Tag: Figure
#4 Max Action
Max Action is an android creation of Hi-Q the super-scientist.To the world at large Max is a line of toys,that are promoted on a weekly cartoon show,but the truth is far weirder.Hi-Q built Max with Adapto-Gel Technology.By outfitting Max with the right “accessories” Hi-Q can send him into any situation,or against any foe,and expect him to win.Max’s skin tone is grey,and he wears a black body suit in his basic mode.By placing special hats  or hair on the brass colored sensors on his head Hi-Q alters his programming and clothing allowing Max to be anything from a Cowboy to a secret agent.Max has a communicator in his left wrist,and through the eyepieces in the back of his head allow others to see what he does,or view playback of scenes he’s recorded.Sales of the Max Action merchandise keep Hi-Q in research money.
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