Tag: gods and goddesses
#29 Volera Piscem
Volera Piscem the god of Ocean Currents wasn’t up for the oppression of water and the ocean. Despite having the freedom to travel all the world’s waterways, it was never enough. He developed a flying system based on the flying creatures he would see floating effortlessly above the water. A minor god, he never really had the opportunity to talk with the gods of flight to gain their secrets but discover them he did. Unfortunately he forgot to bring them with him when he had his appointment for his sculpture. The artist set up another sitting not more than a few days from today to finish the sculpture and add his wings.
#28 Sand God of the Mojave and Nomadic Revelry
The Sand God of the Mojave is an elusive one. His physical manifestation standing over 250 feet tall, he is never seen in his entirety. Often only glimpsed briefly in the midst of sandstorms, much like the castle of Howl. He has been wandering the great deserts of the world for hundreds of thousands of years but has settled on the Mojave for the past 3000 years where he maintains the natural way of things. He is also a friend to the nomad and the desert adventurers and wanders, often providing water and sustenance to lost and weary travelers.
#27 The Googly Gods of the Lab
The real secret behind good science are these guys. Much of the serendipity and good ideas that come out of the great labs of the world are actually put into researcher’s heads by these guys. Focused solely on scientific progress though, these god’s never intend to gain glory or praise for their work. They only hope that  the world will become a better place where science rules the day.
#24 Chronos – The God of Time
The God of Time is quite an interesting character. Seemingly a regular man, albeit classy man, his eyepiece is what sets him apart. It allows him to both travel and see both into the past and the future. This is important as he is required to make sure all space/time continuum’s operate properly. This is no small task, and I say all on purpose. Chronos is the only god privy to the proof that we operate in multiple dimensions. Were it not for him these dimensions would cross and we’d be in a world of pain and confusion as a result. Due to the epic task Chronos is required to perform, he passes the task off every 1000 years on the dot. The last 20 years of each cycle is spent finding a capable candidate for replacement. Each Chronos takes a different portion of space time in which to keep things clean, and to keep things from crossing. They often choose to do 50 to 100 years at a time in different millenia so as to not get too bored.
#23 Shadow God
The Shadow god takes many forms. Most commonly seen as a floating creepy mask, he contains a different shaped shadow from whatever angle you view him. He is a wonder of light and physics. His history is difficult to pinpoint, just as much as is his physical body that somehow casts shadows over everything. It is believed that he governs the true laws of physics and light. Somehow by being an anomaly who breaks these laws, he is able to contain the laws we are familiar with in check.
(note: The video I plan is more interesting but I haven’t finished it yet and might not get that opportunity before the end of the month. )
#22 Mountain Goddess / Mon-Silvretta
Mon-Silvretta is the ancient soul of one of the mountain ranges in the Alps. Not as old as the gods and goddesses of Appalachia, Silvretta still about 65 million years old. She began as many mountain souls do, as many small hill spirits who all began to grow and coalesce as the hills began to form and smash into one another. She is one of the more benevolent goddesses of the Alps, known to help climbers and adventurers. She is known to be incredibly fond of whiskey though, so many adventurers and wanderers carry an extra bottle at all times in the instance that they need to call upon her for aid.
#30Characters Chatter…