RSSCategory: WTF

#22 Frosty The Necro-Snowmancer

| November 29, 2012 | 0 Comments

There must have been some dark magic in that old silk hat they found… Building a better winter season one undead snowman at a time.


| November 28, 2012 | 0 Comments

trap…herp derp penis fly trap…

11/28/2012: Lumpy Holger, Mutant Bounty Hunter

| November 28, 2012 | 0 Comments

NAME: Lumpy Holger  SPECIES: Human (Mutated)  ORIGIN: Tunnelworld

Hailing from the surface wastes of Eden Prime (known colloquially as “Tunnelworld”), Lumpy suffers from a degenerative disease, a result of his prolonged exposure to the engineered mutagens plaguing his home environment. With little time left on the clock before he expires, Lumpy has come to nexus city seeking one last bounty.

Model designed in Sculptris and TinkerCAD (3d print pending)

#28 Yellow Lunar Seed

| November 28, 2012 | 0 Comments

Yellow Lunar Seed means business. He’s here to make the Moon green.

#28 T’Ganor

| November 28, 2012 | 0 Comments

Height: 6’9   Weight: 800 lbs.

Race: Naiodian

T’Ganor is a Naiodian and he’s here on earth so he can investigate it and inform his people if it is livable for them or not. Powers: process mental abilities, the ability of transform himself into any form he wants. Personality: Confident.


#28 Spirit Warrior

| November 28, 2012 | 0 Comments

#19 Mr. Earworm

| November 28, 2012 | 1 Comment

#19 Mr. Earworm

Auditory Innundation. That’s what they call it. And it’s Mr. Earworm’s specialty.

Basically, what ever music he’s listening to? It bangs around in his head, goes through a couple of filters until it becomes a nightmarish cacophony he can project it into the heads of others at whatever volume & intensity he wants. This makes the cassette in his walkman a mixtape of sheer terror. On it are such hits as:

Paula Cole


Los Del Rio

Sixpence None the Richer

The Goo Goo Dolls

Smash Mouth


Baha Men

And Many More

… all of which he can use as a weapon, torturing victims for leverage or driving them to insanity or even suicide.

Word has it, he got his start a morning zoo crew DJ, when a falling out with the station manager lead him to fall precariously onto a satellite dish. In a thunderstorm. During solar flares.

Now he’s got a bone to pick with society.


This was a sudden idea that came together pretty quickly, & I like the outcome. I’d imagine he’d probably be a villain in the same universe as the Annunciator. First, let me state that any resemblance to a certain character actor was at first unintentional (I was originally basing him on another actor entirely), but as the drawing progressed, it seemed to just make sense & didn’t shy away from the likeness either. That guy pulls good faces & his more manic/maniacal roles suit what I was going for with this guy in a way that felt really right. Secondly, it’s probably terrible of me, but if you were to ask me what superpower I’d want, this would be immediately behind telekinesis & teleportation. I probably wouldn’t want to drive people to the lengths of this character, but I listen to some annoying stuff & the idea of projecting that annoying music into the brain of some jerk that cut me off? I don’t know, I think that’d be pretty cool.

Some song’s come from the Aziz Ansari bit about the World’s Worst Mixtape.

Also, I hate the term “Earworm.” This is the first & last time I will ever say it.

11/27/2012: Aspect of Guaro, Vengeful Guardian Statue

| November 28, 2012 | 0 Comments

NAME: Aspect of Guaro  SPECIES: Magically Animated Statue  ORIGIN: Zuras

Created long ago by a powerful Agano mystic and set to watch over Khumu’s Wishing Stone for all of eternity, he has waited in the lightless treasure troves of the god of wealth, undisturbed…until now.

Model created in Sculptris and TinkerCAD (3d print pending….)


#16 & #17 Peanut & Rasmussen: IWF Tag Team Champions

| November 28, 2012 | 1 Comment

#16 & #17 Peanut & Rasmussen: IWF Tag Team Champions

While they may be a bit more unconventional than other pairings, the gruesome twosome of Peanut & Rasmussen have held the Infernal Wrestling Federation’s Tag Team Championship belts longer than any other competitors. The two were born to compete together, quite literally. While in the womb, Peanut (the hulking brute) tried to absorb his twin brother Rasmussen (the brains & horns of the operation), but Rasmussen proved to be a little too resilient.

Now, the two function as one unit, with the impish brother able to disappear & reappear at will anywhere along the other brother’s brutish frame.  In the ring, this leads to a multitude of diabolic double team situations, not to mention the occasional, well-calculated eye gouge, low blow, or even horn poke when the ref isn’t looking. None of the other teams in the company can stop them. The only thing that might bring about their downfall is their general dysfunction, as the two constantly bicker & argue.

Oh, & maybe Rasmussen’s rampant drug problem out of the ring, which concerns Peanut greatly.


Now you may look at this & be like “Really? Two characters? I think you’re just trying to get two characters out of this just so you can reach 30!” And you know what, you’d be right. Sue me. Originally, it was just the one guy. I wanted to make a wrestler but felt it needed to be more than just a wrestler, so I made him this kind of monster like dude as well: Hooray, monster wrestler. But as I started drawing him I thought “What if he’s so badass he’s World Champion AND World Tag Team Champ on his own? Or what if he’s like Master Blaster from Thunderdome? Or what if his partner was attached?” That somehow became, the partner swims through him where he’s needed & that’s how they’re tag team champs. The sledgehammer is a nod to Triple H, though retrospectively, probably pretty ineffective in a world of monster wrestling. Still I kept it in because I thought it was pretty good at establishing scale. I kept having issues with the skin tone but I’m pretty happy with the final result. Originally, I was trying different variations of dark grey but it kept blending in with the pants.

#20 Tony G. Block

| November 28, 2012 | 1 Comment

Tony G. Block is a Gelatinous… Block. He has an interesting ability to literally “block” the holographic projection and teleportation abilities of other puppets

Day 24: Dentula

| November 28, 2012 | 0 Comments

#23 Bear

| November 27, 2012 | 0 Comments

#24 Captain Potassium

| November 27, 2012 | 0 Comments

#27- Fluer

| November 27, 2012 | 0 Comments


#20 – Zola

| November 26, 2012 | 0 Comments

I wanted an idea, and my friend invented Zola – she’s with a band.
I think it’s playing chiptunes.

11/26/2012: Prince Amon, Child of Anubis Wanderer

| November 26, 2012 | 0 Comments

NAME: Amon  SPECIES: Child of Anubis  ORIGIN: High Realm of Anubis

Left stranded after his Cloud Skiff crashed in an alien universe, Prince Amon has wandered from world to world looking for a way home. As heir to the Guardian of the Underworld, Amon knows all to well that, should he die outside the realms of his gods, all five parts of his soul will be doomed to oblivion, the same fate that befalls the lesser beings among whom he now walks.

Model designed in Sculptris and TinkerCAD (3d print pending….)

#20 The Goo

| November 26, 2012 | 0 Comments

What are you gonna do when the “Goo” come for you?

Day 26: General Sapos Octanios

| November 26, 2012 | 0 Comments

General Sapos Octanios is clearly a madman. After the Playmobil war he caused the civil Legowar and although he was defeated, he’s still trying with his remaining troops to overthrow Legoland’s democracy and become his monarch! And to have money for that, he has made the biggest oil company, Octan, to finance him and provide him with troops and supplies!

11/25/2012: Delves-in-Shadows, Kainan Warlock

| November 26, 2012 | 0 Comments

NAME: Delves-in-Shadows  SPECIES: Kainan  ORIGIN: The World Strider

Delves-In-Shadows is one of the final twelve specimens of the mysterious, sorcererous species known as the Kainan. Watching from their spire-city on the back of the World Strider, the Kainan travel from world to world, devouring the life force of sapient beings and absorbing the secrets left seeping from their broken minds. Ever perfecting their black arts, the Kainan are unable to cast spells of the White Circle, suffering a near-debilitating fear of such magic.

Model designed in Sculptris and TinkerCAD (3d print pending….)

Day 23: Lord Cyberdile

| November 26, 2012 | 0 Comments

Squirrel Squad villian


| November 25, 2012 | 0 Comments

Day 25: Dr. Tentapous

| November 25, 2012 | 0 Comments

Dr.Tentapous used to be Doctor Chi Bush Desh and he was passioned with making artificial organs. After an accident caused not by default but by Enesos Poison, he was crippled so bad that begged Enesos to help him, and gave away all his research. Thus, Doctor Tentapous, as in Octopus but with 10 members. Enesos thought he had his perfect assistant, but his transformation was part of a plan and…well you see what has happened and now he is out there doing nasty things…


| November 25, 2012 | 0 Comments

 Sea Humonster, Mane Wyvern. When a mutated octopus slid it’s way into Mane’s cranium, it grew… more ways than one. It became him. During the final moments of Mane’s consciousness  the mutant assumed control and burst it’s tentacles out.  Some people who knew him could still see his facial features remain in the newly sculpted concoction.

#25 Chuckles

| November 25, 2012 | 0 Comments

#25 Dakskull

| November 25, 2012 | 0 Comments

Real name: Unknown

Height: 6’0   Weight:237 lbs.

Age: Unknown Race: Unknown

Nothing is known of the invisible force that is Dakskull. He is a force of evil that has the power to conquer anything that stands on his way and controls any situation.

Powers: Super strength, shooting blasts from his hands, etc.   Personality: Hungry for world domination, ambitious,etc.

#24- vesper

| November 25, 2012 | 0 Comments

vesper anthro


11/24/2012: Tihana Zoric, Human Secret Agent

| November 25, 2012 | 0 Comments

NAME: Jagoda Tihana Zoric  SPECIES: Human  ORIGIN: Earth (Croatia)

An Olympic swimmer for her home country of Croatia, Tihana also served her nation in a more covert fashion. In the midst of infiltrating a human trafficking ring in London, Tihana was abducted by a Voltraggi stealth vessel. Now, the Earth and its surrounding reality destroyed by a Universal Collapser, Tihana has been left without a home. Given a place within the Dominion, Tihana was now spies on Nexus City for the agency, keeping a keen eye on Circle-Tech in particular.

Model designed in Sculptris and TinkerCAD (3d print pending….)


Day 24: Enesos Poison

| November 24, 2012 | 0 Comments

There is good science, there is bad science and then there is…insanity!

Doctor Enesos used to be an academic doc that respected life more than anyone! One day all his life was ruined and his whole family & village burnt to the ground, during the Playmobil war. Since then, he rejected sanity of his vocabulary… The Living BRICK was only one of his abominations. The most dangerous was another unfortunate fellow doctor, Doctor Tentapous!

Day 23: The Living B.R.I.C.K.

| November 24, 2012 | 0 Comments

Thuck Nysteros was the assistant of the insane Doc named Enesos Poison. He was so fully loyal to him, that accepted to be the guinea pig for an experiment studying the possibilites of an actual merge of living and non-living things. That’s how Brotesque Recklessly Injected Cubic Kal was created. It’s a huge living brick containing Thuck’s soul. Utterly mindless and with absolutely no purpose in it’s life… The definition of a living brick.

#22 Cup Cakeula

| November 24, 2012 | 0 Comments

#24 Yellow Spectral Sun

| November 24, 2012 | 0 Comments

Yellow Spectral Sun speaks to me in ways that words can not describe. For now, she will say this, “I Dissolve in order to Enlighten releasing Life. I seal the matrix of universal Fire with the spectral tone of liberation.”