RSSCategory: Superhero

#6 Pax Mundi

| November 5, 2010 | 0 Comments

I’m going to go ahead and post my sixth (!) entry a day early because I have KingCon tomorrow (thank God for Hero Machine). If you’re around the Brooklyn/NYC area, please come out! I have a panel at 12:30 PM called “Collaboration Counseling” with a host of guests. Should be fun!

Ok, here’s my attempt at creating a team.

Concept: The idea here is a group that is so dedicated to peace, they are ready (and more than willing) to cross the line. Think of the small American militias but on a global scale. But these aren’t just religious zealots or NRA enthusiasts… Pax Mundi is a group comprised of many nations, beliefs and people from all walks of life. The difference between them and us is they are killers with a righteous cause.  I’ll be honest, I don’t know if they’re heroes or villains. It would really depend on who they were fighting. If this were Dungeons and Dragons, they’d be “chaotic good” with the exception of being disorganized. They exist purely for the sake of world peace and creating Utopia.

Design: The two colors that dominate their uniforms are white and a light blue (powder or baby are good hues). They are comprised of different “jobs,” like GI Joe, different specialties. You have a paramilitary branch, an administrative branch (political lobbyists, etc), and, to put it bluntly, the average Joe that signs up because he/she believes in the cause.

Art by Uriel Duran!

I’d probably add an Earth logo with a peace symbol super-imposed over it (similar to this) with a lightning bolt behind it as their logo.

Copyright © 2010, Vito Delsante.

#5 Jennifer “Lady JayJay” Ardor

| November 5, 2010 | 1 Comment

Jennifer Ardor is an 8 year old diva.  She considers herself a triple threat-  sing, act, dance- all she needs is a stage or a camera and she’s good to go. Her latest persona is “Lady JayJay.”  Her mom, Mrs. Ardor, a best-selling author on child-rearing, tolerates her eccentricities and fashion sense…to a point.  She had to draw the line when she found Lady Jay sewing together pieces of bologna to make her own “meat dress” after watching a clip from the VMAs on YouTube.

Little does Jenny Ardor know, she’s not the only member of the household who has an alter ego and wears a costume.  Her big brother Eric…yeah, he’s a superhero.

Fleshing out the supporting characters in EPIC, the superteen comic I’m working on with fellow 30 Characters Challenger Matt Zolman.  Our main character has a large and colorful nuclear family, something I’m trying to have some fun with.  “Lady Jay Jay” is an example of that.  Check out the EPIC website for more on the comic.

TOKAN, despot of Mars

| November 5, 2010 | 0 Comments

Tokan is taken from the names of Alex TOth and Gil KANe. I wanted to do a robot character, and when I drew the face it had a 1950s look to it, so I ran with that. Since he’s a robot I’d blow off one hand so I wouldn’t have to draw it, which gave me the idea to render him as a sort of “Silver-Age Terminator.” Yeah, sure saved a lot of time creating custom Illustrator brushes for the wires, sparks and smoke. *smacks forehead* I hope you like it! 🙂

#2. Soul Sister

| November 5, 2010 | 1 Comment
Soul Sister

Voodoo Super-Killer Extraordinaire

Ayesha St. Croix only ever wanted to be like her big sister Ayana. Like her late mother before her, Ayana was chosen to lead her close-knit Haitian village as the High Priestess, and was gifted with her mother’s mystical abilities. Ayesha was always jealous of the favored Ayana, and struck a deal with a demon to take her sister’s powers for herself. The pact worked—Ayesha gained mastery over the living and the dead, as well as intimate knowledge of universal secrets. The transfer also happened to kill Ayana, which Ayesha had hoped to avoid. She is now forever haunted by her actions, and the voices of the dead will never let her rest. She now travels the globe, seeking redemption for her sins and meting out the judgment of the wicked.

But it’s not all misery and torment–Ayesha now possesses some powerful abilities. She is able to sense the supernatural, from demons and ghosts to the auras of a person’s soul. She can speak to the dead (and undead) and bid them to do as she commands. Her hellfire bolts are effective against living enemies, but her rather large and jagged knife is pretty effective, too.

#4 Lionaire

| November 5, 2010 | 0 Comments

Lionaire: Is it the suit, or the man who wears it?  Regardless, Iif you see him over your shoulder then its all ready too late.  You can’t run fast enough, fight hard enough, or locate a local exotic enough to out maneuver Lionaire.  To him your a paycheck, and he never misses.

Lionaire is heavily influenced by a particular DC Comics Character, any ideas who that is?

#3 “Crazy” Jim Cox

| November 5, 2010 | 0 Comments

“Crazy” Jim has an outward appearance that one would think typical of his profession. He’s got a large build, with broad shoulders and powerful arms, but a large, round belly. He wears his blond hair long and tied back into a ponytail. He’s typically wearing a beaten flannel shirt without sleeves and a ball cap.

Jim’s pride and joy is Sasha, his ultra-customized semi. He’s customized everything about the truck, from the police scanner in his radio, to the heavy armor plating of his trailer, to the massive, personally customized engine under the hood. Some other modifications include puncture-resistant tires, the electrified skin of the trailer, and a number of traditional chase movie options. Oil slicks, caltrops, smokescreens, things like that.
One other piece of equipment is a high-powered handgun stored in the glove box of his truck, for those situations when things get a little hairy.

“Crazy” Jim is not actually crazy, though there are some to debate that. He enjoys risks and loves the thrill of speed. Of course, he’s rational enough to realize when those things put his current job in danger. He’s quiet and withdrawn, rather businesslike, though if you can get him to start, he’ll tell you the craziest stories you’ve ever heard. Tales of government agencies and experiments, conspiracies and cover-ups.

Jim was born in the south, though he doesn’t really talk much about his childhood. To those who know him, it would seem his life started in the army. The truth is he doesn’t speak of his childhood because he was an orphan. He grew up in a terrible orphanage and as soon as he was old enough, he joined the army. That was where what could be called a ‘life’ started.

He served in the army for ten years, getting very good at his job. He was a transporter, delivering weapons, ammo, supplies, and heavy equipment to the front lines though dangerous territory. He earned a number of awards for skill and bravery in performing his tasks. Eventually, he was recruited from the army into a secretive branch known as the Post Office. That’s what the cover was, at least. They were the ones you called when it absolutely HAD to get there. Maximum security. Top secret. Those two never go together. Since you couldn’t just drive whatever it was in a camouflage convoy or a limo full of black suits and expect it to go unnoticed, they went the other way, hiding the materials in plain sight.

Jim drove for the Post Office for another ten years, a good soldier, transporting whatever was asked of him and asking no questions. But on one long trip, he glimpsed into the back, thinking he heard something loose. What he found was indeed an ‘experimental organism’ like they told him, but they had failed to elaborate that, strapped down in his trailer, was a fifteen-foot-tall woman. And what a woman at that! She was beautiful! He quickly untied her and she told him her story. She was a small-town beauty queen. When she was offered a career in modeling in the big city, she took it. But they took her, instead. Then ensued the usual for this sort of story, experimentation, parents given a tragic accident story, and finally culminated in her being loaded into this truck to be moved to a research station in the desert.

Jim may have been a good soldier, but this offended every one of his sensibilities as a man. He tore the tracker units out of his truck and drove for days, vanishing into the myriad interstates and rest stops, hiding in plain sight. Eventually, once the heat was off, he and Zoe (that was her name) drove into the desert, found a nice, secluded canyon and set up something that resembled a home for the two of them.

Now, Jim drives mercenary, transporting the exotic, the dangerous, the illegal and the important to whoever can pay for it. The Post Office still hunts him, trying to catch his bride and bring Jim in, but he’s ready for them, and he‘s not giving up without a fight.

Jim just wants to live a quiet life in the Canyon with Zoe. But he can’t quit working, he needs to make money to put food on the table and gas in the tank. So, he lives’ the trucker’s life, only able to see his dear wife every few weeks.

Jim’s main fear is that he’ll pull into the canyon someday and he’ll just find Zoe gone. Or, even worse, he’ll lead the Post Office back to the canyon and it’ll be his fault.

Jim’s got a lot of secrets, including his work for the Post Office, the fact that he’s married to a fifteen-foot blond bombshell, the location of the canyon…

#5 War-Maker

| November 5, 2010 | 0 Comments

This is another retooling (I’ll probably have a few of these) of a past project. This one, however, didn’t start as a creator owned project, but a pitch for DC Comics’ Peacemaker.

Concept: WM is to war what DC’s Major Disaster is to chaos (the two are almost synonymous). WM can, with ease, sow discord among any two people, whether they disagree on something or not. For instance, he knows exactly what to say to break to people up, but further than that, he knows exactly where to place a pebble that can cause an international incident. He can create conflict from a personal to galactic level.

Design: The first thing I wanted was a symbol, one that would contrast the Peacemaker’s dove. WM has a crow/raven, a bird that is associated with war in Celtic, Native American, and to a small degree, Norse myths. I like the idea of a t-shirt (which lends itself to branding) as his costume. The rest is modern military, even the bandanna. I can’t remember who said it, but someone brought up the fact that while WW2 inspired the creation of many heroes, the Gulf Wars didn’t. I see WM as a vet of both Gulf Wars, and as a companion to the character I created with Dean Trippe, the Red Cross.

So, as you can see, I did an initial drawing that…has elements I wanted to represent (the bandanna, the backpack), but my abilities, as limited as they are, just couldn’t swing it.

Art by Uriel Duran!

Copyright © 2010, Vito Delsante.

#3. Hercules

| November 5, 2010 | 2 Comments

For tonight’s posting I decided to create my own version of the Greek demigod, Hercules (seen here wearing the Nemian lion skin).  Time was limited, so I went with a simple headshot with some quick digital airbrushing added over the pencils. Enjoy!

#5 – Sidh

| November 5, 2010 | 0 Comments

It never fails. I always end up being influenced by Lovecraft. Characters that have to deal with their own mental instability and inner demons as well as physical monstrosities are very interesting to me.

Sidh is a character from my book entitled; “Full Black”.  Sidh is an inhabitant from deep below the surface crust of Earth. His purpose is to warn the remaining people that live on the surface of the impending destruction in the form of the great ancient ones which destroyed and enslaved his people.

I did the layouts and drawing and character creation here and my good friend JME Wheeler did the colors. I love what Jme did with the ghosts.  Made me very happy!

Copyrights Ethan A. Slayton and Jme Wheeler 2010 yadda yadda yadda, yakkity smackity!

#5 Cave-Man

| November 5, 2010 | 5 Comments

This Grog. Grog see Krunk try to smash Ook Ook. Grog put on costume and smash Krunk. Grog now “Cave-Man”.

#4 Dead Alien Supersoldier

| November 4, 2010 | 0 Comments

I don’t have much on this guy.  Wanted to draw a dead alien super soldier and this is what I came up with.  Not sure if I’ll use him for my webcomic.

#4 Vapor

| November 4, 2010 | 2 Comments

Only had an hour to get this one out tonight. Had a hell of a day. Will redeem myself tomorrow.

When Melissa Gomez visits Ireland on a singles tour, she got more than she bargained for. While singing near standing stones and ancient spirit was entranced by her voice and bonded with her, giving her the power to turn into fog. In order to get rid of him, she must complete five trials of bravery in her home city. After her first two trials the papers label her as “Vapor” and a reluctant hero is born. Melissa is beginning to enjoy the feeling of doing good, but how can she put off the inevitable end of their partnership?

#4 – The Saint

| November 4, 2010 | 0 Comments

Being dead is like being alive...only deader! Lol!


A gangster with a heart of gold, The Saint was given a chance by the Powers That Be, to atone for his sins in the mortal world by being a good sheperd to lost souls!  Retaining his natural charm (who says you can’t take it with you), and a new ethereal and pliable body, The Saint tries to earn his way into heaven, one soul at a time!

#4 Witch

| November 4, 2010 | 0 Comments

This is just a concept I came up with for a sort of modern witch (wiccan).

No special story (sorry).

#4 Deadlock

| November 4, 2010 | 3 Comments

Deadlock was a weapons designer for the US government. When the economy crashed he was given the pink slip. He has a history of depression, bi-polar disorder and manic episodes, but once he lost his job he had a major breakdown. He’s now a crazy anti-government recluse. He has a genius intellect, an advanced knowledge of weapons manufacturing and an agenda. He’s a very dangerous man.

#4 The Raven

| November 4, 2010 | 2 Comments

A remodel – . He and some others of his ilk are going to be in a book my writing partner and I want to do soon.

#3 El Presidente Magnífico

| November 4, 2010 | 4 Comments

El Presidente Magnifico demonstrating the Checks & Balance Neckbreaker

Forty one years ago, a renowned champion luchador known to the public only as El Lobo Loco was booked on his first tour north of the Rio Grande, along the border states. Leaving his native Mexico for the first time in his life, he took this tour very seriously, despite the fact that his young wife was extremely close to giving birth to their first son. So it was decided that she would come along as the young Luchador went to make a name for himself to audiences abroad.

Soon after, El Lobo found himself outside of Nogales, on the Arizona side, fighting a tyrannic trio of tiny wrestlers known as El Totem. It was there where his young wife suddenly went into labor. But the nearest hospital was hours away, & the hall was very dimly lit. Except of course, the center of the ring. And it was there that the child was born.

After the tour was finished, the new family returned home. Years past, & it became quite clear that the child was to follow in the footsteps of his father & his father’s father, & walk the mighty path of the Luchador. His training began at a very early age. The child lived, ate, & breathed Lucha Libre. It was all he knew. Upon coming of age, he was awarded his own mask & set out on his own. He started wrestling under the moniker El Lobo Loco Jr. in tribute to his old man, El Lobo Loco Sr. who at this time, was one of the preeminent wrestlers in all of Mexico, appearing not only in the ring up to five times a week, but even starring in his own film serials & endorsing a full line of toothpastes.

Nepotism was never part of El Lobo Jr’s path to glory. He fought long, & he fought hard. Cage Matches. Ladder Matches. Sudden Death Kerosene Heater Matches with thumbtacks. It was hard to say El Lobo Jr didn’t pay his dues. And finally, on that long & hard road, recognition slowly started to come his way. He worked his way up the ranks to become a headliner, selling out shows all over Mexico. A star on the rise.

This all culminated in what some deem the greatest Lucha Libre match up of all time: El Lobo Loco Jr. challenging El Lobo Loco Sr. for the World Title in Mexico City 1994. Both men shed manly tears of both pride & joy throughout the contentious match up. But at the end of the day, only one luchador could come out on top. And four hours later, that luchador was El Lobo Loco Jr. His father not only presented him with his belt personally, but promptly retired, calling it the pinnacle of his storied career. And upon his leave, announced to millions of fans that his son was no longer El Lobo Loco Jr. but the new & future El Lobo Loco!

Adopting his father’s persona, his stardom only grew, as he branched out & only surpassed the original Lobo’s success. But still, he only knew the life of a luchador. And over time, that life starts to take its toll.

In recent years, it had started to become apparent that El Lobo Loco was in the twilight of his career. Unlike his father, his pace was not steady & he was soon to burnout. Fans were becoming bored of him. Things weren’t looking so good. With waning interest in the one time great, Lobo’s promoters decided to play up Lobo’s dual citizenship status in a gimmick storyline where El Lobo Loco ran for President of the United States during each of their shows. And everyone was willing to play along. For a month or so, Lobo’s entrance music (which around this time had just been changed to the licensed “The Wolf is Loose” by Mastodon) was traded out for Hail to the Chief. As he walked down the ramp, he’d pass out buttons & kiss a (planted) baby or two. Since running for office requires a lot of paperwork, a stipulation to one of his matches at this time forced his defeated opponent had to fill out these extensive records in triplicate. But it was all part of the show. The gimmick had fair to middling success for most viewers & started a slow, but steady resurgence amongst Lobo’s fan base.

Time passed & wrestling storylines moved on. A year later, campaign season, this publicity stunt was nearly forgotten. But somehow, some way, without any knowledge to him, El Lobo Loco’s named appeared on the ballots across each of the 50 states. And it just so happened that this election cycle, most of the usual voters were jaded to the point of extreme apathy. And while only a fraction of the size of his fan base in Mexico, apparently polls reported very high numbers of El Lobo Loco fans, shocked & yet overjoyed that their one time hero was actually on the ballot.

As polls were closing, Lobo was in the middle 0f a brutal no-holds barred match against his long time rival Dr. Dolor for his Undisputed World Title in Guadalajara. Suddenly, the phone rang, & the message was passed up the ranks & told to the referee & the ring announcers, who hastily stopped the match & declared El Lobo Loco the new president elect of the United States. The wrestler, having only known wrestling & only wrestling all his life, was in a state of shock.

His citizenship was viciously contested by the opposition & the press. Rigged ballots & international conspiracies came into question. But everything checked out & that following January 20th, before a record crowd gathered on the lawn of the National Mall in Washington, the hapless wrestler prepared to be sworn in. It was on that day that El Lobo Loco traded in his wolf mask for the stars & stripes. The decision was heartbreaking, but fully supported by his father (who would go on to resume the mantle of El Lobo Loco). From that day forward, the child that was born in that wrestling ring in Nogales, Arizona all those years ago would be known only as El Presidente Magnifico, America’s First Luchador President!

Still, many wonder how this could ever happen. Some say El Lobo Loco Sr. is secretly behind his son’s meteoric rise into the world of politics, & may have some ulterior motives in play. No one can be sure if his schemes are nefarious or not, but nothing’s been able to be proven.

Some thought his former in-ring demeanor meant an aggressive foreign policy, but it has so far been stern, but fair. It’s become customary for other foreign dignitaries to pose with him while attempting to flex, actually. Opinion polls among the public put him in very high regard. This may be on account of his micro-management approach, where he pounds the pavement, meets people & tries to solve each of their problems on a one to one basis. Some say it’s something that couldn’t be done. Presidente responds (in Spanish of course, his English is at present, still very weak) “Perhaps for a mere man. But I am a Luchador!” And while he may in fact hold the highest position in the land, very little is known about El Presidente’s true identity.

#4 God’s Gift

| November 4, 2010 | 2 Comments

Herpy “Allen” Dickman is the all around cool party guy you ladies have been begging for!

Losers need not apply.

Allen is ready to pah-tay with you ladies all the night long.
And he means long.

#4 – Chrys “la” Crosse

| November 4, 2010 | 1 Comment

Chrys Crosse attends Florida University on a lacrosse scholarship by day and fights crime by night. Armed with a mini-catapult, a backpack full of Indian Rubber balls and Olympic Track speed, she easily takes down the criminals of Northern Florida. As the crime rate dips, something eerie and strange is brewing in the Everglades…. Will Chrys be able to up her  game to defend her school?

#4 The Phantom Shadow

| November 4, 2010 | 4 Comments

Yeah, this one is silly. But probably no sillier than anything else I’ve come up with as an inside joke.

This idea came from looking at one of the back issue cases at Jim Hanley’s Universe and seeing an issue of The Phantom next to an issue of The Shadow and blurring the words together.

Concept: While I’d love to do this as a straight pulp from the 30’s and set it then, I really want to push the expectations of pulp, and set it today, like Brubaker & Phillips’ Incognito.

Design: I’m going to keep some pulp tropes; the hat, the mask, and, like his namesake, a scarf, but what we’re looking at…what my intent is…is a hipster as a pulp hero. Tight v-neck sweater, black jeans, Converse All-Stars, black leather gloves and a fedora. Domino mask combined with the shadow of his hat combine to obscure his eyes entirely. The scarf is an odd-ball element. I wanted something that emulated a cape, but had that element of pulp mystery. I like the idea of his sweater and scarf being somewhat malleable after a fashion. What I mean is, the sweater won’t always be black, but gray, navy, crimson or forest green…dark colors. Likewise, the scarf will always be dark, but could have patterns. Theoretically, I’m pushing the idea of shape as costume, where his silhouette would play a role as identifier.

Note: My limitations as an artist are really starting to come to the surface. This one took four tries before I saw the character in what I was drawing, and I’m still not 100% happy with it. Furthermore, he should be wearing a black raincoat (not a trenchcoat), but again, I have limits to what my pen can represent on a page.

EDIT: Now with art by my bud, Attila Adorjany!  See above!

EDIT 2: Check out Danny Kelly‘s version!:

Copyright © 2010, Vito Delsante.

Danny Kelly - The Phantom Shadow

#4 – Nevermind

| November 4, 2010 | 3 Comments

Douglas Carlin had it all.

In Highschool, he became an athlete at the peak of human fortitude, excelling in boxing, wrestling and football as linebacker.

His IQ developed beyond the scale of common tests, through intense training, meditation and self-disciplining. In the opinion of his classmates, he bordered a demigod.

Then he crossed the border. When trying to push his mind beyond the limit of human comprehension, suddenly something snapped in his brain and unlocked access to a cerebral area that enabled Doug to transcend his own mind an enter that of others. He became a telepath, capable of planting words in the mind of others, and reading surface thoughts (those you form before speaking).

He grew obsessed with this newfound power,  tossing aside all other accomplishments, and became a psychologist, achieving his doctorate by the age of 24.

He grew discontent when he realised that there was a definite limit to his power. He could influence people, even control their actions, whenever they were in an impaired state of mind (sleep-depraved, sleepwalking, suffering from any form of mental illness), but could not break another person’s will.

He eventually contended with helping mentally ill people recover, but a certain degree of frustration remained.

Years later, Blindsight offers him a chance to make a real difference in the world as a hero, joining his team in order to help another hero, and as communication beacon between the team’s members.

Dubbed “Nevermind” by his teammates, this mountain of a man is one of the central posts for the team, until he later on persues his professional career again.

#3 – Simulacrum

| November 4, 2010 | 0 Comments

Sometimes I hate my job. I wasn’t able to upload this character yesterday due to pressing deadlines. So today, there’s two updates.

Thanks a lot to Vito Delsante for helping me find a name for this hero!

Meet Samuel “Sammy” LaCroix, a.k.a. Simulacrum, third and final “core” member of the team to be known as the “Marginal Men”.

Samuels powers manifested early, when he gave his parents the shock of their lives by apparently vanishing from his crib, leaving behind nothing but his teddy bear. His father, renowned physicist Dr. Herb LaCroix – one of the keenest minds on Earth – quickliy noticed something odd: firstly, the teddy was already lying outside of the crib, and there was a facsimile in the crib. Secondly, the teddy inside the crib left an imprint in the sheets, it was far too heavy to be a toy pet.

Lifting the teddybear out of the crib, Dr. LaCroix ran a few tests and discovered that the bear was formed out of highly condensed organic molecules, mimicking the plush of the teddy. The copy reverted back to baby Samuel after 8 hours, 47 minutes and 6 seconds. His parents were glad to have their son back and decided to investigate the incident further without consulting a doctor, because Sammy seemed to be just as well as before his change.

Years of testing showed the full extent of Sammy’s power, and gave him a measure of control over it. Apparently Sammy’s DNA had been affected by some sort of radiation and could now generate a morphing field around Samuel’s cells.

After years of prctice, Sammy could assume the form of any inanimate object, invariably keeping his full mass, and invariably returning to his original state after 8 hours, 47 minutes and 6 seconds, during which he has no consciousness at all. Like a memory metal, he returns to the exact state he was in before his change. If, for instance, the 140 pound teddybear (this is approximately the mass of the grown-up Samuel) was torn to pieces, the molecules will reform after 8 hours, 47 minutes, 6 seconds, leaving not trace of the attack on Samuel.

Dr. LaCroix spent the families fortune on the production of several sets of clothes generated from Samuel’s DNA so that the clothing could change along with Samuel, in order to support him in living a life adequate to his potential.

Sammy always had the full support of his family, and eventually the entire family clan was let in on his secret. The family moved back to Louisiana, where the family had its origins, mostly for financial reasons and to help Sammy remain undetected by having him grow up on the coutryside.

Sammy decided in his early teens to become an unsung hero, surreptitiously aiding people in need, for instance turning into a ladder to help children get out of a well. Rumors spread about an invisible superhero, for little did people know that there WAS no-one to place the ladder, but the ladder itself was the hero.

Sammy grew obsessed with aging, and uses his power to fight against time and death itself, mostly by sleeping only every three to five days, spending the night changed into a lifesized puppet of himself, thus saving time. However, because of this he is very unfit, always tired and looking pale and ill.

One day, Blindsight managed to locate Sammy by following rumors on the invisible hero, and offered him a place on his team. Sammy reluctantly joined in, his main reason being a search for profit, in order to restore his family’s fortune, which he felt was wasted on him.

Assuming the name Simulacrum, Sammy joined the team mainly as an infiltration expert. Sammy cannot wear a costume. He has only three sets of his special clothing left, changing them into solid blocks of diamond every 8 hours 47 minutes 6 seconds, whenever he’s not wearing one.

In order to keep the nature of his power a secret, he made up a cover story about blending in with the crowd, appearing as a civilian to deceive criminals.

Samuel is a very brooding type in the beginning, owing also to his constant fatigue. He can be very rash in his emotions, especially to fits of rage, out of his frustration for being practically useless on his own.

This changes with the development of new team strategies over the course of time.

Simulacrums favourite moves include grabbing somebody by the wrists and then turning into 140 pound handcuffs, or hurling himself at somebody and changing into an array of weapons, from bowie knives to webs.

Since the mass remains constant, the density of the reproduced object can greatly vary. If Simulacrum changes into an aspirin, it would be harder than diamond. If he changed into a car, it would not withstand an impact with common flies.

Samuel has amassed a vast common knowledge, in order to most accurately imitate anything from Chippendale chairs to Ming vases. This makes him very inventive, and also a good strategist for the team.

He is also destined to be the last of the “Marginal Men”.

#3 General Grimm

| November 4, 2010 | 2 Comments

#3 General Grimm
Noran Grimm grew up in a world ruled by logic, strategy and calculation. The planet Dethathoun was one of first planets to be conquered by the Cyber Lords after their own “Great War”. For generations the Dethathouns were shaped by the Cyber Lords to become their field generals. Their inherit skills in problem solving and tactical thinking made them the perfect solders and leaders.

Noran’s family were among the most decorated of the these Generals. Leading armies of Foot Solders in campaigns to conquer worlds across the galaxies. Norans father Jurvan Grimm lead the campaign that conquered the entire Acarien System. Making him the first and only Grand General of the Cyber Lord Army. Noran rose through the ranks of the military very quickly, becoming the youngest Dethathoun to become a Field General. His strategies in warfare were unmatched by his piers. Noran armies conquered or devastated hundreds of planets in the name of the Cyber Lords.

The Cyber Lords greed for power once again pitted them against each other and began an interstellar war. They fight for solar system territories. Like the War that destroyed their home world, they were now destroying the cosmos. As a result of the interstellar war, their resources were being depleted to quickly. Noran Grimm was sent to a remote planet named Earth with a battalion of Foot Soldiers to secure the planets rich resources. The last communique received from Grimm was a warning that the planet had defenders. With the war devastating the Cyber Lords armies no attempt has been made to find General Grimm.

Check out my other 30 Characters

Let’s be friends: Connect with me on my Blog and other sites!

#4 Convict

| November 4, 2010 | 5 Comments

A grizzly spin on the saying ‘What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.’

#4; MACE

| November 4, 2010 | 4 Comments

Old man MACE. What can I say about him; crazy? Heart-broken? Highly intelligent? Permanent Metal Mace grafted onto his left hand due to an experimental accident gone awry? SHO’ NUFF!!! Mace’s son; The All-American, died in the midst of a less than heroic battle (he was stomped on by a giant Earth Elemental and crushed to death) and since then, Mace has been slipping more and more into a dark place. Eventually he righted himself just long enough to create his new “son”; the andriod version of the All-American.  This actually helped Mace to cope with the loss of his son and set him right to fight crime once again.

#4 Gargoyle-Man

| November 4, 2010 | 4 Comments


Renchak was one among legions of gargoyles summoned to our world by the dastardly wizard “Lord Marrow”. Renchak’s fellow gargoyles were sent back to where they came from, but somehow, Renchak was missed. Finding himself stuck in our world, Renchak decided to become a costumed hero, like the people who sent his fellow gargoyles away, as it looked like a great deal of fun. Calling himself “Gargoyle-Man”, Renchak isn’t taken very seriously by the Super-Hero community, but he still tries, day after day, to earn their respect.

#4 Heartstrings

| November 4, 2010 | 0 Comments

19 is a prime number.Jimmy had a rare form of Heart Cancer. Since he was a child, he went to doctor after doctor looking for somebody to help him. Nobody could.

Fed up, he went to a local mob boss, Joey Phishetti, who agreed to help him in return for 5 years of service to the mob.

His cancer was completely gone. But it was not nearly as simple as that.

His heart was now exposed, out in the open in a cavity in his chest. Not only that, but it was sewn shut with magic strings that he can control with his mind. But if he loses focus for too long, they may come undone and return his heart to a weakened state.

He has just finished his time with the mob and is ready to set of on his own on a revenge mission on the doctors who failed to heal him and robbed him of his childhood.

Stay tuned tomorrow for Joey Phishetti!

And if anyone is wondering, the answer is yes. I was listening to “My Heartstrings Come Undone” by Demon Hunter when I came up with the concept. The similarity to the song ends with the title. 😉


| November 3, 2010 | 0 Comments

Mr. Indigo- Scourge of crime-lords and science villains in New York City! Using intellect, eastern mystic arts and gold-plated .45’s, he wages war on those whom society cannot. Beware the blue light of justice, fear the cobalt mage- Evil feel the piercing rage…of INDIGO.

First pulp appearance: BLUE LOTUS MYSTERIES, Nov. 1937, Later, MR. INDIGO MYSTERY TALES (comic) 1935.

#3 The Mighty Aphrodite

| November 3, 2010 | 3 Comments

Learning to be a better man by becoming a superwoman

Tool accidentally chosen to be the most powerful woman in the galaxy.

#3 Superfriends

| November 3, 2010 | 0 Comments

He’s my best friend.

We met at work, a newsroom of a local paper. I was there a few years before he was hired, but we connected straight away. I found a kindred spirit in Kent that I couldn’t find in anyone else. I took pictures. He wrote fluff pieces. Probably the only guy there less intimidating than me. Chubby, awkward, thick-rimmed glasses, he wore clothes two sizes too small and always seemed to vomit out the wrong words at the wrong times. There was one time Percy, our boss, called him into his office fuming with anger. Kent didn’t know what to do, so being the pitiful sack he is … was … , hid in the copy room closet until an hour after the place had closed. I took a little pride in that, no longer being the weakest of the bunch. Sometimes I made him pay for my lunch, pretending I had forgotten my wallet. Just for that rarest burst of superiority.

He pulled the wool over my eyes. Over all of our eyes. He wasn’t a pushover, wasn’t weak like me. Hell, he wasn’t even human. Spent all his time away from the paper floating around, saving grandmothers and punching unpronounceable space-deities into orbit.

That was before. Before all of this happened. Before I pushed this creaky wheelbarrow. Before I collected the arms and the legs and the ears and the pelvises and the half decomposed faces. I was his friend once, but my motives were selfish. I think he knew that. Now, he forces me to tidy up his mess. These chains I wear are heavy and tight. He couldn’t kill his pal, Timmy Nelson. Maybe he wouldn’t kill me.

I wish he would.

It’s that slut Lola’s fault. She broke his heart. Fucked Percy on his pretentiously huge mahogany desk. The son of a bitch can hear a quartz vibrate inside a Breitling in Chicago while doing a crossword on the Moon, you don’t think he’d pay special attention to his woman? She murdered everyone. The catalyst to the end of humanity.

Although the end isn’t coming quickly. He’s toying with us. Earth’s entire population is on edge, waiting for the next outburst. Last time it was Sydney. Tore the heads off of a hundred thousand people in less than thirty-two seconds. Piled them up. Sat at the top. King of the universe.

My best friend.


| November 3, 2010 | 2 Comments

Order is an ancient law -- OBSERVE IT!


Of the alien race that taught the Romans the value of higher civility, Senturian has come to Earth as an emissary of her people to monitor the progress the human race has made in the centuries since her people shared their principles of order and justice.  Standing a customary 7′, she’s exceptionally strong and agile, with an uncanny ability to sense wrong doing and mayhem!