RSSCategory: Superhero


| November 1, 2010 | 8 Comments

Born with calcium deposits on his chin and forehead and with 2 club feet, Danny Bicornus took his problem to the playground of Muscle Beach where he’s known as RHINOR! He’s one bad dude with a big, bad temper (just don’t make fun of his jam pants)!

Sunday Jones

| November 1, 2010 | 0 Comments

Sunday Jones, in the guise of 'Knockout'
Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Sunday Jones. Yes, that’s her real name. Parents can be cruel sometimes. Sunday was mugged on the way to university one morning and woke to find herself in a world she could alter seemingly on a whim. All she has to do to make changes to the fundamental structures of reality is draw the effect she wants to have as a comic and upload it to the Internet. The effects are mostly permanent; only thing she can’t change for good is herself.

You see her here in the guise of ‘Knockout’, the superhero persona she often dons in order to fight crime. She has other guises, but this is the most common.

In terms of the art for this one, I’m mostly pleased with the overall look and the colour scheme. My major issue is with the general proportions, the legs and the feet. I’m going to have to really work hard at improving my ability to draw legs, that’s for certain. Still, with 29 more characters to go perhaps the last one will look vaguely like a human? Providing the last one is supposed to look like a human, that is.

#1 Frog Man

| November 1, 2010 | 3 Comments

Day #1 – Strobe

| November 1, 2010 | 5 Comments

The Light leads Right!


Strobe is a Science based hero, acquiring his powers when his space shuttle, Apollo-X was BOMBARDED by solar radiation during a MASSIVE solar flare storm.  The accident left the imperiled astronaut on the brink of death, but he SURVIVED and found his way back to earth to become one of its most beloved defenders!

#1. Xaphan

| November 1, 2010 | 7 Comments

Robert Xaphan was once human. One night he brought home what he thought was a beautiful woman, but what was in actuality a shape-shifting succubus. This particular species of succubus transfered its demonic curse via sexual intercourse, and the following night Robert regained consciosness to find himself transformed into a demon.

Because of his metamorphosis Xaphan has left his former life, and he now prowls the night, feeding on the life-force of those unfortunate enough to cross his path, all the while hoping that there exists some mystical means by which he might be cured. 

Powers: Flight, regeneration, strength, speed, agility, fiery breath

Limitations: If Xaphan does not absorb the life force of a human at least every three days, he will become significantly weak and die.

Xaphan (c) 2010 Michael Powell

#2 Propella

| November 1, 2010 | 4 Comments


If you laughed at the last drawing, wait until you see me draw women!

This one is really my wife’s brainchild. See, Michelle has this character in name, but never really fleshed it out. So, she begged me to bring her to life in the Challenge. This one’s for you, “Angel Food Face!”

Concept: Renee Santos is a typical teenager with a special talent; using telepathy, she can compel her hair to spin so fast, it enables her to fly.

Design: She’s a teen, so I wanted to avoid the greatest problem plaguing teen heroines; looking too sexy for their age. Think this is easy? Google “helicopter pilot” images and notice the two girls in their underwear.

As I just mentioned, I put Propella in a helicopter uniform, but made one adjustment, and cut the legs off, making them shorts. Superhero boots and knee guards (in case a pigeon flies into her, I guess) protect her lower half. I didn’t want to draw too much, since my art is awful, but she should be wearing a flight vest, or something visually similar as I’m thinking this would protect her vitals. Also wanted to put her in an old fighter pilot’s cap…the one that looks like a leather football helmet, but that might take away from the visual effect of her hair. Oh, and she’s intentionally small breasted to emphasize her age.

EDIT: Now with art by Dave Ryan!

Copyright © 2010, Vito Delsante.

#1 – Captain Composite

| November 1, 2010 | 2 Comments

Hockey players have abandoned the traditional lumber in favor of the modern, high-tech carbon composite stick. So has the pirate Captain Composite. A peg-leg no more! He is prone to head shots (wouldn’t you like to knock that bucket off his head?) and gets called for “hooking” penalties quite often. CapComp is great at pestering goalies as he “anchors” himself in front of the net. He appears to be in play-off mode at all times with that shaggy facial hair hanging off him.

#1 Radius

| November 1, 2010 | 0 Comments

Radius possesses the ability to “dip in to” the abilities of any other super in his vicinity and utilize those abilities as his own.  While not a hero and not a villain his abilities are in high demand and the man known as Radius enjoys the dollars they bring in quite a bit.

#1 Epic

| November 1, 2010 | 3 Comments

Not sure what all I am supposed to say here, but I’ll give it a little flavor.

No one knows Epic’s real name or if he’s even human, one thing is for sure, he is definitely a “super man”.  Virtually indestructible, super humanly strong, and can fly at great speeds.  He seems to have no weaknesses, BUT he does have one;  Oxygen.  That’s right, the air he “breathes” is very slowly weakening him, and will eventually kill him!  he doesn’t realize this, but if he spent more time away from our oxygen rich environment he might be MORE powerful, and live longer or possibly forever.

He feels all alone in the world, he feels no one can measure up to him, and this has made him aloof, cold, and seemingly uncaring for the troubles of mortals, and even “lesser” super-powered being (called Genetants).  While he does protect humanity (when the mood strikes him), he wants no fan fare or praise for it.  He seems to have little to no drive in life, other than just always being “epic”.

#1 Henry Shank

| November 1, 2010 | 0 Comments

Day 1: Captain Cavity

| November 1, 2010 | 5 Comments

#1 La Cucaracha

| November 1, 2010 | 4 Comments

La Cucaracha —- Carlos Jimenez is a middle aged out of shape and overweight divorcee garbage collector. One day while at the dumps and having his lunch a radioactive cockroach slips into his sandwich. One chomp later he gains the powers of the cockroach. Basically he is stubbornly persistant, takes one hell of a beating and keeps on going and occasionally wants to run and hide when a light switch is turned on.

I’m going to submit this to once the sequentials are done.

#1 Samurai-Girl

| November 1, 2010 | 3 Comments

Day #1
My first upload of the 30 characters for the month of November 2010. My intention is to create a new character on the daily basis. Always coming up with something new and keeping it in a tight pencil drawing format. I feel very comfortable with the pencil and maybe develop a character in the future in color for a story.
These illustrations are my creative ideas on the spot, without any planning of what I will draw tomorrow. I’m trying to keep it fresh and innovative.

Free the mind and let the pencil do all the work without any limitations. Kinda like jack Kerouac’s “On The Road”

#1 Red

| November 1, 2010 | 7 Comments

RED is the world’s greatest detective, and the only human capable of walking shoulder to shoulder as equals among the Gods, extraterrestrials, and androids that make up The Alliance, the world’s first and foremost super team.   Her civilian identity is one Alessandra Revere, daughter to a district attorney father and brain surgeon mother, one of the elite power couples on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.  That is, until they were murdered in their home while 7-year-old Alessandra hid under her bed.

Alessandra solved her first case at the age of nine, single handedly bringing to justice her parent’s killers, triggermen for an international organized crime cartel, when the cops and the Feds looked the other way.  By 13, she brought down the entire cartel, gaining her the attention of The Alliance, and joining them as their youngest member.

Possessing a brilliant analytical mind and natural athletic prowess, Red has mastered a number of martial arts, including Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Kung Fu, and Judo.  She also has advanced weapons training.

After the death of her ward Mae Thomas (also her sidekick, Crimson Kid) she renounced her civilian alter-ego entirely.  Alessandra Revere is no more…there is only Red.

RED is the character at the center of a graphic novel I’m itching to start working on.  High concept, it’s Agatha Christie’s “Ten Little Indians” meets The Justice League.  Essentially, it’s a superhero murder mystery, darker and more mature than some of the other stuff I’ve done.  I’ll be looking for artist to co-create this project sometime next year.

#1 – Blindsight

| November 1, 2010 | 4 Comments

Blindsight, of the Marginal MenThis is the first concept sketch for one of the three main characters of my new superhero title “Marginal Men”. I chose to participate here mainly to finally get myself to work on the story visually, and define the characters. This is the first one, although chronologically, he was invented second.

Tyson Reese grew up believing to be blind. Then, at 13 years old, he contracted a cataract, and darkened.

That was the day he first saw the sun rise.

Ty confided to his eye doctor, Dr. Helm, and together they found out that he had a unique mutation. Tyson had been born with a sort of active x-ray vision. His eyes were able to emit what Dr. Helm called “phased photons”, which could penetrate any matter, with one exception: if they went through matter that conventional photons – any form of light – were already passing through, there would be an interference, and Tysons’s vision could not see through.

That was why he had not been able to see: his vision was not able to pass his transparent pupil.

Tyson had to learn how to see completely anew, and realised the potential of his newfound power. Although he could not see like normal people (colour is still mostly a mystery to him), he understood that his vision was in most aspects far superior, after he had learned to control the depth of his vision.

Dr. Helm agreed to keep Tysons condition secret. He created a cover story about a new operation technique that had restored Tyson’s vision, and Tyson decided to use his power to heroic ends.

Since he could still not see through glass (mirrors appear black to him, windshields appear blackened out) he became a rescue firefighter, being able to see through thickest smoke effortlessly, in buildings where most of the windows had already burst from the heat. With a lot of protection from his captain who always suspected that something was odd about his eyes, but never doubted his heroic efforts and results, Tyson did ten years of service as a hero.

There was one problem though: he had to paint his gasmask black in order to be able to see and breathe. One day, he went into a burning building, trying to bring out a six-year-old boy, who had – by an odd coincidence – been terrorized by his alcoholic father with stories about the “bogeyman” who would come from burning hell and steal his face to replace his own, lost one.

The boy died, running from Tyson into the fire.

Tyson quit his job, devastated, altough he was cleared of any misconduct. But his heroic conviction still remained, and so he became a superhero, Blindsight, using his all-seeing eyes to follow criminals and find hidden evidence.

But when he tried to apply for membership in a renowned superhero group, he was sent away when they realized that he actually could not see through a common window, or tell how much milk was left inside a bottle without picking it up. They laughed about him, calling him “merely human” or a “limited power superhero”.

Frustrated, Blindsight began traveling the world and roaming the internet, searching for others like him: people with definitely superhuman powers, who were willing to use them for good. He founded what was to become known as “The Marginal Men”, a group of people caught between two worlds – not quite human, but not accepted as superhumans – and with “marginal” powers like himself.

Return tomorrow for: Xroma

#1 Gorilla Ghost

| November 1, 2010 | 10 Comments

I have to cop to getting this one from watching The League on FX. They kept saying, “ghost monkey,” and it stuck in my head. Hence, the Gorilla Ghost.

Quick run-down: Carl Rundy is our character’s name, and he’s possessed by the ghost of a recently deceased gorilla. Haven’t decided on hero or villain, but that might come organically from the design.

Design: The idea of a gorilla ghost is absurdly Silver Age, but that just means it’s fun. I see GG as being mostly human looking, so Carl is the focus of the design. He’s hunched over, with knuckles dragging and calloused over due to walking on them. He’s in varying stages of undress, due to the perceived uncomfortability that a gorilla would have wearing a man’s clothes. The other, major part of the design is the ghostly avatar of the gorilla that echoes his pose. The gorilla can’t be seen by anyone, save mystics, but he’s always there, influencing Carl’s every thought and movement. Carl doesn’t get any benefits from the possession, like gorilla strength or the ability to climb or anything…he’s just stuck with the ghost. Poor Carl!

By the way, I can’t draw at all, so you’re all going to have to deal with sketches like this for 30 days, so 😛 thhpppppt!

(PS – I’m doing these almost exclusively on my iPhone, so I will reformat the images at a later date)

EDIT: Artist, Danny Kelly, took a swing at GG!  See above!

Copyright © 2010, Vito Delsante.

#1 Baron Blacksoul

| November 1, 2010 | 9 Comments

Here is the first for the month! Drawn & colored in Photoshop; logo created in Illustrator. Don’t have much to add that’s not already in the graphic. Favorite parts are the boots and skull hilt of the sword. All comments & critiques welcome — Enjoy!


| November 1, 2010 | 1 Comment

Max Prism . The foremost expert in Light spectral energy and weaponry In the world. Maxx’s patented Helmet and gloves give him the power to manipulate the light spectrum so as to alter the reality of  his enemy within a limited area. Night vision ability superior to any military application and,Rapid light  heat intensity blasts   from his gloves. Maxx lives a relatively quiet life except for when evil corporations and military tyrants try to steal his technology for use of personal gain or conquest. When he’s not saving the world from Darkness he spends his time in his lab developing his technology or doing fieldwork for multiple charity organizations.

30 Characters Challenger: Igor Glushkin

| October 25, 2010 | 0 Comments

30 Characters Challenge: Igor Glushkin

Hi, I’m Igor Glushkin.

I’m a freelance graphic designer and currently working on the idea of blending fashion with my love for Star Wars.

Originally from NYC(Queens), now living in Columbus Ohio with my wife and expecting our first baby girl! YEAHHH!
I’m looking forward to the creative and fun way of sharing my ideas and characters created by me and everyone else participating in the 30 Characters Challenge.

My Interests: Films, coffee, Tom Waits music, drawing, reading, star wars and occasional self loathing… ha ha ha.

Link to samples of my work:
Find me on Twitter @igordesign23

Lets see what fun the month of November will bring.

Site Facelift and Lasers

| October 20, 2010 | 2 Comments

Just a little taste of the site to come. We’re still banging on pipes and whipping the hamsters behind the scenes, but it’ll all be gravy soon enough.

November is comin’ ‘atcha!