Tag: 30 characters
#3 – Sandy Ground
Cassandra Beatrice “Sandy” Ground is the oldest daughter of a scientist and a former traveller. Â The life that she had spent with her parents and her younger sister was very normal. Â She and her sister would spent their time together watching TV and skateboarding. Â Her father would sometimes create weapons designed primarily for the military for their fights for peace, while her mother would sometimes spend her time helping with the inventions. Â One day, Sandy’s father promised to give her one of his inventions whenever he got the chance.
When Sandy turned 18, she stumbled upon his lab to find out that a wicked warrior had been trying to get his hands on her father’s technology. Â He tried to ask the scientist to hand over the weapons for him and his army. Â He refused, and was subsequently knocked unconscious, being unable to do anything as the mad man takes his weapons. Â Fearing that the man will use his technology for evil, Â Sandy’s father is left with little choice but to take her to a close friend of his, who would then give her the training she needs to become a commando. Â She did manage to track down her father’s attacker, and brought him to justice.
Sandy, now 25, is a commando for hire, taking on the jobs to pursue dangerous criminals, mad scientists (and their insane inventions), and other threats that may be too dangerous for the average crime fighter. Â While she keeps quiet as much as possible, she is a very sociable person, but she is not a loud mouth like one would suggest. Â She carries around a laser rifle that her father created.
#3 – mountainous trolls
Mountainous trolls range from being several hundred feet tall, up to a mile in height. Most lie dormant and whole villages populate them without knowing, until the day they awaken and stretch … which usually wipes out the people living on them. These are 2 smaller ones that are several decades old judging by the tree growth, which is common among mountainous trolls. Most are friendly enough as long as you leave them alone. Others are angry and bitter and destroy everything they see.
#3 Hope
Living in a land where oppressors dominate and enslave the lower class, Hope is a girl trapped in her city by the bracelet she wears around her neck. Should she step outside of the city boundary, her fate is sealed. At a young age, she and her older brother, Zack, were separated from their mother and was taken in by their current master. Life with him and his family isn’t terrible, but Hope and Zack know that they shouldn’t have to live that way. Despite how their future looks, Hope is optimistic about escaping and finally becoming free.
While drawing this, I noticed that a lot of the time I draw really small, especially on Photoshop :/ So I drew this bigger than usual and this was the result. I have to try harder, I’m still not satisfied ):
#3 Jude Stover
Jude has to earn the approval of a practiced witch in order to become an apprentice and eventually an Initiate herself.
#3: Entropy
Name: Charles Feron
Aliases: Charlie, Angel, Safety Net, Entropy
Height: 5’11
Weight: 137 lb
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Biography Charles was born in the Bronx to a lower middle class family of Italian descent in1981. When he was 23, he graduated from Berkeley as an engineering major. Shortly after his graduation, the rift opened in 2004.
Charles was extremely close to the rift when it opened. Unverified reports claim he was, in fact, the closest person to escape being sucked to the other side.
Three months later, Charles’ powers manifested.
Powers: None, in his normal state. Charles is an unaltered human with the capability to switch himself with a parallel version of himself, a being calling itself Entropy.
Entropy’s Powers: Decay: Entropy can rapidly age anything he touches. Organic life quickly shrivels and dies, metals rust, woods splinter, and paper disintegrates at his touch.
More resilient materials, such as plastics or glass, can resist these powers for a length of time.
Enhanced strength, speed, and reflexes as well.
[The following was written by Agent Thomas from the Bureau of Extradimensional Affairs.]
“Entropy is a high level criminal on the other side. Â He’s not like Carson Douglas over here, the entire country is in an out-and-out war, with Entropy fighting the government themselves. There’s 70 million dollars on his head, but good luck claiming it.
Anyways, our intel suggests Charlie doesn’t so much become Entropy as switch places with him temporarily. The world’s worst criminal and some kid from the Bronx switch places in their respective dimensions, and we’ve been trying to coordinate some sort of trap, so we can switch out Entropy for Charlie at a critical moment.
Of course, if that happens, then it’s our universe that’s stuck with the nigh-invincible supercriminal…”
#3 F00SB0T
The bastard offspring of a late-night, rec room tryst, he was an outcast. Now F00SB0T kick-punches terror into the heart of the city!
#2 Barbara
Today, Barbara, a wild and mysterious girl. I actually like her better than the last character, let’s hope I can say that every day about the current last one.
Part of a larger project of 30 Pin-up Urban Subculture Girls.
Made using: Sketchbook, Mechanical Pencil, MyPaint, Gimp
I’ll be making a blog post on my “character generation process” if any of you are interested, it involves randomness, cryptic meanings and a passion for the sensual.
#2 Aurora
Years ago, someone in the US Government decided that the most powerful nation on Earth needed an equally powerful team of superhumans to help defend it. So a secret project was started in hopes of creating a national superhuman defense task force from scratch. Billion dollar contracts went out to both defense & pharmaceutical firms, & everyone set out trying to build a better human. After years of research & wasteful spending, the first success story emerges: PFC Regina Carter.
All it took was a simple tweak to her bioharmonics, and like a light being switched, Carter’s psychokinetic potential had been awakened. Working with vibrational frequencies, not only can she manipulate objects with her the power of her mind in the traditional telekinetic sense, she also possesses a spatial awareness so acute, that operates almost like mental sonar. And while she can use her powers to mimic abilities like flight & superstrength, it seems intense heat is generated if she focuses on an object for too long. And while this does also grant her limited pyrokinesis, it’s a bit hard for her to maintain levitation for more than a couple of minutes before overheating & the fear of spontaneous combustion starts to set in.
But before she could ever properly put her newly developed skills to the test, Senate slashed all funding on Superhuman R & D in a round of massive budget cuts. However, still driven by a sense of duty, Regina’s forced to take her superheroic potential to the private sector. Need a hand?
I’m not really a superhero guy. Haven’t been for a bit. Though now that’s two in a row. This character was unique for me in that I didn’t know what I wanted exactly as much as I knew what I didn’t want. I was looking to create a flagship-style female superhero, but avoid a lot of the tropes & controversial choices you find in superhero books these days. For the most part, beyond artist error, I think she’s realistically proportioned. She’s not some crazy sexpot, so she could easily serve as a role model. And just because she’s black doesn’t mean she’s “from the mean streets” or the analog for some white character.
I got the drawing for this done a lot earlier than I did yesterday’s but got held up on a name & how to word the back story. So here it is now. Another hopefully later this evening.
#2 – Brigadier General Harjo
To see the complete character info for Brigadier General Harjo please visit my website: www.geekywhiteguy.com
#2 – Kevin
Kevin was just an ordinary guy, one who had an ordinary job. Â That is, until he decides to become a competitor in various game shows. Â Eventually, he simply wanted a more exciting experience, and that’s where he begins to travel the world, seeking competition in more sports related events.
He’s kind of a quiet guy, but he knows what’s going on and is sometimes prone to getting carried away. Â He does, however, have a sense of humor.
#2 – hillbillies
The hillbilly clans survived the zombie apocalypse by learning to distill a sort of anti venom from the flesh of the zombies. It’s not without its side effects though, as seen here.Â
A Piercer Defender from my novel “Mentor”
The Piercers are a large breed of insectoids who hunt the humanoids in UnderCity in my novel “Mentor”. In turn they are hunted for their eggs and ichor, as well as the chitinous plates that cover the flexible eight- to ten- foot lengths of their bodies. Hunted during molting season and again in Laying season, these creatures are extremely dangerous, and in molting season are in particularly bad temper, having less balance due to their loss of wings. The Wings provide a little lift and balance to the two legged insect, but no flight.
Piercer Layers will lay up to six eggs in a nest secured to the damp walls with mud daubs. Once the nest is full they will patch together another nest and proceed to fill it, each Layer can fill up to 20 nests if left undisturbed. Usually only one nest will survive, this serial abandonment. The eggs are much sought after by the smaller fauna of the UnderCity.
In later days it is speculated that many of the strange creatures found in the UnderCity were the product of brutal cost-cutting by the corporate entity that held the sole rights over synthetic DNA (aka SynthDNA) operating under the name BioSynthetics (See T’rest vs BioSynthetics, sect 536, para. 43(a)&(c)).
BioSynth Corp created designer biotics (for scientific study and experimentation), domestic animals, feral animals (for freak shows and safari parks), as well as the more socially problematic designer humanoid “servants” (entertainers, caregivers, and mentors) for the very wealthy.
It was determined that some of the experimental and designer DNA biomass as well as some of the rarer creatures created escaped the Grid and were found later to have morphed and evolved in closed off areas of the city, and also to have spread to other areas of the planet. It is undetermined how much of the extant DNA is “natural” or “tainted” by SynthDNA.
The legal battles raged for centuries. BioSynth Corp. claiming that legally every plant, animal, humanoid containing any part or copy of SynthDNA belonged to them. This of course was disputed by the offspring of the original carriers of SynthDNA.
Note: All creatures sold as pets, domestic animals, feral animals. or servants were guaranteed to be biologically infertile in order for BioSynth Corp. to retain it’s favourable position in the market place.
The Piercers were originally created for the owner operator of a Fun Farm, who went bankrupt through poor decision making. At the time of their creation their size was DNA limited to three feet in length.
#2 Loverboy
Love hurts. Nobody understands that better than him… except perhaps the object of his affection.
#2: Polarity
“Everything in the world has static electricity on it, or at least the potential to carry molecules of static. Static’s up there with gravity in omnipresent forces, it’s just so weak we usually discount it. I change that.
I can project a field around me, I think it’s about a 50 yard circle. Everything in it gets a dose of static electricity, and the closer to me you are, the more of it you get. I turn into, basically, a really big rug that rubs on everything around it. But what’s the big deal, so everyone gets a little shock when they touch stuff, what does that mean?
Quite a lot, when you combine it with my other power. I can attract and repel static particles, and I make them a lot stronger in the process. I can pull light objects, like an apple, in from fifty feet, but if it’s right next to me, I can rip through sheet metal like it was sheet cake.
Yeah, you ever seen Star Wars? Picture someone who can use Force pull really well, and none of those other nifty Jedi powers. That’s me.”
-From the journal of Damian Grey
#2 – Dark Linus
What part of “He carries a blanket and believes in the Great Pumpkin” ever lead you to believe that this kid was going to be alright?
Day Two: “Confederate Money”
 She collapsed in a chair in the kitchen and looked down at her muddied feet in dismay. What was her Aunt going to say about this? She’d only been in town for about 6 months and already she had gotten into more scrapes than she had back home.
She sighed and brushed her auburn hair away from her face, trying to arrange it in some semblance of neatness before going past the room with her Aunt.
She rummaged through her purse for her cigarette case and lit one up.
Her aunt had been ill for nearly a year now, she had moved to New York from Louisiana to care for her. During the day, she cared for her Aunt, making sure that her every need was cared for. During the night and early hours of the day, however, she would be out gallivanting on the town or around the docks, trying to calm her cravings for adventure. These romps were helping her develop what she saw as a true New York accent. From everyone else’s perspective, she became a broad parody of her ideal.
Tonight had been one such adventurous night. She had dressed for the occasion as well, wearing her favourite shoes and a beautiful dress. She would have to replace both those, and goodness knows what had happened to her shoes. She stubbed out what was left of her cigarette, and pulled herself out of the chair.
She left muddy footprints on the carpet as she crept past her Aunt’s open bedroom door.
Words: Lana, art: Julian (Tosche).
#1 Trotsky, the Snowman
There must have been some magic in that old beret they found for when they placed it on his head he discovered class consciousness.
#2 Vivian Lesley
This is Vivian! She is a ballerina by day, and a roller derby girl by night. I kind of made her look like(/she is) a very stoic, tanned-skinned Miku Hatsune.
I had to crop out a lot out of this image but here’s the full-sized version!
#2 – Eddie Pratt
Eddie Pratt is the younger level-headed brother of the Pratt family. He acts as the yang to Alex’s yin. Eddie is more reserved, quiet and shy – but he picks his spots well when it is time to speak.
Eddie’s forte is in the numbers. He is obsessed with statistics and history, and remembers almost every single player from the Golden Era of hockey up until the present day – often reciting their stats on a moment’s notice. He serves as the ‘numbers’ guy in the front office – dealing with accounting, percentages and odd statistics for scouting.
Always cheery and smiling, Eddie is the man with the plan to get Alex (and himself) out of a jam.
#1 Caleb and Martin
Everyone has that little voice in their head that just won’t shut up; an all-around jerk that never hesitates to remind you of what a failure you are. In Caleb’s case, that voice is Martin–and Martin is a little more… visible than most people’s nagging voices. Cursed with a mind-reading demon by a (creepy) scorned ex, the already frantic and sleep-deprived Caleb has to deal with Martin’s constant crap as well as worrying about his internship at the most acclaimed hospital in the region. How can he find his creepy ex and get her to remove the curse when he has to deal with hectic ER shifts, a seasoned doctor gunning to get him tossed, and his ever-diminishing personal life? Well, maybe Martin is more help than he looks.
(Totally messing around and creating AllNew!Characters for this entire challenge, by the way, and this awful back story cropped up just like that. I love this challenge so far, makes me remember how much fun sketching characters just to sketch is!)
#1 – Drift
To see the complete character info for Drift please visit my website: www.geekywhiteguy.com
#1 Valentine Mora
Val tries to consider himself a fairly normal guy, but he knows enough to understand that he really isn’t. He reads a lot – no, seriously, a lot – and even volunteers at the library to have easier access to new books to read. Sports don’t really interest him much, he likes run-of-the-mill food, and he’d much rather run his fingers through his hair once in the morning than touch a jar of styling gel. People tend to assume he’s a hipster from the scarves he wears about his neck, but he really just wears them to cover up the bite marks from his roommate.
When the cruel fate of college stuck Val with his jock roomie Trent, he had no idea how he was going to get through even a single semester with his sanity still intact. But a freak situation ended up with Trent turning into a vampire, and Val was open-minded – and well-read – enough to be willing to put up with it. He even let Trent feed from him instead of going off to attack random citizens, much to Trent’s continued amazement. The two stayed roomies – and eventually friends – all through college and beyond, where they now share a run-down two-bedroom apartment just outside the city limits.
Val knows full well that people consider him a doormat, but he’s really just happy to help. He has his reasons for helping Trent, and uses his connections at the library to bring in books so he can read more about his roommate’s condition. He’s even learned a small bit of magic, in the hopes that maybe one day he can restore Trent back to full humanity. Until then, he’s more than happy to stay quiet and reclusive, working an administrative day job at a local temp agency to pay the bills while he focuses on his studies.
#1 – first wave
The Charpel clan has learned to graft power tools on to the limbs of zombies, and power them with batteries and gas which are stored in the chest cavity.
This is the first wave of zombies that march forward to batter the barricades and defences of anyone that the Charpel clan wants to destroy.
#1 The Crypt Kid
In a world ruled by monsters, can a monster rise up to save the world?
Read the Crypt Kid’s web-adventures at http://www.drunkduck.com/The_Crypt_Kid
and buy the mini-comic while supplies last at www.Dubisch.com
#1 Nameless Witch
She’s forsaken all in her pursuit of the forbidden sciences. She relinquished her given name to become a disciple of secrets. She knows many of the forgotten rituals and rites for entreating potent demons and the old gods who lost interest in mankind long ago. She will even petition your ancestors for secrets from beyond the veils of life or beseech a deity to intervene on your behalf… for a price.
#1: Hedgehog
(Sorry, don’t draw. Enjoy this instead.)
Name: Hector Espino
Known Aliases: Hedgehog, Thorn
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5’10
Weight: 173 pounds (unaltered,) 211 pounds (with powers in full use)
Bio: Born January 8th, 1983 to a pair of El Salvadorean immigrants. The third of four children, Hector grew up in a disadvantaged home in southern California. His grades remained above average throughout his education, although disciplinary action was taken against him for fighting in ten of the twelve years of his schooling.
Once he graduated, Hector joined the United States armed forces and was deployed for a tour of duty in Afghanistan. He won both several citations for insubordination and two Purple Hearts, as well as a Silver Star for saving two injured comrades who were caught in the line of fire.
In 2002, an electrical fire burned down his childhood home, killing both of his parents. Hector was not able to attend their funeral. Once his tour ended, in 2003, Hector returned to California and got work with his eldest brother Manuel.
It was at this point Hector was deemed a suitable candidate for Operation: At the Gates. He was approached with an offer on May 2nd, 2004. He accepted with little argument.
Hector was taken to the San Antonio base, where he was subjected to a battery of tests. The test was a success, and Hector was codenamed “Hedgehog Patient 1”, Â for no patient had ever manifested abilities quite like his before.
Hector has remained in the service of the Task Force since the test succeeded in 2004. List of his missions and achievements are as follows:
[The next several pages of the file have been torn out.]
…citations for insubordination, including arguments with officers of the task force.
Powers: Hector can manifest organic spikes anywhere on his body. He may do so through serious concentration, and the more time he has to prepare, the more spikes he can generate. Â The spikes are almost as hard as diamonds and razor sharp, allowing Hector to puncture holes in nearly anything he touches.
The spikes also have energy absorbing principles. Test show that, with the spikes deployed, Hector can withstand concussive forces that would cripple or kill an unaltered human. As he becomes more versed in their use, Hector has become progressively better at deploying the spikes. One of his preferred techniques is sticking his palm on an opponent’s forehead, then deploying as many spikes as he can on his palm.
Day 01–Marnal of Undercity from my novel “Mentor”
Marnal is one of the main characters in my current Science Fantasy novel “Mentor“. Mentor has been brewing on the back burner of my imaginative processes for at least two decades, perhaps longer. This will be my sixth novel.
Imagine a small world out on the Far Rim where human dependency on computers is absolute. If you are not “connected” then you no longer exist, and without connection you cannot access anything that would sustain your life. Food, shelter, clothing. All are replicated by the Artificial Intelligence machines only at personal request over the Grid. No Grid, you soon die of exposure and/or starvation. And perhaps even die of grief over the loss. But accidents happen, though people turn a blind eye. Corruption in the code, metal fatigue in an ancient machine, great over-ruling System, MAICS, can drop a person off the Grid faster than the engineers and their trained apprentices can locate and repair any damage. And once a person is gone.. they are not even mourned. They have ceased to exist. But do some mourn regardless..?
This is the story of one person on one of the ancient Rim Worlds, who so far is surviving the terrible loss of connection, and of another who naively plots to be removed from the perceived restraints of the Grid. It is the story of those they encounter and gather around them on their disparate journies–one desperately trying to get home; the other with equal desperation trying to get away. Woven through out is the story of the plight of the artificially created servants of the ruling classes–the caregivers and the mentors. As well as the story of another lost people, Marnal’s people, who are born off the Grid with only comforting distortions about it that have been handed down through too many generations. It is an adventure story of the ever present struggle between the Haves and the Have-nots, and it is a journey of both enlightenment and redemption.
It is also the novel I’m writing for NaNoWriMo this month. Wish me luck!
#30Characters Chatter…