Tag: girl

Day 6 Chyler

| November 6, 2011 | 0 Comments

Gave an older character a revamp.

#4 Chloe

| November 6, 2011 | 0 Comments


Fourth character, I’m not pretty sure this one is sexy enough to be a pinup poster, but she certainly is pretty (I’d like to think)

Part of a larger project of 30 Pin-up Urban Subculture Girls.

Made using: Sketchbook, Mechanical Pencil, MyPaint, Gimp

#3 Cara

| November 5, 2011 | 2 Comments

CaraKind of late, but here she is. She looks relaxed, doesn’t she?

Part of a larger project of 30 Pin-up Urban Subculture Girls.

Made using: Sketchbook, Mechanical Pencil, MyPaint, Gimp


#3 – Shae

| November 3, 2011 | 2 Comments
ShaeShae is a 29-year old college grad who lives in a small town working whatever jobs people will give her.  Life seems to consistently deal her the worst possible hand.   She’s constantly switching jobs, fixing her vehicle, moving out/getting evicted.  She was actually accepted to an Ivy League school, however she could not get the financial aid to attend, so she chose a lesser known college that offered her a nearly full ride scholarship.  She earned a degree in theology, though she considers herself an atheist.

#3 Giggles

| November 3, 2011 | 0 Comments

Don’t mess with Giggles. Seriously.

#2 Barbara

| November 3, 2011 | 2 Comments

Barbara Web

Today, Barbara, a wild and mysterious girl. I actually like her better than the last character, let’s hope I can say that every day about the current last one.

Part of a larger project of 30 Pin-up Urban Subculture Girls.

Made using: Sketchbook, Mechanical Pencil, MyPaint, Gimp

I’ll be making a blog post on my “character generation process” if any of you are interested, it involves randomness, cryptic meanings and a passion for the sensual.





| November 3, 2011 | 2 Comments

Anna has a coolness about her that attracts some, but turns others off. If they don’t like her, though, she’s too cool to care. She’s quiet until she has something to say, sporatically enthused by things no one can predict, and prone to mood swings. A difficult personality to get along with, but inspiring and fun for those patient enough to get to know her. She associates more with males, who don’t mind her silence and frankness than females whom often feel intimidated or offended.

Plays bass guitar and does pen sketches. Rarely seen without headphones.

Day 1 The Meteorologist

| November 3, 2011 | 6 Comments

Connie Jung won beauty pageants and used the scholarship money to put herself through school. Instead of becoming a respected journalist she is assigned to be the “cute” weather girl at the local station.

After quitting her job she is nearly hit by a meteorite. The radiation transforms her in unexpected ways. She uses her new gravity powers to take revenge on the world of men that have spurned her.

#2 Toxic Waste

| November 2, 2011 | 1 Comment

A girl made completely out of toxic slime, she may look sad and sluggish most of the time, but that’s just her face sliding down.

no specific age or power, just a circus dweller

#1 1X-W9

| November 1, 2011 | 0 Comments

Robot Girl1X-W9 is a protocol droid that has been modified to act as an assassin. Using her abilities to speak in many langrages, she can gain people’s confidence and get into places that are normally restricted to outsiders.  Her gun is part of her body and can be hidden with little chance of detection.  She must be careful picking when and how to kill her targets.  If word got out that a protocol droid was killing people, her job would become much more difficult.


#1 Trix

| November 1, 2011 | 0 Comments

Trix is a battle doll, made completely out of porcelain with a solid and sturdy battle suit.

She’s fresh out of the box and her only fighting tools are her fists, for now.












#1 Ayanna

| November 1, 2011 | 2 Comments


Ayanna_postMy first character Ayanna.

Part of a larger project of 30 Pin-up Urban Subculture Girls.

Made using: Sketchbook, Mechanical Pencil, MyPaint, Gimp


#18 Rex, Assassin

| November 26, 2010 | 4 Comments

An interstellar bounty-hunter, and assassin of the stars, Rex quickly made a name for herself by assassinating the ruler of Gamma 5; a celebrated leader who was one of the first alien dignitaries to be in favor of human settlement on foreign planets.

Willing to put an end to anything, anywhere, Rex is an elite killer specializing in Muy Thai, Jui Jiusu, edged weapons, and nearly every firearm imaginable. She began her career shortly after the destruction of the moon, (some attribute the moon disaster to her, for her paid killing spree was initiated soon thereafter.)

Her short-jump, fast-attack craft, Zombie, has been to worlds uncharted by humans, and the only other crew than herself: her genetically enhanced, giant, albino Great Dane, Marley. While Rex enjoys men on a flavor-of-the-month basis, Marley does not care for them.

Before her life of crime and his initiation into the Colonial Marines, Rex and Gavin Laurent were something of an item…

#17 Amber X, Marine Scout

| November 25, 2010 | 0 Comments

Even Amber isn’t sure what her last name is. When she was given the choice of incarceration or service in the colonial marines, she chose the later, having spent her formative years in and out of mental institutions (only slightly better than prison).

Amber is the loner of the Vega 7 platoon, headed by Gavin Laurent, something ideal for her role as scout. Often spending long stretches of time in a solo craft or space-walking, Amber has the tendency to unnerve those around her, for she rarely speaks.

“No question about it, the girl’s batshit crazy. No better scout around, though, and in a fight, my money’s on her nine out of ten times. ” –Gavin Laurent

#16 Amanda Davenshaw, scientist

| November 24, 2010 | 4 Comments


Being assigned to the exploratory vessel Vega 7 was both a dream and a curse for Amanda. Her life as a Sol scientist had been rather uneventful, after all, what was there left to explore in our solar system? So she leapt at the chance to be lead scientist on a marine charting vessel.

When her first outer system jump landed her and the marines assigned to her vessel in a Lovecraftian nightmare, she quickly understood why the marine brass insisted on all personnel carrying lasers, and emergency flight suit training…

Some might call this one cheating as it was a con commission sketch, but the gent had me do a “retro space girl”. I had a backstory already planned for something of the sort and with a few modificatons she fit the bill perfectly.

Day 11: Servin’ Girl

| November 18, 2010 | 0 Comments

whatta little cutie!!!!!!  I bet she gets ALL the tips.