Tag: 30 Characters Challenge
#7 – Thirdy
Thirdy insists on being called Thirdy. Not because his real name is weird-sounding, but it spares him from having to distinguish himself from his dad and grandpa whenever someone calls their house. Thirdy loves hanging around HMA for two reasons: girls and better street food selections.
#5 – Darren
Darren doesn’t talk much. Truth be told, he thinks he doesn’t need to either. He’ll answer questions about his t-shirts, though. Darren lives next door to Adrian with his older brother and can often be found hanging out with his guitar and his three cats.
# 20 : The Jackal
A technological cultist, The Jackal
Once a former Loman Field Agent, Farwed Zachari came upon the Heliopolis Society and instead of preventing their operations of stealing one of the recently discovered Emerald Tablets of Thoth, assisted in their escape and killed two of his comrades. Now a member of the Heliopolis Society, Farwed was placed within the Order of Set and donned the guise of Set’s son, Anubis. As Agent Anubis, Farwed raided and stole experimental equipment from the Loman Institutes Research Labs and became the Heliopolis Society’s top agent.
Farwed began to take on contract work on the side and gave himself the handle , The Jackal, as a nod to his membership with the Heliopolis Society. Farwed’s biggest crime was the attempted highjacking of the Loman Organization’s top airship, The Abraxis. Though the Loman Organization’s personnel were successful in fending off the invasion, The Jackal still eluded capture and is still in possession of classified experimental tech.
Abilities: As a former Loman Agent, Zachari is knowledgeable of occult and ancient cultures, while trained in weapons and hand to hand combat. As a member of the Heliopolis Society, Zachari has expanded his knowledge in all aspects of the occult, while under the Order of Set, Zachari now possesses knowledge of black magic, particularly death curses.
In addition to mystical talents, Zachari possesses a prototype nanotech/memory cloth hybrid body armor with a neural interface that enables the suit to shapeshift into components to aid the user. These abilities also include a stealth mode and physical enhancements that make The Jackal an imposing threat.
Creation: Initially, The Jackal was going to be a tiger themed villain for a superhero comic, but once the project was abandoned, I set about in reworking the look. I came up with the Jackal idea and was setting him up as a street level foe, with a Ghost Rider spiked biker suit and chain belt. Then when working on the Loman Organization, I figured a way to implement him via elements of the real-life Heliopolis Society, which was an antagonistic force in Dark Horse’s Edward Gray comics, and my fictional Order of Set cult idea. His suit is based on previous X-Men leather outfits, with the Gantz suits being the heavy influence on his visual style, while making key areas around the suit (collar & gloves) resemble something Egyptian. I also practiced a lot on drawing that head, from every angle and from every look to nail it down. In fact, when one of my friends was making a Jackal themed character, I instructed him on designing the character’s helmet based on my own experiences in drawing jackal-inspired headwear. Just wanted to make that special anecdote known.
# 19 : Lord Masque
Vampiric club owner, Lord Masque.
Owner of Danse Macabre, Lord Masque is the main proprietor of this gothic themed nightclub which celebrates Victorian and vampiric subcultures with exotic burlesque shows and modern industrial music, while secretly a hotspot for vampire meetings and gatherings. Lord Masque is an unabashed vampire who prides himself on cashing in on humanity’ obsession with vampires while lavishing in the sheer debauchery that his club brings about.
Little is known of his true name, as he has kept that his most closely guarded secret, thoug hrumor cites him as a profound influence to Vlad Tepes and Bram Stoker, while some say he was The Ripper himself, and even more believe him to be one of the Old Ones within the Vampire Bloodline Houses. The only concret fact given is that his whole body was disfigured from an unknown encounter, and he has work protective attire for most of his undead life, with the mask being the sole remaining cover for his disfigurement.
Lord Masque uses his name as a corporate mascot, while he uses proxies and underlings to carry out his daytime activities, while he represents the “face” of Danse Macabre. To avoid an incursion with the Loman Organization, Lord Masque acts as an informant to the Organization in regards to vampire culture and in return, Lord Masque makes sure his vampire patrons do not feed on any of the human patrons under their Protectorate Accords. Though that hasn’t stopped select vampires, even Lord Masque, from side-stepping such rules, which some agents, particularly Adam Mortensen, seeks to expose Lord Masque, of such wrongdoing.Until such a thing happens, Lord Masque enjoys his nights out in his club, while behind closed doors, plots to overthrow the current Vampire Houses and restore his true “Self” into prominence.
Abilities: Lord Masque is a true vampire of an ancient bloodline. As such, he possesses abilities prevalent in most vampires; such as superhuman strength, speed, and stamina. He is capable of hypnotizing through vocal stimuli, yet is vulnerable to sunlight, silver , and garlic.
Lord Masque possess a solid business acumen and is a shrewd politician, from running a niche -themed club and exploding it into a trendy hotspot while deftly preventing it from being overwhelmed from pressure on both the Vampire Houses and the Loman Organization. Secretly, Lord Masque desires to destroy all his threats, yet favors clandestine tactics over brute force.
Creation: Lord Masque was essentially just my high school idea of having a vampire wearing a mask to conceal his true identity, ala Phantom of the Opera. The nightclub idea most likely came from watching TruBlood, with Blade subtext, and thinking that a Vampire would be fairly smart in running a club that capitalizes on people’s fascination with vampires and gothic subculture by running a club that celebrates it. I then integrated him into the Loman universe as being an informant on Vampire culture while still keeping a villainous undercut with him, as a clever villain is one who doesn’t want to get caught.
#1 Captain Colostomy and the Catheter Kid
Here they are. Captain Colostomy and the Catheter Kid. Marcus Welleby, was an old man close to death. So was 7 year old Kensington Kavenaugh. Until a mysterious doctor performed surgery on them in the hopes to save their lives and test his theories. Now, aided with the special abilities their medical apparatus’s have granted them, they scour the earth looking for the doctor who made them what they are while trying to figure out what they’ve become.
Day One: “XYZ”
“I stand at the edge of the crowd, looking at the people. I am about to change.
Who I am has started to bore me. I need something different, like a holiday.
It’s good, this thing. I don’t know what to call it. Power, perhaps? Every time I touch someone, I take on a little of their personality. Sometimes it’s their fashion sense, sometimes it’s their music taste. Once it was their accent.
The only problem with this is that I lose friends along the way. People close to me never quite know what to expect. With so many personality changes, it can become difficult to keep up. The one thing that stays the same are my boots. I don’t care if they don’t match with the rest of me. They are left over from before, back from when I knew who I was. They will never change.
If I touch enough people, I become a completely different person.
That’s why I like crowds. When I get tired of the way I am, I can just step into the crowd and come out as someone new.
I close my eyes and step into the crowd, bumping into as many people as I can.”
Text by Lana, art by Julian (Tosche).
2011 Challenger: David “Slade” Hayes

yeah, the hat is a bit large for a trilby
So, here I am, poised to start (looking snazzy… oh wait, I’m supposed to be drawing. mmm. dang)
Some things about me? mmm. Live in Norther California, been alive for 30 years now (yeah, that’s the face of a 30 year old…), don’t drink (well, I’ve tried drinking, and it’s not really my thing. Tea or coffee for me, please.), and loved anime and manga before it was mainstream (yeah, it makes me sound like a hipster… though I’m not). Better yet, it was my mom that got me into a love for Japan in generall… which is kinda sad that I still haven’t really learned Japanese yet (picking up little bits here and there, but not enough yet)
Aside from that, I love creating characters. For this round, I think I’m going to concentrate on populating a couple of my story ideas.
While I still have to load new art, you can find my Deviant Art here: SladeXIII
2011 Challenger: Lorenzo Bonilla
Hello, my name is Lorenzo Bonilla. I am a dual graduate at Westwood and Columbia College in Chicago. I am an aspiring cartoonist/animator with heavy emphasis on illustration, sequential art, and character design.
My own experience comes from working on several indie comic projects and freelance work. I worked on a published book called Beef O’ Keefe’s Guide to Irish Drinking Games and am attached to storyboard an upcoming television series pitch. I also am a founder and Organizer for my own Chicago Comic Creators group, where we are in production for an comic anthology entitled The Anthology of Interest, which will debut my childhood comic idea, Blazer the Raptor. I also have two comic projects in the works called Loman, an Occult Task Force series, and Moonbebes, a comic I did during last year’s 24 Hour Comic Book day Challenge.
I was introduced to the 30 Character Challenge from a news post on Newsarama, and upon reading it, I became interested in participating. I went to the site, which indeed does have loading issues, as I have tried to post to be put on the newsletter and met with failure. Until this year, when I successfully signed onto the newsletter and received my first newsletter from Tyler James. Before doing the challenge, I do my own personal challenge in October where I draw monsters from myth, legend, folklore, and literature.This challenge interests me because I like the idea behind, creating characters in an industry, like America for example, that is obstinate or stubborn to change or develop new ones while other countries like Japan and Europe, go through practically a randomizer generator of character creation content. Plus, it gives me a chance to belt out and flesh out ideas and concepts for characters I have lying around for the purpose of this site.
I am a fan of superhero, horror, and action comics. I read and research obsessively online for articles of interest and I am a fan of cartoons, anime, wrestling, and movies. I listen to a mix of metal, alternative, classical, and industrial music like Nine Inch Nails, Gojira, Alic in Chains, Daft Punk, and Tool.Some titles I like in no particular order, The Dresden Files, Green Lantern, The Flash, Iron Man, Nova, American Gods, and StormWatch.
If you want to see what to expect from me, you can check out my website at www.lorenzobonilla.com, my deviant art profile at emeraldfury.deviantart.com, and my talenthouse profile at talenthouse.com/labsite. They all pretty much have the same content, as I upload all sites at once for consistency.
In closing, I look forward to participating with the 30 Character Challenge. I like to thank Tyler James for starting up such a challenge and I hope to make it to the end.
Thank you,
Lorenzo Angel Bonilla
2011 Challenger: Zoë Kirk-Robinson
Greetings, mortals!
I am Zoë Kirk-Robinson, who some of you might know from my daily chats on Twitter; or maybe even from The Webcomics Company Podcast.
I draw two daily comics, The Life of Nob T. Mouse (which is 15 years old in December!) and All Over the House plus I will be re-launching Ink Proof Cannon as a third daily comic in November. It’s going to be an epic drawing fest!
I’ve been looking forward to this year’s 30 Characters Challenge because I haven’t drawn nearly enough wacky things this year and I need to beef up my quota. Last year I got about half way through the challenge before failing it but this year I want to push on, get to the finish line and do a funky dance of joy.
Oh, and I’m also doing NaNoWriMo this year, so expect a few of my drawings to be of characters I’m going to introduce in that novel. Yay for merging projects!
I’m going to stop writing now because if I don’t, I’ll end up ranting about stuff you don’t want to know about. I rant almost daily over at my blog, so if you really want to read this drivel, go there. 🙂
See you at the starting line with pencils at the ready! 😀
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