Tag: ghost
#11 Ghost of the Temple
From an early age he was raised to protect his temple, and has done so long after the priests and the nuns passed on.
He guards it still even as the temple falls into disrepair from neglect, preventing the unholy from entering, and guarding the faithful who take refuge there.
#8 Exodwee
exodwee is a ghost who just floats around whispering that you should leave. but he isn’t very good at it, and usually people mistake his whispering for the wind because it’s very soft and drawn out due to the shape of his face.
#7 Noseprint
noseprint is the ghost who leaves prints all over the windows and mirrors you just cleaned. think your car is spotless? think again.
#6 Drooler
drooler is the ghost who leaves mysterious small puddles of liquid about your house. you think it was the dog or the cat or a cup of juice someone spilled. but are you REALLY sure?
#8 Jonathon Mullcreek
Name: Jonathon Mullcreek
Species: Human
Age/Sex/Race: 17/Male/White
Main Goal: Destroy all ghosts in the world.
Occupation: None/Occasional Mugger
Motivation: Revenge
Inner Need: Power and Self Esteem
Flaw: Low Self Esteem, Anger Issues
Good/Bad Habits: Takes care to remember hiding places, blames others for his own problems.
Secret: Was raped by a ghost as a young child.
Skills, Knowledge, Props: Streetsmart, very good at hand-to-hand combat, fast and very good at climbing and hiding.
Quirks: Wears all black, as well as a pair of spiked shoulder pads.
Attitude: Grumpy
Dialogue Style: Low, menacing, terse.
Backstory/Description: Jonathon Mullcreek grew up as the only child of a widow living in the haunted city of Dunberg, where the ghosts of the dead are treated as citizens alongside living humans. As he was walking home from the park one day, he was abducted by a ghost and raped in an alleyway. Traumatized, he fell in with the other street urchins to learn how to fight, and he bought a pair of magic gloves that would make his punches effective against ghosts. In between skipping school and stealing things he hunts and kills ghosts as revenge.
Yay, catch up time! Dang, I sure have gotten behind. Anyway, I had a dream about this guy, and I figured it was too good of an idea to just pass up.
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