Category: Superhero
#3: Esperance
Real Name: Esperance
Height: 5’6
Hair: purple
Skin: pale blue
Costume: purple bodysuit with two toned green gloves, boots, belt, and collar
Powers/Abilities: Born on an alien world which allows her to use ether in space to fly and create force fields
Character info: I originally thought up this character about 10 years ago and she was going to be part of team of space-oriented characters that were interacting with a forgotten earth hero. When kicking around ideas for future story arcs for The Adventurers of Liberty City , this idea came up and I ran it past Brad and David. While the three of us are still trying to come up with space characters that may be used, I know that this one will DEFINITELY show up, because she’ll have a further backstory that is integral to the plot line. She’s basically very peaceful in nature; however, when her race was attacked, she was forced to fight for her freedom. That’s exactly where she stands now…fighting for the freedom of herself and her allies.
02 – The Gold Gladiator
From #1 – Lady G’Lipis & the Danaians
… America’s first real superhero! (The Gold Gladiator is arguably the first superhero, by a matter of minutes.)
After the departure of the Danaians, Michigan Senator Trent Edward Day suddenly doubled over in pain, clutching his stomach and screaming that his skin was burning as a steam started to rise from his skin. A scientist left in charge of the mysterious Elixir sphere quickly responded to the situation and dowsed the Senator in luminescent contents of the orb. With a final scream Trent Day was transformed into the GOLD GLADIATOR!
The Gold Gladiator’s body has been completely converted to a golden metal that has rendered the Senator impervious to injury and allows him to shift his right arm into a large, very sharp blade. Other physical changes accompanied this transformation including enhanced strength, the loss of the need to breathe or eat which has been replaced with a need to absorb solar energy, and a significant increase in his weight.
Modeling his heroic identity after the Roman gladiators, the Gold Gladiator serves as the leader of America’s first superhero team, the Secret Soldiers. The other members of his amazing squad all have origins dating back to that fateful night in the wilds of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.
Senator Day’s astonishment at his transmogrification was short lived as meteors, caught in the wake of the Danaians interstellar ship, fell to Earth, to the clearing where Senator Day and the others were gathered. Day used his newly invulnerable form to shield his wife and the scientist with the Elixir. A soldier standing nearby wasn’t so fortunate as a meteor…
01 – Lady G’Lipis & The Danaians
A ship from beyond our solar system landed in a remote forest in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula at twilight on a warm spring evening in 1975. Before the hatch doors opened, a small company of individuals, including a vacationing congressional senator and a handful of law enforcement and military personnel, had assembled before the remarkably featureless craft. The release of the sealed portal was accompanied by an escape of a sweet smelling extraterrestrial atmosphere in the form of a violet cloud that engulfed those gathered, bringing about a fit of coughs, before dispersing and mixing with that of Earth.
Led by the Lady G’Lipis, a trio of slender, helmeted beings floated from the opened door of their ship to hover before the small group of de facto ambassadors of Earth. Identifying them as Danaian first contact scouts representing the Pan-Universal Council, Lady G’Lipis welcomes Earth to the universe after their recent forays off their planet into the vast void. The Lady presents Senator Trent Day, who has been speaking on behalf of the United States and Earth, with three gifts: a disk of common universal knowledge, a sphere containing a luminescent medicinal liquid simply called the Elixir, and a golden beacon with a single glass circle. The beacon, she tells him, will let them know when the Danaians are returning with a group of ambassadors to fully bring Earth into the Pan-Universal fold, though that return would occur no sooner than the turn of Earth’s millennium due to interstellar travel time.
The trio of Danaians boarded their craft and silently left the planet, while the assembled audience looked on in awe. This first contact with the Danaians was easily covered up by the government due to that night coinciding with the emergence of…
#3 “MURDERMAN†Max Cardiff
Universe/Storyline: The Band
Universe details: In the isolated city of Crescent where these characters live, superpowers spring from close encounters with death. Only people born in the city can gain these powers, and since this is a relatively new settlement, the first generation of people born there are just starting to show signs of super-fication. This means mostly kids and teens. Of the teens, Camille, Max, Amelia, Walter, and Rin decide to team up and form a band. They take it upon themselves to help other kids who are just getting powers/dealing with death. Eventually, when The Band realizes that everyone deserves to be informed about the city’s unique predicament, they try to reach every kid in the city at once by putting on a live concert.
Height: 5’ 9â€
Body Type: Big, but not fat. Awkwardly somewhere between boy and man. Tall.
Hair: A little longer than chin length, the ends in the back can be seen from the front. Straight, but with a slight flair out at the end. Bangs parted in the middle. Overall an unplanned/messy look that somehow comes off as elegant. Medium-dark brown in color.
Eyes: Brown
Race: White
Age: 16
Attire: Plain black suit jacket and matching pants. Jacket is always unbuttoned, showing the white collared shirt underneath. The collar of the shirt is always unbuttoned. The tails of the shirt are never completely tucked in. The shoes are orange Converse high tops. Sometimes wears silver aviator sunglasses with burnt orange/brown gradient highly tinted reflective lenses.
Superpowers: Metal Manipulation, Conscious and Subconscious (primary)- Max can manipulate metal right down to the molecule. His finely tuned powers let him separate the metal from other compounds and break down and rebuild any metal objects almost instantly. However, metal does not always follow Max’s conscious demand, and sometimes behaves on its own accord when he is in the vicinity. Aspects of THE RAD’s (see Weapons below) personality come from Max’s subconscious or suppressed desires.
Sound Manipulation, Conscious- Max can manipulate any sound wave’s volume, frequency, direction, etc. to such an extent that he can turn one sound into a completely different one. Altering his voice, creating sonic booms from a strum on THE RAD, and moving around in complete silence are just some of the possible uses.
Personality: Max is rebellious against any establishment, tradition, or formality. He cares mostly about himself first, but will fight to protect others if it is necessary. His arrogant manner and overconfidence in himself often get him into trouble. His favorite pastimes include disobeying orders, showing off, and acting rashly. Despite all this, he has developed a somewhat goofy and pathetic crush on Camille.
Hobbies: He has a somewhat unintentional collection of bottlecaps built up. He’s not sure what he’s going to do with them yet.
Weapon/Partner: THE RAD- An old-fashioned yield sign (upside down yellow triangle) that has been converted into a guitar. The sign portion is the body, and the rectangular metal post with small circles punched out every half inch or so serves as the neck. The six steel strings attach directly to the far end of the neck, in the style of other ‘headless’ guitars like the Steinberger. The strap is a length of chain, which links onto the last hole at the body end and a hole at the front end of the body. The backside of the sign is marked with graffiti reading “THE RADâ€.
THE RAD is almost always at Max’s side, either strapped to his back or floating beside him. Max can also ‘ride’ or ‘surf’ on THE RAD in a fashion similar to a hover board. THE RAD has a personality like any other character, and can use his strings like hands to gesture or make various twanging noises to communicate. THE RAD usually obeys Max’s bidding when it’s given, but often behaves in a sensitive, passionate, or kind way without prompting.
Power source/backstory:
a.     Metal (manipulation on the molecular level, wide range, subconscious and at will)- murder under the mind-control influence of Control Freak
b.     Sound (manipulation/generation at will)- later, the murder weapon, which broke down into metal dust at the time of the murder, rematerializes during meditation (Camille prompts Max to focus on one sound in order to clear his mind and access his subconscious). Max grabs it instinctively.
Theme Song: Symphony of Destruction- Megadeth
#3: Super Bunny
This is my character Super Bunny. He was a regular bunny that got super powers. He can fly and he’s super strong, so he fights bad guys.
Thanks, Xavier
#3 – Rock
One of the things I loved about the Bronze-age Marvel books which I read as a child, was the seemingly endless supply of villains which at the end of every issue would appear, normally yelling out some threat, or smashing something to get the heroes tired attention.
We wanted to create a team of bad guys (or gals) who embodied just that sense – a kind of absurd “you cannot be serious!” moment, tempered with a realization that these people are bad and want to hurt the good guys. That they may actually be a threat!
Tomorrow and Saturday will see Rock joined by her team mates…
#3 – Kriff
Finally! I’m loosening up and my stuff is getting a little more dynamic. 30 Characters, you’re already working your magic!
Kriff, 19. The human child Brynn replaced. She was kidnapped as an infant and spent her life with a colony of forest trolls, cut off from all human contact. As such, she is as feral as any of her adopted family, often moreso due to a deep insecurity stemming from her unnatural appearance. Kriff is very sensitive to the fact that she herself is not a troll but isn’t sure she’d ever leave the only home she’s ever known. Fierce, hostile, mistrustful and coarse, despite her gentle human origins, she’d fight to the death to protect her clan.
#3 Afrodite
Here is another new character from the story I am working on. It is obviously (I hope) tongue-in-cheek and spun with a humorous twist. This is Afrodite:
Angela D’Angelo was a nerd by day and a bigger nerd by night, studying botany and part-timing as a florist. While her scholarship was stellar and her grades were better than 4.0, her social life was staggeringly stiff spending most of her time alone with plants that would make most of us sneeze. When her scholarship’s status suddenly depended on more extracurricular involvement, she applied to a sorority to quickly make the grade. Ordered to attend a toga party to join, Angela knew she would never be accepted. Using her vast knowledge of plants and botanical brilliance, she created a pheromone from spores and petals that would make her seem lovely and attractive despite her otherwise appearance. The result was much more powerful than she realized and the potent new perfume convinced even her that she was a new young woman. The party proved a success beyond her wildest dreams as the young men around her felt compelled to carry out her every whim. Perfecting her formula further she discovered a new scent that would render anyone hypnotized by her perceived persona. Continuing to dawn her toga, she has assumed the identity of Afrodite, a beautiful vision of perfection and desire. Capable of convincing all mere mortals to do her bidding is only among the best of her gifts, as she has also used her nimble ingenuity to create other catastrophic concoctions to aid her in getting what she wants.  Should anyone happen upon her at a time when her lovely aroma begins to fade, they may catch a glimpse of the real girl inside who has a truly beautiful mind despite a lackluster look. Claiming to use her new power for purposes of progress rather than personal profit, the greater mystery is her motive and whether or not this Jekyll and Hyde heroism is indeed a part of her true identity.
#3 – Wikedpedia
As mentioned with my first two entries, Dr. Defenso and Blackout, the first five of my characters are based on aspects of my personality. Hence, collectively, they are known as, “The Vitos.”
I am a huge trivia buff. Have been for a long time. I remember the very first Trivial Pursuit release, and I was even in a Trivial Pursuit club in high school. My wife hates playing trivia games with me, but whenever she needs some crazy factoid, she asks her “Vitopedia.” So, what if I used those “powers” for evil?
Wickedpedia is my version of the Riddler, and has a lot in common with my character, Die Twenty. Wickedpedia uses his knowledge of obscure facts to torture the Clique. The game is simple: answer his questions or someone dies.
NOTE: I’m using Hero-O-Matic (aka Fabrica De Herois) to create my characters. Give it a shot!
#2 Aurora
Years ago, someone in the US Government decided that the most powerful nation on Earth needed an equally powerful team of superhumans to help defend it. So a secret project was started in hopes of creating a national superhuman defense task force from scratch. Billion dollar contracts went out to both defense & pharmaceutical firms, & everyone set out trying to build a better human. After years of research & wasteful spending, the first success story emerges: PFC Regina Carter.
All it took was a simple tweak to her bioharmonics, and like a light being switched, Carter’s psychokinetic potential had been awakened. Working with vibrational frequencies, not only can she manipulate objects with her the power of her mind in the traditional telekinetic sense, she also possesses a spatial awareness so acute, that operates almost like mental sonar. And while she can use her powers to mimic abilities like flight & superstrength, it seems intense heat is generated if she focuses on an object for too long. And while this does also grant her limited pyrokinesis, it’s a bit hard for her to maintain levitation for more than a couple of minutes before overheating & the fear of spontaneous combustion starts to set in.
But before she could ever properly put her newly developed skills to the test, Senate slashed all funding on Superhuman R & D in a round of massive budget cuts. However, still driven by a sense of duty, Regina’s forced to take her superheroic potential to the private sector. Need a hand?
I’m not really a superhero guy. Haven’t been for a bit. Though now that’s two in a row. This character was unique for me in that I didn’t know what I wanted exactly as much as I knew what I didn’t want. I was looking to create a flagship-style female superhero, but avoid a lot of the tropes & controversial choices you find in superhero books these days. For the most part, beyond artist error, I think she’s realistically proportioned. She’s not some crazy sexpot, so she could easily serve as a role model. And just because she’s black doesn’t mean she’s “from the mean streets” or the analog for some white character.
I got the drawing for this done a lot earlier than I did yesterday’s but got held up on a name & how to word the back story. So here it is now. Another hopefully later this evening.
#3: Mighty Morphing Power Pilgrim
November is here, so I thought I’d do somthing in the spirit of Thanksgiving 🙂
Want to see more? Check out my webcomic at the link below 🙂
#2- Rhinoceros Rex
This is Rhinoceros Rex, Lord of Rhino City and self proclaimed ruler of the world. He is a rhinoceros that is the size of a T-Rex. Rhino Rex is one of the many villains in the rogue gallery of the Animal Elite. He is incredibly strong and surprisingly fast for his size.
#2- The Bubbler
Once upon a time ago a little boy which was a really evil bully. Blew a bubble and it became this monster today.
#3 – Kriton by Beausephus
BASIC CONCEPT : An Alien trapped in our galaxy has to serve as a bounty hunter in our solar system in order to pay off an intergalactic crime boss to pay for the promise of a way back home. Eventually he begins to accept that he may never get home and develops a grudging acceptance of his role and his inherent value in what essentially a bottom feeding type of job/existence.
In 1988 my childhood best friend had an High School age brother who got our Elementary School minds obsessed with the Marvel Comics Role Playing Game. In reality, my friend and I just rolled up characters and came up with story ideas… this is a common motif in my creative evolution…
So my pal wanted to make comic books out of our characters to sell at his school. So we did, and these 20-30 page pamphlets featured 7-8 stories on hand-folded and stapled black and white photocopies of pages crammed with far too many panels and far too little storytelling. ARKON COMICS (the name was my friend’s idea) featured some stories featuring my character, “Kriton.” I was really into the Kirby Silver Surfer/FF stories, the concept of the Green lantern Corps, The Guardians of the Galaxy and the rest of the 1970s Marvel Comics “cosmic” story lines.   The main basis of “Kriton” however was Martian Manhunter. Always one of my favorite characters Martian Manhunter, to this day, is one of the most under-used and underestimated characters in the DC Comics universe. The core of Kriton was the flip side of Martian Manhunter – what if J’onn J’onzz hated the fact that he was trapped on earth? What if there was a way out but he had to essentially whore himself out, debase his lofty morals, just to pay the ever-escalating price just to get home? Kriton was angry, but not grim…he was pissed off at his station in life and the choices he was fully aware he made to get where he is. Ho can such a character find peace, or at least acceptance? Does the dream of going home ever actively become just that and not something to actively work toward?
The version of the character above represent the soul of the original design…in essence the costume is and alien with an egg shaped head encased in basic grey armor wearing what essentially was a sleeveless orange jumpsuit with big, puffy, silver, Reebok style 1980’s high-tops. I added some small details and made some of the styling more dynamic…. however in the piece above I feel I got away from the absurd whimsy and naive visual design sense of my grade school self. But here it is.
Thanks for checking my stuff out.
#1 Can Boy
Here is Can Boy. He can take anything to that region but not anywhere else to the body because he will cry like a baby.
#2 Blazing Arrow
Blazing Arrow
“I got my arrow/ I got my bow I got my fire /and I’m walking through the darkness/ slowly on a tightrope wire” – Blackalicious, “Intro: Bow & Fire”
The young man known to the gods of Earth as the Blazing Arrow was exploring abandoned buildings in a run-down part of his postindustrial hometown, when he happened across a magic compound bow. Â For it turns out that, in their endless intrigues and squabbles, the gods can get careless with their power, allowing it to manifest on Earth in ways mortals can use.
When he picks it up, he transforms, in clothes and in aspect (into amore idealized version of himself). He is given the name Blazing Arrow by a goddess he helps, and now he takes on the gods, keeping them in check so that humanity can develop freely.
Some of the mythological/conceptual arrows he has include:
“The slings and arrows of outrageous fortuneâ€
The Arrow of Time – accelerates entropy
Cupid’s arrow
Artemis’ arrows of silver moonlight
Astras – Hindu supernatural weapons most often invoked into arrows
Loki’s mistletoe arrow, which killed Baldr (seeks out hidden weaknesses)
Arrows of the Egyptian goddess Neith – the blazing arrow (limitless sun) and weaving arrow
Track: Blackalicious, “Intro: Bow & Fireâ€
(notes: here is precisely what I had beforehand, from my notebook: “Blazing Arrow: Black archer hero
Someone who uses magic arrows, the favor of a goddess s/he released from a crystal prison… rather than trick arrows a la green arrow or hawkeye, s/he fights with the idea of an arrow. speed, velocity, direction, piercing, cupid, robin hood, artemis, wayfinding, divination, ancient arrowheads.”)
#3 the solomonite
sent to earth as a child as part of the galactic forign exchange student program, abe marshall was raised to use his super human powers for the good of mankind. so he did as the powerfly muscled “the solomonite.” but as he grew older and wiser he realized that each enemy was bigger and more powerful than the last. the planet he loved so dearly was taking more and more damage, and the people he was fighting to save were dying more and more. as he was pondering this a man in black robes apeared and offered him the solution. to rev up his already incrediblly powered body and render him truely invincible. with his insanely powerful body pushed beyond known limits, abe no longer knew pain, fear, weakness, or even humanity. he used his powers to take over the earth to spare them from poor decisions.
it was only his beloved evelyn that kept him from losing the last shreds of himself. but when she grew ill with an incurable malady, the cloaked man returned again with a new offer. he would save her life- all abe had to do was kill the ghostrunner.
will apear later in grin-n-spirit
#3 Jackie Flanagan – Shock Jock
“Now listeners, I’m gonna talk about something a lot of people aren’t going to like, but that’s what I do here. That’s why you come to me. Because I tell it like it is.
“Nowadays everyone says that the world was better before She-Marvel died fighting Doctor A-bombo, but I don’t really see it. The murderers still kill, the robbers still steal and there’s still a bunch of heroes that fly around with their collective thumbs up their butt. So what really changed? Nothing, that’s what.
“Sure, people talk about all the good the She-Marvel did, about all those crimes she stopped and those villains she foiled. They talk about how awful it is that she isn’t around to prevent them anymore. But look at the statistics. The crime rates for the year preceding her death and this last year following it, virtually identical. Do you hear that? Virtually identical. Now how could she have had that big an impact on the city everyone talks about, if there’s the exact same amount of crime now as there was before, even months after she died?
“‘But, Jackie, what about the times she saved the world? Doesn’t that count for anything?’ Of course it does, if they actually happened. Not to speak ill of the dead, but look at what proof we got. Some demolished buildings, a bunch of dead people and an exclusive interview with that boytoy reporter of hers at the Galaxy. This is supposed to convince us that we were all on the brink of doom, and only were pulled back from the edge thanks to actions of our fearless hero, She-Marvel? Yeah right, I’ve met yahoos in tin hats with better evidence of aliens putting radios in their head. At least they could pick up FM.
“And for all you out Marvelinians or whatever you call yourselves, preaching about the holy gospel of She-Marvel, really that’s your choice for messiah? An alien that entered the country, entered illegally I don’t hesitate to add, and decides to undertake a dedicated career of reckless disregard for this fine country’s law and traditions. Always talking about peace and understanding, while at the same time beating the everlovin’ snot out of anyone that crossed the lines of her moral codes. Now that’s what I call a role model. Why don’t you loonies just grow mustaches and hang up pictures of Hitler? I don’t know about you but we got enough inspirations on this planet that we don’t need to go making a hero out of this hypocrite. Why look towards Martin Luther King or George Bush for inspiration? Why not one of the thousands of HUMANS that weren’t born with superpowers but still managed to make the world a better place?
“Now let’s go to the phones. Hello, you’re on the air with Jackie Flanagan…â€
#3 Vox Malum
First sighting: Two years ago.
Alias: Boss Bad, Hulkface
Identity: Secret – Arnold Calpern
Abilities: Powerful sorcerer, Level Five spellcaster,
Skills: Spellcasting, spirit conjuring, temporary dimension hopping
Weaknesses: Permanently bonded to the mask of Malum Corick
Weaponry: The Mask of Malum Corick and the Staff of Voxivon
Arnold Calpern was a typical geek who wanted more in life. No longer content with playing MMORPGs with people he wouldn’t last a day with in the real world nor purposely trolling webpages, Arnold wanted to be a powerful person. He went on vacation with his parents to Italy where he wandered through secret passages in this old temple . Recognizing the temple as something he saw in a game, Arnold read and deciphered the inscriptions on the wall, which were written in Latin and an odd language he recognized from an old sci-fi series he memorized.
By the time he got to the end, Arnold found a box containing a horned demon’s mask and a plastic-looking scepter. He thought to himself that they were pieces of junk, but he kept them anyway. Back home, Arnold looked on the internet searching for any information about what he had found in Italy.
“Indutum in obscuro faciem male habebit vocem virtutis” was written on the mask. Translated, it means “Whoever wears the mask of the evil voice shall have dark power.” Tempted, he put it on, and it turned him into a vile, yet powerful sorcerer. The power of the mask, as well as the memories of the last bearer, Ephram Corick, were transferred into the unsuspecting wearer. From that point on, Arnold Calpern was no more. Only Vox Malum, the dark lord of the dominion, remained ready to reek havoc on this modern age of heroism as well as have the power he craved forever.
Vox Malum: (C) and TM Jeff Harris dba Studio Lightcount.
#2 – Brigadier General Harjo
To see the complete character info for Brigadier General Harjo please visit my website:
#3 Spectra
Spectra is a goddess of the mystic arts. She’s able to read minds by putting her right hand on the person’s head and see what that person’s emotion come out in a holographic image. She can also fly with the use of gravity. The helmet is actually an entity that has exists for hundreds of years. Whoever the helmet chooses as it’s user must bond with it whenever it calls the wearer to wear it.
Able to read minds and create holographic illusions, flight, etc.
Day 1 The Meteorologist
Connie Jung won beauty pageants and used the scholarship money to put herself through school. Instead of becoming a respected journalist she is assigned to be the “cute” weather girl at the local station.
After quitting her job she is nearly hit by a meteorite. The radiation transforms her in unexpected ways. She uses her new gravity powers to take revenge on the world of men that have spurned her.
#2 – Alwin Pemberton, the Bright Knight
They were truly the Dark Ages…
For the previous four centuries, the Roman Empire fought with all it’s might against the invading forces from beyond the skies.
Even with their glimmering flying machines, their impervious suits of armor, their divine strength and wisdom and their abundant knowledge of the mystic arts, it had taken them that long to truly crush the Last Legion’s mighty spirit.
But, alas, Rome did fall and burn, and the age of the God Conquerors thus began: With them and their progeny as the new lords and ladies ruling over the land, and the mere mortal men their slaves and workforce.
Some accepted the inevitability of their fate, as it was the place of mortals to serve and worship the gods. Yet others rebeled.
Brave men continued to fought against the invading hordes, knowing full well their numerous advantages against the mere steel of their swords.
Wise men studied day and night to master the god’s secrets, using their own magics against them, even at the cost of their minds and bodies.
And beyond them all was a man both wise and brave. A man who was able to bring hope and unity throughout the land, taking their rebel forces and turning them into an actual army. Many saw him as a messiah. The once and future king returning to his throne to deliver us from evil and slavery.
Sadly, Alwin Pemberton was not this man.
In fact, Alwin Pemberton was not even born when the brave prophesied king and his armies fell under the Conquering God’s war machines in their glorious last stand. And though the invaders suffered greatly, they were still able to recover.
Yet Alwin Pemberton would have to do.
Those at least were the last thoughts of a dying Myrddin Wyllt, the legendary king’s military advisor and chief sorcerer, whom Alwin stumbled into one stormy night while looking for cover under a dead three through an act of sheer happenstance.
Except the old wizard did not believe in such things as luck or coincidences.
For the last 14 years, Myrddin had been both thinkering and guarding the late king’s best guarded secret: A suit of armor made entirely with metals and magic from the God Conqueror’s arsenals. It had been forged more than a thousand times by expert blacksmiths who covered it in protective runes and charms from their frozen homelands. Myrddin had conjured for it two giant metal wings, made with the same mystic cauldrons the gods used to propel their vessels through the clouds.
And finally, there was the sword: The Grass Blade, so called for the green hue with which it’s otherworldly steel shined. The blade had been forged through a ritual known only to the mage himself who had even gone so far as to temper the rare metal with his own hands. It was capable of cutting through anything and anyone, deflecting all attacks no matter their nature and was even supposed to be able to summon the winds and the lighting to smite down it’s enemies.
All of this power was now on young Alwin’s hands. It would be his life’s mission from now on to continue with Myrddin and the King’s crusade. To learn the secrets of the armor and become the hero his people so desperately needed. He would need to use the armor to bring hope and strength to the masses, to embolden them into once again unite against the God Conquerors.
And so begins the legend of the man who united the whole world in it’s darkest moment against the first alien invasion never known by mankind. This is the story of King Alwin Pemberton, The Bright Knight.
#2 Warling
A member of a milquetoast race of scientist aliens, Warling became bored and escaped to Earth where he embraced human violence. Using advanced technology, Warling built a mecha that he uses to create chaos.
#3 Attila Gorilla
Attila Gorilla is a science experiment gone wrong.Created by the misguided,but technically good, scientist Hi-Q he has all the fighting skills and strategic abilities of History’s greatest conquerors.His efforts to bring the world under his control are only stopped by Max Action.
#1- Hal Owen
#1- Hal Owen Alignment: Neutral Elemental Affinity: Water Hal lives in the sewers of Detroit. The term 'omnivore' has never
described anyone as perfectly as it does Hal. He's perfectly happy to
eat trash and sewage.
From his lair under the streets of the city, Hal hears all sorts of
information. In exchange for some food, he's usually happy to share
any info he may have on any given topic. Powers: Indescernable Anatomy: Hal is immune to critical hits and attacks that
target specific organs.
Fine with Filth- Hal is immune to disease and poison Enhanced strength and Endurance- Hal is slightly stronger and tougher
than an average human.
#2 FREON The Snowclops
A character that came to me during the crazy October snow storm we had on the east coast this past week. I could easily see FREON the Snowclops becoming a Z-Girl and the 4 Tigers villain.
#30Characters Chatter…