Tag: eyre

#2 Eyre

| November 4, 2011 | 14 Comments

#2 Eyre by Daniel Govar

A Blue from Charn, Eyre is of course one of their warrior caste, exemplified by his blue burn and four arms. Eyre is known as a world conqueror; bringing five worlds under the Majestrix’s domain. Eyre commands the elite Twelfth Column and reports directly to the Pillars themselves.

Eyre is surprisingly young for a Blue with his accolades, being only on his sixth burn. Like all Blues, Eyre has distaste for the lower burning Ambers and Yellows. Bred for war and educated by imprint well before his first burn, Eyre has only ever had contact with the lower castes through the off-world missives of the Pillars. The Amber, Phoen, appears to him competent, unlike most Ambers, and far more fetching than he was led to believe capable in an Amber. He has heard of color-mixing before, but typically the Blues and Greens have destroyed their lovers afterwards to remove evidence of their lapses in judgement. Eyre finds this weakness for carnal pleasure strange. Why risk so much?