Tag: 2011
#6 – Lucifer Morningstar, the Ãœbermensch
“Behold, I teach you the Superman: he is that lightning, he is that frenzy!” — Friedrich Nietzsche, “Thus Spoke Zarathustra”
Lucifer Morningstar, the Übermensch
Hello from Greg Giordano!
Hi everyone- I’m Greg Giordano, AKA, FLAMEAPE. I’m an artist from Burlington, VT and this is my 2nd 30 Characters Challenge. I’m getting started late due to a 2 week stint in the hospital, but I sketched allot of characters while on my back- so I’ll be posting my first 10, catching up and moving forward! Great to see all the cool posts- looks like I’m in good creative company.

Meldsen, Tech Master from My Novel “Mentor”.
Meldsen is the Tech Master for Upper City in my novel “Mentor”. He plays a key role in that he is Phipp’s immediate superior, and that he alone is responsible for the smooth functioning of everything that makes Upper City the sparkling vivaceous, comfortable and above all safe home of its human citizens. He’s even been know to go out of his way to repair areas of the City that are populated mostly by Nons and Synths.
He’s a gruff, no-nonsense old guy who still has a few tricks up his sleeve and he sees some things that others might not like to know he sees. But he also knows how to keep his mouth shut.
He dislikes the finery and pageantry that people and the media and corporations keep trying to foist on him. He’s a plain man. He wears the robes when he has to, and weilds his magic when he must or when he has a point to make. But mostly, he and his boys wander in the Labyrinth that is the maze of tech tunnels all woven around and through the MAICS (the Master Artificial Intelligence Computer System) and the City itself.
Without his guidance, and the help of his heirarchy of apprentices there would be no more holos, replicators, food, clothing, and worst of all no more Grid. So when he begins to find anomalies in the MAICS code, and weapon grade lasers substituted for harmless pencil lasers in an exercise droid, he begins to count his assets, among them Phipp (see #8- previous sketch and writeup), and a handful of Synth engineers under his tutelage. Perhaps together they can cross the heaving social bounds and prevent catastrophe.
#5 Oregos
Some little fantastic creatures that have the power to influence souls. This is just a little idea might develop it and draw more of Oregos. The top one here would be a healing orego, and the one under a  killing/suicide orego… can’t think of any names for the moment XD
#7 Hemply Shroom
Hemply Shroom is left of liberal. He has a penchant for tie-dyes, crystals, veganism, free love, pot, shrooms, and LSD. His oneness with nature and anything that is ‘all-natural’ borders on psycho. Hemply loves flora and fauna so much that he wishes that humans would be wiped out once and for all so they’d stop killing all the plants and animals. He’s so extreme that he believes tree hugging is mere foreplay, getting to first base if you will . If Hemply had it his way he’d be rounding third and sliding into home plate head first, if you know what I mean.
Besides dry humping trees, Hemply’s favorite thing to do is to constantly push his extremist vegan views on others. His second favorite thing to do is organize drum circles. His third favorite thing to do is play his guitar. Which he does very badly.
His aversion to both soap and shoes has earned him the title “Dirtiest Hippie of the Year” for the last six years running.
Hemply’s father a Colonel in the U.S. Army, considers his son to be “The biggest disappointment in my life.”
#6 Flinch
Ever heard of the phrase “Crazy like a fox”? Well they must have been referring to Flinch. This self proclaimed “Master of Mass Murder” is as deranged and psychotic as they come. He takes immense pleasure in the hunt of his victims. A trained killer, who works for the highest bidder, Flinch just might be the most dangerous animal being alive. Despite his nervous twitch (hence the name), Flinch is also an incredible marksman but prefers to get up close and personal with a knife.
#6 Dr. Muahahahaha
Dr. Hiram Muahahahaha is a mad scientist. One of the maddest as a matter of fact. He is somewhat scatterbrained, his practices are questionable, and he frequently works for the bad guys, building semi-ridiculous super weapons.
What made him go mad you may ask? The systematic release of the Star Wars Prequels during Grad School made Hiram lose his mind completely. In 1999 Hiram was one of the many fanboys drooling over the upcoming release of the Star Wars Prequels beginning with the Phantom Menace written and directed by George Lucas. The utter disgust and complete disappointment totally devastated the young Hiram spiraling him into 1/3 complete madness. He continued his studies albeit somewhat jaded and twisted. Then in 2002 with the release of the disappointing Attack of the Clones Hiram again was utterly devastated and sent careening into 2/3 complete madness. Finally with the release of The Revenge of the Sith in 2005 the sheer devastation of how horrible the films were, finally destroyed Hiram’s mind sending him into total madness.
He may be mad, but Hiram does throw great parties!
Day 06 –Sjana of Upper City from my novel “Mentor”
Sjana of Upper City takes a last look back …
before leaping into the unknown.
Sjanatha A’tan Re’ khalanth, only daughter of widower Kinsaar A’tan Re’kalanth, Governor of the Lakes Region of Vindertrest on the Rim planet T’rest.
Always a handful to manage, one always had the feeling the child had been born in the wrong time. Willful and petulant when balked. Inclined to go her own way regardless of the effect on others. Though to her credit, she never meant to cause grief to others. It was her passion for knowledge that caused her to seek ways around the safety protocols, precautions, and barriers. Se sought knowledge born of experience, rather than that readily available on the Grid, or from MAICS’s archives. She did gain knowledge from both those sources, but somehow it was not enough. Somehow she had to get herself physically inside a subject and turn it inside out until she really felt she knew it.
But that was a hard thing to do on T’rest. Especially since the war, after the ships stopped landing here. After the Bubble went up. Sjana’s Aunt, Renala del Re’sjahlak, Sister to Sjana’s mother Deira, had done the best she could to give Sjana the kind of loving guidance that her own sister Deira would have given her. And the two adored each other. But Renala was a fairly conventional woman. Though she had admired her sister’s bravery and forth right nature, she had often harboured thoughts that perhaps her sister’s untimely death had something to do with that nature. Her inability to let a thing go, let it ride…
Sjana took after Deira. Openly standing up for the weak. Loyal, bold and honest and forth right most of the time, but not afraid to go behind one’s back in order to fulfil a perceived obligation. At this age, the tender age of seventeen, what Sjana thought was right and proper, she also thought everyone else should think was right and proper. It just never occurred to her that other people had their own agendas, and was surprised when people were offended or angry with her. She was often full of remorse to find that her actions had negative effects on others, and did what she could to make amends. But she wasn’t sorry that she’d done it. Because, well… she needed to. She was just very sorry that her needs had hurt others. All this coupled with her inexhaustible energy, sooner or later Sjana was bound to make trouble in a big way.
And so it was no surprise when Sjana’s synthdroid mentor, a’tannattal, reported her missing, last “seen” by MAICS over thirty hours ago heading toward the promontory. No Grid activity since then. Somehow, to Renala’s horror, Sjana had finally found a way to have escaped the Grid as she had often threaten to do. That or she was dead. How could a child survive with no Grid to guide her? The Grid was the one topic that Renala and Sjana could never see eye to eye. To Renala the Grid represented safety and freedom. You could never be alone. And that was just the opposite of what it represented to Sjana. To her it was stifling and intrusive. And you could never be alone. You could never experience anything or yourself, first hand. It chafed and she plotted ways and means to escape such benevolent tyranny.
Excerpt from “Mentor”:
She woke a long time later, stiff and sore with her head on her pack and her knees pulled up to her chest. She’d been dreaming about her mother again. Her mother who was smart and brave and beautiful and who loved her, just like Auntie had told her so often. She herself hardly remembered her, but dreaming about her was like a benediction.
She sat up working her neck muscles, moving her head from side to side when a gleam of pale light began dawning, not from above as she had expected, but from somewhere over there to her left; from the wall of the gap she had fallen into. She scrambled to her feet and slung on the pack. She stumbled over the stones and broken bits of marble to the light and found that there was yet another hole, this one big enough to swallow three of her.
She poked her head through the hole and looked around. There were other holes, like large broken windows, across from where she stood. The light was coming from there. They really looked like they might have once been windows. She’d learned about windows years ago when she’d asked why she couldn’t go to the places she saw on the windows, and was told they were only projections on screens that MAICS put there for us. Real windows were holes in the walls with an almost invisible substance fitted into it. to keep the outside outside so to speak. Those holes over there looked like that and that the light which was coming through them at angle was really somewhere outside. Light was coming in from outside. Was there no end to the wonders?
There was a whirring sound above her head. She ducked instinctively as something soft scraped across her hair. there was a blur in front of her then a second later was somewhere else. So fast that she couldn’t focus on it, but it seemed to be a small bird, flying.
“How did you get out of your cage?” She murmured at it. Startled, it flew up out of her sight and she craned her neck to see where it had gone. There were hundreds of them up there, wings vibrating faster than light it seemed. And then she looked down. And gasped. It was a long way down. In fact it was so far down that she couldn’t see the bottom. The area that she could see, the part that held up the marble floor above her, was about forty feet by sixty feet, she estimated. There was a wide ledge, maybe six feet wide just below her hole, and the window holes on the other side, not all of which let in light, went down and down and down until you could no longer see any. What was this place? Did MAICS know about it? Why were there cageless birds here? Could they be wild birds? like they’d sometimes seen on the promontory?
Wonders! And nothing could have stopped her at that moment from climbing out through the hole and dropping the few feet to the ledge.
A Slither, a monster from my novel “Mentor”
Mentor: A science fantasy adventure, by J S Rowe
These reptilian predators were thought at first to be those that escaped from the BioSynth transport container that was delivering a shipment of designer DNA “snakes” to the Ancient Wonders Theme Park. That BioSynth container had been derailed by a small earthquake which opened up a large sinkhole that swallowed parts of two buildings as well as the part of the stasis tube that separated them. The container crashed through the tube and shattered itself on the ground, releasing it’s charges to the wilds. There were six “snakes” as they were dubbed, though no one had a description other than they would grow to be up to four feet long and eight to twelves inches in diameter. Thought to be engineered to be sterile, Ancient Wonders was sent another batch fresh from the Vats by way of compensation, and the lost snakes became no more than an entry in a ledger subtracting their cost in engineering and bio mass from the main stores and the profit and loss paras.
But as usual nature has its own commitment to keep regarding the viability of her creatures whether conjured through evolution itself or by the helpful hand of intelligent monkeys. Some how they did manage to breed, and along the way, grew legs and claws, four of them, and grew to a much larger size than predicted and spread themselves through out the Under City.
Under City inhabitants hunted them to keep their numbers down and found that their meat was very tasty as long as the creature was fully bled at its death, and as well, that it’s venom was a useful numbing agent for practical medical applications. Once a way was found to pierce the scales, those too were found to be useful for both ornamentation, and protective coverings.
The Slither prefers the darkness, hunting its prey by smell. The poison secreted from long sacs on either side of the head, paralyses the prey of the Slither instantly. Though it looks clumsy and somewhat comical, it is lightning fast and deadly. The unhinged jaw can open wide enough to swallow a fully grown Wamba bear, but it’s preference is for the tender flesh of babies and young humanoids, and any other smallish mammals.
Day 4: “French Vanilla”
“She stared up at the building with a trace of despair, a slip of paper in one hand and her purse in the other. The landlord had told her that it was a dreary building, but she was in no way prepared for the sight with which she was greeted. The paint was peeling from the window sills, the tiles were falling off the roof, and the numbers above the doors hung slightly askew.
She stepped back to the cafe on the other side of the street and ordered a coffee. As she drank, she looked at the paper she had with her. It promised an apartment with cheap rent and a street view. She didn’t really care about the rent or the state of the apartment, she just needed somewhere with her name on the letterbox. She wanted to get away from the world, away from overly curious people who cared about her and her life. Tomorrow, she would rent out another place, on the other side of town, under a completely different name.
Many people thought they knew her, but they only knew what she let them see of her. Each person came to know a different version of her. She learned to become like this out of necessity from a very young age, trusting nobody and expecting those around her to show the same level of mistrust.
She plucked a toothpick out of the canister on the table and chewed on it absent-mindedly.
She supposed that one day she would make friends again. She couldn’t live her whole life without
people, but for now she would give it a good shot.
Glancing at the clock on the wall of the cafe, she saw that she had five more minutes before she had to walk through those doors and become yet another version of herself. Hopefully, she would not have to keep this one up for long. She did not have the energy to do this much longer.
Standing up, she left her coffee untouched on the table. Carefully, she smoothed her dark blonde hair back under her hat and left the cafe.
Crossing over once again to stand front of the building, she looked at it with a different perspective. Perhaps this was indeed the wrong thing to do. No matter what though, it was necessary.
She took a deep breath and steeled herself before stepping through the doors.”
 Words: Lana, Art: Julian (Tosche)
#4 G.
G’s doesn’t like the term zombie. He doesn’t feed on human brains… exclusively. His master resurrected him from the dead to help with routine chores like, doing the laundry, baking peanut-butter cookies, or procuring human sacrifices.
Day 03: Eloa
Day 03: Eloa
She is a typical kid. Which means she is charming, adorable, and a jerk when she darn well feels like it.
Day 3 – Hayden Deshay
The next few posts of mine will be characters from one of my pet stories. I already have designs for the two main characters but only names for the others.
Hayden is the older sister of Camden, a brilliant alchemist and part-time historian. She behaves more like a mother figure as both of their parents have jobs that keep them away from home most of the time. She teaches fencing at a small school near her family’s estate. Their family isn’t wealthy,  but they were given a large house with an underground laboratory because the ruling party has their eye on Camden and his research and wanted him to nurture his intellect so he would join their ranks as an adult. Camden was a precocious child who created amazing things by combining magic and science even as everyone else was just getting a hold on their magic skills.
She’s always worrying about Camden and wishes he would stop spending so much time in his lab, believing teenagers should be more active, but ultimately she leaves him alone. Deep down she’s really proud of him.
Hayden herself admits to being something of a hopeless romantic, especially when compared to Camden’s technical mind.
#30Characters Chatter…