Tag: Floaters

# 30 The Chimaera

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

While the phenomenon known as Chimaerism is rare, the incidence of un-diagnosed cases is in fact much greater then those that are discovered.  The fraternal twin, absorbed during gestation, maintains a presence inside the body and mind, a living link to other dimensions in which he or she was the dominant, consuming fetus.  The individual with the Chimaera may then be endowed with unusual powers of perception.  They may posses the ability to step outside oneself, figuratively, being more self aware- or even literally, through astral projection. Some might even posses the ability to see through time, or into alien worlds, or into others minds.  Automatic or spirit writing is a common practice, as is doodling;  Also morbidity, an obsession with death and the afterlife, as well as spiritualism and channeling   They may be found commonly among artists, composers, and writers.

The Chimaera is © and TM Mike Dubisch 2011


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