Category: WTF
2013 Post#6 — A French Unicorn
Wilcox Post#6 — A French Unicorn
I guess this falls understand both a “What If…” situation and a play on words. Enjoy.
Incidently, horses don’t usually smile; but I thought a unicorn probably could. 😉
#5 – Experimental Micro Killer Robot
An “experiment” in creating a series of small killer robots.  Each robot would have its own set of weapons, should the experiment be successful.  This one in particular, was rushed mid-production, and as a result he may would up being rather useless.  This one appears to have been recently activated.
Day 5: Andy Dandy- The Fly Guy
Andy Dandy likes to put his best foot forward… but the fact that he’s a mutant fly person seems to be standing in the way of his full potential… you could say that Andy’s kinda thick about that point… he doesn’t get what’s so obvious to everyone else… the fact that he throws up all over lunch before devouring it is just how business is done!
# 3 Ditto
Ditto is a mysterious character who operates on the fringe of the law. He has allegedly been seen at the scene of several jewel robberies and witnesses swear that he is able to split into two or more versions of himself and in some cases appearing behind a guard that had the drop on him and knocking the guard unconscious.
#2 Behemoth
Behemoth was born a mutant weighing in at seven foot six and near 500 pounds. highly recruited by Kristy Kelly who put together C.H.A.M.P.S and the Awesome 5!, Behemoth shunned the superhero spotlight and in fact tried procedures to reduce his stature which ironically made him stronger and turned his skin blue.
#1 Krank
Krank was just an average career criminal until he agreed to take part in an experiment because he was low on cash. What he was transformed into was a rampaging maniac with an addiction to pure electricity. Every few hours he must connect to a battery charger to renew his life force giving him superhuman strength for a short time.
day 4- Ysmin
Today’s monster girl is Ysmin the Golem. I realized after drawing her that she reminded me of the monster summon things from Persona. I left a couple of the thumbnails in this time too. If I could only afford my new scanner sooner, I wouldn’t have to deal with the nonsense that is that blur.
#04.) Morris Williamson
Morris Williamson is a man, a man who does not know exactly what he is. He’s not sure if he’s a mutated human, a strange new species, an alien, a scientific experiment gone wrong, or any other possibility. His lack of identity causes him great depression and confusion. Despite all this,he tries to do his best to achieve his goal in life- living a relatively normal, day-to-day life amongst other humans.
Day 4 – The Texas Twister
One thing I do not miss about Texas – having recently moved back to New Mexico where I grew up – is the annual threat of tornadoes. The tornado is like a villain from an Old West saga: you know it’s coming, it’s going to be devastating and your best bet is to hide no matter how brave and invulnerable you think you are. I’ve had plenty of close calls with real tornadoes (one almost took the roof off of my house) and this past year has been another test from a tornado of health problems for me. So, I think of this exercise as something of an exorcism: “just keep on moving and leave me alone, you’ve done enough damage already.” Sometimes all you can do is pick up the broken pieces, rebuild and move on.
Day 4 – Roxanne
Roxanne is a cosplay monster. She is basically the epitome of all things cosplay, good or bad. Below is a list of every item she is wearing from some fandom. They only item not from a fandom is her blue and green cloak, which she always wears.
Sailor Moon: boots
Lord of the Rings: Gandalf’s staff
The Little Mermaid: t-shirt and skirt
Harry Potter: Gryffindor tie
The Last Unicorn: Lady Amalthea’s hair
Supernatural: Demon Eyes
Star Wars: Zabrak Dathomirian Skin
2013 Challenge: Day 4- Morty, The Glib Reaper
“You came from nothing, you’re going to nothing…whad’ya lose?  Nothing!”
Morty is an oddly comforting final guide beyond the veil.
Day 3- UrtÄ—
So here is day 3- UrtÄ— the Reaper. I did some research on reapers and really liked the idea of the Baltic version. Here’s the wiki article on reapers I used.
Day 2- Roxana
Gosh darned internet and scanner went down yesterday when I got off from work. Finally getting things set up correctly again. Here is my sphinx! Roxana. I had to try really hard to not draw her like I draw my existing sphynxy-ladies XD
#2 – Emily, the grumpy little girl
Emily is a grumpy 9 year old girl who is very upset about something… but what?
#2 Homonculeye
The Homonculeye is a magical espionage tool of the grossest variety; through it a practitioner can remove their own eye, sending it on its way to places that they can not physically reach and via the dark magics see all that it can see.
Day 1: The Chicken You Would Not Eat
Character Concept by Josie Character Design by Jesse Kiefer
Okay this character was the result of a conversation my good friend had with his daughter… she told me “I’ll let you draw that!” I took it to be a challenge… so I did.
Dad: Josie, if chickens had heads that looked like a worm’s head would you still eat it?
Josie: No way! But I can think of something even worse?
Dad: What’s that?
Josie: What if chickens that had heads that were screaming, bloodthirsty clown heads? Would you still eat them dad?
Dad: Nope, I’d be too busy peeing my pants and I’m guessing petting zoos wouldn’t be very popular.
Dad: Josie
Josie: Yes dad?
Dad: You win.
Day 1- Ishtar
So here is monster girl number 1! Ishtar the Lammasu. To me, when researching this creature, I just kept seeing sphinxes. And since sphinxes are one of my fav creatures, and they’re on the list too, I opted to go with the bull body instead of the lion. She’s loosely based on a musk ox.
* Edit: gosh darnit… I typo’d my characters species on like every post and cross post. I’ll fix it in the morning…
#1 – Some Armored Jerk
This troublemaker likes running around in armor and getting into fights with whomever he sees.  It doesn’t help that he augmented himself with cybernetics specifically for being a jerk.
This man appears to be in his early to mid 20s.  Everyone assumes he has the brain of an adolescent, though.
#01 – Daddy’s Girl
Daddy had to go away for a while.
Daddy use to have fun on weekends.
Daddy wasn’t understood.
Daddy’s Girl will take care of things, while daddy is away…
The End( is Nigh)- 30 Charas in 30 Days
I’m not sure if I learned anything, but I do think I’ve improved upon my time management as well as trying to draw things I’m not comfortable with.
(lookie!! Hardly any girls!! lol)
J. James Final Characters
J. James 2012 – 30 Characters:
J. James 2011 – 30 Characters:
J. James McFarland graphic design friendly belligerent illustration professional modern relevant narrator story art cartooning homeland
#30Characters Chatter…