Tag: Frontier Detective

#2 Paula Pinkerton

| November 5, 2011 | 0 Comments
Paula Pinkerton

Paula Pinkerton


Paula Pinkerton is a frontier detective, and granddaughter of the first pinkerton. She was shipped off to private schools in France at an early age(her grandpappy feared her joining the pinkertons and wanted her to become a respectable member of society). She maintained an interest in detective work and joined local shooting clubs in France(soon becoming an expert marksman) and an excellent horseback rider.

Upon her return to the states at age 19 she is shocked to learn that her grandpappy was shot dead under mysterious circumstances in a town called Typton, Missouri(the inhabitants are rumored to be steeped in mysticism and worse ^^; ). It was her mission(as she saw it  😀 ) to solve this case-so on her horse she started galloping towards the strange town…