Tag: mash-up

Day 1: The Chicken You Would Not Eat

| November 2, 2013 | 3 Comments

JFKDay1_13Character Concept by Josie Character Design by Jesse Kiefer

Okay this character was the result of a conversation my good friend had with his daughter… she told me “I’ll let you draw that!” I took it to be a challenge… so I did.


Dad: Josie, if chickens had heads that looked like a worm’s head would you still eat it?

Josie: No way! But I can think of something even worse?

Dad: What’s that?

Josie: What if chickens that had heads that were screaming, bloodthirsty clown heads? Would you still eat them dad?

Dad: Nope, I’d be too busy peeing my pants and I’m guessing petting zoos wouldn’t be very popular.


Dad: Josie

Josie: Yes dad?

Dad: You win.

#8 Honey B-Boy Badger

| November 10, 2011 | 0 Comments



























Honey B-Boy Badger say’s “F&%k the police…I play my music as loud as I want…come at me and see what happens.”