Category: Superhero
#30 – Bench Jockey (Alex Aronson)
Most people don’t have to try to be a superhero. They just are. Alex Aronson tried really, really, REALLY hard to be one.
And he’s terrible at it.
In all honesty, “terrible†is an unfair descriptor. He’s not wholly incompetent at being a hero, it’s just that there are a lot of people much, much, much better at it than he is. Better organized. More skillfull. More capable of remembering if they parked their car in front of a fire hydrant. Alex was once described in a newspaper profile of superheroes as “meaning wellâ€.
By all means, Alex isn’t a bad guy, and he’s kind of irrepressably positive about his position in life, even if he does find his never-ending string of robberies and crimes foiled by happenstance, accident or by someone else a bit frustrating. But when your only superpower is an advanced level of prestidigitation, there’s only so much you can do against a raging, 500-pound human behemoth.
Still, Alex is determined to be a hero, and rather than becoming a complete joke, he has gained a small retinue of dedicated fans, who see him as the everyman answer to the people streaking across the sky who don’t interact with day-to-day citizens anymore. He can’t jump over a building, has generally awful taste in almost everything, but he really does live the job, and believes a day spent working with children in need is just as good as stopping a robbery or a murder. He is a little deluded, sure, but he’s the kind of person who would show up to bail an acquaintance he’d just met once out of jail. He’s kind of embraced the nickname of “Bench Jockeyâ€, given to him by a much bigger, stronger superhero. No, he’s never going to stop a plane from crashing, but he’s still important, in his own way.
Tiph Hunter – 30 Characters in 30 Days – Mayan Glyph SuperHeros
Completed!!! That is All!
(drawing 1 character a day for the month of November 2012 by following the Mayan Calendar for those days)
#30 White Self-Existing World Bridger
White Self-Existing World Bridger says, ” I define in order to equalize, measuring oppurtunity. I seal the store of death with the self-existing tone of Form. I am guided by the power of spirit.”
Sa Sekhem Sahu
Day 30-Diaspora
Diaspora is powered by the belief of oppressed people everywhere. Whether by petty tyrants or entire governments Diaspora exists to give a voice to and defend those who cannot defend themselves. As long as he is around no group of people will be pushed around again.
Character #30: One Shot!
This is it- the last one. I made it across the finish line despite fighting all manner of technical issues and daily schedule obstacles. I have been able to do work on a project I had on hold. I created some more characters to go with other ideas bouncing around in my mind- all in all, this challenge has been good for me. And it has been great to see soooo many other ideas and ways of presenting them from such a range of artists and writers. Hopefully this thing only continues to get bigger each year!
Anyway, One Shot is an assassin. She carries the minimal gear her mission requires, and she is not concerned with being cute or subtle in “executing” the prime goal of her mission because she is expert at blending into different cultural groups and she knows all the tricks of dump-and-evade. Keeping a distance, from employers as well as targets, has been a strategy that has worked well for her over her career.
Black Ice- one cold villain!
Originally, I had a fiery, crucible type of character in mind for this, but when I reversed to b & w on the eyes he seemed a colder character. The contrast of black and white, and the harsh zig-zagging on his design just seemed to work from that point on. I apologize for the scan quality- the machine at work wants to turn scans into quicktime movies, so when you open the image it can’t be saved or converted. I had to do a screen capture, move that image into Publisher, resize, and convert to jpeg. Whew! The pains I go through for my art!
Day 30 | The Junior Partner
2012 – DAY 30
All characters are created by my 5 year-old son, The Junior Partner.  He has either drawn these characters on his own and I have recreated them here, or he has sat at my elbow dictating design and conceptual ideas like a creative, but frenetic, taskmaster.
This character was a surprise my co-conspirator.  Combining all of the characters and genres he likes this is a mystery-solving, trap-making, monster-fighting, time-travelling, crime fighter kid and his cyborg dog.
Characters 21-30/30 (Mission Complete!!)
21/30 – Amelia. She’s a ghost!
22/30 – Blech. Another WTF creature.
23/30 – Righteous Slaughter. A true founding father of this great nation.
24/30 – Avenging Pequot Warrior. In honor of the 700 massacred Pequot Native Americans.
25/30 – Slugger. He punches things. In space.
26/30 – Fluffy the Pirate. Named after one of my PAX Enforcer brothers, I mostly just wanted to draw a pirate with a Lemmy.
27/30 – Artslinger. This is the front turnaround for another contest, but I drew it in November, so whatever. Think having powers like Green Lantern, but through art supplies.
28/30 – The Scholar. Ended up looking like Gordon Freeman. Unintentional.
29/30 – Tengu. I didn’t draw any anthropomorphic creatures for this thing. Not my bag, really. Still, gotta cover all the bases.
30/30 – s133pDEAD! Okay, so it’s kind of a cop out, but I’m super stoked to have completed this challenge and also my beard deserves to be immortalized!
25. Jet Jones
I have no idea what my superhero craze has been lately! they just keep coming out of my sketches !
Anyway . . . here is Jet Jones! He’s very Fast!
#27 – Big Dreamer (Greg Wilborn)
Greg Wilborn was basically born wanting to be a cape. He dreamed of it since he was old enough to know what a superhero was, so the day he found out he actually did have superpowers was something of a achievement of a life’s dream for him. Greg found out, at hte age of just 10, that he was capable of creating finly focused waves of overpressure, capable of channeling the blast from pounds and pounds of explosives into a small area, with pinpoint control.
Surprisingly, Greg handled the sudden fame that came when news of his abilities spread quite well. His upper-middle-class family was well enough equipped to deal with the interest, the fawning media stories, the interest and offers for training from superhero collectives across the nation. Greg became a bit of a star for someone who was still years away from being able to legally use his powers to help others. However, adding to his legend, was his astonishing maturity. An absolute idealist, Greg genuinely wanted to use his ability and fame to help however he could, to dedicate his life to trying to make it better for others.
However, as Greg turned 18, and got his license to be a professional cape, his life suddenly turned. What had begun as an aching pain in his body had grown to something more severely painful. After just three months of professional work, a visit with a doctor confirmed the very worst, to him. His body simply was incapable of handling his powers, and their continued use was killing him, sucking strength from his body, rendering his bones brittle and weak, his immune system increasingly defenseless, and damaging his vital organs.
The news was absolutely crushing for Greg, however he put on a strong face for the public, only allowing himself to sink into teh crushing darkness and depression in private. News of his condition quickly became public, and Greg found himself besieged with well wishers on all sides, a development that quickly went from redeeming to frustrating, as people treated him like a fragile, helpless animal that only deserved pity.
Greg is still searching for his cure now, for something to let him live the life he feels he was born to. He still hasn’t “accepted†his seeming fate, and is determined to find a way to enjoy his life as he feels he should.
A man of rather immense size, Greg took the nickname “Big Dreamer†as a kid, a nod to his never-ending idealism and (now challenged) positivity, and because he refused to be defined as being solely about destructive power.
#29 Acrobatics
Not the greatest but thinking about doing my last drawing of the challenge tonight. Anyway sisters/acrobats that also act as superheroes part time.Â
#28 Andromeda Bishop
Another representative from the Andromeda galaxy for my Sci Fi comic in development.
#29 – Spider Lily
Spider Lily is a master trouble shooter and contortionist. Her small frame allows her to get into tight spaces and other places people wouldn’t look for her. She is very smart and has a masters degree in computer programing; however, she looks and sounds like a young girl and is often underestimated. She loves the color red and considers it a personal challenge to wear red where ever she goes. No one knows her true name, she is called Spider Lily because of the flower she uses as her calling card.
Characters 10-20/30
10/30 – Roxie the Racer Queen. Figured on some Mad Max post-apocalyptic type thing. I wanted to draw a squished up minibike, like Akira Toriyama would back in the day.
11/30 – Funcrusher Plus. Upgrade on Funcrusher, the 2.0 if you will. It was inevitable.
12/30 – Razorblade Romantic. Another character based off a memorable album title (HIM’s Razorblade Romance). Mostly, I just wanted to draw a dude with a pompadour and a razorblade.
13/30 – The Blind Boxer. This was the last one I’d done after a very long night, kinda copped out with a quick brush pen illustration. Blind Shaolin fighter.
14/30 – Clean-Up. After some lazy submissions, felt like doing some detail work on this one.
15/30 – Det. Robert Booker. Straight laced, no nonsense cop.
16/30 – Piggy Pig. Booker’s partner. Name’s how the criminal element in town refer to him.
17/30 – The Persistent Hunter. Undead cowboy bounty hunter.
18/30 – The Hermit. Wizened old ninja master hermit type.
19/30 – Grimace the Goblin. Another late night cop out.
20/30 – Riot Grrl. DIY vigilante heroine protecting her city.
Day 29-Loafer
After an accident a shoe store where he worked Jim McKenzie was transformed into a giant shoe. Now as the Loafer he patrols the city stamping out evil wherever he finds it.
#29 Big Billy
Real name: Billy Gomez
Height: 6’3 Weight:289 lbs. Age:27
Race: HIspanic(Dominican)-Caucasian
Location: New York, NY
Billy at birth was a big boy. When he was born he was about 50 lbs. Now he is using his size and weight for the greater good as he becomes a force against crime.
Powers: None but possess super-strength. Personality: At times sarcastic, always able to help when needed.
Day 29 | Storm Ranger
2012 – DAY 29
All characters are created by my 5 year-old son, The Junior Partner.  He has either drawn these characters on his own and I have recreated them here, or he has sat at my elbow dictating design and conceptual ideas like a creative, but frenetic, taskmaster.
One day while playing with his Nerf foam dart blasters, the Junior Partner started calling himself “Arhtur West, The Storm Ranger”. Â A Storm Ranger is a space faring adventurer who travels across vast distances to solve crimes and bring down intergalactic crime lords.
It is interesting to note that Arthur West evolved as a character.  The “Storm Ranger” aspect is forgotten and now Mr. West is the owner of a Burrito Restaurant who has a super powered truck that allows him to instantaneously travel back and forth to his farm to harvest fresh vegetables and meat as well as take care of his multitude of dogs.
#30Characters Chatter…