Category: WTF
Tiph Hunter – 30 Characters in 30 Days – Mayan Glyph SuperHeros
Completed!!! That is All!
(drawing 1 character a day for the month of November 2012 by following the Mayan Calendar for those days)
#30 Ms. Tortra
Real name: Unknown
Height: 5’11 Weight: 198 lbs.
Race: Caucasian
Ms. Tortra is a one of the city’s reputed criminals. She rules the city with an iron fist and has refuse to let go.
11/30/2012: Malithraxus, Void Dragon
NAME: Malithraxus  SPECIES: Dragon (Observer-Spawn) ORIGIN: ???
Spawned in the cosmic winds and seeded with an intelligence from beyond the Bulk, the cosmic dragon, Malithraxus was born to raze the pillars of reality and birth new life into its smoldering foundation. A being of pure magic, it soars aloft on vast, membranous wings, dripping with the scintillating colors of creation. Its claws and fangs rend through flesh and starship hulls with equal ease, casting those within screaming silently into the void. Its breath is the fire of chaos, giving new form to all that it touches. It is the harbinger of violent change. It has hears the voices of Nexus City, crying for a savior to release them from their prisons of biological and mechanical conformity.
Model designed in Sculptris and TinkerCAD (3d print pending….)
#30 – Hidden Temple
The Secret at the Center of Everything. It is both the dwelling place and the in-dweller. Simultaneously occupying all points in Unknown space. Carved out of dark matters. Bejeweled in souls. Synchronicity its cornerstone. It is always there but never found. The world is something can never be grasped, never be known, its foundations are illusory, but the temple — the hidden temple — resists entropy, dynamically becomes both the foundation and the structure upon it, a huge ever-growing pulsating brain that rules from the center of the Ultraworld. The world they have not told you about, that whispers in your ear at night, just before you go to sleep.
Where geometry is character. Position is personality. Density is destiny.
Here, Molly Megaton is remembered as the greatest of Space Generals. King Lonesome is always singing “Justine”. It whispers the future to Hoshimaru; it is the home of the real person Phone Tree Woman desperately seeks and will never find. It drives Old Man Clock Killer to search for justice; it lives in the advanced soul of General Mister Whiskerkins. It’s the new thing that awakens the Petrikin, and the source of the strange star-stone that gave Sacco Hammers his powers. It is the cradle of Edam Pu Eman, and the grave of the Man of Sorrows. It’s what John Triggerman dreams in the day; the White Devil‘s elusive Big Score that stays just out of reach. To Lumumba Sagan, it is communication frozen in space, eternal. It’s where Genzy looks when reading the Akashic Record, the memory of all the People of Earth; yet it holds no sustenance for the Hype Eater, coalesces into no style that can be bitten by Swagger Jackson.
Here, Ta’aru loses its disquiet, cooing as it sleeps behind the Hidden Temple’s eyes. The Mapper is sketching its contours in his notebook, in the spaces between his drawings, it’s dawning on him. It’s John Henry‘s crucible, continually re-spawning him for his endless crusade. It is the gateway to Ekthuul the Raiser‘s coveted ‘Steady State’. The origin point of Rosebud Juarez‘s magical wound. Here, the unutterably ancient creators of the Ambassador Engine find their rest, at last.  The code for sax-13‘s ‘x module’ lives here, and breathes, together with the forgotten persona of Gloria Vaines.
The 93rd wanders here, in conversation with his Holy Guardian Angel, unaware he passes in the presence of The Legendary‘s Book of Rhymes, where Skyclad’s hometown of Black Rock City lives the other 51 weeks of the year. It is Jen Prime‘s elusive concrete evidence of the Subjective. It is the one place Eschaton can never go, for it has no end.
Haven’t you seen it? It’s here, right now, even in this very room. You’re looking right at it.
It is thinking of you. It is thinking you. It is you, thinking.
The idols inside are carved with your face, your real face, the one from before you were born. Don’t you remember?
Characters 21-30/30 (Mission Complete!!)
21/30 – Amelia. She’s a ghost!
22/30 – Blech. Another WTF creature.
23/30 – Righteous Slaughter. A true founding father of this great nation.
24/30 – Avenging Pequot Warrior. In honor of the 700 massacred Pequot Native Americans.
25/30 – Slugger. He punches things. In space.
26/30 – Fluffy the Pirate. Named after one of my PAX Enforcer brothers, I mostly just wanted to draw a pirate with a Lemmy.
27/30 – Artslinger. This is the front turnaround for another contest, but I drew it in November, so whatever. Think having powers like Green Lantern, but through art supplies.
28/30 – The Scholar. Ended up looking like Gordon Freeman. Unintentional.
29/30 – Tengu. I didn’t draw any anthropomorphic creatures for this thing. Not my bag, really. Still, gotta cover all the bases.
30/30 – s133pDEAD! Okay, so it’s kind of a cop out, but I’m super stoked to have completed this challenge and also my beard deserves to be immortalized!
#30- Caterpede
And thus the challenge comes full circle. I seriously was just like.. what the hell would work for a celebration of monsters… Oh what the hell lets make the caterpital ‘human’. (and yes, I did come up with this today/this morning) lol.)
*she totally has two left feet on her last set of legs XD
11/29/2012: Prospero Banderas, Human Monster Hunter
NAME: Prospero Basilius Banderas  SPECIES: Human  ORIGIN: Earth
Part of the first wave of the Voltraggi Uplift, Prospero’s refuge vessel was assaulted by a strange, monstrous entity while travelling between branes. Though he and a few others survived the attack, his family wasn’t so lucky. As a result of the attack, Prospero suffered 3rd degree burns, scarring him for life. Rescued and nursed back to health by the Dominion, Prospero now hunts across the Multiverse for the beast that killed his wife and daughters.
Model designed in Sculptris and TinkerCAD (3d print pending….)
Day 26: The Dentok
I want to point out that I could have been lame and made seperate entries for each of these types of Dentok. But I lumped them together cuz I’m like that.
#24 Clem: The Human Turned Alien Via Evolution
Second grade girl explains space aliens:
#23 The Infamous Knife Stealing Sun
#29 Red Electric Serpent
Red Electric Serpent says, “I activate in order to survive, bonding instinct. I seal the store of life force with the electric tone of service. I am guided by the power of universal water.”
#29 Big Billy
Real name: Billy Gomez
Height: 6’3 Weight:289 lbs. Age:27
Race: HIspanic(Dominican)-Caucasian
Location: New York, NY
Billy at birth was a big boy. When he was born he was about 50 lbs. Now he is using his size and weight for the greater good as he becomes a force against crime.
Powers: None but possess super-strength. Personality: At times sarcastic, always able to help when needed.
#30Characters Chatter…