RSSCategory: Superhero

#02 – Crossbone by Beausephus

| November 2, 2011 | 1 Comment

CROSSBONE by BeausephusCHARACTER NAME:  Crossbone


BASIC CONCEPT : A mercenary inherits mystical metal that allows him to create amazing weapons from the “mystic metal armor” that also imbues him with the abilities of those who controlled the magic metal before him.


So, it was the early 1990s and everybody drew like Liefeld or Jim Lee.  This representation of the character “CROSSBONE” stays true to the original design of the character from 20 years ago.  Look at the twin katana hanging improbably off his back, the tatters/ribbons defying gravity and basic physics… nothing surprising.

However, this character will always have a special place in my creative history.  All of the artists/comic creators in my Middle School started making up company names and imprint titles for their various creations.  Some of the more memorable names include “Assassin-Nation” and “Uptown Tribe”.  My “company” was “Crossbone Productions” and under this imaginary banner I created sketchbooks full of interconnected superheroes and even drafted a 7 page origin of the imaginary universe all of these characters inhabited.  At the center was the character Dark Skull, who would eventually be renamed “Crossbone”.  This interconnected universe traversed the centuries and even incorporated the Age of Exploration and the Cold War… I thought it was groundbreaking stuff when I was 12.

The character Crossbone shows the visual style of the 1990s but contains clear inspiration from Hawkman and the various “grim n’ gritty” mercenary-with-a-heart-of-gold characters that littered the comic landscape.  The metal that Crossbone inherits is essentially a nod to Hawkman’s Nth Metal.  Because I wanted to create a hertiage character a la the Justice Society and Infinity, Inc. I thought it would be cool if there were centuries of warriors all using this mystic metal (I forget the exact name I came up with) and passing it down to a successor.  (Green Lantern, etc…) The twist was that even though the metal gave its bearer abilities it forced the bearer to live a century but slowly the metal  stole their soul/drained their life force.  The metal absorbed the abilities of all who used it and imbued the current possessor with all of the abilities of the centuries of “heroes” who wielded it previously.  So after centuries the current “Crossbone” had superhuman physical abilities and combat knowledge.

In retrospect, there was not much to the character beyond the history, but I thought I was crafting pure gold.  It did however, lend itself to multiple story lines all over the entirety of the interconnected superhero universe, even resulting in villains spurned/rejected by the “mystic metal.”

It’s interesting that these themes – generational heroes, titles passed down through the centuries – are all the rage with characters rebooted in modern continuity (The Immortal Iron Fist series, the current Bendis Moon Knight relaunch, Spawn…the list goes on).

“Crossbone” was the lynchpin of my adolescent comic book creations and looking back at even the flaws and shortcomings of the character I think the 12-year-old me had some pretty damn good ideas.


#1 Zoe Hudson

| November 2, 2011 | 0 Comments

Zoe is 5’4″ and in her late teens. She generally wears her long hair down and it falls past her shoulders in big curls. She has very pale skin though her black hair probably makes her look more pale than it is. Her natural eyes are a deep blue-violet. She has an skinny waist, and adequately endowed but not overly.


Zoe had thought living on the streets was going to be hard. Scrounging for food and sleeping on park benches like common street trash. While the idea her stooping to those types of acts had been more than a little foul, it was far better than sticking around her home where no one seemed to pay her the slightest bit of attention or wasting any more of her time in that house of boring known to the masses as high school. Being held back one year was enough for her to realize that she didn’t belong there.

Fortunately for her, living on the street hadn’t been quite so bad. Mostly because…she hadn’t had to live on the street at all. A nice older gentlemen by the name of Franco, had discovered her loitering outside of one of the nicer bars hoping someone would take pity on her and bring her a drink. Or at least a cigarette.

He’d taken her under his wing and put her up in her own apartment with the only condition being that she had to wear the nice things he bought for her and on occasion appear on his arm and various functions. Or in this case, be his good luck charm at the casinos.

Normally she wouldn’t even have been allowed off that fancy little carpet that formed the aisles but the man was so rich that as long as she promised not to actually touch the dice at the craps game or the chips at the roulette table which she obliged, simply excited to be in the building.

Franco held the dice up for her to blow on again and rolled. “You’re my lucky charm,” He looked up at her with a smirk.

Zoe smiled back at him. ‘And you’re my guardian angel,’ She thought to herself. He had given her the attention that she had so very much longed for from her family and more. If blowing on the dice brought him a little happiness in return, she was happy to do it. Of course she was more happy to just take his money.

She was slightly worried that this free ride might not last much longer without some sort of expected restitution for his kindness and she wasn’t about to stick around at that point. She needed to figure out a way to get some money and hit the road again. And soon.

Her heart stopped suddenly. She’d been lost in her thoughts when things began to happen at an alarming rate. One of the other men at the craps game started to raise his voice, calling Franco a cheater an accusation which of course her adamantly denied. Zoe felt as though she blinked and missed a whole block of time because next thing she heard was the sound of a gunshot.

Franco was on the ground clutching his side and looking as though he were in a lot of pain. Zoe was at his side, watching the life drain out of his eyes. She was quickly at his side, her fancy dress making it difficult to kneel. For a brief moment, all thought of his money went out the window and she worried she might lose the only person that had ever given her the time of day. She reached out and took his hand.

He looked as though he might say something to her when a look of confusion crossed his face. She too must have had a strange look on her face. She had felt her hands begin to prickle as though they’d fallen asleep and then grow warm as soon as she touched him. Her whole body felt strange. Like a wave of tingling sensations washing over her.

Franco turned his uncertain expression away from her and towards his wound, pulling his coat back, and his shirt open.

There was nothing there. No gunshot wound. Not even a scratch.

She dropped his hand as though it were on fire, staring at her own hands in bewilderment, muttering to herself, “What the hell?”

#2 kid pompeii

| November 2, 2011 | 0 Comments

part of the HDS league. kid pompeii is a wild tempered miscreant with two gauntlets that allow him to control explosions, any form, from releases at the sub atomic level to nuke blasts. granted these guantlets by a race of aliens that stangely enough act as immature and quick to anger as he is.

will be showing up later on in grin-n-spirit.

#1 Pump-Ken

| November 2, 2011 | 6 Comments

Ken Holsworth was the foremost expert on growing gigantic record-smashing pumpkins. One night in October his competitors had enough, if he wasn’t going to share his secret, he wasn’t going to win the 2011 harvest-festival blue ribbon.  Late at night while Ken was tending to his precious  pumpkins he was ambushed from behind,  killed in cold blood and left in the patch.  Over time as his body deteriorated and fed the pumpkins, his spirit crept into their root system as well, which soon overtook his long withered corpse.  Now renewed with otherworldly botanical strength, Pump-Ken is on the prowl to exact revenge on those who did him wrong.

#1 Valerie Wolfe

| November 2, 2011 | 0 Comments

“Me, take electrical engineering?  Like, at school?  Yeah, there aren’t words for how bad an idea that is.”

For reasons unknown, Valerie’s body produces an extraordinary amount of bio-electric energy for a human being.  Normally this manifests as a strong static field all around her – making doing her hair in the morning an absolute nightmare, she would observe – capable of delivering a painful, though not dangerous, shock to anyone who touched her.  At times, it can also severely interfere with electronic equipment.

Val’s condition is no secret amongst her family and some close friends; as she lives in a world where such abilities are completely unheard of outside of science fiction, being the subject of medical research has been a reality for most of her life.  Still, despite her relative celebrity in certain scientific circles, her identity is generally kept secret to protect her family’s privacy.

A tall, attractive blonde, Valerie easily drifted into the popular kids’ clique in school.  She enjoyed her status and participated in numerous popular extracurriculars, cultivating a sort of “head cheerleader” public personality – often at the expense of the opportunity to attend advanced academic programs.  Though she kept her intellect under wraps, she privately pursued a hobbyist interest in matters electrical, for obvious reasons; Valerie taught herself from internet resources and YouTube videos.  She experimented with using her natural bio-electric field to power small devices.  Her parents urged her on in this pursuit; despite numerous attempts, however, no one was ever able to convince Valerie to engage this hobby in a more public setting, for fear that it would tarnish her reputation.  (She had already raised a few questions when she cut her hair very short because of the havoc her static field played on it otherwise.)

Now nineteen, Valerie is heading to her first year of college.  Less than a year ago, her parents separated, leaving Val uncertain about the stability of family life.  She has brought along some of her favorite gadgets – fingerless gloves with built-in electromagnets and shoes to match, which allow her to adhere to anything magnetic when she powers them on – but is still uncertain how much to reveal her peculiar circumstances to classmates and teachers.  But this taste of freedom may also raise more questions – about herself, and about her origins – if she is compelled to seek the answers.

#2 – Blackout

| November 2, 2011 | 0 Comments

As mentioned with my first entry, Dr. Defenso, the first five of my characters are based on aspects of my personality. Hence, collectively, they are known as, “The Vitos.”

I suffer from migraines. Bad bad migraines that lead to temporary blindness sometimes. Basically, my eyes will let in too much light, and instead of being blind and in darkness, I can’t see because there is too much light. While this isn’t an aspect of my personality (the migraines), sensitivity is.

Blackout believes that the world is too bright. Living in Las Vegas will do that to you, where there is sunshine all day, and artificial sunshine at night. A scientist at UNLV, Blackout (aka Dan Dakken) invents a graphite bomb/EMP for the military that is so intense, it can knock a grid offline for weeks. During testing, one of the new bombs explodes in his face and leaves him blind…except in pure darkness. Armed with his blackout bombs, Blackout turns to crime, setting out to destroy Las Vegas and plunge the world into a new Dark Age.

NOTE: I’m using Hero-O-Matic (aka Fabrica De Herois) to create my characters. Give it a shot!

#1 Glorious Sentai Gokaider Red

| November 2, 2011 | 4 Comments

On the surface, Red Gokaider (formerly Zach Clarke) seems to lead quite a glamourous life. Supermodels. The Hottest Clubs. Multimillion Dollar Endorsement Deals. But looks can be deceiving.
The real story of Red began six years ago. Leading the rest of the Glorious Gokaider Squad into a final, epic battle with their mortal enemy, the Deacon of Demolition, Red prepared to peform his trademark finishing move, the Heaven Splitting Asteroid Kick. Upon delivering the attack with pinpoint accuracy, the Deacon focused his last remaining bit of power on Red’s Transforming Transmogrifier, hoping to cause a cataclysmic explosion & bring, Red, the rest of the Gokaider Squad, & most of the downtown with him. And while it resulted in a pretty modest blast, everyone but the Deacon managed to survive. Red seemed to remain completely unscathed. That was until his fellow Gokaiders started to revert back to their human forms. With his Transmogrifier completely blown, Red realized he was trapped in his Super Sentai form.
College came for the others, & the team went their separate ways, leaving Red behind. Rumor has it, a replacement device’s in transit, but still at least a dozen lightyears out. In the mean time, Red chose to embrace whatever fame the Gokaiders obtained, puts in public appearances, endorse Suntory, & occasionally thwarts some minor nefarious threat to stay relevant. But as time goes on, the celebrity lifestyle offers less & less consulation. More than anything, he just wants to retire, leave the public eye, & go back to leading a normal life. So much so that lately, he’s beginning to lash out.
Slow computers conspired to keep me from posting this on the first day. But here’s my first entry. Anyway, I’ve been itching to do a Sentai character for a while. On my list of jump-off ideas,  I had ‘Suave Power Ranger.’ And I like the idea that he was once this super altruistic do-gooder, but he’s slowly losing his grip on sanity & could slip & pull a 180. The one conceit is that it’s more of an Ultraman kind of transformation, so it’s not just a helmet & spandex he can take off at will.
I have no immediate use for this guy, but I dig the concept. I might end up using him as an Entervoid character.

#1 – Drift

| November 2, 2011 | 3 Comments


To see the complete character info for Drift please visit my website:

#1 Donita Dunbar

| November 2, 2011 | 0 Comments

#1 Barbie Q

| November 2, 2011 | 6 Comments

Hi Everyone. I have been thinking about doing a tongue-in-cheek story about super heroes lately and thought that this challenge would help me to stay on task with it. This is one of my new character’s Barbie Q.

Once aspiring to be a super model rather than a super hero, Barbara Quinn never knew she would redefine what it meant to be “hot”. Subjecting herself to an untested and unapproved tanning lotion in order to seal a gig in a commercial, Barbara took a fortunate risk. The chemicals that covered her skin soaked in quickly, however, and immediately changed her DNA when catalyzed by sunlight. She burst into flames while not being consumed by them. As heat rises, so does Barbie Q as the flames lift her toward the sky. She now fights on the side of good, especially if there is a chance to be seen on TV from her good side. And as she likes to tell everyone, every side is her good side. So whether her powers are being used for good, or good publicity, Barbie Q is sure to heat up any scene she appears in.

#2 Amets Pessler

| November 2, 2011 | 1 Comment

Meet Dr. Amets Pessler. She might have a reputation for being a quack doctor, but don’t listen to them.

She can project thoughts into people. And she uses them in her therapy sessions.

Oftentimes she would make her illusions so real that her patients would be cured in quite a short time.

Of course, she’d feel drained of her powers if she opens her office for too long. So it’s very, very rare to meet her outside.

#2 – Dr. James Eckyl VI – Mastermind, Biochemist

| November 2, 2011 | 0 Comments

Name: James Eckyl VI – Biochemist, industrialist, philanthropist, eco-conservationist

Alias: Dr. Jeckyl, James the Sixth, Six
Age: 45
Height: 6.5 feet tall
Current weight: 275 pounds,
Hair: None
Eyes: Brown
Distinguishing marks/features: Van Dyke beard, scrupulously clean, mysophobic (pathological fear of contamination and germs)

Known Relatives:
Great-grandfather: James I – deceased: 1850 – 1890,
Great-grandmother: Katherine – deceased: 1844 – 1904

Grandfather: James II – deceased: 1870-1940
Grandmother: Flora Davis – deceased: 1860-1932 (unknown blood disease)

Father: James III – believed deceased 1920 – 1970 (accidental death, auto)
Mother: Nicolete Sheldon – believed deceased 1900 – 1970 (accidental death, auto)

Brother: James IV – born 1950 – Chairman of the board
Brother: James V – born 1954 – Senior Technical Advisor, Chief Scientist

First Appearance:
Dr. James Eckyl appears in my series of short stories, Hyde: Portrait of a Modern Monster. He appears for the first time in Chapter 10: The Doctor is In.

Born James Eckyl the Sixth, he was the heir to the multi-billion dollar biotech fortune of his family dynasty. Indoctrinated into the scientific legacy of his family, he became a Ph.D by the time he was sixteen. By the time he was twenty-five, he had earned multiple degrees and awards and was one of the chief researchers for his grandfather’s company, Chemodyne. His urge to control and dominate in every arena eventually put him in conflict with his brothers who also had equal zeal and enthusiasm for all things scientific and business-related.

For a time, James the Sixth, spent a significant amount of time trying to uncover the cause of death and genetic dysfunctions of his grandmother who died young and passed unto all of the family a series genetic weakness which killed members of the family mysteriously. She bore fifteen children. Only five survived to adulthood.

When James III was believed to be deceased in 1970, James the IV, rose to the CEO and heralded the company into a new era of growth and development with the two younger brothers providing scientific breakthroughs every five to seven years. Chemodyne and its subsidiary companies became one of the world’s leading pharmacuetical and gene-engineering firms.

An accident, causes James the IV to retire in the late nineties. While it was never proven, it was suspected that James the Sixth was somehow responsible. It did not prevent his rise to power in the early 2000’s and with his older brother as the chairman of the board of directors and his younger brother as Chief Scientist, Chemodyne continues its worldwide scientific dominance led by James the Sixth.

While obsessive-compulsive behaviors run in the family line, James has redirected it toward his passion of cellular development, management and performance.

Present Day: Dr. James Eckyl the Sixth, currently runs the Chemodyne as a revered despot. His management techniques are questionable, his results are not. So he is tolerated, his eccentricities indulged as he continues to lead the corporation toward greater profit. His recent projects have been very secretive and have been using unknown resources in the developments.

Six has started his own skunkworks facility in Hub City where he runs Chemodyne remotely. This research facility has begun a line of research relating to alternatives to DNA and is believed to be working with alien DNA samples gathered from a downed spacecraft and currently in the possession of the government. One of the lead scientists from this group has gone missing in Hub City and was presumed dead last year.

He has recently taken on a new head of security, former police Lieutenant Vince Carlucci.

Powers and Abilities: Dr. James Eckyl is a skilled martial artist, having learned at a very young age to prevent his older brothers from taking advantage of him. His father promoted physical disciplines as an avenue to mental superiority, so all of the Eckyl brothers have mastered multiple martial arts. He has attained a high degree of mastery and has for several years, lived abroad combining his martial arts and superhuman strength into a unique fighting style. He engages in intensive regular exercise and despite his middle age, and even without augmentation, he is a formidable opponent.

Weapons: He uses a sword cane and sheath combination, using the sheath as both a defense and a weapon, and the sword, made from carbon-fullerene laced steel is nearly unbreakable even with his superhuman strength. Backed by his strength he can cut though most unreinforced materials with ease. He is also known to envenom said weapon with a variety of chemical cocktails.

Augmentation Array: In his guise as Dr. Jeckyl, Six wears an augmentation array, a skintight body armor, which augments his strength, resistance to injury and overall physical resilience by a factor of twenty. When the augmentation array is activated, Dr. Jeckyl’s face becomes distorted and horrific in appearance. The effect ends when the array is powered down. When running at full capacity, he is capable of lifting nearly twenty tons with great effort. The array is part of a super-soldier program currently under development by Six’s Skunkworks. The array is linked to a series of treatments Six has sold to the government under several limited patents. Each offers some enhancement to human beings with terrible side-effects. He has kept the unifying technology that allows him the complete expression of his abilities for his personal use. There was a stabilizing element that was under development and was lost when the scientist went missing. Without the stabilizing element, use of the array causes severe debilitating stress on Six’s body. Six is in the process of finding a new group of scientist’s to continue the work.

He is also seeking the monster Hyde, to determine the source of his superhuman capability and to see if he would be able to reverse engineer the process for his own nefarious purposes. He suspects Hyde has something to do with the missing scientist, Everett, but cannot yet prove anything. With the government’s paramilitary covert agency monitoring Hyde and Hub City, Dr. Jeckyl has laid claim to the city, its riches, its criminal syndicates and its secrets.

Psychological Profile: James Eckyl is a brilliant scientist and sociopath. Seemingly without morals or scruples, he dares when most men wouldn’t and because of his genius and madness is often successful. Of his three living brothers, he is arguable the most intelligent, but the intellect and madness runs in the family and where Six may have the lion’s share of the family’s ruthlessness, his brothers remain jackals close on his heels seeking any weakness. His mysophobic (pathological fear of contamination and germs) keeps him alone for the most part but in the company of others he will wear the finest of gloves. He reserves hand to hand combat for the most respected of foes. Against anyone else he will, of course use his sword cane to deadly effect.

Created by Thaddeus Howze

About the Art: The character was created by Thaddeus Howze using the City of Heroes, Character Generator.

#01 : the Arsonite : Kyle Higgings

| November 1, 2011 | 0 Comments


Name: Kyle Higgings
Age: 37
Ethnicity: American, White
Religion: None

Power(s): Controls/Causes fire.

Kyle Higgings is not your sassy gay best friend. Professionally he can be anywhere from silent and wooden to slightly jocular. He is as emotionally closed off as they come, though he does have a soft, fatherly spot for his team. He has never had a stable relationship, and is something of a whore. He does not appreciate the flaming jokes that OTHER CHARACTERS (namely #03, Dida and #04, Jonah) are want to make — though he has grown used to them. He is a man of few words, and usually just talks about missions and training. He’d try to help any member of the team that came to him, but often feels like he is unqualified if the matters are personal rather than professional. He has the highest respect for the Division and would follow their orders almost blindly. He considers himself an authority figure and would not tolerate being undermined.


+Dark hair and eyes.
+ Well muscled, but not too built, he has to constantly work for his frame, it is not entirely natural, but it is routine.
+Usually wears slacks and a blazer over a t-shirt. When he’s fighting he removes the blazer.
+ His hands are about 10-15 degrees warmer than the rest of his body — and while the heat never bothers him he usually wears driving gloves as to not upset anyone else.

(the AMAZING Maggie G. Vicknair will sketch him later. Go check out her characters, they’re cooler.)

Important Life Events:
+ Acquired powers at 15 upon the death of his predecessor. His predecessor is unknown. (Never revealed?)
+ Left home in a fit of rage at 16 — burned down part of the house, upon exit. He came out to his mother screaming, “I’M A FLAMING HOMOSEXUAL” and left before his family had a chance to accept him (which they might have, we’ll never know.)
+ Was discovered by the government at age 18 and asked to join the division where they trained him for leadership of a team of others like him. Has had many painful physical tests, and until the discovery of ANOTHER CHARACTER (#04, Jonah) the only one of the 12 Legacies the government was aware of.

Day 1: Ella Louise “Eli” Brandon

| November 1, 2011 | 2 Comments

curvy crimefighter

Real name: Ella Louise Brandon
Nickname: Eli
Superhero name: as yet undecided
Age: late teens/early twenties
Race: African-American

Student by day

Eli lost her single-mother at a young age when the woman was caught in a crossfire between a super-villain and a superhero.
Her mother died as a result of a poison gas attack and while the poison killed the woman, the later interaction between her mother and Eli lead to the girl getting a second-hand dose of the poison. It would lead to Eli’s superhuman powers of the ability to control plants, their movements and growth speeds.
After her mother died, Eli was raised by her then-alcoholic grandmother, who soon gave up the drink to be a better role model for her granddaughter.

Seeing the rampant crime around her constantly, Eli decided that because she had the ability she should do what she could to stop the violence.

Eli is relatively young and works alone, with no one to guide her. This leads to several rash and regrettable decisions in her adventures.
She refuses to give up though, trying to learn from each mistake.

#1 Blue Sphinx

| November 1, 2011 | 1 Comment


Blue Sphinx

Aisha Allmed was the top of her class at MIT. Some say she could have qualified for over 15 separate majors. But she had no direction, no cause, to which she could apply her genius, and no amount of knowledge was ever enough. Even when she gave herself to the spirit of the ancient Blue Sphinx, transforming herself physically and psychologically, her magnified wisdom still gave her no guidance. She is now the embodiment of undirected knowledge and disconnected secrets.

#1 Queenie

| November 1, 2011 | 1 Comment

Queenie is a wise, but weak queen. She is too impressionable and listens far too much to outside sources who are leading her astray…
I use ball-point pen for most of my preliminary character designs, because I apparently like to torture myself. I always hesitate when doing straight inks. But sometimes I end up being interesting clothing designs, so I continue to use it ^^

#1 – The Fury

| November 1, 2011 | 0 Comments

Rebecca Costas has been an orphan for half of her life.

As the youngest daughter of the Costas family, which had controlled organized crime in Bell Town since the 30’s, she enjoyed a childhood filled with comfort and luxury. And Fabbiano Costas may had been the scourge of mobsters and police men alike, but behind closed doors he was a devoted family man and dotting father to all of his children.

For ten years, Rebecca’s life was heaven.

And then the Greek invaded.

Three families, the Marinos, the Stavros and the Colonomos, had been pushing to expand their territory without success, mostly due to Fabbiano’s efforts and dealings with the police.  However, through a slow and furtive operation and guided by Dionysos Colonomos, the three families successfully turned the tables on the Costas, uniting the rest of Bell Town’s crime under their banner and overtaking all of their business and territories.

Never one for loose ends, Dionysos had the entire Costas family executed as his first and only message for anyone who would challenge his reign. Only Rebecca survived, smuggled out of her bedroom under the cover of the night, the screaming and the confusion by her maid, who went on to raise her as her own.

That was ten years ago.

Now, the Colonomos’ grip over Belle Town’s is absolute. Shortly after the coup, they even took care of the other families just to further cement their hegemony. Everyone, from purse snatchers and street vendors to drug dealers and terrorist organizations and even the police and city hall, must pay tribute to them.

Dionysos, who was already an old man when he took over, is still as sharp and deadly, never relenting his power to his lieutenants or even his sons, Nikon and Pavlos. He will clutch his throne with all of his might until his dying breath.

And yet, something seems to be happening.

A masked figure has appeared over Bell Town, determined to wage a one-woman-war on the Colonomos. Dressed in sharp crimson, wearing a red mask with black tears painted under its eyes and armed to the teeth, this person lives and breathes to bring ruin and misery to anyone and anything affiliated with them.

It is for this reason, her unrelenting commitment, her blood lust and drive, that Dionysos underlings have dubbed her “The Fury”.

All attempts to find her have been for nothing. The vigilante works for no one and has no allegiances. The morgue is filled to the brim with her previous business partners who were discarded as soon as they served their purpose. All ruined operations are stripped clean and re purposed into more weapons and money for the Fury to keep her vendetta alive.

Whoever she is, she’s highly trained and effective. The only reason the Colonomos know of her existence is because she wants them to know. For her, this is clearly personal. She enjoys not only hurting their pockets, but also their pride. Even though she covers her face, her form-fitting costume and bulletproof vest are designed to clearly show she is a woman in order to further emasculate them.

Dionysos has used every resource he has, either legal or illegal, to try to find this person to no avail. He knows whoever she is, she needs to be stopped as fast and as publicly as possible before his standing in the underworld begins to deteriorate and his ruling is placed under question.

How would he react if he knew the woman he’s moving heaven and earth to find, the woman who a lifetime ago was Rebecca Costas but who now goes under the name of Rosa María Guzman, is actually one of the maids under his employment, hiding in plain sight and taking advantage of this to gain valuable information on his criminal operations?

And even worst, what could happen were he to find out that his youngest son Pavlos has fallen in love with her? And what could this mean to the Fury?


#1 Sigurd Stahl: Demolition

| November 1, 2011 | 0 Comments

Sigurd Stahl - Demolition



Real Name: Sigurd Stahl
Height: 6’8”
Weight: 380 lbs
Country of origin: Norway

Sigurd Stahl was living the dream.

Being an accomplished musician in his home country of Norway has gotten him everything he would ever want. Money, fame, women…he had it all.

One fateful night, an alien spacecraft crashed into his band’s tour bus, killing his band-mates. He attempted to escape the wreck, but was subsequently trapped by the aliens. Thinking that he would meet his end, Stahl fought them. One of the interlopers shot him with an energy beam meant to kill…but the alien didn’t realize that the human’s physiology would react to his weapon differently.

The blast transformed the musician into an unstoppable force of destruction, granting him invulnerability and increased strength. Stahl re-fashioned the costume he wore as he performed, and dubbed himself Demolition. A one man wrecking crew.

Copyright Pat Loika, 2011.

#2 Flare-Up

| November 1, 2011 | 0 Comments

Click Here for more info on Tank-Monkey

#1 – Medic

| November 1, 2011 | 2 Comments

Halloween Society Medic

Ugh, Assassin’s Creed has been in my mind for too long. I’ve been needing to create a medically skilled member of my superhero team. I hope you all like it.


| November 1, 2011 | 0 Comments

When the first sentient life evolved into being, a sort of cosmic mass conciousness caused manifestations of certain aspects of time, space, and reality.  Chaos manifested itself into a being that has had millions of names to countless species.  We on Earth know it as Ragnarok.   While the force of order, did not manifest a form on its own.  Instead it, as best as one could say CHOSE to bond with a host.  Thus the first HYPERIAL came into being.  Over time many have bonded to THE ORDERFORCE and became the universe’s protector against Ragnarok and other threats!

THE HYPERIAL is the interlectual property of DAN NOKES 2011




Day 1: The Hero

| November 1, 2011 | 1 Comment

Full name: Stanley Daniel Erikson
Alias: The Hero
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Alignment: Good
Race: White
Height: 5’4”
Appearance: Thin/scrawy, shortish black hair, black eyes (without suit). (suit on) helmet (black and yellow) with dark visor, robotic arms with enlarged hands (black), tech boots w/ rocket thrusters (black), chest armor (black and yellow)
Abilities: Extreme genius with affinity for technology. Suit allows for flight, enhanced strength and pain tolerance (by factor of 50x). Helmet has up-link to crime database and AI directory
Story: As a high school sophomore, Stan Erikson was picked on by bullies, and unnoticed by the girl of his dreams. When a mysterious super villain begins attacking his city, Stan, harboring a secret flair for romantics and super heroism, decided to use his advanced knowledge of technology to create a power suit that would allow him to become the confident hero he thought would be able to win the heart of his love. He became The Hero. After a display of heroics fighting back The Villain, Stan only wanted more. Over time, he became the city’s protector, and won the heart of his love.

Little to The Hero’s knowledge, The Villain was planning to set off a bomb that would destroy half of the milky way. What’s worse, The Villain was actually the father of his love! Upon learning of the bomb, The Hero worked his way through the city’s underworld to find out where The Villain’s base was.

Finally, he found it and squared off against The Villain for a final battle. The Villain used clever tactics and his robot army, but Stan stood victorious, ready for man-to-man combat with the mysterious foe. The Hero manages to kill The Villain, knowing it would be the only way to stop the threat permanently. Stan is victorious, or so he thinks.

Stan’s love returns home to find out about her father’s identity, as well as his death at the hands of The Hero. In a maddening rage, she picks up her father’s mantle, and his mission to destroy the galaxy.

From here, Stan learns of a new Villain picking up where the previous left off, and heads back to the base to stomp down the threat he thought was gone for good. Unfortunately, his love was not the brilliant tactician her father was, and The Hero easily kills her, not knowing it is his love.

After defeating her, The Hero looks over to body to find the truth, and is driven completely mad. Alone and hollow, he triggers the galaxy bomb as a form of remembrance to his love and to be with her forever in the afterlife.
Notes: This character is meant to be the main character of a rock opera

#1 Somnia

| November 1, 2011 | 0 Comments


Here we go.

This young lady is  Somnia, a character I had in mind since last years challange when Samar created his         Marginal Men
(They can be found here: )

Somnia belongs to a resistance group and has never known anything else but the war and its cruelity. In her team she takes care about everybody and is responsible for the first aid. But her most important duty is to check everyone who wants to join the group, because she is able to know about a persons motivation and dreams just by touching the person. So its very easy for her to consider wether somebody is honest and trustworthy or not. But even this is a very important power Somnia is not happy about this, because she feels guilty for spying into somebodys mind. She also would prefer to get to know people in a “normal” way than being biased from the very first moment.

Somnia is someone you can rely on and she admires other people for their dreams. Being asked about her dreams she always answers: “They were shattered a long time ago.” For her friends she will do everything to make their dreams come true.

Her name comes from the latin word “somnium” and means “(day)dreams”


I think I will redo this drawing soon, because I’m not so happy about it. Well, lets see tomorrow

G. Brett Williams #1 – CYCLONE

| November 1, 2011 | 0 Comments

Cyclone’s origins are a bit embarrassing to admit, but here goes; Cyclone was created as the central villain of a LARP my friends and I developed in high school. Over the years I sat on the characters in that world, letting them stew in the ol’ brainpan until they became a delicious dish of genre tropes and sci-fi weirdness. Recently I revisited the setting and its characters for a Mutants & Masterminds campaign that never came to fruition, but I had so much fun working on the story that I thought I’d share some of it here.

Cyclone was the most powerful of the original Evos, a group of evolved teenagers who manifested super powers sometime in the near future. The US gov’t. jumps to the forefront of Evo study and policy, going so far as to collect the first of the discovered United States Evos into a special strike force meant to win more hearts and minds than actual battles. The race for Evo supremacy is something of a new cold war and the relative mystery surrounding the teenagers, their powers and their numbers throughout the world makes for a rather prominent threat of mutual annihilation. Therefore, the US Evo team is as much a publicity stunt as anything else.

Cyclone, a young pilot already ingrained in the US military, is the natural leader for the group. His control and understanding of his powers surpasses all the others and his natural charisma and level-headedness make him a natural leader. He’s a good soldier, but there is more to him than just a simple follower of orders.

The world and its people try desperately to evolve as quickly as its residents appear to be. Eventually Evos end up involved in direct combat and the world begins to warp around this powerful new force and regular, non-evolved humans begin to wonder after their place on the rapidly advancing planet.

As the world reaches its boiling point, a race of faceless aliens who communicate completely through telepathy launch an invasion from space. They control a race of Lizard Men that they have subjugated from a world in deep space, using their telepathy to guide the weaker brained reptilian race to fight their wars for them. The devastation is swift and catastrophic and the world soon cows to the will of these invaders. But there is resistance. Resistance, which at it’s core, is led by Cyclone. Cyclone’s resistance learns that the Faceless are actually a highly evolved form of psychic humans who left the world millenia ago and who share similar genes with telepathic Evos. The coalition forces managed to break the control over the Dragon Soliders (Lizard Men) and turn them against their former masters, a move which ultimately allows them to end the war.

The world is desperate for leaders in the wake of the war and they find none better than the war’s greatest hero, Cyclone. Cyclone wisely allies himself with the remaining humans, using them as a police force and being careful to make sure that those among them who have not evolved maintain a feeling of importance in his new world. There are still enough humans left alive that he needs their support to buttress his new administration. Cyclone sets up warlords of his own choosing throughout the world’s decimated continents and rules over the long rebuilding process.  His desire to protect humans, who he still views as his people, and his fear of losing power lead him to start a campaign of genocide against any psychic Evos. Cyclone believes that, if allowed to continue to evolve, those psychics would become as dangerous as the Faceless before them. For the most part, he employs Dragon Soldier death squads for these (less than) secretive campaigns against the telepathic and telekinetic Evos. It is this campaign, this abuse of power, that eventually leads Cyclone to his own end at the hands of a human/Evo coalition much like the one he originally formed to repel the alien invaders.

Sorry for the crazy long post, but trust me, with Cyclone it could have been WAY longer. haha In case you’re wondering, Cyclone has powers similar to those of Storm’s and is easily the most powerful and evolved Evo on the planet.

#1 The Knight Watcher

| November 1, 2011 | 2 Comments

# 1: ‘The Squirty Creamer’

| November 1, 2011 | 0 Comments

one of the villains faced by ‘SuperDan’, ‘The Squirty Creamer ‘ was once a hero known as ‘The Milkman’ but after all the other local heroes were “really-really-mean-stupid-faces” and refused to take him seriously then he became a villain in the hopes people would be too scared of him to keep saying ‘if you’re using dairy products why are you dressed as a pig’, unfortunately the taunting only got worse, the police laughed so hard they couldn’t arrest him when he tried robbing a dry cleaners using the threat ‘If you’re lactose intolerant, I could make things REALLY uncomfortable for you any second now’ none of his self proclaimed ‘nemeses’ took him seriously until he met ‘SuperDan’ a hero who joined the fight against evil too late to have any real villains to fight



#1: Hedgehog

| November 1, 2011 | 5 Comments

(Sorry, don’t draw. Enjoy this instead.)

Name: Hector Espino
Known Aliases: Hedgehog, Thorn
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5’10
Weight: 173 pounds (unaltered,) 211 pounds (with powers in full use)

Bio: Born January 8th, 1983 to a pair of El Salvadorean immigrants. The third of four children, Hector grew up in a disadvantaged home in southern California. His grades remained above average throughout his education, although disciplinary action was taken against him for fighting in ten of the twelve years of his schooling.

Once he graduated, Hector joined the United States armed forces and was deployed for a tour of duty in Afghanistan. He won both several citations for insubordination and two Purple Hearts, as well as a Silver Star for saving two injured comrades who were caught in the line of fire.

In 2002, an electrical fire burned down his childhood home, killing both of his parents. Hector was not able to attend their funeral. Once his tour ended, in 2003, Hector returned to California and got work with his eldest brother Manuel.

It was at this point Hector was deemed a suitable candidate for Operation: At the Gates. He was approached with an offer on May 2nd, 2004. He accepted with little argument.

Hector was taken to the San Antonio base, where he was subjected to a battery of tests. The test was a success, and Hector was codenamed “Hedgehog Patient 1”,  for no patient had ever manifested abilities quite like his before.

Hector has remained in the service of the Task Force since the test succeeded in 2004. List of his missions and achievements are as follows:

[The next several pages of the file have been torn out.]

…citations for insubordination, including arguments with officers of the task force.

Powers: Hector can manifest organic spikes anywhere on his body. He may do so through serious concentration, and the more time he has to prepare, the more spikes he can generate.  The spikes are almost as hard as diamonds and razor sharp, allowing Hector to puncture holes in nearly anything he touches.

The spikes also have energy absorbing principles. Test show that, with the spikes deployed, Hector can withstand concussive forces that would cripple or kill an unaltered human. As he becomes more versed in their use, Hector has become progressively better at deploying the spikes. One of his preferred techniques is sticking his palm on an opponent’s forehead, then deploying as many spikes as he can on his palm.

#1 30

| November 1, 2011 | 0 Comments

Tyler Lawrence owns a small comic book shop in New England, a solid business with a strong fanbase to support it. Wednesdays are Tyler’s favorite day of the week, as it’s new comics day, the day when he gets to interact with all of his shop’s regulars.
Everything is well in Tyler’s corner of the world until the day he buys a collection from a strange, wizened old man. The man has an amazing near-mint collection of golden and silver age comics, and he’s willing to part with it for small return. Tyler is skeptical that the collection is stolen, but the man assures him the books are his own, originals bought off the shelf. The only hitch is that along with the collection, Tyler has to agree to take an ornate, golden ring off his hands as well.
Believing he’s landed the mother load of collections, Tyler makes the purchase, and accepts the ring that goes with it.
Almost immediately upon donning the ring, Tyler discovers something is amiss.
When a customer tries shoplifting some of the collection, Tyler starts to give chase and realizes he’s suddenly gained a form of super-speed. He apprehends the shoplifter immediately, and is shocked to hear a voice from the ring inform him that he is now able to access super-powers, like those of his favorite comic characters, but only for 30 minutes at a time, and only one at a time.
Tyler is overjoyed, thinking he’s received a fanboy’s wish come true – the ability to mimic the heroes he’s been reading about all his life.
But the old man neglected to tell Tyler one very important fact – every time he accesses the powers for his 30 minute stints, he cuts his life shorter by the same amount of time.
Is Tyler prepared for the curse of 30?

#1 Templar of Steel

| November 1, 2011 | 1 Comment

The very best in mobility, personal protection and anti-terrorist armaments!

Eldritch horrors? No worries! With our patented, ThresherCorp Protective Field Technology, the only thing you will have to worry about is your sanity.

Highly mobile opponents? Our unique G-Propulsion Systems will allow you to traverse the terrain without the worry of sixth degree burns from those usual jetpacks!

Visit our website for more information on purchasing!

#1 The Cosmic Dragoknight

| November 1, 2011 | 2 Comments

The Cosmic Dragoknight

First sighting: Five years ago.

Alias: The Sentinel of the City, New Heights’ Finest, The World’s Champion

Identity: Unknown – Secret to the General Public

Abilities: Superhuman strength, flight, speed, ability to create hard-light projectiles and weapons with a thought

Skills: Proficient in military martial arts (LINE and SCARS)

Weaknesses: Vulnerable to projectile damage, extreme heat, and extreme cold when out of Dragoknight armor

Weaponry: Dragoknight Armor – the standard issue uniform of the galaxy’s Dragoknight Protectorate

Nobody knows who is behind of the cowl of the city’s most iconic hero. The Cosmic Dragoknight is the ultimate weapon, this planet’s protector, whether he wants the job or not. He was chosen because he displayed all the traits of someone who could wield the powers of the Protectorate. The armor keeps the powers in control. Without it, the Dragoknight is vulnerable to harm, and if harmed, he could cause a terminal meltdown destroying all life on Earth.

His alliance with the other heroes of this planet is a terse one at best, all are either pretenders or opportunists, though he retains an iota of respect for the planet’s smartest man, a shapeshifter, and an enigmatic heroine.

He is considered by the observers as a good hero that needs to keep his ego in check, but when you’re the hand-chosen savior of the planet, how could you not be boastful?

Cosmic Dragoknight: TM and (C) Jeff Harris dba Studio Lightcount.

Day 1 – Bucktooth

| November 1, 2011 | 3 Comments