RSSCategory: Superhero

#3 Gothic

| November 3, 2010 | 2 Comments

Daphne Carter aka Gothic was plagued by nightmares all her life.  Her visions of murder, terror and monsters caused her great emotional stress.  She barely ever slept, and grew to be a quiet, introverted girl who was looked upon by her peers as a freak, or a weirdo.  Her grades were never very good, but when they hit bottom, her parents pulled her out of school, and tried to home school her.

One morning, her mother didn’t wake her for “school” and she was suddenly awoken by screaming.  She ran down the hall to the living room, and there in the center of the room were both her parents, lying dead, and covered with blood!  Over them stood a menacing figure wielding a bloody knife.  He turned and glared at her, she stood frozen with sheer terror.  He smiled, and in a horse voice said; “Now girl, it’s YOUR turn girl.”  With that, he dropped the knife and fled from the house, laughing.

Soon she was moved from foster home to foster home until she finally ran away from home and disappeared.  One night, she was walking down a dark alley still thinking about that gruesome scene in her home, and began to cry.  She collapsed near some trash cans and sobbed.  A couple of thugs spotted her and approached her.  Before the could do anything she looked up at them with a soulless glare and screamed for them to go away.  The two men laughed, but soon were overcome by sheer terror, and visions of nightmarish creatures.  The men ran away, and Daphne smiles through her tears, discovering she CAN stand up for herself.  She soon began to discover the lengths of her new found powers, and it dawned on her what the killer had meant by “It’s your turn now.”

Not sure what happened with my picture editing here, but it’s late so it had to go up (tried a bit different style).

#3 – Pigskin Hogschomp

| November 3, 2010 | 0 Comments

This little critter has an unusual shape, however has the ability to fly gracefully through the air. Pigskin possesses an unpredictable ground attack if dropped or left to bounce. He has a gnarly bite, which can cause a receiver to drop him instantly. Having a distinct dislike for Northern United States zoo animals, it is no wonder the Detroit Lions have yet to win a Super Bowl.

#2 Zarruk Xeon

| November 3, 2010 | 0 Comments

#2 Zarruk Xeon Last Survivor of Tanigor

Zarruk Xeon is the last survivor of the planet Tanigor. A world much like the earth in size and population. Tamigor was protected by a group of super heroes. Zarruk was among the most recognized and respected among them.

The planet was devastated by a Cyber Lord and his army of Foot Soldiers. Looking to expand his growing interstellar empire, this Cyber Lord invaded Tamigor. But this world was heavily populated with super beings who fought back. The battle rocked the entire planet. With heavy casualties on both sides. The planets heroes couldn’t withstand the Foot Soldiers larger numbers, up to billions. The world was eventually completely destroyed, with all life extinguished.

All life except Zarruk Xeon. It wasn’t his super strength, durability or flight that saved him. It was his ability to absorb energies. The energy staffs of the Foot Soldiers actually made him stronger. But not strong enough to save his world, his wife or his children. Zarruk Xeon is now stranded on a dead planet. Searching through the rubble for a way off it. His only driving force is to avenge all he has lost by the hands of the Cyber Lords.

Check out my other 30 Characters

Let’s be friends: Connect with me on my Blog and other sites!

#2. Atoman

| November 3, 2010 | 6 Comments

For my second entry in the 30 Characters challenge I went to the public domain, which I’ve done many times before in creating new characters. This is Atoman.

I made a few minor alterations to his costume to make him more “my” version, but for the most part I stayed true to his original 1940s design.

He was essentially a superman analogue whose powers were explained as being “the powers of the atom”. If I ever use him in one of my stories I’ll try to come up with something a little better than that. I thought about having him exposed to atomic radiation, triggering his latent metahuman abilities.  Or something like that.

Atoman (this version) (c) 2010 Michael Powell

#3 ballbuster

| November 3, 2010 | 3 Comments

women cry his name when they are in need of a real hero!
men cry his name in fear!
animals do not cry his name as they cannot speak!

Bob Ballson was a quality control worker at his father’s rubber ball manufacturing plant when a bolt of lightning struck a line of radioactive balls he was inspecting. Then BLAMMO! there he was, covered in balls!
Ballson has teh proportionate strength, speed, and endurance of a superball!

Day 2 – Odinson

| November 3, 2010 | 4 Comments

A warrior of true Viking lore - Odinson has taken on a quest to protect the mortal world after finding two enchanted blades, named after Odin’s ravens, Huginn and Muninn!  Imbued with superior strength and god-like tenacity for war!

#2 Metabolism

| November 3, 2010 | 5 Comments

Metabolism has been endowed with a hyper metabolism system that allows him to take on the physical properties of anything he eats – but only for about an hour or so. When faced with a gang of hoodlums, it’s not uncommon for Metabolism to chew up an entire street and lay them out like asphalt. The citizens still talk about the time he saved the New Year’s celebration by ingesting the Countdown Ball and flattening a group of terrorists with it.

Just… just don’t be around when he’s gotta… you know. Quick metabolism and all…

#3 trent

| November 3, 2010 | 0 Comments

trent and his computer link mobius. trents invincibility comes from a “twin” node. in essence he can only be killed in the same general space at the same time and the same way as the other node justifed individual. it doesnt mean he cant be put in extreme pain or cemented away for centuries

#3 Blowfish

| November 3, 2010 | 8 Comments

The Blowfish emits a neurotoxin through his razor sharp spines. If he puts enough pressure into his ‘puff’ he can expel the neurotoxin out of the spines into the air as fine mist! And YES, I revealed the name of another character to make his debut this month — the evil uberscientist, Professor Neutrino! (I’m feelin’ my inner Stan Lee taking over!) 🙂

#3 Shock Jock

| November 3, 2010 | 0 Comments

This concept narrowly edged out my footwear inspired character "Sock Jock".Radio DJ by night, superhero by day, Shock Jock may save your life with his electricity powers, but that doesn’t mean you will agree with any of the reprehensible filth he spouts on the airwaves!

In every sense of the word, he will shock you!

#3 Shadow Fox II

| November 3, 2010 | 0 Comments

Due to the comments on Shadow Fox, I decided to create Shadow Fox’s sidekick: Foxy. He’s currently the new Shadow Fox, and is frustrated with his predecessor for striving to continue his superheroic activities in his old age.

#3 The Black Fist

| November 2, 2010 | 0 Comments

One of the preexisting conditions I put on myself for the Challenge was, “Minimize the number of characters with colors in their names.” I could put the same condition on animal names, but I’m sure I’ll need a crutch by Entry 17.  At this rate, I’m predicting at least four characters with colors in their names, but let’s not jump ahead…

Black Fist is a re-imagining of a character I created waaay back in 1999 for, if I’m not mistaken, one of the first prototypes of what would be called, “webcomics.” We can argue this at a later date…

Concept: Xavier Exley is the world’s biggest movie star. A multiple award winner, the most sought after actor in the world, and cover boy of a dozen different magazines a week. He influences studios, heads of state, and millions of fans internationally. Think Brad Pitt or George Clooney. If he wanted to, he could probably propagate world peace, but he’s more concerned with world pieces.

Design: This is a lay-up. The best looking movie star in history. With one (fatal) flaw. Exley’s right hand is, by all appearances, dead, with a sort of necrosis that covers his entire hand. It is also the source of his power. Exley’s touch saps life energy at a slow rate, but if he punches you, he absorbs that energy at a greater rate. Don’t fight the Black Fist; you will die!

By the way, that’s not a goatee/beard on his chin…it’s a necktie that’s under his vest (or as Tony Lee would say, “waistcoat.”)

EDIT: Fellow 30 Characters Challenger, Greg Giordano (aka flameape), did the awesome Darwyn-esque version of Black Fist you see above.  He misnamed it, but I think we all know what he meant.  Thanks, Greg!  Check out his entries in the Challenge here!

Copyright © 2010, Vito Delsante.

#2 Tokusatsu

| November 2, 2010 | 8 Comments

When a young man finds an “interesting” belt buckle at a flea market, he  soon finds out it’s actually an advanced alien beacon that gives him the powers of the ancient universal enforcer Tokusatsu.  Now it’s up to him to protect the beacon from scheming agents while also using it to save the world from invading monsters!

#2 Rusty (Specimen 384)

| November 2, 2010 | 3 Comments

The year is 1942. Nazi scientists have created a virus that revives the dead as zombies! The Allies have managed to fight back! Finding a previously undiscovered genetic anomaly in hamsters that allow them resistance to the virus, allied scientists have a plan of their own. Hamster/man hybrids! Leading the pack is Specimen #384, aka Rusty. With his trusty shotgun Mathilde and hunting knife, he leads his half man, half rodent soldiers into the fight to take on the undead menace! The Nazis have released the strain into the small French town of Mortuaire. It’s up to Rusty and his chirping commandos to stop this village of the dead from becoming a PLANET OF THE DEAD! Battle on Rusty!

#2 – Manny

| November 2, 2010 | 1 Comment

“You saved my life last night.”

“Wish I hadn’t…” Manny grumbled into his beer.

“You didn’t give me a chance to thank you, not that I ever could.”

“Well don’t mention it, that’s fine for me.”

“Let me buy you a round!  Hey!”  The man waves down the bartender.  “Two cold ones for the hero here!  This man saved my life!”

Manny grits his teeth and downs the rest of his drink.  He slides off the barstool and scoops an arm around his new “friend”, pulling him toward the door.  “Hold those beers, Frank, I’ll be right back.”  he says with a motion of his hand.

The two step out into the cool autumn night.  The small town streets are quiet.  Manny leads the man around the corner of the building and releases him,  giving him a slight nudge towards the wall.  He turns his back to the man and shoves his hands into his jean pockets.  “Listen, kid.  I understand you are grateful.  What I did for you.  But… I… Look.  Just keep your mouth shut about me, ok?”

“I don’t understand… you’re a hero!”

Manny winces at the word.

“I saw what you did.  What you could do!  You’re special, you could… I dunno… save  people!  Save lives!  Change things!”

Manny turns to face the man.  “Oh, just like that?  That simple huh?”

The man shrugs.  “Well… no, not simple, I guess.  But you could, if you wanted to!  I believe that!”

“And if I didn’t?”


“What if I didn’t want all that.  What if… I couldn’t…?”

“But you’re unstoppable… how could you not?”

“I just can’t.”

“But I watched you–“

“I CAN’T!  I just… I can’t live up to that!  I can’t be that perfect hero!  What if I lose, huh?

Hell, WHAT IF I WIN?!  What if I save the day?  What then?  Then I’m famous.  A household name.  Everyone wants my help.  And what if I can’t help them?!”

“No one’s asking you to be perfect…”

“Aren’t they?!  They want a hero!  They EXPECT a hero!  What if I can’t be that hero?  It doesn’t always work the way you saw it.  I can’t WANT to do what I do…  Yet I have this talent.  This gift.  I can’t NOT want it!  I can’t keep it bottled in, to let it rot and eat at me… but I can’t face it.  That… that FEAR that I might win.  That I might rise to the top.  That I might become that great hero…

And that I might fall… I might lose it all because my sick sense of pride or perfection or..or FEAR… decided I couldn’t.

If this world really needs a hero… it can’t be me.  I just don’t deserve it.”

Just a concept I’ve been drumming about.  Sort of inspired by feelings about my work and that slump funk I find myself falling into more and more often these days.  Also just intrigued by the whole “flawed, would-be hero” angle.

Manny is just trying to be the average joe, working as a garbage man and keeping a low profile despite his super human strength and impenetrable skin.  In any other circumstance, this would lead to greatness.  However, Manny is a troubled man, plagued by hesitance and self doubt.  But that’s worked fine for him for the past 39 years.


| November 2, 2010 | 14 Comments

After a freak accident in the recording studio, Miami up-and-coming rapper BOOMBOX now lives up to his name. Laying down devastating beats, he loves his old skool hip hop and means to take back the streets from the GANGSTARS.

#2 American Dream

| November 2, 2010 | 4 Comments

The modern America: Obesity, Reality Television Stars, Gun Violence. This is a hero that represents the modern America. He’s fat, has his own reality tv cameras, and is obnoxious. Meet the American Dream! Captain America eat your heart out!

#2 Blindspot

| November 2, 2010 | 3 Comments

Dr. Miranda Rickover was a promising young scientist working in advanced materials and technology.  Miranda, however, is set up by a jealous fellow scientist and loses her job; worse, her research data is taken from her.  Distraught and broke, Miranda finds salvation from an unusual place–a secret organization that seeks to expose corporate greed and abuse.  Donning a “stealth suit” of her own design, Miranda now works to bring down a cabal of ruthless tycoons and politicians.  Yet she refuses to kill, instead using a combination of martial arts and a gun that fires strong pulses of light that can make her invisible to the target…literally disappearing into their blind spot, and striking before they can even react.

#2 The Kingmaker

| November 2, 2010 | 1 Comment

Robert Feldman is the most popular, most talked about, most widely loved man in the known world.

“Well isn’t this the bother,” proclaimed Robert. The prickly blades of the fraying rope poke and scratch at his throat like tiny needles as he tightens the perfectly tied noose.

Robert is dressed in a brown tweed suit his father once wore on a date with his mother back in Portland (an evening under the stars complete with crusty bread and a 1968 vintage red), their third. When on that night he had embraced her greedily and kissed her deeply, he had known she was the woman he would marry. After the pair fulfilled the “til death do us part” clause in their wedding vows, the musty suit was left to Robert, and he treasured it. He desired so earnestly to be like his father; loved unconditionally by another.

“Let’s carry on, then,” sighed Robert.

With a flick of a shin and the flash of a brown leather shoe against the fluorescent ceiling lights, Robert kicked out the dusty and skeletal wooden chair from beneath his feet. His previously cappuccino skin transformed into a cadaverous shade of white. His blue irises suddenly surrounded by red arching fingers, ravenously reaching for that central sapphire. Dangling there, jerking about, Robert’s mind wandered to the past.

Robert was known as The Kingmaker throughout the global media. Dubbed as such when but a touch from Robert would grant those tapped with euphoric extra-human capability lasting a full sixty minutes. Exactly was sort of capability was seemingly random and ranged anywhere from a humdrum extra pair of eyes to absolute omniscience.

Robert kept to himself as often as he could, but once word of this endowment spread there were entire countries of people looking to him for religious guidance. For leadership. For fleeting power. Grabbing, scratching, pinching, pushing, poking, punching, kissing, biting — wherever he would travel, someone would be there, looking for that lovely hour they felt so entitled to, without so much as an iota of remorse for the man they were slowly eroding.

He could take it no longer.

Now, dancing about unevenly like a marionette with all but a single string cut, he felt as vast a sadness as he had ever felt. Robert knew even if he were to live out his pitied existence, he’d never be his father, he would never had what he had. There would never be twinkling beacons above a true and passionate display, red with drink and fire. There would always be ulterior motives.

He felt gravity pull him down to the ground as he crumpled to the floor with a dense thud. Confused and grasping for the air he just now forsaken, he opened his eyes and saw them: his maniacal devotees. Robert, we could not let you do this to yourself, we love you they would say with transparent feeling. Not before we touch you, they would think with voracious avarice — just once.


#2 – Xroma of the Marginal Men

| November 2, 2010 | 5 Comments

This is the character that started it all. I’ve played her as Chroma in several online newsgroup-rpgs, and every time the super-team made her the leader after only two days. After a little bit of reconceptualising, she became Xroma (still pronounced Chroma, but spelled like the original Greek word, meaning colour).

Xroma is Sarah Bloemdahl (pronounced somewhat like Bloom-darl, which means “valley of flowers”) from Amsterdam, Netherlands. Sarah found out early in her life that she had the power to affect the light-reflecting and light-absorbing properties of exposed surfaces – colours. She kept it a secret, and used it to train herself in the arts.

Unfortunately, the colours she invokes don’t last, so her career as an artist was cut short by a harsh reality-check: nobody wanted paintings that faded after 8 hours. Sarah’s power can be maintained by shere concentration, but this will put her under an extreme strain. Objecte the size of a penny stay coloured for about 8 hours, but the colours fade instantly from a wall, if Sarah diverts her attention to somewhere else.

Sarah found out that she wanted to use her superpower for super-heroism, just because she was special, and specially gifted people should be heroes. Sarah trained herself to become a professional gymnast, and has participated in the Olympic games and various championships for the Netherlands, winning Olympic Bronze a few years ago. She has since started to teach gymnastics in order to pay her bills.

But at night, she dons a white iceskating suit and mirrored glasses, and fights street-level crime in the streets and subway of Amsterdam. Using her powers in unique ways like branding fugitive criminals with a glowing green X, blinding them by turning the outer layer of their eyes (or the tear fluid) black, or entering a camouflage mode, Sarah has earned the respect of the local authorities.

When her existance became public eventually, Sarah realised she needed a name. The letter X is hardly used in the Dutch language, so Sarah picked a fitting name that would make the X her very own. She became Xroma.

Xroma is a very light-hearted heroine, loves physical activities and full contact martial arts. Although fun-loving and cheerful, she is very determined about her heroics.

When she finds out about Blindsight’s quest for fellow heroes, she seeks him out and volunteers, even moves to the US, building up a new school for gymnastics there.

Being a foreigner, Sarah has a few quirks, especially her lousy English. Often, she will mix in Dutch words or entire sentences. Within the “Marginal Men”, Xroma is the field commander, since she is an exerienced combatant and master of improvisation. She’s also the one to cheer everyone up. The fact that underneath her mask she is quite pretty also helps keeping the male members of the team together.

Sarah is secretly in love with Blindsight, who in turn is also fond of her but refuses to admit it because of his constant fear to cause anybody harm. What fascinates Xroma most about Blindsight is his almost complete immunity to her powers. Blindsights x-ray-vision does not perceive colour in a normal way. Since Blindsight keeps the nature of his powers secret, Xroma constantly tries testing her powers on him, which she perceives as “flirting”.

Yesterday: Blindsight
Return tomorrow for Simulacrum

#2 Crackshot

| November 2, 2010 | 1 Comment

Bio- Arianna Fletcher aka Crackshot, is the daughter of another “famous” marksman Aswin Fletcher aka Bow.  Arianna was mostly raised in an eastern monestary where she did learn to be an excellent marksman with a bow, but after leaving at the age of 16 and moving back to the west she discovered guns.  Having little direction in life, she became a hit-woman, and an assassin for hire.  Taking the moniker “Crackshot” she became rather infamous, and sought after.

After years of assassin work, she was hired for the ultimate target, her father.  When she failed to kill him, and was caught by him (and one of his allies) he told her who and what she really is.  Aswin is a member of an immortal race of Genetants called Cruetalans, therefore she is half Cruetalan, and will live a VERY long time.  There people are born with unique abilities which for Arianna allowed her to excel at her profession.  He convinced her to stop taking of kill-for-hire work, and do something more “legitimate”.  So, she became a vigilante for justice, and helped the weak, and helpless from criminals of the world.

Before, Crackshot was sought after for her hit-woman abilities, now, when criminals hear the name Crackshot, they fill with dread, and know, she never gives up til her “job” is finished.

#2 – The Post

| November 2, 2010 | 0 Comments

Watch out for this stump. He’ll flip-flop on a friend in an instant. Sometimes he’ll save a goal, other times, he’ll help the puck get by the goalie. Don’t let a change of sport fool you. Post will show up in football and steal a field goal. He’ll show up in baseball and push a home run foul. He can be vertical, horizontal, red, white, yellow. The Post is very crafty. You can use him all you want, but NEVER TRUST THE POST!

#2 – Elephantitis Ed

| November 2, 2010 | 1 Comment

Elephantitis Ed is an older man, in his 60’s. He has HUGE BALLS.  HUGE.  They drag on the floor.  He also has a very large growth on his neck that appears to connect his shoulders to his face. His superpower is the ability to wield his testicles like a wrecking ball. 

This is one of five characters in a 3-page action/humor comic I wrote, called Terminally Super!, which is about four terminal patients wielding their illness-induced superpowers to save their hospital wing from the EVIL head nurse.

 Disclaimer:  I’m a writer… i can’t draw.

#2 Justice

| November 2, 2010 | 11 Comments

In 1971, a lunar geological expedition conducted by the crew of Apollo 15 uncovered a small vessel of unknown origin.  They brought it back to earth and after extensive testing, it was discovered to not be of lunar origin, but had landed on the Moon several centuries earlier.  Strange markings on the vessel proved to be a sort of alien padlock, which was eventually cracked by government cryptologists.

Inside the vessel was more than 100 vials of organic matter, more specifically male reproductive cells.  (Yup, we’re talkin’ alien sperm.)  Exhaustive testing was done on the bio-matter, and it was discovered to have the ability to fertilize any mammalian eggs, the resultant offspring of which would contain the look and appearance of mother cells, but fantastic and superior abilities.

After creating (sometimes with disasterous consequences) hybrid alien rats, dogs, and chimpanzees, they fertilized a human egg, which was brought to term by a female corporal.  Raised by the United States government, first as a convert military project, he eventually was allowed to go public as the super hero, Justice.

In a world of superpowered beings, Justice is by far the most powerful.  He has no known weakness, except vulnerability to beings that share his alien DNA.  The scar over his right eye, the lone blemish on his flawless physique, is a souvenir from stopping an escaped Tiger hybrid.

JUSTICE is one of the characters at the center of a graphic novel I’m itching to start working on.  High concept, it’s Agatha Christie’s “Ten Little Indians” meets The Justice League.  Essentially, it’s a superhero murder mystery, darker and more mature than some of the other stuff I’ve done.  I’ll be looking for artist to co-create this project sometime next year.

Clearly going for the Superman archetype, I wanted a very clean, iconic design, but modern.

#1 Foot Soldier of the Cyber Lords

| November 2, 2010 | 8 Comments

#1 Foot Soldier of the Cyber Lords

The Cyber Lords are a technological advanced species that destroyed their home planet in a “The Great War”. During the war they would take inhabitants from other planets to be their Foot Soldiers. Using wormhole technology allowed them to travel through time and space to gather their armies.

They would modify their new soldiers by wiping their minds and reprogramming them. These new mindless beings would be outfitted with specialized cybernetic enhancements. Giving them great speed, strength and agility. Their main weapon on the battle fields was an energy staff capable of leveling buildings. In the height of the war each Cyber Lord had billions of Foot Solders.

Seeing their world destroyed by the war the surviving Cyber Lords made a truce. They agreed to leave the planet and use their wormhole technology to travel the universe and start their own individual societies. Using their vast armies of Foot Soldiers the Cyber Lords traveled the cosmos and began conquering worlds.

Check out my other 30 Characters

Let’s be friends: Connect with me on my Blog and other sites!

#2 The All-American

| November 2, 2010 | 1 Comment

Realizing this must be an East Coast contest after I posted my 1st entry at 11pm Oregon time, it was already day 2 for you other contest goers. I hope I’m not disqualified or anything.  Either way, here’s a second post to make up for the bumble on my end. Enjoy!

Super Hero Andriod built by his father, the aged Super Hero; Mace.  The original All-American was killed (crushed underfoot by a giant Earth elemental) in battle.  Mace, the grieving father, was so emotionally destroyed that he went the distance and entered the annals of insanity by using his genius with technology and engineering to create this new “son”.

#1 Ra, Goddess of the Sun

| November 2, 2010 | 4 Comments

Ra. She believes she is the reincarnated ancient Egyptian God come to spread his grace for modern day man.  Not only does she have slight gender issues, she’s incredibly deadly.  She harness’ the powers of gravity which she mistakes for powers from the Sun.  Her gravatronic powers enable her to fly and create all sorts of mayhem.

#2 Shadow Fox

| November 2, 2010 | 6 Comments

Shadow Fox was a super-hero in his prime back during “The Great War”. We now find him in the ’70’s, refusing to give up his Super-Hero activities despite his lack of powers and advanced age. He still manages to do his part in the Super-Hero community, as he still has his razor sharp intellect, and amazing gadgets.

#2 BlockBoss

| November 2, 2010 | 4 Comments

I absolutely love ‘The Godfather‘ trilogy, ‘Goodfellas’, ‘The Sopranos’ and everything else mob related, so a mafia bad guy was just a natural direction for one of these guys. Kinda silly, with a wink to Hammerhead and Tony Montana. 🙂

Day 1~ Liley Elspacefe

| November 1, 2010 | 1 Comment

Liley Elsapacefe

This is Liley Elspacefe!   Liley is a narcoleptic and has special powers!  Whenever she falls asleep anything within a three mile radius also falls asleep!  This could potently be very dangerous thus she lives in Kenya with the Lions and Tigers because sleeping large kitty’s are wonderful!~

#1 Dan Slade is… The STEEL F.I.S.T.

| November 1, 2010 | 7 Comments

Just wanted to briefly say that I’m super-psyched for the 30CC!

I settled on a Public Domain Superhero called THE STEEL FIST for my 1st character. I love these public domain characters and I thought let’s give him a remodel.

Daniel Slade is an International playboy and gambler by day. He is also a commander and top agent of F.I.S.T.: a global secret agency dedicated to bringing high-tech justice to evildoers and crime syndicates who would undermine our shiny plastic democracies! Dan is seemingly felled by diabolical minions of DIRECTOR: GOLGOTHA and his JET HARPIES- crashing his private party jet into Mt. Vesuvius while attempting “The STARDUSTER IMPERATIVE”, saving Italy from destruction. F.I.S.T. technocrats save the near-dead Slade and rebuild him with the most futuristic limb/organ cloning and cyborg technology known in the year 1976! Now equipped with his Atomic-Steeloidinium Cyborgarm, and other improvements, Dan Slade is… The STEEL F.I.S.T.!