Tag: Harold Jennett

#7: Howard Johanson…

| November 7, 2011 | 2 Comments

Howard Johanson has days when he just doesn’t want to get out of bed. He feels like he can do nothing right, can’t stand anyone, least of all himself, and just wants to eat junk and sleep all day. He is washed over by waves of depression and cries at a moments notice. He believes God is not there, or at least doesn’t care about him.

Other days he’s on top of the world. He is focusing on the positive, has a billion awesome plans for his life, and believes nothing can stop him. He believes he’ll never be depressed again, and that God loves him and has amazing plans for his life.

Howard is tired of this emotional roller coaster his life has become, and just wants to get off.

Want to see more? Check out my webcomic at the link below 🙂

#6: Unprepared-For-Life’s-Trials Man

| November 6, 2011 | 2 Comments

As a child, Unprepared-For-Life’s-Trials Man played T-Ball, was driven to school, had his name written in the waistband of his underwear, and was constantly encouraged. Thus, was not ready for the constant barrage of suck that life had in store for him.

While other heroes valiantly fight crime in it’s many aspects, UFLT Man quietly weeps, rocking back and forth in a fetal position.

Want to see more? Check out my webcomic at the link below 🙂

#4: M.O.M.

| November 4, 2011 | 1 Comment

M.O.M. stands for “Mind Over Matter”. M.O.M. is the worlds most powerful telekinetic superhero. Because he is so powerful, he really doesn’t care that his name spells out “Mom”, and villains fear his power too much to laugh at him. Because of his power, he also doesn’t care about his weight, as he really doesn’t need to be in shape to do anything that needs to be done. Even though none of his arch enemies have been able to best him, his obesity may be his true worst enemy that will finally do him in.

Want to see more? Check out my webcomic at the link below 🙂

#2 Spambot

| November 2, 2011 | 2 Comments

Spambots BEFORE the internet. That is all.

I have a feeling my entries are going to be more silly this year 🙂

Want to see more? Check out my webcomic at the link below 🙂

2011 Challenger: Harold C. Jennett III

| October 21, 2011 | 2 Comments


I did this challenge last year, and dropped out about 1/3 of the way through. It wasn’t a total washout though, as it gave me some characters I’m using for my upcoming OGN.

My previous work is all indie stuff: M.I.M.E.S., Geek Syndicate: The Comic, and Creative Compassion: Shelter, a black and white anthology I’m putting together to raise money for the homeless. My future project will be an original graphic novel titled “Good Night Captain Might”. It’s a mixture of “Astro City” and a Bruce Timm cartoon. It is being c0-written by the amazing Steeven Orr. You can check out his writing HERE.

You can check out my art at haroldjennett.wordpress.com Here are a few examples of my work (both featuring “Shadow Fox”, a character I created in last years “30 Character Challenge”):