Tag: 30 characters
2013 Returning Challenger: Tim M Celis
Hey everyone,
The name’s Tim! I’m 23 years old, currently occupying myself with everything art. I’ve been lucky enough to be able to fully engulf myself in art in hopes of one day making a comfortable living off of it.
Last years pieces were all done using the iPad. In fact, nearly 50% of all the work I’ve done throughout the year was created with the iPad because of ease of use, lugging my work with me wherever I go. I’m not sure what will come of this years challenge, but I’m definitely looking forward to it. Can’t wait to see everyone’s entries, best of luck to all!
Peak any interest? Come find me! Luckily (or unluckily), I’m sprinkled all over the first few pages of Google. See, I did it for you so just click! Collab? Talk? Play? I’m down!
Or just check the Author Profile… lol
2013 Challenger: Ralph Contreras

Ralph Contreras – 2013 Challenger
SHAZAM! Hey everyone!
My name’s Ralph Contreras, I’m a fourth year alumni of the 30 Character Challenge. This will be my 5th time around. I always have a blast with it. The first year was the only challenge I was able to complete, so I’m very excited and determined to finish all 30 characters this year. I’ve been focusing on my writing lately, so I’m excited to get back some drawing, inking and coloring.
I’m a huge comic nerd with my own aspiration of working in the comic field professionally. My real first dive into to character design was when I was a kid in the 80’s, playing the Marvel Comics Universe role playing game. I’d write up a description and draw the character, like the ones I saw in the Marvel Comic Handbook. There was “Mister Glovesâ€, “Anarchy†and so many others. This is when I discovered I wanted to someday create my own comics. Comics have always been a part of my life. I work as a graphic designer by day and on my comics at night. I setup a personal blog Comic Book Graphic Design, where I combine my comic artwork with my graphic design skills. There are post of my sketches, character designs and comic book resources I’ve created to help other aspiring comic artists in their journey too.
Plans for the future; focusing on my personal comic projects for 2014 which showcase several characters created from past 30 Character Challenges. I’ve made some great online friendships with awesome creative people through this challenge. I’m looking forward to seeing all the amazing characters from everyone. It’s great to see so many creative people getting involved again this year.
Check out my characters from the last challenges:
2009 Characters, 2010 Characters, 2011 Characters, 2012 Characters
Samples of some Character Designs: Rachel, daughter of Lilith & General Grimm
Let’s be friends: Connect with me on my Blog and other Social Media sites!
All rights reserved. All contents â„¢ and © 2013 to Rafael “Ralph” Contreras, unless otherwise noted herein to respective content owners.
And the last one…
This challenge was very fun! I’m so glad to participate and regain some of my old skills. It’s been great to make differents characters as I see others people’s style. Thanks for all your comments and see you next year!… 🙂
#21 Sly The I.T. Guy
A hard working guy for a guy that stares at a multi monitor array mostly waiting for things to go wrong. Â He’s mostly hoping that if something goes wrong it’s worth his time… not that so and so on the third floor still doesn’t “get” how to work his e-mail.
#27 – Feng ‘Fire Tiger’ Lin.
You don’t get a reputation like the one ‘Fire Tiger’ has without being feared. An expert in the fighting style Krav Maga, and a cocky punk to boot, Feng makes a living for himself as hired muscle for the local ‘businessman’ Kang Quo.
Kang is the man around Feng’s community; the guy grew up here but went on to make a name, and a lot of money for himself. He owns a few fancy restaurants up town and that gives him the space and legitimatise he needs to run his less than legitimate gang. Gun running, protection rackets, dugs, stolen cars, Kang’s gangs have their fingers in a lot of pies. No one dares touch him though.
When you wrong Mr. Quo in anyway Feng Lin will arrive to teach you a lesson, a lesson with his fists. None have needed to be taught the lesson twice. While Feng isn’t exactly in love with his job, it pays well and its something he’s good at. He can’t turn his back on that.
Kang brought Feng in when he was young, he’d been running with a small time gang and getting into a lot of trouble. Kang saw the kid had some talent with his fists and wanted that talent working for him, so he gave Feng some work.
Now Feng is the guy all the locals are scarred off, he’s the last person they want to see. That’s the worst part of the job, being feared by everyone around you makes for a lonely life, but if he ever tried to leave the employment of Mr. Quo he’d have no life. Lonely is better than dead, or so Feng thought.
No one knew where he came from or who he was, he simply called himself Thunder fist. He’d turned up one night and made some trouble for one of Quo’s gangs, he didn’t kill any of the gang just made sure they wouldn’t be doing any work for a while. It’s hard to intimidate people with broken arms.
This Thunder Fist was getting under the skin of Quo, none of his men could find this guy let alone stop him, he called in Feng. Kang made it clear that if he couldn’t stop this guy then he’d best never show his face in town again.
Feng wasn’t given much choice, Thunder fist found him. Thunder and fire make for a pretty volatile mix.
#9 E’wa
Once named Negishite Watanabe, this mouthless ghost died due to execution. He spoke too much all his life, and finally, he mouthed off to the wrong person. He can now be seen haunting his site of demise by Nippon city Yamamasa. The official who killed him was said to have fled to Xiu Janyang Province to escape Wanatabe’s tormenting.
#22 – Cadence Clarke.
Growing up with a name like Cadence is hard for a boy. His parents where old time hippies and didn’t believe in gender stereotypes, they said Cadence suited his kind soul. The kids at school didn’t see it that way. When your five anything that makes you different seems to make you a target, the fat kid gets bullied, the girl with glasses who always does her homework gets teased and of course the guy with the girly name gets picked on for sure.
Cade, as he has been calling himself for years blamed his name for the path his life took. When we moved up to high school he was feed up of being the butt of every joke and the punching bag for the big kids. Cade started to work out, take mixed martial arts lessons, his parents didn’t like the thought of their boy learning such violent things, but when he lied and told them it was the only way he could express his inner self they started to actively encourage him. Cade had learnt at an early age how to play his parents.
By the end of high school everyone called him Cade, he was the guy everyone else was scared of. He liked things this way. It was this new found confidence and respect that lead to some very poor life choices and friendships that ended up putting him behind bars for a few years after a jar jacking had gone bad.
By the time Cade turned twenty-five he was stealing high-end cars for use in gang heists. He made quite the name for himself in the crime underworld, working his way up to be the get away driver for the biggest bank job the city had ever seen. After a few big profile jobs Cade had stashed enough cash to make a good life for himself. He was already to fly out to Tokyo and retire on his ill-gotten earnings. His boss was less than pleased about this.
Talking Cade into one last job with the promise of the biggest taking he’d ever earn, his boss set him up. After the job at the safe house the other gang members pulled guns on Cade, they told him it was nothing personal just the boss couldn’t have any loose ends. Before the guys could even pull their triggers they fell to the floor a single bullet in the head of each of them.
A figure stepped out of the shadows. An old grey haired man, twin pistols in hand. The old guy smiled at Cade as he holstered his guns. He reached out his hand to Cade.
“Evening Cadence Clarke nice to meet you. I’m you from the futureâ€
“We best get outta here we have got a lot to do.â€
Cadence Clarke would eventually end up in Tokyo, but not for a long time yet.
#21 – Ajax of Ashen.
Ashen is the oldest of the human races. Said to be the direct descendents of the demigods, made in their image. The Ashen people are tall, most standing at seven feet once at full maturity. Their eyes burn in hot reds, oranges and yellows, whilst their hair grows all manner of colors. Their skin is bronzed from the hot climate of their island home of Ashdeep.
The island is self contained and only the Ashen live here, surrounded on all most all sides by dangerous ever growing coral and sea creatures not seen anywhere else only one entrance can be made by sea and the Ashen rarely share this secret. The island is said to have a huge crumbling stone staircase at one end of it, which in lost decades lead all the way to the heavens.
As a people the Ashen are known for great feats of strength and noble deeds, even the most common and meek among them is a hero in the eyes of the greater realms of Elmore. They are gifted with long lives for humans, long enough to rival the old races such as the Ivory elves.
Ajax of Ashen is far from meek; he is one of the greatest living Ashen heroes. Tall even for an Ashen standing at nearly eight foot tall, his body is lean and muscular and the rumors say he can best an ogre one on one. His hair is fire red and hangs long past his shoulders; his eyes match and burn bright. Throughout the different realms and kingdoms he is known by many different names, Ajax The Giant Slayer, Ajax Godsright, Ajax of the Stars he is a man of honor and happy with plain Ajax.
Sailing the seas on his vast ship The Wings of Wind Ajax seeks out adventure and to bring glory and honor to his homeland. His crew is made up on every race he has meet on his travels, good brave men are always willing to follow the great Ajax. His crew have become his friends and family over the years, some even know the route to the island of Ashdeep should the day come when Ajax’s body needs to be return to rest at home.
Wherever Ajax arrives his feats and deeds are plain for all to see. His body covered in the magical, shimmering chainmail given to him by the Dwarven king whom Ajax had fought side by side with during the battle for Underpass. On his back hangs the shield he forged from the first black dragon he slew to protect a young princess, whom the locals seemed to want to sacrifice. Every weapon, from is longbow, to spear to his axe and long sword come with a story, as do every cut and scar that he wears with pride.
Today the people of Saal will get to witness Ajax first hand as the Wings of Wind sails into port.
Day Thirteen: Mr. Spilts.
His mind is grateful for the distraction the fall affords it.
His knees are going to hate him.
#30Characters Chatter…