Category: Superhero
Day 02 – Grizelda Vedette
Grizelda Vedette as born into a upper/middle-class family well known for their super-natural genetic line. In her world, it is uncommon to come across a person who doesn’t have some form of “super powers”. Grizelda began developing and training her powers since they first began to appear at the age of 5. By the age of 18 her list of abilities includes powers such as being bullet proof, super speed (her personal favorite of her abilities), and energy manipulation (including but not limited to blasts and fields). She prefers to wear tights to keep her form streamline when she runs and purple just because it is her favorite color. Her mask appears to make her eyes glow as a side effect of the technology that allows her to see farther and better when moving at mach speeds. Even when her mask is off, her eyes appear white. In actuallity, they have developed an extra thick cornea which allows her to run at high speeds even without her protective mask. When Grizelda first figured out she had super speed she went out for a run one night and stumbled upon a young demon boy about to be sacrificed by an unknown cult. Releasing the boy out of pity, she thought nothing of the event until it came back to haunt her 10 years later in the form of the demon Maximus.Â
2# The Galactic Phantom
Hello cyber world, hello to everybody in this super fun event. here is another old school cartoon character I change. I use to watch Space Ghost, what a fun show. I call this character Galactic Phantom, kicking but all over the universe. later everybody, one…..
#1 Windwalker
Andrea Tennant has the both the body of a model and the mind of a brilliant scientist. She’s the latter–a scientist working at the cutting edge of advanced technology. That doesn’t stop her from doing modelling on the side and taking part in sports, specifically martial arts, running, and swimming.
But she’s also bored.
All of that changes when she makes a breakthrough–creating a device that uses the Earth’s magnetic field to allow someone to actually fly. Always a quick thinker, Andrea decides to pursue this new path; she develops a costume and equips it with the device (in the form of a belt) and using a pair of high tech goggles, she turns to life as the crimefighter “Windwalker”. Using her martial arts skills and the fact that she can fly, Andrea soon ends up enjoying her new nighttime activity.
The downside, of course, is that she rarely gets much sleep.
#2 | Red Bat
RED BAT: Xiao Fang; Former circus acrobat; Patrols Portland’s “Asia Minor” neighborhood (formerly Chinatown); No known meta saipen traits.
Media: watercolor pencils, India ink & brush
#1 | Reset
RESET: Connor Kagiyama; Superhuman regenerative ability; Degrees in criminology, forensic science, and criminal psychology; Trained in various marital arts, including Jeet Kun Do, Kendo, and Brazilian kickboxing; Known by 16 different aliases; Recently returned to hometown of Portland, OR, at the behest of Marlon Crandall, COO of NEOGene’s local research facility; Proponent of meta saipen (i.e. superhuman) rights, and of superhuman vigilantism.
Media: watercolor pencils, India ink & brush
#2 Grief
This is Grief.
Her power is to summon fear imps from the nightmare realm.  As her opponents fear level rises (or most any other strong emotion she is able to summon more powerful creatures.
Her powers emerged as she hid in a closet as a little girl and watch her parents get brutalized then tortured to death.  Her fear, anger and sorrow were so deep, she became a “beacon” for creatures of the nightmare realm.  Now she welcomes them to her as friends, allies and companions.
G. Brett Williams #2 – Mars, Bringer of War
Mars, the “Bringer of War,” named after Roman god of war and the battlefield, was one of the original American Evos. Like Cyclone, Mars was a soldier before his powers evolved. Jackson Reed was a soldier in the army, a veteran of both the Iraq and Afghanistan campaigns. He was the oldest of the original Evos and always resented being pulled out of the army and placed on the team. Jackson recognized from the beginning that the team was just a publicity stunt and it drove him crazy. He was a soldier, had decided long ago to give his life to the Army, and anything that took him out of that world seemed like a waste of time. But Jackson Reed was a good soldier, and when he was given an order, even if he disagreed with it, he followed it to the letter. So when he was given the codename Mars and placed on the team, he went along with it. When Cyclone, a younger military man from the Air Force was placed in charge of the group, he bristled but kept quiet. And when the time came for things to escalate, when Evos could no longer stay off the battlefield, it was Mars, not Cyclone, to which the United States turned. His battle with the Devil’s Saint in the Mexican conflict was brutal and destructive, and it made Mars feel alive once again. This was a man bred for war and for war he lived.
Mars particularly flourished during the Faceless conflict. It was the Faceless conflict that forced Mars and Cyclone to finally put aside their own issues with one another and work together. Mars was a natural leader and great military strategist and it was his Red Hand Legion that managed to hold the Russian front long enough to allow Cyclone and his people to free the Dragon Soldiers. Despite being instrumental in their release, Mars was completely distrustful of the Dragon Soldiers. While working alongside groups of them was sometimes unavoidable, Mars refused to integrate them into the Red Hand. Mars felt he couldn’t trust the Dragon Soldiers and wanted little to do with them, choosing instead to comprise the Red Hand of nothing but humans and Evos. The loyalty Mars inspired in his men was strong and nearly unwavering. They would have followed him to the gates of hell, and at times he led them close.
After the war, there was a great fear among Cyclone and his closest allies that Mars would bring the Red Hand Legion to bear against Cyclone’s power base. In an attempt to appease the warrior, Cyclone offered to make him the warlord in charge of Russia and much of Eastern Europe. Having been stationed throughout Eastern Europe throughout the Faceless War, Mars was happy with this arrangement. He rules over his land with the power of the Red Hand Legion behind him. Dragon Soldiers are not welcome inside his borders. Much speculation surrounds Mars. There are whispers that inside his borders, he strengthens his army and waits for the moment when he can overthrow Cyclone’s regime.
Mars’s evolved power is that of super strength and near-invulnerable skin. As with most Evos, his aging has seemed to slow down and his true age is difficult to determine.
#2 Dark John Blackwater
Dark John Blackwater
Born to a voodoo sorceress of vast powers, Dark John Blackwater was always looking to catch his mother’s proud eye. When he discovered that Bahahl, Master Demon of the Fifth Hell, was plotting great evil for this world, John was powerless to stop him. That is, until John called on Bahahl’s greatest adversary of the fiery depths, the Guardian Below, Anubyst himself. Now physically changed by the demonic wolf, John hopes he can successfully tap the dark powers without losing himself in the process.
#2: Polarity
“Everything in the world has static electricity on it, or at least the potential to carry molecules of static. Static’s up there with gravity in omnipresent forces, it’s just so weak we usually discount it. I change that.
I can project a field around me, I think it’s about a 50 yard circle. Everything in it gets a dose of static electricity, and the closer to me you are, the more of it you get. I turn into, basically, a really big rug that rubs on everything around it. But what’s the big deal, so everyone gets a little shock when they touch stuff, what does that mean?
Quite a lot, when you combine it with my other power. I can attract and repel static particles, and I make them a lot stronger in the process. I can pull light objects, like an apple, in from fifty feet, but if it’s right next to me, I can rip through sheet metal like it was sheet cake.
Yeah, you ever seen Star Wars? Picture someone who can use Force pull really well, and none of those other nifty Jedi powers. That’s me.”
-From the journal of Damian Grey
Day 2:Â Strudel the Pug
Member of the Dog Force 5 (tentative), Strudel the Pug can use his power watch to don the yellow power suit. His symbol is the question mark because, while he’s not particularly adept at anything like his fellow teammates, it is said that Strudel has a super secret ability that only he can perform.
Strudel is bumbling and constantly worried or afraid, and can often be heard making the trademark “snrf snrf snrf” noise that pugs are known to make when breathing.
#2: “Kinetic” Camille Ruby
Universe/Storyline: The Band
Universe details: In the isolated city of Crescent where these characters live, superpowers spring from close encounters with death. Only people born in the city can gain these powers, and since this is a relatively new settlement, the first generation of people born there are just starting to show signs of super-fication. This means mostly kids and teens. Of the teens, Camille, Max, Amelia, Walter, and Rin decide to team up and form a band. They take it upon themselves to help other kids who are just getting powers/dealing with death. Eventually, when The Band realizes that everyone deserves to be informed about the city’s unique predicament, they try to reach every kid in the city at once by putting on a live concert.
Body Type: Slim but muscular
Hair: Long, brown with hints of blonde and bushy/curly
Eyes: Hazel
Race: White
Age: ?? looks and acts like 19 or 20
Attire: Camille wears a skin-tight red body suit that resembles a one-piece bathing suit or leotard with long or no sleeves depending on mood or weather. She also wears a black short pleated skirt, black combat boots and white knee-high socks with two red and one yellow stripe around the top. Accessories include yellow fingerless knit gloves, a brown belt with pockets on it, and brown leather motorcycle goggles with highly tinted yellow lenses. Sometimes she also wears a yellow scarf tied in a knot around her neck to keep it from flying off. The goggles can be worn over the eyes or on top of the head like a headband for her hair.
Superpowers: Super speed, Mostly Conscious (primary)- Both Camille’s physical and mental speed can be enhanced with concentration, the side effect being proportional wear on the body or brain after extended use. Camille has to keep her energy levels high in order to compensate for her abilities, so she can be found eating almost constantly. Sometimes when Camille experiences a rush of adrenaline or imbibes an excessive amount of stimulants like caffeine she involuntarily goes into what she calls a “head rush,†during which she thinks at up to 20 times normal human speed, making the world look like it’s moving in slow motion. Often she comes out of these head rushes in a coma-like state because the overuse of her brain causes a fever and subsequently some brain damage. The coma can last anywhere from hours to days. Thankfully Camille also heals faster than most people without thinking, so she can come out of these comas without any permanent side effects.
Super Strength, Conscious and Subconscious- Making not just muscle but all bodily tissue resilient and powerful to a high degree, Camille’s strength makes her impenetrable to almost any attack, and also lets her use her super speed with reduced physical or mental side effects. She also packs quite a brutal (and precise) punch, which she uses to knockout foes with one blow every time.
Personality: The leader of The Band, she is incredibly sharp and in control. She reacts quickly in all situations, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t think things through; it just takes her less time to do so. She is kind-hearted and extremely trusting, mostly because of her belief that there is a good side to everyone. She fears nothing except failing her friends and teammates. However, she also worries that she might have a dark side. Her will is as strong as her muscular body, so she is able to keep her more frightening dark urges in check for the most part.
Power sources/Backstory:
a.     Speed- Camille’s mother was killed giving birth to her, so Camille was born fast.
b.     Strength- Camille is sent to the hospital at 4 or 5 years old, but looking her current age, with a worn out heart. She’s grown up fast, and her heart is unable to bear the strain. When the doctors tell her father she’s comatose and dying, he takes her hand. Camille jerks out of her coma with super strength. She accidentally crushes her father’s hand. She never sees him again.
Theme Song: Day ‘n’ Nite- Kid Cudi ~I try to run but see I’m not that fast. I think I’m first but surely finish last…. last.~
#2 Twitzel and Ditzel
These characters are my husband’s concept…two humanoids that combine to make one super humanoid…in 3-D…okay so it’s not really 3-D. Â At least I don’t think they are….maybe I should go find some of those glasses, lol.
#2 Flump
Flump is the leader of this gang of badly-drawn superhero animals. He spends his time fighting crime and his evil nemesis, Rawr. Very intelligent and unable to fly, Flump invented and built his famous jet pack.
#1 Graf
A badly drawn but very brave giraffe who fights on the side of good. He is sometimes slightly awkward and often clumsy, but his heart is definitely in the right place. He fights with the rest of his superhero team, who you may see shortly!
#2 Adventure Dog
“There’s a schnauzer who leads a life of danger.
To everyone he meets he barks at them like crazy.
With every meal he eats,
Another walk he takes,
Odds are he’ll need another snuggly nap.
He is Adventure Dog.
He is Adventure Dog.
They’ve given you a treat
And said you’re a very good pup.” Â (sung to “Secret Agent Man”)
Adventure Dog, a.k.a. Casey, leads a life of thrills and chills in a New York suburb where he lives with mommy, daddy and his sister Lacey, who likes to lay on him and steal all his toys.  He likes to go for long walks, play frisbee and collect sticks.  But where evil strikes, he goes into action as Adventure Dog, using his quick wits and piercing bark to protect the neighborhood.  His arch nemesis, Russel T. Jackman, is a nasty little terrier who taunts and terrorizes Casey and the other local dogs by barking at them while on a walk.  Only Adventure Dog’s steely determination to uphold good and to never be out-barked ends Jackman’s reign of snarliness, if only for a little while…
#2 – Black Wraith
The idea behind the Black Wraith was simply “what if The Avenger’s John Steed had become Batman”
His tagline is “Looking good just became a super power”.
#2 – Brynn Bennett
Brynn. 19, American mutt, changeling. Brynn was never aware of the fact that she had been switched for another, but she did grow up acutely aware that something about her wasn’t right. Was it the subtle barrier between her and other children? Was it the call of the forest? Maybe it was the really obvious super strength, who knows. Point is, she is biologically a forest troll. This is a source of shame for Brynn once she discovers her heritage, compounded by the fact that the trolls took her mother’s real daughter to compensate. She’s a gentle, loving soul, though, shy and warm, wishing for a life of quiet mediocrity that will never be hers. She has a hard time accepting her extraordinary fate, but Kenna helps her feel human again.
#2 – Regulator 97
[The following interview took place the New York City Regulators Office, the interview was conducted between Internal Affairs Officer Jackson and Regulator 97 three days after the events of at the Continental Hotel.]
Officer Jackson: This is Officer Jackson of New York Internal Affairs. The date is [expunged] at 2:36 pm. I am sitting with Regulator 97, could you please state your badge code for the record?
Regulator 97: You Know I have an actual name right?
OJ: Not important to these proceedings, badge number please.
R97: alright, Regulator badge number 97-2034-55. Classification KIRBY.
OJ: Thank you, please state for the record the dutys of the regulators.
R97: the regulators act as equal parts law enforcement and parole officers that deal with Alpha level threats and above.
OJ: and an Alpha level threat or above is?
R97: Do i really need to spell this all out? Its not like people dont already know this.
OJ: Its for the record
R97: Fine , and Threat Levels go from Alpha, Bravo, Echo, Delta, and Omega. Each one corresponds with a power levels of super powered individuals. A regulators job is to evaluate, apprehend, and in some cases assimilate them back into the world.
OJ: And would a regulator be able to apprehend people like this without incident?
R97: Well I wouldn’t say its ever without incident, regulators have the highest mortality rate of any law enforcement agency.
OJ: But your confrontations are not one sided are they?
R97: No, every regulator was either born with powers or given them once they enlist.
OJ: And which were you?
R97: I was born with it.
OJ: And what is your ability.
R97: Basically I’m a living battery of Cosmic energy. Which is why I’m a Kirby Classification.
OJ: Right the classifications were taken from old comic books correct?
R97: Yes that’s right
OJ: Well isn’t that….delightful. You need assistance to access your abilitys correct?
R97: Yes, I use a pair of gauntlets to access the energy that I store to dispense it externally.
OJ: And who gave you these gauntlets?
R97: They were provided to me by the Regulators office.
OJ Alright, next why don’t you tell me about the incident at the Continental Hotel.
R97: Where should I start?
OJ: Right before the incident should suffice.
R97: Alright My partner and I –
OJ: Regulator 176?
R97: Right.
OJ: And where is he now?
R97:….He died during this incident
OJ: Thank You, please continue.
R97: We were responding to an emergency call from the Continental, apparently management had been having disturbances from one of the guests, guy barely left his room and when he did he came back with people but they never left. And there was reportedly a stench. So Marcus and I –
OJ: Who?
R97: sorry, 176 and I went in to try to find out what the situation was.
OJ: How did this fall into your jurisdiction?
R97: There was a recent parolee from Hells Gate that hadnt checked in and was reported to live in the area. We thought it was him.
OJ: Was it?
R97: You know it wasnt.
OJ: Correct, just a matter of-
R97: -Record, right. Anyway we go up thinking it was him, we get to the door and 176 knocks and clearly says we’re from the Regulator office. No answer. Now I have my gauntlets but 176 just had your basic augmentation package, strength and the like. So he goes for the doorknob and finds it unlocked so we start going in. that’s when a hand comes through the crack in the doorway and grabs 176’s head. It couldn’t have been more than five seconds but that’s all it took to turn my partner into dust. as this was going on I was setting my gauntlets on their “basher” mode and hit the door, splintering it and connecting with whatever was on the other side. I come through and thats when I saw who the perp was.
OJ: And who was it?
R97: Franklin Deeder. Guys practically on the top of every law enforcement wanted list out there, everything from homicide to terrorism. Sort of a jack of all scumbags.
OJ: and you….had a prior confrontation with Deeder?
R97: Yes.
OJ: How?
R97: He killed my wife.
OJ: Says here he was suspected of killing your wife?
R97: No he did it….I watched him do it….he made me watch.
OJ: And he was never caught?
R97: No, one guy got close, some private eye named Vulcan who was after him for some unrelated incident. The worst bit was that he was locked up for some petty crime and the Regulators wanted to keep him locked up because they believed he was responsible for worse crimes. They were right of course
OJ: And that was the incident that made you join the regulators?
R97: Yes
OJ: what happened when you realized it was him.
R97: I……I kind of just saw red and just went at him at full force, which given my power set was dangerous
OJ: You didn’t try to simply subdue him? Or call in back up?
R97: What? No that didn’t occur to me! I was facing down the guy who killed my wife…I….I want thinking at all.
OJ: And that’s when you killed him.
R97: Yes….I honestly didn’t intend to, nothing would have made me happier to see him go to trial, he had killed 176 right in front of me. Thats multiple life sentences at least.
OJ: But you still killed him?
R97: My ability’s are very much tied to emotion. Even if my gauntlets are on their lowest setting if I get angry enough I can emit enough energy to destroy whatevers in front of me ten times over.
OJ: and is it fair to assume in this instance you were angrier than you had ever been?
R97: Yes….heh, Regulator Smash and all that.
OJ: This isnt a laughing matter Regulator!
R97: I know its not but you have to admit this is a fucking sham!
OJ: What do you mean?
R97: Deeder was a monster, my partner was the last one he killed but before that he had killed hundred of men, even more women…..and more kids than I would like to count.
OJ: And your wife.
R97: And my wife……so I don’t understand why I’m basically being crucified for killing a man anyone else would be happy to do!
OJ:….Despite what you might think regulator this isnt about the death of Reeder, honestly we could care less.
R97: Then whats this about?
OJ: When you killed Reeder, You emitted so much energy various destruction was reported from at least twenty miles around. Most of that damage is simply cosmetic and easily repaired but the five surrounding blocks around the Continental are in shambles, no one was seriously hurt except Reeder but whole buildings are now uninhabitable. What this is supposed to discern is whether or not this could ever happen and on a larger scale. Do you think this is a possibility?
R97:….No, I dont.
OJ: Really? Why is that?
R97: This only happened because I faced with the one person that could push me right over the edge. The only man that could make me feel that much anger and hatred. With Deeders death I got rid of the last emotional connection to my life before I became a Regulator. I sincerely doubt anything could put me over the top like that ever again.
[The Interview was concluded soon after this. Regulator 97 was put back on to active duty two weeks later]
[Authors Note: The Regulators were actually minor characters in a series of short storys I did in college about a super powered private eye named Frank Vulcan, in those story’s they were less characters as they were an ever present forces of nature. So I really wanted to focus one specific member of this organization, just to figure out what a regulators motivations might be. Think I nailed it.]
#2 Rhyclops
Dr. Ryan Ceros aka Rhyclops is the founder of the Rhinocereye Institute for Ophthalmological Rhinocerotidae Studies, inventor of the Cycloptic Animal Transmatter Shooter or C.A.T.S. (he’s currently looking for a more rhino inclined acronym), and pun aficionado. C.A.T.S. can shoot any number of animals housed in its DNA cartridge. Ryan has yet to find a valid reason to shoot kittens at his enemies however.
#2: Fire Heat
This is Fire Heat. He’s also a good guy. He’s made out of fire and will shoot out fire at bad guys.
Thanks, Xavier
#2 Sinnerman
I was a cop. The kind people wondered weather they were bad or just mean. I helped the Russians sell what they had, and loaned myself off to them for some extra cash. I called it a living for a few years. Then I got caught. 10 Kilos in my trunk. I was getting sloppier the more fed I got, and I should have seen it coming. I lost the badge, and bargained no-time for some information on the Russians. Bad move. When they found out I snitched, I ran. I tried hiding under every old rock I knew. No one would hide me. I was a snitch, and all the good time charlies didn’t want to put their neck out for a snitch. I couldn’t blame them, so I just kept running. Tried to get help from the ol’ cop buddies. The ones who didn’t spit in my face, were the ones who laughed in it. I cried out for help and not a one to help me.
When I heard the door bust open that night, I wasn’t surprised. They beat me with a chain, and put a pick in my eye. Last thing I heard was the chain dragging along the floor, and a whisper in my ear. “You oughta been prayin’ “
And now here I am. I remember someone telling me Hell is your past mistakes, your “sinâ€. Let me tell you about Hell, it’s more than just your sin, it’s someone rubbing your sin in your face as they lie and tell you you have a chance at redemption.
So for me, Hell is a Police Station, and my penance for a life as cowardly schnook is being an enforcer of the damned. Someone runs out out of hell without paying their tab, it’s my job to tie them up, and bring them back on down. And if someone ain’t dyin’ on their own, I gotta help them find their way. Usually with a chain, and sometimes with an ice pick. And worse to worst, I gotta do it dressed like I’m a bloody mascot.
It’s a hell of a living.
#2: Kroge
Real Name: Kristopher Oliver Gentry
Age: 45
Height: 5’11
Weight: 197 lbs
Location: Liberty City, USA
Hair: Grey-black
Eyes: Brown
Character info: Kroge was a character I created when I was a kid (probably around 9 years old). His look changed slightly from then until I was around 13. He’s always been one of my favorite villains. I decided to revamp him a little for the challenge and he no longer has a superhero type costume, instead wearing cargo pants, motorcycle boots, t-shirts, and a vest. But his origin remains the same as it was years ago…
Kroge has made it his personal mission to kill all superpowered individuals. His teenage son, Jeremy, was killed in destruction caused by a large battle between a group of heroes and villains. Kroge was adamant that action be taken against the surviving heroes involved, but the authorities didn’t listen. They were just glad that the villains were stopped, yet felt sorry for Kroge’s loss. That’s when he became a man with revenge as his only mission. He has no powers or abilities, but relies on anything he can find for a weapon to help his cause. Kroge is a character that may pop up in my comic, The Adventurers of Liberty City.
#2 Aqua Mandy
Here is another character from a tongue-in-cheek super hero story I am working on. This is Aqua Mandy:
Seagull specialist and surfer enthusiast Mandy Huntington was rarely seen away from the beach. Determined to re-write everything we know about these beautiful birds, Mandy loved to spend her time among the gulls and to surf with them as they swooped above the water’s crest.
When an oil tanker floated in way too close to shore, she should have waited it out, but she couldn’t help herself. The tanker’s strange maneuvering was revealed to be the cause of an eco-terrorist attack, and as sailors and sea-saints fought for control of the ship, the tanker slammed into large rocks. Oil spilled out into the sea. Jumping on her board, Mandy went right to work saving swimming sea gulls from a fate worth than death. Struggling to bring them all to shore, she sacrificed her own health and her delicious picnic basket of lunch, which the gulls devoured upon reaching.
By the time the law enforcement was able to stabilize the crises, Mandy was covered in chemically enhanced oil and in critical condition. Her story of sea gull saving bravery broke the hearts of millions and contributions poured in to help her afford a medical procedure that would save her life. Her skin had to be cleansed from the deadly oils. Thus, she was exposed to a medical development that gave her pores the extra help they needed to expunge the oils. This was accomplished by giving her skin the ability to filter water through her skin from the inside out at an incredible rate of speed. The procedure saved her life, but could not be reversed. Now, on a whim, Mandy can filter H2O from the atmosphere into her skin and out through her pores as a powerful force of water. Taking on the moniker of Aqua Mandy, this heroine saves the day while surfing on her own water and drowning evil with her wonderfully washing waves. When she isn’t fighting crime, she is usually found surrounded by sea gulls and sunbathing to the tune of their lovely song.
#2 Doc Neuro
First sighting: Twenty years ago.
Alias: Abe Neuro, The Mind
Identity: Public – Dr. Abraham Roune
Abilities: Superhuman intellect and strength, keen attention to the finest detail, quick reflexes, invulnerability
Skills: Great imagination, can create things and weapons once considered impossible
Weaknesses: Cellular breakdown 1/10000th the pace of a regular human, though, he’s technically immortal (yes, that’s a weakness to him)
Weaponry:Whaterver he thinks of and builds at that spot as needed.
Twenty years ago, Abraham Roune, a biotechnology theorist and scientist, survived an explosion that ripped through the fabric of time and space itself. No one knows the circumstances behind the explosion nor why he survived. Over the years, Dr. Roune, now calling himself Doc Neuro, devoted his life to making the world a better place as well as discovering his abilities. In addition to being the world’s greatest inventor and intellectual, Neuro became an adventurer, searching for treasures, unraveling mysteries, exploring alien worlds, and taking on powerful threats at home.
For a while, he was a solitary figure, but over the years, he found allies and friends in this brave new world This new generation of heroes and villains intrigues him. Doc Neuro sees it as an adventure, and he’s going to have fun with this new world.
Doc Neuro: (C) and TM Jeff Harris dba Studio Lightcount.
#2-Sam S. Stride the M-Updated
Sam S. Stride the M, an adventurer and leader of the generations-old business (recently transformed into a non-profit organization), Strides Ahead, in the far-flung future. Following in the footsteps of the 1,000 generations of Strides before him. They are the oldest and wisest family of Monument Mount., a city built into the side of the Rocky Mountains, started by the 481st Stride Generation in an attempt to bring the United States back to the economic pinnacle it enjoyed many centuries ago.
Sam S. Stride the M is the 1,000th son in the 1,000th generation of the Stride family. While some daughters have been born, for some reason in the 1,000 stride families that have existed to date have all been male first, and after which, that generation bears no more sons. Each male has always desired to take over for there fathers, though there have been some co-CEO’s in it’s time, with some daughters taking to the business as quickly or even quicker then the son of that generation.
Though the one thing that has yet to break in any son of any generation is there desire for good-old adventure, whether it be some mystical realm experiment with Brother Buddha or a stroll thru time with past Strides and other heroes past.
Sam S. Stride has just recently taken over Strides Ahead, and was the one to turn it into a non-profit organization (something that had been planned since the beginning.) His wife is pregnant with their first child, and for once all is at peace, with his only adventure that of his new organization. Sam the M was always hesitant of this part of his legacy, but willing to accept it, as all those before him. But once his company and his city have been threatened by a series of unnatural earthquakes, Sam the M must practice his fisticuffs again!
#1 Agent Acorn
Enter Agent Acorn of the Animal Elite.
Top Field Agent of the LAND Unit.
Quick, agile and has the ability to climb just about anything. Incredible reflexes. Speaks very little. Let’s his action do the talking for him. Oh yeah…he’s pretty much a bad ass. LOL
#30Characters Chatter…