Tag: cartoon
#23 The Infamous Knife Stealing Sun
Boy: I touched the sun once!
Me: Did you need special Laser gloves for that?
Boy: Well YEEEEAH! (Duh Mr. Kiefer)
Boy: I poked a hole in it.
Me: How did you poke a hole in it?
Boy: With a knife.
Me: What happens to it when you put a hole in it
Boy: Oh not really anything.
Me: Do you still have the knife
Boy: No it’s gone. The sun takes it.
#21 Sly The I.T. Guy
A hard working guy for a guy that stares at a multi monitor array mostly waiting for things to go wrong. Â He’s mostly hoping that if something goes wrong it’s worth his time… not that so and so on the third floor still doesn’t “get” how to work his e-mail.
Day Fifteen: Vid-helm
Just because a girl still lives on tape doesn’t mean she’s a damned hipster, just, archaic.
Day Thirteen: Mr. Spilts.
His mind is grateful for the distraction the fall affords it.
His knees are going to hate him.
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