Tag: female
#23 Jasmin
In a year 20xx, a human body can be enhanced with a nano technology and artificial parts. Is the line between life and dead finally crossed? What it means to be human?
#11 Cha and Bo
During a childhood a blood sucking flea is given to the every kid in village. Sometimes results are surprising. Sometimes they are horrific. In this case, it’s both. They make a good tag-team because both of them loves to suck blood.
Day 4: Fenny Paige the Ferret Pirate
This time around, I used an app called Shuffle! by Silver. In turn, adds a little more “character” to this Character Challenge. In any case, enjoy the ferret!
Day 1- Ishtar
So here is monster girl number 1! Ishtar the Lammasu. To me, when researching this creature, I just kept seeing sphinxes. And since sphinxes are one of my fav creatures, and they’re on the list too, I opted to go with the bull body instead of the lion. She’s loosely based on a musk ox.
* Edit: gosh darnit… I typo’d my characters species on like every post and cross post. I’ll fix it in the morning…
#18 – Pygmalion
Stop me if you’ve heard this one:
You are a struggling art student, trying to make your way in the big city after coming from somewhere in Middle America so boring you thought you would die, only to find out that the kind of excitement you can’t find in Nowhere, Oklahoma is the kind you have to pay for. Only two hours after your first class you realize the horrible mistake you’ve made. Your teachers are either pompous know-it-alls or complete whack-jobs and neither of them likes you or your work and don’t have any real aspirations of you mattering in any sort of significant way.
Let’s not even discuss your classmates and save us some grief.
You have two jobs and barely make tuition, survive mostly on ramen noodles and peanut butter, you don’t have any shirts that aren’t stained with paint, ink or both and everyone already has a preconception of you five seconds after you enter any room because you are an art student.
This, in a nutshell, was Aubrey Doolittle’s life.
She probably would have gone to graduate and go on living in obscurity as yet another unemployed Arts mayor, but destiny seemed to have a different plan for her. Or, you could say that destiny had a different plan for Prof. Walter Blackwell.
Mr. Blackwell, the head of the Arts department in Aubrey’s school, was an old and crotchety bastard from years of trying to make it big in the art community with nothing but failures and terrible reviews to his name, relegated to having to teach people with not even half the talent he possessed. It was around this time that Blackwell heard about the myth of “Pygmalion’s Touch”, a rare gift the Muses would give to their favorite artist in every generation and would make the artist capable of breathing life and conscience into his or her art.
It took Blackwell most of his life to research, locate and acquire the source of Pygmalion’s mythic power, a multicolored ancient necklace that seemed to shine and change with a life of its own.
It took Aubrey about three minutes to see the package outside of Blackwell’s office and steal it in revenge for a recent critique he’d done of her work.
Now imbued with the magical power of Pygmalion, Aubrey has the ability to bring to life everything that she draw, sculpt or create in any sort of way with whatever materials she has at hand. She can use art supplies to affect the environment around her in a million ways, either creating objects out of thin air, editing or erasing existing objects.
However, there are also drawbacks to her powers.
Mostly the fact that she has no control over whatever she creates.
She could just be doodling in her notebook and suddenly the doodles will stand up and start running around, causing mayhem. And she also has no control over what kind of personalities her art will have once they come to life. She could draw a ferocious lion that will end up being tame as a kitty, and then sculpt a piece of conceptual art that will stand up and start punching people with whatever it has instead of fists. And finally, she cannot control what she creates. The only control she has over her art is the ability to erase it, and if her art is crafty enough, it could escape and go into hiding.
Still, Aubrey is mostly enjoying her newfound powers and making the most out of them without drawing too much attention to herself. This in order to keep her powers a secret from the World, to keep fooling Mr. Blackwell who is already more than a little suspicious of her and to specially to keep evading the mysterious Order of New Dada, a secret society of crazy artists and philosophers that seek to bring the end of the World through art and look to harness Pygmalion’s power in aiding their cause.
Add to this the usual quota of wacky villains like the Back Alley Carnival of Carnage, The Mime, Copycat Salvatore, Mushroom-Head, Death Nature, the Mean Clique, Beret Barrionuevo, the Idea Conqueror, the Hummel Figurine Gang and Casanova Contra-Revolución looking to terrorize the big city, not to mention deadlines, tests, lack of inspiration and sudden visits from her parents, and Aubrey has more than enough on her plate to keep her happy until she graduates.
If she even graduates.
#11 – Pop Guns’ Raspberry De’Laight
 GRIEV – Tensions rise behind closed doors at the UN, where rumor has it negotiations between president Istalinov Sirrah and the mediators representing the families of the more than 300 “political prisoners” Sirrah has kept in the nation’s Gulags for almost a decade now have come to an abrupt ending.
It was the dawn of the year 2000 when Sirrah’s “Militant Front for a Unified Kafkastak†movement dethroned the royal family and assumed control of the country. The popular support Sirrah counted with at the time, analysts say, was one of the deciding factors of his victory. However, it’s been a decade of terror for the citizens of the Easter European nation, who went from being oppressed by a despotic monarchy to being oppressed by the military who once were charged with protecting them.
 With civil unrest starting to boil and riots becoming an every day event for the kafkastaki people, the announcement that the overnight world sensation and Billboard chart-breaking Dutch trio “Pop Guns”, who first came into the spotlight with their very controversial cover of Sinatra’s classic “I did it my way” and even more controversial music video which won them their first Grammy, would be having an impromptu concert right in the capital city of Griev has caught everyone in both the entertainment and political world by surprise.
 Spokespersons for the now millionaire group comprised of lead singer/guitarist Raspberry De’Laight, bassist/other lead singer Blueberry Bunn and drummer/backup singer Blackberry Punch have denied the accusations that the concert is a giant marketing plot designed to attract international audiences with what some journalists are already calling “a tasteless display of shock tactics in the face of human tragedy”.
 “The girls have gone completely out of their way and have put themselves and their staff in danger all in the hopes that they can bring a little joy and entertainment to the kafkastakies” said the group’s manager and producer Conrad Teally yesterday morning during a press conference. “The girls have all heard about the situation in Griev and in Kafkastak in general and they very selflessly just wanted to give these good people a small token of good will and solidarity. A few hours of music and levity where they can forget all the ugliness and enjoy themselves”.
 Disingenuous as it may sound to try and sell this as the truth, Teally, who rose to the top of the music industry during the late 70s only to crash and burn alongside Disco during the mid 80s and has miraculously managed to once again catch lighting in the bottle with Pop Guns’ first two albums, is actually not lying. At least, not entirely.
Inside sources have indeed confirm that Pop Guns’ surprise pit stop in Kafkastak has  aussd the group’s “Triple Fantasy” tour to go almost 5 million dollars over budget in order to have the National Football Plaza ready for tonight’s big show. Ironically though, it seems most of that money will be going directly into the pockets of the Kafkastak Tourism and Culture minister, Vladimir Kolcjac, who was in charge of expediting the process of issuing the multiple permits necessary for Pop Guns to set stage and perform within their borders.
And there is also the matter of president Sirrah receiving a personal invitation from the girls themselves to assist to tonight’s event, which seems to go completely against their hopes of providing the citizens with an escape from their very harsh national reality. Many expect tonight’s festivities to end in tragedy, yet Teally remains optimistic.
“The girls want to bring the nation together. That is their number one goal tonight. They want to bring the people and the government together under one roof in the hope that music can show them a way to reconcile their differences and work together once again to build a new, better nation. The girls are still young. They’re still idealistic. They truly believe everything I just told you, and God bless them for it”.
Everything had to be perfect.
That is what Raspberry De’Laight kept telling herself while going over the Gulag’s schematics over and over again, memorizing each and every detail, the mission briefing on one hand and a water bottle on the other.
If not, hundreds of people who’d been imprisoned against their will for a decade, their families, and entire nation and perhaps even the World could be at stake.
Raspberry hated this. The emptiness in her stomach and the tightness of her pink satin outfit for their opening act. It cut on her midriff section, barely letting her breath. It squeezed her breasts almost up to her chin and all the frills and veils were starting to put her on edge. And don’t get her started on the silver booty shorts. Just the fact that she had to wear them, as if she didn’t have enough body issues as it was, but it was like they were designed to ride up. She hated them. And her stockings were itchy.
The truth of the matter was that femininity was something that made Raspberry De’Laight intensely uncomfortable, having grown up the only woman amongst her two brothers and her father, a career army sergeant whose job had him jumping from army base to army base. Her mother had bailed on him shortly after her little brother’s birth for reasons she neither knew nor care. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Her father and older brother provided her with all the love and care she never attempted to give. Still, the young sergeant had been very ill prepared to raise a young girl all on his own.
So, he didn’t.
He simply raised another boy and left the complicated discussions on womanhood in the hands of the base nurse.
And so, Raspberry had grown up an army brat in mind, body and spirit. Constantly covered in cuts, bruises and mud, she preferred to wear baggy clothes and have her hair cut short by the base barber. She knew nothing about makeup, or painting her nails. Heck, she’d been wearing the wrong size of bra ever since she’s had boobs. So finding herself now having to wear cutesy, short and revealing clothing, makeup, earrings, long hair and high heels has been more than a mere culture clash for her. More than once the idea of being caught by the enemy sounds more enticing than having to perform yet another concert.
Still, when her “laser vision†first manifested itself, the first thought in Raspberry’s mind was using her gift to serve her country, just like her father. The fact that her other talent, super strength, bloomed in the middle of her UN training pretty much closed the deal on her drafting. And not only was she powerful, she was an apt pupil, knew how to take orders and was respectful of the chain of commands and less prone to bouts of insubordination than all of the other applicants.
They had found their team leader.
#10 – Pop Guns’ Blackberry Punch
 GRIEV – Tensions rise behind closed doors at the UN, where rumor has it negotiations between president Istalinov Sirrah and the mediators representing the families of the more than 300 “political prisoners” Sirrah has kept in the nation’s Gulags for almost a decade now have come to an abrupt ending.
It was the dawn of the year 2000 when Sirrah’s “Militant Front for a Unified Kafkastak†movement dethroned the royal family and assumed control of the country. The popular support Sirrah counted with at the time, analysts say, was one of the deciding factors of his victory. However, it’s been a decade of terror for the citizens of the Easter European nation, who went from being oppressed by a despotic monarchy to being oppressed by the military who once were charged with protecting them.
 With civil unrest starting to boil and riots becoming an every day event for the kafkastaki people, the announcement that the overnight world sensation and Billboard chart-breaking Dutch trio “Pop Guns”, who first came into the spotlight with their very controversial cover of Sinatra’s classic “I did it my way” and even more controversial music video which won them their first Grammy, would be having an impromptu concert right in the capital city of Griev has caught everyone in both the entertainment and political world by surprise.
 Spokespersons for the now millionaire group comprised of lead singer/guitarist Raspberry De’Laight, bassist/other lead singer Blueberry Bunn and drummer/backup singer Blackberry Punch have denied the accusations that the concert is a giant marketing plot designed to attract international audiences with what some journalists are already calling “a tasteless display of shock tactics in the face of human tragedy”.
 “The girls have gone completely out of their way and have put themselves and their staff in danger all in the hopes that they can bring a little joy and entertainment to the kafkastakies” said the group’s manager and producer Conrad Teally yesterday morning during a press conference. “The girls have all heard about the situation in Griev and in Kafkastak in general and they very selflessly just wanted to give these good people a small token of good will and solidarity. A few hours of music and levity where they can forget all the ugliness and enjoy themselves”.
 Disingenuous as it may sound to try and sell this as the truth, Teally, who rose to the top of the music industry during the late 70s only to crash and burn alongside Disco during the mid 80s and has miraculously managed to once again catch lighting in the bottle with Pop Guns’ first two albums, is actually not lying. At least, not entirely.
 Inside sources have indeed confirm that Pop Guns’ surprise pit stop in Kafkastak has  aussd the group’s “Triple Fantasy” tour to go almost 5 million dollars over budget in order to have the National Football Plaza ready for tonight’s big show. Ironically though, it seems most of that money will be going directly into the pockets of the Kafkastak Tourism and Culture minister, Vladimir Kolcjac, who was in charge of expediting the process of issuing the multiple permits necessary for Pop Guns to set stage and perform within their borders.
And there is also the matter of president Sirrah receiving a personal invitation from the girls themselves to assist to tonight’s event, which seems to go completely against their hopes of providing the citizens with an escape from their very harsh national reality. Many expect tonight’s festivities to end in tragedy, yet Teally remains optimistic.
 “The girls want to bring the nation together. That is their number one goal tonight. They want to bring the people and the government together under one roof in the hope that music can show them a way to reconcile their differences and work together once again to build a new, better nation. The girls are still young. They’re still idealistic. They truly believe everything I just told you, and God bless them for it”.
Blackberry Punch had no place she’d rather be in the whole wide world.
It wasn’t just the celebrity aspect though. The fame. The awards. The appreciation. The beautiful designer dresses, the sound of the crowd going wild for you, their applause after your final bow. Those are the kind of things every little girl dreams with her whole life. Some more than others.
Blackberry spent much of a very rough childhood on the streets, neglected by her parents and cared for only by the thugs and dealers of her neighborhood who recruited her into their business. By fourteen, Blackberry had a police file taller than her. She spent the next two years in and out of juvi before her super powers started manifesting themselves.
Her super power, the eggheads had explained to her, was personal mass manipulation. She could make herself light as a feather and completely intangible or gain a ton or two of added weight, becoming more and more impervious the heavier she got. It was a talent she only started to fool around with by herself, but that she fully mastered and developed under the care of the UN handlers and trainers.
Now close to her nineteenth birthday, Blackberry was the older, more seasoned member of the group both in their front as celebrities as well as in their role as secret agents, which curiously enough seemed to be the part of this whole experience she enjoyed the most. Her years of living in the streets had developed in her a love of fear and danger. The more tense and life-threatening the situation, the more alive that made her feel.
Her psych evaluations and half of the handlers tried to stop at all costs that the Security Council drafted Blackberry for the team. They felt this particular personality trait could end up backfiring on both the team and the UN, as her need for extreme trills almost bordered on the pathological. Yet the Chief would hear none of it. He had scouted Blackberry himself. He had drafted her and kept a close eye on her for the entirety of her training. The paper pushers couldn’t understand it. There was no way. What that young woman had was something only field agents, people who’ve done the job and dirtied their hands can recognize in each other: The will to succeed and survive.
Still, the insistence of the psychiatrist had kept her from becoming team leader. Not that Blackberry particularly cared. She had no need to run the show. She actually preferred just being pointed to her target and then unleashed upon it, like a shell being shot off a tank’s barrel.
That was the good live.
#9 – Pop Guns’ Blueberry Bunn
 GRIEV – Tensions rise behind closed doors at the UN, where rumor has it negotiations between president Istalinov Sirrah and the mediators representing the families of the more than 300 “political prisoners” Sirrah has kept in the nation’s Gulags for almost a decade now have come to an abrupt ending.
It was the dawn of the year 2000 when Sirrah’s “Militant Front for a Unified Kafkastak†movement dethroned the royal family and assumed control of the country. The popular support Sirrah counted with at the time, analysts say, was one of the deciding factors of his victory. However, it’s been a decade of terror for the citizens of the Easter European nation, who went from being oppressed by a despotic monarchy to being oppressed by the military who once were charged with protecting them.
 With civil unrest starting to boil and riots becoming an every day event for the kafkastaki people, the announcement that the overnight world sensation and Billboard chart-breaking Dutch trio “Pop Guns”, who first came into the spotlight with their very controversial cover of Sinatra’s classic “I did it my way” and even more controversial music video which won them their first Grammy, would be having an impromptu concert right in the capital city of Griev has caught everyone in both the entertainment and political world by surprise.
 Spokespersons for the now millionaire group comprised of lead singer/guitarist Raspberry De’Laight, bassist/other lead singer Blueberry Bunn and drummer/backup singer Blackberry Punch have denied the accusations that the concert is a giant marketing plot designed to attract international audiences with what some journalists are already calling “a tasteless display of shock tactics in the face of human tragedy”.
 “The girls have gone completely out of their way and have put themselves and their staff in danger all in the hopes that they can bring a little joy and entertainment to the kafkastakies” said the group’s manager and producer Conrad Teally yesterday morning during a press conference. “The girls have all heard about the situation in Griev and in Kafkastak in general and they very selflessly just wanted to give these good people a small token of good will and solidarity. A few hours of music and levity where they can forget all the ugliness and enjoy themselves”.
 Disingenuous as it may sound to try and sell this as the truth, Teally, who rose to the top of the music industry during the late 70s only to crash and burn alongside Disco during the mid 80s and has miraculously managed to once again catch lighting in the bottle with Pop Guns’ first two albums, is actually not lying. At least, not entirely.
 Inside sources have indeed confirm that Pop Guns’ surprise pit stop in Kafkastak has  aussd the group’s “Triple Fantasy” tour to go almost 5 million dollars over budget in order to have the National Football Plaza ready for tonight’s big show. Ironically though, it seems most of that money will be going directly into the pockets of the Kafkastak Tourism and Culture minister, Vladimir Kolcjac, who was in charge of expediting the process of issuing the multiple permits necessary for Pop Guns to set stage and perform within their borders.
And there is also the matter of president Sirrah receiving a personal invitation from the girls themselves to assist to tonight’s event, which seems to go completely against their hopes of providing the citizens with an escape from their very harsh national reality. Many expect tonight’s festivities to end in tragedy, yet Teally remains optimistic.
 “The girls want to bring the nation together. That is their number one goal tonight. They want to bring the people and the government together under one roof in the hope that music can show them a way to reconcile their differences and work together once again to build a new, better nation. The girls are still young. They’re still idealistic. They truly believe everything I just told you, and God bless them for it”.
Blueberry Bunn, or at least that had been the name chosen for her by her handlers, was at that moment fulfilling all of her little rituals and pre-show eccentricities. A superstitious girl since her childhood, Blueberry was busy at the moment going through the band’s catering table.
Contrary to their status as world famous pop stars and would-be divas, Pop Guns’ tour contract only had four small conditions:
- A fully stocked catering table filled with hamburgers, fresh fruit, water and salad.
- Fresh flowers.
- A TV with the remote.
- Absolute privacy after the concert. They’d gladly meet and greet people before the show, but not after.
It was now an hour before the show and Blueberry had already finished most of the giant burger tray, the fruit and the salad being the first thing gone whenever she sat down to eat. The table, however, was stocked to serve at least six people.
Blueberry had no type of eating disorder. That was not the girl her mother had raised her to be. No, Blueberry was able to eat like that and still keep the young, toned body of a 17 year old girl due to the hyper-accelerated metabolism she was born with. One of the side effects of her super speed.
Pop Guns was a front. An incredibly well crafted front. Like the other two, Blueberry had been recruited after careful study, scrutiny and training to be a part of an elite special ops team under the direct supervision of the United Nations security council. The group was born of the necessity of the UN to take action in situations where it’s hands had been tied down and required from direct but plausibly deniable action.
The band cover had been probably the security council’s greatest idea ever. This gave their operatives the freedom to travel everywhere in the World, bypassing even the tightest security thanks to their fame and the image of banality and air headedness that was associated with celebrity disguised them better than any make-up and fake documents the UN could ever provide the girls with.
This was already the Pop Guns’ tenth mission, yet Blueberry would get the pre-concert, pre-mission jitters each and every time regardless. After the concert was over, she would have to be the first inside the hot zone, using her super speed and stealth to infiltrate the main Gulag just outside the capital city to disable the security for her team mates.
She hoped she could avoid using physical violence, which she despised. A good mission, at least for her, meant not having to throw a single punch. Unfortunately, that seemed to be the exception and not the rule.
Day 7 Daisy Crates
Day 7 Daisy Crates for the 30 Characters Challenge!
Thanks for Checkin in!
God Bless,
-Marshall aka Calmplex
Also Find me on Twitter, Facebook,YouTube, and DeviantArt. You can also email me here
#10 : Stasis
A researcher that works as an adventurer, Stasis
An advanced expert in the field of energy fields and field generation, Rebecca Styles discovered a method of creating variable spatial distortion and manipulation fields contained in the form of energy spheres. As she researched deeper into her discovery, she found that the spheres can be made to be capable of either manipulating gravity, slowing down time, and conducting energy. Rebecca was about to present her findings, when she overheard that her research team were about to be absorbed into Archangel Industries and that all focus will be used for military and weapons applications, Rebecca fled with her findings and developed them in secret at a safehouse she installed, until she saw various news networks reporting the influx of superhumans battles and the advanced tech used by many villains resembled aspects of not only her research, but of several other scientists, who have been turning up dead under mysterious circumstances. Fearing for her life and feeling responsible for the harm her tech is causing, Rebecca crafts a set of gauntlets and a portable power supply and set out to combat these tech-based villains as Stasis.
Stasis has fought several villains and has crusaded in an uphill battle against Archangel, until she was approached by both the Alchemist and Azrael into starting up a united team of superpowers to combat not just the large threats, but to aid each other into their respective personal battles. Stasis was intially hesistant as she views herself more of scientist than crimefighter, but was eventually swayed into joining with help from Azrael’s own personal feud with Archangel and the Alchemist’s own deal with the Loman Organization in consulting.
Now going by the name Ashley Howell, Rebecca is under the protection of the Loman Organization, working as a lab consultant for their airships and teleporters while operating as one of the founding members of the Frontline.
Abilities: Rebecca/Ashley’s suit is designed to project and manipulate various energy fields in the form of spheres that range in the following types:
Gravity: Alters the density of gravity enabling flight or dense enough to as crushing melee bursts.
Time Distortion: Able to slow down or accelerate the speed of any object contained within its sphere of influence.
Energy: Able to contain and disperse vast stores of energy collected via kinetic motion.
Rebecca/Ashley is a skilled scientist in technology and particle research while possessing a moderate degree of hand-to-hand combat experience.
Creation: The character was designed as an aid to include a strong female character and her look was initially inspired by Wally West Flash Villain, Magenta, until I added the visor faceplate and redesigned her look to incorporate the gauntlets and a power bracer around her waist. The pose I got from referencing Storm on the X-Men.
#8 – Jezebel Phoenix
That is, I think, the best way to sum it up.
Most of the early years are a complete blur. The fact that everything keeps changing so damn fast doesn’t hep either.
When the hell did we started carrying phones in our pockets again?
Anyways, I know it may sound a little hard to believe, looking the way I look.
That is, alive.
But, hey. I know who I am and I know where I’ve been and what I’ve seen. The rest is your problem.
Half the people I meet prefer to not believe, mostly because of what that would mean for their own personal believe systems, for science, for history and what not.
The other half likes to believe I’m just making stuff up.
Like I said, it’s their problem.
No one likes to hear that the messiah had a nice caboose. Either because its blasphemy or because it confirms there actually was a messiah.
So, I try to mostly keep to myself. When you’ve lived as long as I have, you tend to not get too attached to, well… Everything.
The people I know and the places I visit tend to end up turning to dust sooner or later. It used to hit me real hard. Left a big hole in me. Like the equivalent of phantom limb for nostalgia or something.
The children were the worst.
My… Children.
Lets just say no one cheered higher when we came up with the first condom and move on, OK?
As far as what I do, well… I’ve done a bit of everything.
Or at least everything they would let a woman do.
Even tried to get into the hero business once or twice. I think the first time was in 1722, when the concept first appeared. Then in the early 40’s but that just didn’t go well AT ALL. And one last time in the seventies.
Thank Buddha I stopped smoking whatever I was smoking back then. That costume… I’m sure there are pictures on your world wide web or somewhere in there.
I never did too well at the hero thing. Mostly because compared to guys who can build giant zeppelins, move mountains with their minds and turn into living energy, the amazing ability of “Not Dying” leave much to be desired.
It does have its perks though. I’ve never been sick in my entire life. Not even a cold. Not even a migraine. Never had any acne problems or anything of the sort.
Even my teeth are completely flawless!! And let me tell you, having leaved most of my life without knowing proper dental hygiene, that is saying something.
But anyway. Starting my own business was mostly a matter of necessity more than anything else. It’s real hard to open a bank account or take a loan when your birth certificate is a museum piece. OK, that was a joke. When I was born, the concept of birth certificates, fire and the freaking wheel had not occurred to us yet. But my condition does make me rely on cash a great deal.
So I started thinking what I could do with all of these millennia of experience that benefits from the fact that I cannot be killed no matter how hard you try.
It’s actually rather silly that it took me all this time to figure it out: Professional Bodyguard.
Got myself a license, a couple of people who are crazy enough to work both for and with me, and there you go!!
Now, don’t believe what the movies have told you: Being a bodyguard is mind numbing job. Cubicle drones get lucky compared to us. But then again the pay is GREAT, you get to meet interesting people and, once in a while, something blows up. Mostly because of me.
It’s a flaw of mine. I’ve been working on it.
So, what do you say kiddo?
You want in?
#7 – Bosozoku-Hime
Enter through the Crimson Hellmouth into the Obsidian Dome, to a land of fantasy far away from consciousness and imagination.
Once known as the empire of the rising sun, it is now a country where the Sun never rises and the eternal night is only kept avast by the light of the soul in search of adventure and excitement.
Welcome to the Neon City.
Where once upon a time, the indomitable Susanoo and his eight Orochihana fought the legions of the Sun Mother, Amaterasu. And yet, when their country needed them most, these brave heroes gave up their life in order to defend their subjects, dying in a fulminating flare of atomic power.
And so it was that the Gods were killed. Encased in eternal darkness and having been abandoned by all semblance of divinity, the sons and daughters of Izanagi and Izanami fell into chaos and anarchy. These were the days before the Rise of the Neon Sun, when the techno-men plague started, when the Crimson Hellmouth opened, adding the Oni Gender Wars into the mix, and when the bosozoku first started to appear.
And then, it reappeared: The crown jewel of the Gods. The unquestionable fetish of power and authority within the Obsidian Dome.
The Blazing Hachimaki.
It’s flames will scour whoever she fits unworthy to hold her and will only accept to be worn by the one true God made flesh.
Shiromori Tomoe was little more than a 13 year old girl, trying her best to hide her fear and uncertainty under a face of fake bravado when she first tied the Hachimaki to her forehead, uniting all of the motorcycle tribes under a single banner.
The first year or her ruling brought the beginning of the construction of the Neon City, the country’s new capital.
The second year brought the first secession of the Clown, Carnation and Water Dragon tribes. From then forth, their members would become outcasts and continue living in the periphery of society.
The third year brought laser tempering technology for the construction of neon katanas and the first ever prototype of the emotional engine.
The fourth year brought the end of the Oni Wars and a lasting and prosperous alliance with the female ogres.
The fifth year brought Blood Plumb, the empress’ beloved motorcycle, fueled by honor and fury. It also brought the Neon City’s first interaction with the outside world since the end of the Great War. Shiromori-dono, in her role as ambassador became the most beautiful and delicate flower, which only accentuated he sharpness and bitterness of her thorns.
What will the future bring to our beloved empress, sitting now in her neon lit throne, multiple rave geisha dancing for her amusement while she waits for the next big asphalt stampede, demonic invasion, coup d’eta or formal gala to come her way. Her eyes filled with the steel of resolve, her neon katana gently resting on her lap while a multicolored kimono covers her tight letter jumpsuit and the Blazing Hachimaki flutters in the air, like the young empress wild spirit.
#2 – Nike
In case you aren’t familiar with Persona, my 2nd entry here is connected with my first. Nike is Ulrike Sommerheim‘s persona! Maybe also her sponsor in the Juniors…who knows! I keep laughing about this.
Based on the Greek goddess of victory, Nike (who has really long hair for some reason) is of the Star Arcana like Ulrike and is strong against Physical and Fire attacks but week against Darkness. She has various Agi skills, physical enhancing buffs and attacks, and will eventually get God’s Hand because that is the best. She’s well balanced as far as physical and magical powers but doesn’t excel in one or the other. I would use her mostly for buffs…and God’s Hand…because that is the best.
I’ve depicted Nike in a very traditional way with her torch outstretched in her hands, but instead of the other hand holding her laurel I used it as the neckline to her dress. And again, for some reason, gave her really long hair. I did not feel like adding texture to her wings right now but I may go back and fix up some of these characters when I have more time.
Now I have to think about Day 3…which technically has already started.
#1 – The Fury
Rebecca Costas has been an orphan for half of her life.
As the youngest daughter of the Costas family, which had controlled organized crime in Bell Town since the 30’s, she enjoyed a childhood filled with comfort and luxury. And Fabbiano Costas may had been the scourge of mobsters and police men alike, but behind closed doors he was a devoted family man and dotting father to all of his children.
For ten years, Rebecca’s life was heaven.
And then the Greek invaded.
Three families, the Marinos, the Stavros and the Colonomos, had been pushing to expand their territory without success, mostly due to Fabbiano’s efforts and dealings with the police. Â However, through a slow and furtive operation and guided by Dionysos Colonomos, the three families successfully turned the tables on the Costas, uniting the rest of Bell Town’s crime under their banner and overtaking all of their business and territories.
Never one for loose ends, Dionysos had the entire Costas family executed as his first and only message for anyone who would challenge his reign. Only Rebecca survived, smuggled out of her bedroom under the cover of the night, the screaming and the confusion by her maid, who went on to raise her as her own.
That was ten years ago.
Now, the Colonomos’ grip over Belle Town’s is absolute. Shortly after the coup, they even took care of the other families just to further cement their hegemony. Everyone, from purse snatchers and street vendors to drug dealers and terrorist organizations and even the police and city hall, must pay tribute to them.
Dionysos, who was already an old man when he took over, is still as sharp and deadly, never relenting his power to his lieutenants or even his sons, Nikon and Pavlos. He will clutch his throne with all of his might until his dying breath.
And yet, something seems to be happening.
A masked figure has appeared over Bell Town, determined to wage a one-woman-war on the Colonomos. Dressed in sharp crimson, wearing a red mask with black tears painted under its eyes and armed to the teeth, this person lives and breathes to bring ruin and misery to anyone and anything affiliated with them.
It is for this reason, her unrelenting commitment, her blood lust and drive, that Dionysos underlings have dubbed her “The Fury”.
All attempts to find her have been for nothing. The vigilante works for no one and has no allegiances. The morgue is filled to the brim with her previous business partners who were discarded as soon as they served their purpose. All ruined operations are stripped clean and re purposed into more weapons and money for the Fury to keep her vendetta alive.
Whoever she is, she’s highly trained and effective. The only reason the Colonomos know of her existence is because she wants them to know. For her, this is clearly personal. She enjoys not only hurting their pockets, but also their pride. Even though she covers her face, her form-fitting costume and bulletproof vest are designed to clearly show she is a woman in order to further emasculate them.
Dionysos has used every resource he has, either legal or illegal, to try to find this person to no avail. He knows whoever she is, she needs to be stopped as fast and as publicly as possible before his standing in the underworld begins to deteriorate and his ruling is placed under question.
How would he react if he knew the woman he’s moving heaven and earth to find, the woman who a lifetime ago was Rebecca Costas but who now goes under the name of Rosa MarÃa Guzman, is actually one of the maids under his employment, hiding in plain sight and taking advantage of this to gain valuable information on his criminal operations?
And even worst, what could happen were he to find out that his youngest son Pavlos has fallen in love with her? And what could this mean to the Fury?
#1 Dr Belladonna
Hey folks!
To kick things off, I give you Dr. Belladonna (or Doc, as Charlie and others call her). Veterinarian by day, expert user of poisons by night, Doc often injects her victims using large, unpleasant syringes. She doesn’t interact so well with people and lacks a lot of the social skills that even her villainous teammates possess, but she has an uncanny bond with animals. This does wonders for her job at the animal hospital but it can make things difficult when her coworkers and her cohorts alike need to communicate certain concepts to her.
Alright, I’ll be back tomorrow with another character! Hope you like this one. 🙂
#1 Wind-Girl
No, not flatulance issues.
When I told my daughter about the challenge, this was the first one she came up with.
Wind Girl has the power of the elements including wind, rain, fog and lightning!
She also has a wind assisted punching skill.
In Kiara’s words:
“Wind-Girl can fly using the wind and punch the bad guys really hard! She then zaps them with lightning and escapes in the fog!”
#1 Katelin Spencer

Scarlett Johansson as Katelin Spencer
She hated rushing, she really did. Had to get out of one outfit, into another, and all without coffee or a cigarette. And speaking of, where the hell was her lighter? So now add some frantic searching to the rushing, which was making the rushing worse.
… And now she was over turning just about everything while dressed in a slinky dress that barely covered what needed to be covered while still managing not to make her look too much like a slut. The wonders of a half cooch dress over a full cooch dress.
“Gah… fuck it.”
A cigarette hanging from her teeth, she grabbed her hair and held it back while turning on the stove. It was fire, if would work. She leaned over, holding the cigarette firmly between her teeth and over the flame to light it.
Yo, this is Kate here. Well… Katelin, technically, but I never go by that. Just Kate. Anyway! You see that mad woman running around? You know the one nearly burning off her face because she can’t find a lighter? That’s me. Not too pretty I know, I know. But hey, in this economy can’t afford to be pretty 24/7. Not when there are bills to pay, tuition to keep track of and nosy neighbors who always want to get into more than they should.
But hey, that’s life right? Take your lemons and make lemonade out of them while squirting lemon juice into someone’s eye for a laugh.
Though I still can’t find that damn lighter.
Anyway, I work far too many jobs, but I have to keep afloat any way that I can. I have to.
Kate stiffened. hurriedly turning off the stove flame, her cigarette lit.
“Mom, you’re going to get hurt if you keep doing that.” Kate turned and knelt, her son coming closer. “And you’re going out again. You shouldn’t.”
“I know, baby. but I have to go out. This is a date that can’t be missed. but I’ll be home as soon as I can.”
“Is it the same man you had a date with two days ago? the one that gave you bruises?”
Kate stiffened again. She had really hoped that those had gone unnoticed, but her son was always been able to see more than she wanted.
“No,” she said. “No this is a different man, I promise. I won’t come back hurt.”
This is my kid, Jay. He’s a sweetheart and smarter than you could ever believe. I can’t believe it sometimes. To be honest, it can be scary, but I’d never let my Jay go for anything.
He’s going to be a heart breaker when he’s older. He’s only ten now, but damn, if you thought Liz Taylor had purple eyes, you’ve never seen the purple eyes that Jacob Spencer has. And with his fire engine red hair… yeah, the girls, and maybe some guys, are going to be lovestruck puppies chasing after him.
Jay is also the best thing about my life right now, and he almost didn’t happen. It was mainly the mixture of not having enough money for an abortion, as well as the way the people at the abortion clinic were looking at me like I was signing away my soul. So, instead of losing my Jay, I flipped the clinic off, and posted a sign saying they were all dickheads on their front door and never looked back.
So, despite who his father is, my Jay is the light of my life and I’m not giving up his too smart head for anything, you can believe that. Means I also give him the best that I can give him to make sure that he learns the most that he can. Even if the other parents and administrators of his school are jack asses that need to look at the real world once in a while.
Jay gave his mother a disbelieving look, but sighed in acceptance anyways. Kate ruffled his hair, “now back to bed big man. and…”
“Call Miss Jefferies down the hall if I need anything.” He ended her statement in a sing song voice of someone who has heard it all before.
“That’s my smart alec.” with a final kiss, Kate got up, found her shoes, purse and jacket, made one last make up check, adding just a little more blush on her cheeks and going over her lips again with the dark pink lipstick. She had a job to do, and she was loathe to be late for “escorting” this “date” of hers.
I’m a court stenographer by day, waitress by evening and “high class” call girl by night. I don’t get enough sleep, I smoke worse than a chimney, I don’t suffer idiots, and I have a temper worse than a mother bear. I might not be proud of all that I do, but I’m proud of who I am.
This is my life, and I got to live it and make myself some sweet lemonade.
#7 The Warrior Queen
The Warrior Queen was taken from her kingdom as a slave, learned how to fight in Gladiatorial combat, broke free from her prison and came home, back to her desolated jungle kingdom to rebuild her civilization.
Sunday Jones
Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Sunday Jones. Yes, that’s her real name. Parents can be cruel sometimes. Sunday was mugged on the way to university one morning and woke to find herself in a world she could alter seemingly on a whim. All she has to do to make changes to the fundamental structures of reality is draw the effect she wants to have as a comic and upload it to the Internet. The effects are mostly permanent; only thing she can’t change for good is herself.
You see her here in the guise of ‘Knockout’, the superhero persona she often dons in order to fight crime. She has other guises, but this is the most common.
In terms of the art for this one, I’m mostly pleased with the overall look and the colour scheme. My major issue is with the general proportions, the legs and the feet. I’m going to have to really work hard at improving my ability to draw legs, that’s for certain. Still, with 29 more characters to go perhaps the last one will look vaguely like a human? Providing the last one is supposed to look like a human, that is.
#30Characters Chatter…