one of the Hammers most loyal workers. Whatever Tommy got paid he would share with the Rejects. If there is one thing that Tommy believes in, it’s his loyalties. As Tommy got older he started to move up in the ranks of Nightwolf Crime Syndicate. He’s now Jake “the Hammer” Armstrong second.  He doesn’t really want to move any higher up the organization, He’s happy where he is. When he sees all the new kids on the streets, Tommy always gives them some cash.
Behavior Traits:
Loyalty, Fast Talker, Follower
Powers / Abilities / Skills:
Pick Pocketing, Basic Criminal Skills, Street Survival
For this character I tried to move away from the typical comic book character I have created in the past.
Check out my other 2013 Challenge Characters:
Check out my characters from the last challenges:
2009 Characters, 2010 Characters, 2011 Characters, 2012 Characters
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