RSSCategory: Superhero

#1 “The” Zombie

| November 1, 2011 | 0 Comments

"the" zombie

For Mor Tank-Monkey Click Here

#1 – Kenna Hwang

| November 1, 2011 | 4 Comments


Kenna, 24, Korean-Polish-American. Witch. While some people stumble naturally into power, Kenna has always had to work for it. She’s not much of a natural for anything, so every talent and skill has been hard-won. The upshot of this is a controlled confidence and self-containment; where many women her age struggle to accept themselves, Kenna is intensely comfortable in her own skin. Saving the world is a pressing concern, but she’s really more worried about impressing the pretty blonde girl on the team.

Day One: “XYZ”

| November 1, 2011 | 0 Comments

“I stand at the edge of the crowd, looking at the people. I am about to change.

Who I am has started to bore me. I need something different, like a holiday.

It’s good, this thing. I don’t know what to call it. Power, perhaps? Every time I touch someone, I take on a little of their personality. Sometimes it’s their fashion sense, sometimes it’s their music taste. Once it was their accent.

The only problem with this is that I lose friends along the way. People close to me never quite know what to expect. With so many personality changes, it can become difficult to keep up. The one thing that stays the same are my boots. I don’t care if they don’t match with the rest of me. They are left over from before, back from when I knew who I was. They will never change.

If I touch enough people, I become a completely different person.

That’s why I like crowds. When I get tired of the way I am, I can just step into the crowd and come out as someone new.
I close my eyes and step into the crowd, bumping into as many people as I can.”

Text by Lana, art by Julian (Tosche).

#1: Up Man

| November 1, 2011 | 1 Comment

This is my character Up Man. He’s a good guy. He uses arrow shaped weapons that shoot out lightning bolts to fight crime.

Thanks, Xavier

“The Blue Opal”

| November 1, 2011 | 0 Comments

#1-The Swine Smith

| November 1, 2011 | 0 Comments

A character that popped up in one of my zinc-plate prints a couple years ago, I’ve always wanted to get a drawn streamlined version. It’s at a very basic level a creator, of whatever. Weapons, houses, cars, animals, personalities if it starts out an idea, the Swine Smith can turn it into reality. Honestly, for anyone who’s read Supergods or has read enough Grant Morrison books and interviews, this character is the closest I have to come to making a fiction suit. For those who don’t know what that is, it’s essentially a way of placing yourself into a story or image to interact with the narrative characters. If the Swine Smith shows up, it’s there to destroy and re-create into something better and new. Or create new and hope it’s experiment doesn’t fail. The mask is to prevent communication, and to show the Smith as a force of nature, and while he may be a “fiction suit” something kind of used to commuicate, I always feel like there should be more action then dialogue when the Smith’s around.

I feel bad because it’s a little soon to get so abstract but this is just the first thing that came to me.

#1 Gorillanaut

| November 1, 2011 | 8 Comments

Gorillanaut Champion of the Cosmos!

This is the story of the first Gorilla launched into outer space in the American space program.

He was born on June 17th, 1956  in  Uganda’s Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. He was captured by animal trappers and sent to a sideshow in Coney Island New York.  Three years later he was purchased by the United States Air Force and brought to the   Holloman Air Force Base Aeronautical Research Facility or H.A.F.B.A.R.F  in Alamogordo, New Mexico.

Researchers started with a group of 29 chimps and 1 Gorilla as primate flight candidates at H.A.F.B.A.R.F After a series of intensive tests the gorilla beat out the chimps and began training for his space mission.

Beginning in July 1959, the three-year-old Gorilla was trained at  H.A.F.B.A.R.F to do  timed tasks in response to electric lights. In his pre-flight training, Gorillanaut was taught to push a button within two seconds of seeing a flashing red light; failure to do so would result in  punishment in the form of a mild electric shock to his testicles. A correct response earned him a chocolate covered frozen banana from a hi-tech dispenser.

On January 31, 1961, Gorillanaut secured a position in Project Mercury Mission X-2 and was launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida on a  flight beyond the Van Ellen Belt to test radiation levels. The capsule was bombarded with massive doses of gamma rays and suffered a partial loss of the life support system and a fried  communication panel during the flight. Luckily Gorillanaut’s space suit prevented him from suffering any harm.

The gamma rays broke the banana dispenser causing the entire stock of now gamma radiated frozen bananas to fall out.  Sadly, Gorillanaut was so busy gobbling up six cases of bananas that he didn’t  notice the flashing red light and missed his cue to push the control button.  The space capsule bounced off the Earth’s atmosphere upon attempting re-entry and was hurled off into space.

Gorillanaut passed out after gorging himself with bananas. The damaged life support system put him into a state of suspended animation and for the next 50 years he drifted through deep space until his capsule finally orbited back to Earth in 2011 and crashed into the Kardashian’s house killing everyone inside.

As a result of eating gamma radiated frozen bananas Gorillanaut woke up with super intelligence and the ability to speak. He was hailed a hero and has since returned to adventuring in space as….

Gorillanaut Champion of the Cosmos!

#1 – Optiman

| November 1, 2011 | 7 Comments


And we’re off!

With Optiman we really wanted to get a sense of childlike wonder – as though you were not only entering a nostalgic world of comic heroes that you vaguely remember from when you were growing up, but also a sense that this character was feeling the same.

You just know, deep down, that this is a good guy – no hidden agenda, no borderline psychosis – just out and out one of the good guys!

#1 HiddenInHex

| November 1, 2011 | 0 Comments

Buy #30! The Hero Code issue #1 by Jamie Gambell

| November 1, 2011 | 0 Comments

The first issue in the new ongoing super hero saga, The Hero Code.

Super-powered people are popping up all across the world, but what is their purpose?

What exactly is The Hero Code?

Written by Jamie Gambell, Art by Jonathan Rector and covers by Drew Johnson.

24pp full color

Price: $5.00


#1 – Jonah Faraday – Demonhunter

| November 1, 2011 | 5 Comments

Jonah Faraday - Demonhunter

Hello fellow 30Characters Creators! This is Jonah Faraday – supernatural savior of our realm. Enjoy!

#1 Scott ‘n’ Snot

| November 1, 2011 | 10 Comments

Scott Spring is allergic to almost everything. When subjected to what would be deadly allergens, his body produces an abundance of sentient mucus known only as Snot who will carry him away from danger. If Scott is pursued by bullies and the like he can voluntarily expose himself to any number of allergens to bring forth Snot to fight his battles for him. The more allergic Scott is to a particular allergen, the stronger Snot becomes. Scott carries a single peanut in a plastic vial on him at all times for worst case scenarios.

#1 Wind-Girl

| November 1, 2011 | 0 Comments

No, not flatulance issues.

When I told my daughter about the challenge, this was the first one she came up with.

Wind Girl has the power of the elements including wind, rain, fog and lightning!

She also has a wind assisted punching skill.

In Kiara’s words:

“Wind-Girl can fly using the wind and punch the bad guys really hard! She then zaps them with lightning and escapes in the fog!”

#1 – Kid Lightning & Poppa Thunder

| November 1, 2011 | 2 Comments

And so it begins…

As I stated in my introductory post, I will be only posting redrawn images of characters I created in my youth or characters that I create with my 4-year old son.

To start things off, I proudly present, “KID LIGHTNING” and “POPPA THUNDER.”

Costumes are a big deal in my house.  My wife is a professional costume designer and can whip up a costume for a kid faster than you can even think of one.  So, we’re always coming up with great ideas for playtime costumes and especially Halloween.

The kid always has input and this year he essentially designed his own costume.  he traced his fingers on a piece of paper for “lazer gloves” and traced his swimming goggles for a superhero mask.  he colored everything orange and tried to draw thnderbolts like one of his favorite characters, The Flash.  I stepped in and he guided me through some drafts of drawing what would become Kid Lightning until he was pleased.  We passed it off to Mom who created a costume that he could wear as a Halloween get-up but also a year-round zip up fleece.  Awesome.

BUT…Kid Lightning wanted “helpers” so he came up with the name “Poppa Thunder” and the rest is very recent history.  And yes, the bottom image was taken just before Kid Lightning and Poppa Thunder headed off into the wild neighborhood in search of free candy from neighbors.


#1 the time wrangler

| November 1, 2011 | 2 Comments

pulled from his time which was actually 1965, rodrick higgs was given a time belt, an out of phase pistol, and a job to do… keeping his timeline intact

#1 Bionica

| November 1, 2011 | 1 Comment

Bionica is a hybrid of human and bionic technology. She’s a typical young woman that almost died from near fatal accident. Her father, a noted face in  the world of bionics have brought her back to life as a bionic being. At first, she hates this new body but eventually got used to it.


Enhanced hearing, super strength, quick reflexes, etc.


Confident, self aware, always fearless.

#1 – Dr. Defenso

| November 1, 2011 | 0 Comments

Ok, first one up.

When I decided to do the Challenge again, I wanted to do something special, and originally, I was going to create 30 new characters based on 30 of my Twitter (@incogvito) followers. I feel like there is some legal red tape that would keep me from properly doing that so, I came up with a different, yet similar, theme. My first five characters…

…are all based on me.

The first five, or “The Vitos,” are all based on some aspect of my personality. The second five will be based on my wife. If someone on Twitter or Facebook gives me the ok, I’ll try to make them into one my characters, but for now, that’s probably off the table.

Dr. Defenso is based on my defensiveness. I take a lot of things personally and I wear my heart on my sleeve. The good doctor, here, is a walking shield. He is ready for any projectile, but as strong as his shields are, things always get to him.

NOTE: I’m using Hero-O-Matic (aka Fabrica De Herois) to create my characters. Give it a shot!

#1 Candito Libre

| November 1, 2011 | 0 Comments

Candito Libre is a wrestler in the U.C.C.W.(Unlimited Class Championship Wrestling) and an old foe of Wolf Ryan.His finishing move is El Chimichanga del Muerte.The dog is named Pepe.

#1: Jani-Tor

| November 1, 2011 | 5 Comments

Jani-Tor’s mop was accidently imbued by Odin with EPIC, COSMIC power. Odin, being to proud to admit his mistake, looked the other way, while Jani-Tor began his war on crime.

Want to see more? Check out my webcomic at the link below 🙂

#1 – Vince Carlucci – Private Investigator

| November 1, 2011 | 5 Comments

Name: Vincent Carlucci – private detective, former police officer

Alias: Hyde
Age: 30
Height: 6 feet tall
Current weight: 275 pounds, normally 250 pounds
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Distinguishing marks/features: long hair, beard, mustache, a bit unkempt

First Appearance:
Hyde: Portrait of a Modern Monster

Vincent Carlucci, only son and heir to the famed Carlucci crime mob of Hub City was born into wealth and opulence few police officers ever know. Raised to inherit the vast business fortunes of the Carlucci family, he learned all there was to know about the criminal underpinnings of Hub City.

In his teen years an incident with a rival mob boss, Dondonivich, Vincent was held hostage and tortured, until he was rescued by the Hub City Police Department. The officer, Winston Trask, who rescued him was later killed in a gun battle with Don Carlucci’s mob outfit in a botched sting operation.

Disappointed by his father’s failure to protect him from his enemies, and the later death of his secret hero Trask, supposedly by Don Carlucci’s hands, Vincent, vowed to do right by Trask’s family and without telling his father joined the Hub City Police Department when he was old enough.

Furious, Don Carlucci disowned his son, and used his son’s joining of the police force as a signal he was getting in good with the local police agencies. Rival gangs began to give Carlucci space and his empire grew. During this time he began to try to corrupt the police department in earnest.

Meanwhile during his son’s rise to detective, one of the fastest ever, Don Carlucci, convinced the Chief of Police and two dozen of Hub Cities Finest, to switch sides. This disrupted the effectiveness of police operations and eventually casting a suspicious light on Vincent just as he was taking control of a specialized technical task force designed to hunt down high-technology criminals in Hub City.

In a highly publicized scandal Vincent lost his task force leadership position, under mysterious circumstances a year ago and disappeared from sight. When he returned, he was offered a technical consulting position with the Hub City Police Department. He is convinced his father, in an act of spite has cost him his job, but he is unable to prove it. The case he was working on was a famed serial killer, Tristian Strauss, known in the news as the “Heart-eater,” a deranged sociopath who used technology to sustain the lives of his victims while he consumed their hearts before their eyes. Carlucci was accused of botching the investigation and the Heart-eater was never found.

“So I became a private detective. Hub City had lots of crimes and I was the best detective money could buy. I had a knack for Special Crimes and eventually I got a call from Hub City’s finest. Its been three years, since I left the force. My own investigations outside of the Hub City Police taught me things were even worse than I knew. When I recovered, I was being hired by the Sixteenth as a paid consultant. Same work, slightly worse pay.”

Present Day:
Vincent Carlucci, Private Investigative Services consults with the Hub City Police Department, 16th Precinct on any and all of their technology related cases, but the most famous is the current mystery of the creature known only as Hyde. The Hub City Blues have no leads, because their primary consultant suspected and now confirms for himself that he somehow is Hyde.

Threatened by Hyde, Carlucci can do nothing for the moment, while the monster brings his own form of vigilante justice to Hub City. The only thing he can think of when he wakes after a night of Hyde’s brand of debauchery is: How do you stop a monster when he is you?

Psychological Profile:
Vincent Carlucci is a highly motivated individual. His zeal for justice made him a highly decorated officer, prone to taking risks even after the loss of his position as the Tactical Head of the Police Technical Task Force. As a private investigator his sharp instincts and understanding of the criminal mind, as well as his father’s training have stood him in good stead during his police career. His career as a private investigator has put him in the employ of both corporate clients and private ones seeking instincts like his for the darker side of Hub City. His nose for trouble has put him in conflict with most of the larger crime syndicates and he occasionally draws fire from the organized crime side of town. His anger at his father is his greatest weakness especially in the light of his mother’s recent illness and helplessness with leukemia.

About the Artist:
Moh Z Mukhtar is a young concept artist from the United Kingdom. You can find samples of his awesome work on deviantART at: I chose his “Brauk” because of his haunted and disheveled look. I thought he would represent a good look for a man who was wrestling with a serious internal demon with anger management problems. The copyright for the artwork is Moh Z. Mukhtar. If you like his work and want to give him a shout (or some concept work) he can be reached at: Email:

First Appearance:
Vince Carlucci appears in my series of short stories, Hyde: Portrait of a Modern Monster.

Created by Thaddeus Howze

2011 Challenger: phee

| October 28, 2011 | 0 Comments

Well, I’m trying to scribble down a story anyways, so lets give this a shot. I’ll be mainly using biographical OHOTMU style descriptions, with occasioanl rough sketches, as I can’t draw worth a damn. I live and work in the UK and have grown up on a diet of Batman, Spidey and have a current love for all things 2000AD. So lets see how this influences my designs.

2011 Challenger: Josh Cherry

| October 28, 2011 | 0 Comments

I saw this and said “Hey why not!”  I think it will be a good exercise. I like making characters.

Here is a  website I made called Go there Enter any website and let Lloyd tell you about it.

2011 Challenger Dan Nokes

| October 21, 2011 | 0 Comments

Dan Nokes was up until this decade thought to be some sort of old wives tale or urban myth!  When not wandering the woodland landscape of Lusby, Maryland in search of Arizona Green Tea and stalking his native prey at the local fast food establishment (Mmmm!  Roy Roger’s Roast Beef!)  he is hard at work on his one man band creator owned publishing house brainchild: 21ST CENTURY SANDSHARK STUDIOS!  This imprint has to date put out a Super Hero Graphic Novel (The Reptile and Mister Amazing 2002)  A 12 issue fantasy epic (The Paranormals 2003-2008) A three issue western tale (The Pistoleers 2008-2010) and is currently working on the second and final volume of his dystopian masterpiece (Adam and Eve: Bizarre Love Triangle in The Zombie Apocalypse 2011-2012)  He is also illustrating Nick Davis’s upcoming Children’s book UNCONDITIONAL: A Teddy Bear’s Tale!  Future projects include his science fiction comedy romp that asks the question WHAT IF HARVEY PEKAR HAD A CRACK AT HITCHHIKERS GUIDE?  The answer: IMPOSSIBLE SPACE TALES OF THE LAST PITT STOP.  Also he plans to return to his first project’s characters with THE REPTILE AND MISTER AMAZING: THE RETURN OF KAT CARSON!  For more on what the man is up to go to

2011 Challenger: Marshall Couture

| October 20, 2011 | 0 Comments

Hello everyone my name is Marshall and I will be participating in this challenge officially this year. I say officially because last year Art & Story Forum members also participated but some like myself didn’t sign up for the challenge in time her at Tyler’s site.

A little about me I’m a lover of Hip Hop and Comic Books and I work at developing projects in those two passions as often as I can. This past year I created my first Comic Glyf and the Terror of Tusk and last year my first solo album Solar Wind Theory.

My goal with this challenge this year is to create characters for a webcomic idea im working on as well as characters for a standard format Hip Hop related idea. Good luck to all of you on this challenge! Can’t wait to see everyones awesome characters!!!

God Bless,
-Marshall aka Calmplex , @MarshallPlex , My Facebook

2011 Challenger: Thaddeus Howze – Hub City Blues

| October 6, 2011 | 0 Comments

Welcome to Hub City Blues, a character database I am creating for the 30 Character Challenge.

This contest is designed to foster creativity in artists and writers to create new character designs. The mission: Create a new character every day in the month of November. Creating compelling characters is a part of either medium, so it’s a skill well worth developing.

I am not an artist, I am a writer. Since this contest was originally for artists trying to experiment with different styles, it works a little bit different for writers. The contest is to challenge writers to create characters with compelling backgrounds that would make people want to read about them. Not as visually satisfying as art, so I suspect it is more challenging to maintain the attention of readers (especially if they are really looking for art).

To help readers (and myself), I sometimes find artwork and create characters inspired by that artwork. It doesn’t mean I could not have done it without the art, its more that the art connects with something in my head and my character makes sense to me. Sometimes the art’s background may inspire an idea or theme that may permeate the work. Unless I commission a piece, it is rare that the work being paid homage to has any knowledge this is happening. So in respect for each work, I will be pointing back to the source of the art and the name of the artist if it can be found. I will give credit and links to artists who have inspired my creativity.

Since I am a working writer, most of these characters will be coming from works in progress, stories I am about to be publishing or novellas whose future is not in doubt. It is likely that each profile will be of different density depending on the depth of the work, and the amount of development I have done with the character in question. I may also make links to stories if they are already in play online somewhere so you can see how they were used.

The website’s name comes from a series of short stories centered in a place called Hub City, a city of the future, whose promising beginnings have been overrun and become instead, a hive of tech-saavy scum and villainy. Hub City’s police force, locally called the Hub City Blues, have done their best to control this recent invasion of organized crime, but is unable to stem the tide.

A year ago, Hub City was under siege by a new monster seeking to establish order; his order. By any means necessary. His name is Hyde. Universally feared, he is death incarnate. Criminals fear him, the police despise him and no one knows who is is or what he wants. All they know is, if you are a criminal and he finds you, you better hope you find a cop first. Otherwise, you’re dead. Hyde, Portrait of a Modern Monster.

Welcome to Hub City. Obey the laws and enjoy your trip.

Thaddeus Howze

Marc McKenzie – 30 Characters

| December 3, 2010 | 2 Comments

…Well, not exactly 30, but it’s a good chunk, nonetheless.

I had a great time with this challenge, even if I wasn’t able to make it to #30.  I would like to continue on and perhaps put everything together in the future–we’ll see.  There were many fantastic artists who had incredible characters on display–I feel pretty humbled by some of them.  To everyone, I say, “Great job!” and will definitely take part next year.

Thanks to everyone who gave comments and kind words, and also thanks to Rob McClellan, who sent me the info for the challenge.

(Now, I hope to heaven this post works right…..)

#18 Solange, Earth Mother

| December 3, 2010 | 0 Comments

The hero known as Skyspy has faced many enemies, but his toughest one was the woman known as Solange.  She was once a young woman who sadly fell in with the wrong crowd, and for that, she was assaulted and buried in shallow grave, presumed dead.

Except that she wasn’t dead–and the ground she was buried in was located in an area known as sacred ground to the Native American tribe that once lived there centuries ago.  Some…spiritual force brought Solange back from the brink of death and gave her the power to manipulate the earth.  Seeking vengeance on those who left her for dead, Solange hunted them down and killed them.  Her actions caught the attention of the police and Skyspy.  In the battle that followed, Skyspy was able to defeat Solange, but without a great deal of property damage and wounded civilians.

Solange is currently confined in a special holding cell in a max prison, but Skyspy worries that she could break out and cause havoc in the future….

…And that’s it!  Will post the “Final Post” in a bit…hope to God I can do it right…

Jared Lewis – 30 Characters in 30 Days

| December 3, 2010 | 1 Comment

Well that was fun. 30 Characters in 3o Days. Bummed I didn’t get the opportunity to clean up & color all of them during the actual challenge, mostly because I tend to be slow & detail-oriented. Apartment hunting & prepping to move didn’t help either. But I’m glad I was still able to swing it, & still be generally happy with both the art (mostly) & the variety. At some point when things calm down for me, I’m definitely hoping to go back through & get that cleaning up done, color them, & drop them into a nice big group shot. As of now, only the first week’s worth are posted on my sketchblog, but I hope to eventually update it all there, as I imagine I may not be able to update this current site for that much longer.

Thanks to Tyler James for conducting this madness, & the minty fresh layouts by Daniel Govar. Thanks to the cool people that’d retweet every time I’d shill a new link on Twitter & to all those taking the time to leave feedback. Hope you enjoyed.

Kevin Maher-30 Characters in 30 Days

| December 2, 2010 | 2 Comments

Well since everyone else was doing this I thought I should too! (thanks for the template!) This was my first 30 Characters Challenge and I’m pretty happy with what I’ve created. I actually learned a lot, some quicker photoshop coloring, some shortcuts, and the ability to create characters in an instant. I have been planning on launching my own webcomic, but I was worried about time constraints. This whole challenge taught me that it is completely doable and I have nothing to worry about. Some of these characters will totally be used. It was also interesting to see what characters people found interesting. What creators found interesting was totally different than what my non-artist friends liked. And some things I loved no one else did. Overall I am very happy I did this.

I hope you enjoyed my work. See you in the funny pages!


Ralph Contreras – 30 Characters

| December 1, 2010 | 3 Comments

Wow! What a great month! So many awesome new characters from all the participants. I really enjoyed seeing all the creativity every day. Thanks to Tyler for gathering us all together. You Rock dude! So I didn’t quite finish the challenge. I did come up with 30 characters, but I was only able to illustrate 12 of them. If anything I learned I need to work on my time management skills.

Entering the challenge I planned on coming up with fresh ideas every day and not having any preconceived plans to the characters before I put my pencil to the paper. But once I started with the first character I started getting ideas for other characters. Eventually I created a list of 30 characters that were not only connected to each other, but also connected to the universe of my current personal comic projects.

I’ve included my list of the 30 characters with a strike through on the ones I was able to illustrate and post. Although I wasn’t able to get them all done in time for this awesome challenge. I will finish them and post on my personal blog (

30 Characters 2010 – Ralph Contreras

  • 1. Foot Soldier of the Cyber Lords (male)
  • 2. Zarruk Xeon (male)
  • 3. General Grimm (male)
  • 4. Surge Shocker (male)
  • 5. Penelope Chamber (female)
  • 6. Leon Perrie (male)
  • 7. Psycho Bringer (male)
  • 8. Susan Spektor (female)
  • 9. Legerity [Sandra Spektor, sister of Susan Spektor] (female)
  • 10. Solarus [John McCarran] (male)
  • 11. Brother Jeffrey Hamilton, Founder of the Church of Solarus (male)
  • 12.Cyberonic [Jason Tabort] (man)
  • 13. Solarus II [Benjamin McCarran, son of original Solarus] (male)
  • 14. Jeremiah Stone [Elementals; Earth] (male)
  • 15. Susanna Ridley [Elementals); Wind] (female)
  • 16. Bo Stone [Elementals; Water] (male)
  • 17. Jed Griffen  [Elementals; Fire] (male)
  • 18. Victory [uses a modified Foot Soldier energy staff] (female)
  • 19. Red Mammoth (male)
  • 20. Tiger Shadow (male)
  • 21. Crimson Sun [Cameron McCarran, son of original Solarus and brother to Solarus II] (male)
  • 22. Cakka’ria, Cyber Lord field leader (female)
  • 23. Kevin Spektor [son of Solarus II and Susan Spektor] (male)
  • 24. Azaark’con, interstellar bounty hunter (Female)
  • 25. The Shadows Man [Alec Samson] (male)
  • 26. Mighty Max [Maximilian Murphy] (male)
  • 27. Arcanzra Bliz’chat, Acarien Rebel leader (arachnoid alien male)
  • 28. Shak’urra Bliz’chat, Acarien Rebel [daughter of Arcanzra Bliz’chat] (arachnoid alien female)
  • 29. Hexson Ichubuz, Former Foot Soldier, now free (male)
  • 30. Oun Da Zerka the Cyber Lord (male)

Thanks again to Tyler James for gathering us all together, and to Daniel Govar (saulone) for the great .psd templates. As an alumni of last year’s 30 Character Challenge, I was proud to participate again this year. I’m happy to have made new friends with a bunch of great and talented artists. Anyone else that wants to connect with me, follow the links at the end of this post. See you all next year again for the 2012 Challenge! – Shazam!

Let’s be friends:
Connect with me on my Blog and other sites!

#30 Jetpachyderm

| December 1, 2010 | 1 Comment

High flying furry.