Tag: 30 characters

#9 Ensign “BooBoo” Chavez

| November 9, 2010 | 0 Comments

And now for the male fighters of Valkyrie. Oddly, we start with the least manliest of the Odin Squadron 4, the male answer to the female Valkyries: Booboo Chavez.

Like Adia, Booboo is the resident science officer of his team, though he’s more of a signals engineer than an academic researcher. He is given his silly nickname for his rather melodramatic antics. He usually gets into flagrant fights with his father, a high-ranking officer at another space station, and nine times out of ten, he’s the guy on the team who’d throw up his hands in a combat situation and shout “We’re gonna die!” Yeah, he’s that guy.

He really wouldn’t even be in any Odin squadron if it wasn’t for his father, <a href=”http://www.30characters.com/2010/11/20/20-admiral-slade-chavez/”>Admiral Chavez</a>, the leader of the entire Space Forces.  Booboo doesn’t get along with his father, who would love nothing more than to transform him into a military badass and make him follow in his footsteps.  Booboo would rather be ANYWHERE but a battlefield, but he can’t seem to escape the stranglehold influence of his father.  He was paired with his fellow Odin squad team members to man him up, but he’s pretty resistant to the idea if only to spite his old man.

#5 The Junior

| November 8, 2010 | 0 Comments

05 後輩

Rizwän • Junior Director

The Junior Director is everywhere the First Department Chief » cannot be, and during the immensely hectic months directly preceding the Grand Parade », he is indispensable to its success. Lacking his superior’s experience and sufficient daemon matter to withstand multiple physical teleportations in the World Layers, Rizwän nonetheless has utilised his ability to transmit and project his form—a kind of possession—onto any ‘seeded’ humanoid to the best of effect.

Rizwän had only participated in the Parade as a Walker only once, despite the centuries he has spent helping to organise it. He is very accommodating to new members of the staff, or new Walkers, and often handles the first round of recruitment interviews. The more veteran daemons tease him from time to time, but are still careful, knowing he wears the pinstripes of high command.

——————————————————- Continue Reading

#4 Aburasumaashi

| November 8, 2010 | 0 Comments

04 油すまあし

Aburasumaashi • Light-eater

No Parade is complete without the fel flame that guides the Walkers to the route. Abura-sumaashi ensures that the stone lanterns burn throughout the duration of the Parade. To do this, he steals the holy light from vigil candles and from sanctuaries all over the world—”borrows” is his favourite term, as the monstrous mouths that are a part of his form suck in light matter and converts them to daemon oil.

Naturally curious about humans, he often deliberately causes a ruckus when he “borrows” his fuel, often drawing the attention of the First Department Chief », and incurring a memo about “proper protocol” in slipping between World Layers.

Ink on white paper.


Continue Reading

#8 Holly the School Spirit

| November 8, 2010 | 1 Comment

#8-General Kragehul

| November 8, 2010 | 1 Comment

General Kragehul

He’s a doctor… without borders!

#8 Lt. Cmdr. Finn Killian

| November 8, 2010 | 6 Comments

Okay, so technically the character Finn Killian is actually an homage to the character Alec Killian from Titanium Rain, but he’s also an homage to my good pal Josh Finney who is famous for screaming and ranting quite a lot about anything and everything.

What can I say? I cast my stories according to personality.

Lt. Commander Killian is the right-hand man to Commander Mona Duri. He takes great pleasure in dressing down lower-ranking recruits, particularly if they say something stupid. In fact, the only subordinate who seems to be able to get away with murder under him is Ensign Anders (this might be due to a somewhat misguided crush, though this hasn’t been confirmed). Killian definitely has no problems calling people out on their failings, but this goes for superiors as well. He really, really, really sucks at playing nice for political purposes. Needless to say, his military career isn’t going to go very far.

I’m so going to enjoy drawing this man shouting.

#8 Eliot Mess

| November 8, 2010 | 0 Comments

#7 Skeeter

| November 8, 2010 | 7 Comments

Day# 08 the POISON PENN

| November 8, 2010 | 0 Comments
#08 the Poison Penn by Jande Rowe

#08 the Poison Penn by Jande Rowe

My first ever Super-hero-type Villain. :`)

Jhorn’l Ag’Penn hails from a religious colony of Grythf’ah‘s (Worshippers of Agh) on a nondescript planet circling a small red giant in the sparser areas near the Rim of the Galaxy.

Like most religious fanatics, the beliefs of the Grythf’ah brook no quarter with any other religious practices. Sure in their divine arrogance, they send out their most devout acolytes to bring word to the heathens (that’s the rest of us).

Jhorn’l is no slouch when it comes to converting the unenlightened. At some point he became convinced that he was doing Agh’s work; he was Agh’s Right Hand in this world to help others to the next. And of course what better way than to first test them, then when, er… if they fail, show them the error of their ways with a little  fear of Agh, and a little Holy Poison to help them on their way into the Light of Agh’s Truth.

When did that happen? Oh, perhaps around the time Jhorn’l found a derelict ship full of humanity’s bones, and many useful artifacts, including some Golden Age comics from DC and Marvel. Of course he couldn’t read them, but being the vain and contemptuous being he was, he delighted in the idea of Spandex to match his particularly bright and beautiful green skin.

‘Twas then that he hit upon his Master Plan to weed out the Unworthy, and deliver the Holy Message of his Holyness, Agh! At this point he underwent Grimstolaet, changing himself from the inside out and donning his new Spandex, took upon himself the Holy Name of Poison Penn, the Right Hand of Agh.

All over the Galactic Rim he sped enticing the weak to evil, putting the fear of Agh into all those who succumbed with poison pen letters, then blackmailing them in the name of the Holy Church of Agh, (in order to defray costs), and finally when they refuse to repent, descending on them in a poisonous cloud and stabbing them to death with his poison-tipped spear-pen, while chanting the one thousand four hundred and fifty-three names of Agh.

Of course sooner or later he would run into our Dysfunctional Duo, Wheeler and Ikey. And so its possible that even Prima will have her hands full  trying to rescue Wheeler and Co in order to bring them to Justice, while the Poison Penn is trying his best to bring them to Agh.


Jhorn’l Ag’Penn hails from a religious colony of Grythf’ah’s (Worshippers of Agh)

on a nondescript planet circling a small red giant in the sparser areas near the Rim

of the Galaxy.

Like most religious fanatics, the beliefs of the Grythf’ah brook no quarter with any

other religious practices. Sure in their divine arrogance, they send out their most

devout acolytes to bring word to the heathens (that’s the rest of us).

Jhorn’l is no slouch when it comes to converting the unenlightened. At some

point he became convinced that he was doing Agh’s work; he was Agh’s Right

Hand in this world to help others to the next. And of course what better way than

to first test them, then when, er… if they fail, show them the error of their ways with

a little  fear of Agh, and a little Holy Poison to help them on their way into the Light

of Agh’s Truth.

When did that happen? Oh, perhaps around the time Jhorn’l found a derelict ship

full of humanity’s bones, and many useful artifacts, including some Golden Age

comics from DC and Marvel. Of course he couldn’t read them, but being the vain

and contemptuous being he was, he delighted in the idea of Spandex to match his

particularly bright and beautiful green skin.

‘Twas then that he hit upon his Master Plan to weed out the Unworthy, and deliver

the Holy Message of his Holyness, Agh! At this point he underwent Grimstolaet,

changing himself from the inside out and donning his new Spandex, took upon

himself the Holy Name of Poison Penn, the Right Hand of Agh.

All over the Galactic Rim he sped enticing the weak to evil, putting the fear of Agh

into all those who succumbed with poison pen letters, then blackmailing them in

the name of the Holy Church of Agh, (in order to defray costs), and finally when

they refuse to repent, descending on them in a poisonous cloud and stabbing

them to death with his poison-tipped spear-pen, while chanting the one thousand

four hundred and fifty-three names of Agh.

Of course sooner or later he would run into our Dysfunctional Duo, Wheeler and

Ikey. And so its possible that even Prima will have her hands full  trying to rescue

Wheeler and Co in order to bring them to Justice, while the Poison Penn is trying

his best to bring them to Agh.

#6 Herb

| November 7, 2010 | 4 Comments

Sir Thomas Godfrey Arundale, Admiral of the Fleet

| November 6, 2010 | 0 Comments

In the 85th century, Sir Thomas Godfrey Arundale is Admiral of the Fleet in the Solar Republic. When trouble comes knocking on the door of this conglomerate of disparate states of humanity, he’s the cyborg who answers – and you’d better be ready for a swift kick up the proverbial backside. He doesn’t suffer fools gladly.

Dave Wetherby

| November 6, 2010 | 0 Comments

Dave Wetherby is nearing retirement. After decades of service to the State, he has uncovered a plot of epic proportions to defraud the country of billions of pounds in tax revenue each year. What’s more, he has discovered where this money is going: it is being siphoned off into hell! Can Dave bring this news to the attention of his bosses in time?

The Amazing Charles Heather and his Dumbodella

| November 6, 2010 | 0 Comments

70’s rock fan Charles Heather has always wanted to see the world. The only problem is, while he’s amazing clever he’s also amazingly poor. Never one to let that stop him, Charles decided he would invent his own way of touring the globe.

Enter: the Dumbodella. It’s part elephant, part umbrella and all-weather touring vehicle!

Quacky Ducky

| November 6, 2010 | 0 Comments

In the land of the criminally dumbass, the duck who applies for the job is Sheriff. Welcome to the world of Quackard Duckson, aka Quacky Ducky.

Duckson is the Sheriff of Miniesville, a crime-ridden hovel that even lowlife scum who rob grannies for their hairnets would turn their noses up at. It’s a hive of ultrascum and Duckson is one of two cops who have to clean up the town.

The only problem is, only his partner, Robert Monk (aka Rubber Monkey) can understand anything he says. To everyone else, he’s simply Unintelligible.

Garth Sturgeon, Brain Surgeon

| November 6, 2010 | 0 Comments

Don't try this at home

He operated on his own brain! Garth Sturgeon was world famous for operating on six people at once and playing a video of his exploits live on YouTube. This is also the reason he was struck off the medical register.

Using a set of scalpels attached to a complex marionette, he was able to perform the world’s first double lobe bypass while beatboxing to his famourite 80’s power rap tracks.

Now he has far too much time on his hands and tries to fill it by experimenting on himself. He hopes to develop super powers but all he’s succeeded in so far is making himself feel a bit sick.

Day#06 Rain Reeves

| November 6, 2010 | 0 Comments
#06 Rain Reeves by Jande Rowe

#06 Rain Reeves by Jande Rowe

Rain Reeves is best friends with his next-door neighbour, (#05) Sarah Sorry.  His favourite colour is pink, he hates sports, enjoys playing with dolls and doll houses, loves reading books, computers, and animals, and wants to grow up to cure cancer.

His parents think he will become an interior designer, but they love him and encourage him to be himself. Sometimes he can be opinionated, and friends and family use the phrase “Right as Rain” with a wink, when he verges on the pompous.

They don’t worry too much about the possibility that his apparent effeminate ways could bring the bullies down on him, since he has a great protector in the more aggressively active Sarah Sorry –and of course his little pet dog, Growl (#07)

I’m not that happy with the way this one turned out. Created in Manga Studio Ex4 White background made transparent in Gimp2, and Coloured in Photoshop.  I was thinking of making a “statement” about gender issues with these guys, perhaps a childrens book aimed at parents –lol– but at the moment I’m not excited about the idea. Maybe later.

#5 Zola the Gorgon

| November 6, 2010 | 5 Comments

#5 Jonathan O’Colvin , PhD

| November 5, 2010 | 0 Comments

A brilliant scientist in the field of computer engineering, Jon O’Colvin comes to the uPAST and the Solar Lab by way his home country of Ireland.  When the United States Government inked the deal with uPAST to help fund and protect Dr. Hennric’s solar energy conversion research, Jon was one of the first new scientists to be brought in.  Dr. Hennric already had one of the most advanced super computers in existence. However, within a six months, O’Colvin and his team had rebuilt the entire system and integrated the new self aware L.U.N.A.R. [Localized University Networked Autonomous Research] computer system into the entire uPAST computer network (which itself was and is technology far advanced beyond any other computer system in the world).  With this new powerful computer system the research has advanced forward at a light speed pace (excuse the pun).  O’Colvin now maintains the  L.U.N.A.R. Computer as well as writes and applies daily upgrades and improvments to ensure that when the energy conversion system comes online the computers will be able to handle all the data that it is sure to encounter.

Jon O’Colvin himself is a quiet man who tends to keep to himself as much as possible.  He works long hours every day, typically never less than 12 hours, and never overlooks even the smallest detail. He is liked by everyone in the lab even though he rarely socializes with anyone, with the exception of the L.U.N.A.R. computer who he has an obvious strong connection with.

Day#05 Sarah Sorry

| November 5, 2010 | 3 Comments
#05 Sarah Sorry by Jande Rowe

#05 Sarah Sorry by Jande Rowe

Well, she’s in trouble again. Not surprising. If she isn’t getting into a scrape once an hour or so, her family would think the world had come to an end. She doesn’t mean to cause trouble, she just rushes into things, and she’s always repentant afterwards (well mostly!). That’s why they all call her Sarah Sorry.

It’s her insatiable curiosity, overactive imagination, and abundant physical energy that help her into (and sometimes out of ) trouble –especially in a world where all three attributes are frowned on and particularly in girls.

Boys are often encouraged to be loud and rambunctious. Her two older brothers certainly are, but Sarah must “behave”, “be quiet”, “sit still”, “stop fidgeting”. This repression makes her clumsy and nervous. It drives her crazy! She wants to play ball, go fishing, climb trees, build tree houses, chase cats and squirrels, and when she grows up she wants to be a fireman! Fire Engine Red is her favourite colour.

Her best friend, Rain, doesn’t want to be a fireman. His favourite colour is pink, he hates sports, and when he grows up he wants to be a scientist and discover the cure for cancer. Sarah thinks that would be nice, but that rushing into burning houses and saving people is a much more noble profession.

Maybe, by the time Sarah grows up, girls can be anything they want. And so can boys.

This Character has no particular place in any of my stories or comics. I was teaching myself to use Manga Studio EX4 this morning and she popped out. Perhaps she and Rain have stories of their own to tell.

#4 Trixie Hexpot

| November 4, 2010 | 6 Comments

For all my pagan friends out there. Sure its a bit late for Halloween, but who’s complaining? I’m not, that’s who!

#4 Fin Halloway

| November 4, 2010 | 0 Comments

In 1968, at the age of 18 years and 1 day old, Finlay Halloway, known to everyone as Fin, enlisted in the United States Marines.  The son and grandson of Marines and veterans of war there was nothing that could stop Fin from following in those footsteps.  In no time he was through basic and tromping through the jungles of Vietnam fighting for his country.  Just five years later, then a decorated NCO, he was out of Vietnam and into a top secret special forces team known only by the code name Taipan. By 1980 he had been promoted to a Warrant Officer and was in charge of his entire company.

While on a top secret assignment with a detachment to Beirut in October of 1983, Fin was caught in the heart of a massive explosion. The official story was that it was a dual car bombing, which killed nearly 500. The truth is that the explosion was directly related to a Taipan mission and more than 2000 people, including civilians and service members, were killed including many of the men under Fin’s command.  Fully physically recovered, though still dealing with the emotional fall out of that tragic even, after over a year of recuperation and rehabilitation, Fin was reassigned within Taipan.

The US Government took interest early in the research of Dr. Henric Hannes, PhD.  It was apparent early that his solar energy conversion technology, far beyond simple solar panels installed on a roof, had the potential to change the world.  In order to ensure that Dr. Hannes’ research did not end up in the hands of an enemy nation of regime a security detail from special forces Taipan team was assigned.  That force is headed by Fin Halloway.  It is his duty to protect the uPAST campus as well as all the technology and the science team.

Before the incident in Beirut, Fin was a fun loving, energetic man who was dedicated to his friends, his job and his country.  Since his recovery he is no less dedicated to his job and country, however, he has become a much more serious and intense individual.

(side note: I’m still in the planning phase of Solar: Maximum and have, as of yet, not decided if the comic will appear in black and white or full color.  IF I decide to go full color…I think this is the style that I’ll be going with. Or…at least something similar)  (thoughts??)

#4 Gometh and Lilly

| November 4, 2010 | 3 Comments

Hi all.
I’m posting an illustration of Gometh and Lilly. No story or background this time.

#3 Makktanh

| November 3, 2010 | 2 Comments

03 水男

Makktanh • The last island

Makktanh is a small island off the coast of a bustling industrial city. Already regulated by the government as a nature reserve, he has since freed himself of his human obligations and joined the Parade as a sometime-walker, and helps with the organization. Strong currents pass through Makktanh’s undersea channels, and depending on the Parade’s route, offers his  location in the World Layer as a pitstop. During Ghost Month, the waters around his isles become extremely disturbed, and its Walkers can be seen in the reflection off the surface, if the moon is new.

Makktanh is a generally sweet and reliable boy, whose responsibilities since joining the Parade as a pitstop don’t quite reflect in the way he (often too) modestly carries himself. The First Department Chief » in particular regularly adds him in the Parade route.

Older islands and aspects tend to tease Makktanh for his long hair. Hair, on the other hand,  rears its head back aggressively, and sinks several ships in the vicinity.


Inks on drawing paper.

#3 Officer Adia Ukpo

| November 3, 2010 | 3 Comments

Adia is the science officer of Valkyrie squadron 4.  She has a much more academic background than the rest of the girls, currently performing research for her PhD in robotic engineering.  Her work on the Valkyrie squadron supplements her research.  Easily the most analytical of the group, Adia can be counted on for her knowledge and strategy, but to some she can come off as a bit cold.  At best, she is the resident voice of reason.  At worst, she’s a proverbial Vulcan.


| November 3, 2010 | 3 Comments


A story about a little boy’s toy created by his great, great, great grandmother in Eastern Europe in a time when the supernatural was believed more than in today’s times.

Tweek is made of cloth, mechanical trinkets and a little bit of magic. The magical doll speaks, walks, fly’s and interacts only with Sam.
Tweek can alter time and realities for only a short period of time in order to go on adventures.

The toy was created centuries ago and only turns to life for the boy. Sam’s father and his father’s father and before also went on adventures with Tweek. The magic is that the toy only comes to life for the boy at the time with blood relation to the great, great, great grandmother. Once they hit a certain age, the boy will forget that Tweek can come to life.

Sam discovered his toy’s abilities after a visit with his parents to the old country of Ukraine where they went to spend time with distant relatives.

#2 K.Rá Kitabin

| November 2, 2010 | 2 Comments

K.Rá Kitabin • Director

Parade Director and chief recorder of the Grand Parade. Rá, as she is called (though most salute her with her title, First Department Chief), is the busiest, most overworked entity in the World Layers, as she oversees the smooth transition of the Parade. Approvals for Ghost Month possessions pass through her office first, in effect acting as the Chief Operations Officer of the event. She flies to a rage when a Walker who isn’t formally dressed, or hasn’t “shed” properly, joins unchecked.

Inks on drawing paper.

#2 Squadron Leader Priscilla Vega

| November 2, 2010 | 0 Comments

Lt. Priscilla Vega is the squad leader for Valkyrie Squad 4 in my upcoming webcomic http://www.valkyriesquadron.com.  She leads an all-female team of four specially trained fighters, scientists, and pilots.  Her specialty is weapons and combat strategy.  Going by “Priss” for short, Priscilla is an otherwise good-natured, even toned person.  She likes to have fun, but she doesn’t let her pursuit of good times get in the way of her duties (Most of the time…).  Priscilla does well at keeping her emotions in check and keeping a cool head in a tough situation.

#2 Billy Frakes

| November 2, 2010 | 2 Comments

Billy’s parents were killed during Portsburg’s great blizzard of 1984 when Billy was just 6 years old. With no other family, he was placed in an orphanage. A couple years later during a school field trip to the Solar Lab at the University of Portsburg Academy of Science and Technology, young Billy became separated from his class and wandered into a closed robotics lab.  For nearly an hour the uPAST security searched the campus for the boy. Eventually, Fin Halloway, head of security at the Solar Lab, found Billy.  The young boy had completely disassembled three housekeeping robots because he said he wanted to know how they worked.  Impressed by Billy’s intelligence and curiosity Rebecca and Henric quickly fell in love with the boy and adopted him. Now, one year later, Billy is happier then ever living with the Hannes family.  When not studying or taking apart and reassembling various machines around the lab he acts as Dr. Hannes’ lab assistant.

#2 Alien Finger

| November 2, 2010 | 5 Comments

I am thinking that this alien is thinking.
You are thinking that this alien may be thinking about you.
I am thinking that you are thinking the same thing.
This alien is thinking “he who smelt it, dealt it.”

#1 Daitenggu

| November 2, 2010 | 4 Comments

大天狗 • The Dread Flutist

Secluded in his drifting mountain, the Daitenggu only comes down for the Grand Parade » Without his music, the portals cannot be coaxed open, the Demons of selected humans will not awaken, and no parade takes place. He is often consulted by the organizers (a handful who know how to contact him in other days of the year) to choose from promising ‘seeds’. He has “blind” eyes, but all of his wing feathers sprout eyes when he starts to play his flute. When an eye opens, a demon seed has been awakened and finds a way to join the Parade.

The people who hear his music shed their human skin and start their Walk. Some do it slowly, thus ‘dying’ slowly, and others drop their skins right then and there.

The Daitenggu’s dread form is a bird with wings that “encompass all four hemispheres.”


NOTES: I’m so thankful this has been a long holiday! I might be a bit late on others as things depend on whether or not I have scanner access, but I keep a Tumblr blog for this project:


I haven’t had the chance to introduce myself, but hello, I’m Kae, ‘kannibal’ on Tumblr, and I’m on here basically because this sounds like an interesting challenge. 🙂


| November 1, 2010 | 0 Comments

Explosive reporter reporting explosions

For my upcoming webcomic project http://www.valkyriesquadron.com I wanted an edgy reporter type to act as a sort of point of view character.  This was after meeting the venerable David Axe of http://www.warisboring.com and reading his book of the same title War is Boring.   I thought to myself “Wow, what kind of a guy goes into war zones willingly to document human misery and dodge bullets?”

An awesome one, that’s who. 

So, drawing inspiration from this guy, I thought I’d incorporate a war correspondent into Valkyrie of my own.  Except I cranked the edginess up to 11. 

LENNOX SLEDGEHAMMER.  Yes, it must be in all caps.