Tag: hacker

Day 29: Hackey Slash

| November 29, 2013 | 0 Comments


#01: Pan-Pan de Kumba

| November 1, 2012 | 1 Comment



Though this year’s challenge I’m working with my writer, this character was a solo creation by me and suggestion from a friend of a friend.  She suggested me to create a character based off of the animal, the panda.  I was inspired by a college friend who tends to wear very fashionable items, another friend who part of her name is Pamela’s, and the original “Panda Hero” music video.  I’d say she is chaotic neutral since she both works with and against the law.  Even though in reality she stands out, Pamela does her best to hide herself virtually.  Pan-Pan de Kumba is her “code name.”

– Pitang