Tag: colonial marine
#3 – Colem Cready
A former football player, and “that guy”, Colem has assisted the colonization of at least a dozen new worlds since Earth began the New Life program. He has been awarded numerous accolades for valor and diplomacy, (something he chuckles at), and amazingly has not seen heavy casualties on any of his off-world missions. His current mission to Trizzt 4, is a bit different. The indigenous people who currently live there are very welcoming to new cultures and even the new colony. They’ve offered only friendship and have asked that their people be allowed to live amonst human worlds – something the New Life program has not seen yet. Perhaps humanity has found it’s first true  interstellar ally…
#15 Gavin Laurent, Marine
Joining the Colonial Marines was not an option for Gavin. He had been convicted of capital crimes on three planets, and his third granted him a death sentence or service in the colonial marines for 30 years. What he didn’t expect, was that he would actually enjoy marine life. By impressing his superiors time and time again, he quickly ascended to the rank of captain and was assigned to the Vega 7 exploratory vessel.
Gavin’s men don’t know he was convincted of crimes. When a person becomes a marine their records are sealed for the duration of their term as a marine. His platoon has come to trust him without question over the years as he has saved most of their lives at least once and generally saved the entire ship on more than one occasion.
Gavin is not so sure he likes this new scientist assigned to his ship…
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