RSSCategory: Superhero

#5 Flitter

| November 6, 2011 | 0 Comments

This is Flitter, Captain of the Animal Elite’s AIR Unit (birds) and the fastest combat flyer in the entire fleet. Noble and very confident in her abilities and decision making. Often comes off as arrogant but when in a fight, you’d want her in your corner.



#5 “Wonderbolt” Walter Chen

| November 6, 2011 | 0 Comments

Universe/Storyline: The Band

Universe details: In the isolated city of Crescent where these characters live, superpowers spring from close encounters with death. Only people born in the city can gain these powers, and since this is a relatively new settlement, the first generation of people born there are just starting to show signs of super-fication. This means mostly kids and teens. Of the teens, Camille, Max, Amelia, Walter, and Rin decide to team up and form a band. They take it upon themselves to help other kids who are just getting powers/dealing with death. Eventually, when The Band realizes that everyone deserves to be informed about the city’s unique predicament, they try to reach every kid in the city at once by putting on a live concert.


Height: 5’ 10”

Body Type: Average, tall, slightly muscular

Hair: Short, black. Sticks up with static.

Eyes: Dark brown, almost black. Wears large, black rimmed glasses.

Race: Chinese-American

Age: 15

Attire: Like Max, Walter doesn’t have an official costume, and prefers instead to wear T-shirts and shorts most days. Many of his T-shirts have electronic themes: either they are video game merchandise or employee shirts from electronic stores or just a shirt with a toaster on it. Sometimes he wears rubber gloves when he’s not sure if he’s going to shock someone or when he’s dealing with conductive materials, especially water. He designed a belt for himself that he wears under his shirt that has multiple electrical outlets on it, so he can plug things in and offset some of the charge he naturally builds up over time. The belt also has a cord with a plug end, in case he needs an extra boost of power.

Superpowers: Electrokinesis, mostly Subconscious (primary)- Walter generates a small electric charge naturally that builds up over time and can be released by physical contact. If he builds up enough charge over a period of days (or is all of a sudden exposed to it), he can even electrocute someone or something from a distance, like a plasma bolt. These bolts can leave from any point on his open skin, and reach any nearby conductive surface/object. Walter is somewhat handy with gadgets, and eventually designs a gun that lets him focus and aim a bolt more accurately, but it drains him pretty quickly if he’s not plugged in. The negative side-effect of using his power is that it causes him some physical pain. Being touched by water after he’s built up a large charge causes him to short, which hurts him and also drains him of his charge.

Personality: Although Walter is apparently less powerful, experienced, or useful when compared to the rest of the team, this hardly affects his personality. He is a somewhat shy but incredibly kind guy who easily resists becoming pompous over the idea of being a superhero. He is a valuable asset to the team for his expertise with computers and other hardware. He greatly enjoys the company of his teammates as friends, although he and Amelia do eventually become more than friends. He stands out from the rest of the group as the only one with a family he can go home to, and a dedication to school work as much as fighting crime. He is relatively ‘normal’ compared to his teammates, and occasionally garners some envy from them.



a.      Electricity (storage, conduction)- Death of his grandfather in the hospital. Walter’s gramps was on life support when the plug was pulled by Amelia.


Theme Song: Wonderman (feat. Ellie Goulding)- Tinie Tempah & Ellie Goulding

#3 – Hawk

| November 6, 2011 | 0 Comments


Hawk, and his ability to control ice. A foil to my character Noel, a pyrokenetic.

#6 craven the conqueror

| November 6, 2011 | 0 Comments

with great timidity craven is forced into the family business of universal domination, following such famous inspirations as ming the merciless and adolph the nasty nazi. forced into a possition of meaness parents who failed to conqueor the universe themselves and must therefore push thier child into a job he’s ill suited for. craven has great strength, dexerity, a powerful mechanical arm gauntlet, loyal minions, and an absolute fear of harming so much as a blade of grass.

#6: Unprepared-For-Life’s-Trials Man

| November 6, 2011 | 2 Comments

As a child, Unprepared-For-Life’s-Trials Man played T-Ball, was driven to school, had his name written in the waistband of his underwear, and was constantly encouraged. Thus, was not ready for the constant barrage of suck that life had in store for him.

While other heroes valiantly fight crime in it’s many aspects, UFLT Man quietly weeps, rocking back and forth in a fetal position.

Want to see more? Check out my webcomic at the link below 🙂

Sam Medina – Day 6

| November 6, 2011 | 0 Comments

Saul E. Mander

#5: The Imp

| November 6, 2011 | 0 Comments

The Imp is a mischievous thief  who is notorious for causing pranks during his crime spree and has a reputation for being extremely difficult to capture. This acrobatic troublemaker is not only infamous for his criminal pranks, but famous within the public school systems as a rebel within the Establishment. Even the heroes in the Superhuman community find it difficult to apprehend him as his crimes usually end up with the object returned after a number of days, plus the publicity backlash that comes with any hero who attempts to arrest the Imp. His crimes seem based on the the simple fact that The Imp is looking for a challenge to his skills and once he succeeds and claims his quarry, he sees no further point in keeping the object of his affection.

The Imp’s list of crimes range from:

– Stealing the Millenium Park’s Cloud Gate (The Bean) and replacing it with a Giant Inflatable Bouncy Castle, full of Beans.

– Disrupting the Bank of America Marathon by introducing laxatives into the runner’s courtesy drinks, while he infiltrates the corporate headquarters and, I kid you not, rearrange the office furniture while taking the list and emptying out the accounts of several of the wealthiest people within the City.

– Spray Painting ” What’cha Talking About, Willis?!” across the Sears Tower, upon its announcement that the Sears Tower will be called Willis Tower.

– Stealing the Lion Statues at the Art Institute, and if that wasn’t incredible enough, made a mock sculpture of it with a series of stools and kitten plushies.

– Released fireworks within the United Center during a Bulls Game, activating the sprinkler systems (which were filled with paint) and amidst the chaos, stole the mascot costume of Benny The Bull.

Abilities: The Imp is an amazing acrobat, demonstrating skills of an Olympic Class athlete, while showing elements of parkour and free-running to increase his evasive ability. The Imp also carries a numerous objects to aid in his crimes from smoke bombs to grappling hooks, even a special “Taser Touch” where the Imp’s hands set off a charge, stunning his obstacles. The Imp has also demonstrated the ability of climbing and clinging to any surface, possibly due to either his Electrical Gloves, or a preternatural ability.

Design: This is actually more of a recent creation, as I rummage through various costume concepts and was intrigued by a Spider-Man concept with the padding, so I played around with the design and combining the agility and creating a monster persona around the outfit, I created the Imp. His methods and personality seem more of a “off the top of my head” type of writing and it works for this character, as I now do see him more as a Neutral type who operates as a villain type, yet due to his persona as more of a prankster than a malicious supervillain,The Imp belongs in that rare “tweener” category in wrestling where he does heelish acts, but is cheered by the public as a face.

#5 Revolution

| November 6, 2011 | 0 Comments

No one knows his name, but he roams the third world countries sparking revolutions.  A rich man with nothing better to do, he enjoys his work.

#5 The Baron von Facet

| November 6, 2011 | 0 Comments

The Baron von Facet

#5 Drago Hellstrom – Prisoner

| November 5, 2011 | 0 Comments

In my cold cell, I sit and wait for my visitors. There is no question that there will be visitors. Despite the claims of many that I am a insane mass murderer that should be executed for the good of the world, there are many people who recognize the worth of amoral genius. So it is only a matter of time before they come for me. I don’t know who it will be, but it doesn’t matter. The outcome is the same.

Maybe it will be someone from the government, seeking new and greater weapons for their little wars. They come blustering about God, country and duty, all things that I have discarded in my youth. But I swallow my laughter and bargain with them. Sometimes I ask for freedom to work, sometimes just for a few books to read. Once I asked for a pizza from a restaurant on the other side of the country, just to see if they would get it for me. And when they give me what I ask for, they will receive a toy, a trinket or maybe just an insight. They will not understand it, regardless of the form that it comes in, but they will use anyway, congratulating themselves for destroying their enemies with most advanced weapons that exist.

They are an interesting diversion, but hardly satisfying to me.

No, the visitors that I truly enjoy are the heroes. They only come to me when all other options are expended and there is no hope left. And even then, some of them would still refuse to see me. But someone among them will swallow their pride and come to me. Unlike the pompous general and bureaucrats, I do not play games with these visitors. I take pains to be at my most sane and reasonable, freely giving whatever help I can and asking for nothing in return.

Not because I do not want to see them beg. While seeing them grovel would give me great pleasure, it is nothing compared to watching them after the crisis. The heroes stand before an adoring public, ecstatically grateful for being rescued them from another dire threat to the planet. And they will explain how they saved everything and then they will thank me. I, the brutal madman that routinely endangers the entire world, will be thanked by the greatest heroes of the world. It is delicious to watch the small twitches of disgust float across their face as they speak of my contributions.

But even better than receiving their praise is receiving nothing. When the heroes pretend that they I had no effect on the outcome. It is wonderful. Because eventually they will come to me again seeking my help and I will give it to them, freely and without comment. And on that day, they will look into my eyes and they will be shamed.

While I have no use for such useless emotions, to these heroes, they are everything. For me to show myself greater than them, It is a wound more devastating than any I could inflict by hand.

Day 5: Ms. Astro

| November 5, 2011 | 0 Comments


Linda Higgins thought her Grandmother was nothing more than a kindly homebody, and doting grandparent.  This would all change at her Nana Trudy’s funeral she was presented with a strange key and a envelope to a secret location.  She followed the directions, and found an old cabin that housed her Grandmother’s well kept secret.  That she was in fact a stranded time enforcement officer from the year 4002…That on a mission to re-capture a band of fugitives her time transportation device malfunctioned and she became stranded in 1936.  She eventually became a costumed crime fighter known as Ms. Astro.  Armed with various tech from the far future including a TEO standard issue Theta gun and deep space survival suit.  Which she eventually passed on to her granddaughter the 2nd and current Ms. Astro…


Day 5: Olethea, a fish out of water

| November 5, 2011 | 0 Comments

Real name: Olethea

Olethea comes from another world – an entirely aquatic planet. On her world she’s a famous and much-respected hero.
When her planet decided to send envoys to Earth in an effort of good faith and friendship, Olethea was one of the few selected.
However her good deeds hide a dark streak of anger and pride.

On Earth she discovers due to the fact that humans live on land, she is rendered near-useless to help when trouble arrives. Her powers are really only useful underwater.
She’s able to walk on land and breathe air but she’s slow above the water and tires easily with gravity constantly pushing her down.

The Earth heroes joke constantly and at times even make fun of her and Olethea’s pride is not used to taking such blows.

She’s got a mouth full of teeth that would make a shark think twice and she’s about ready to use them to show Earth heroes that her bite is worse than their barks.

#5 – Empower Girl

| November 5, 2011 | 0 Comments

Empower girl is a young woman with the ability to empower others (and herself) to do things beyond their normal abilities.  She manages a temp-agency with the reputation for getting things done.  She acts kind and friendly to everyone she meets, but there are whispers that she is not the friendly, outgoing woman she appears to be.  Her power can be used in reverse, disempowering people and even disabling them.  She rarely, if ever, uses this ability and focuses more on getting the best workers possible.

She is also a very good communicator and could “sell ice to Eskimos” if she wanted to.  There is talk of her entering politics and possibly becoming president someday, but for now she’s focused on building up her business.

#5 Guinea Pig

| November 5, 2011 | 0 Comments

Guinea Pig

Justin “Guinea Pig” Adams is Dr. Legado’s lab assistant/frequent test subject. Due to the irrational nature of Dr. Legado’s experiments, Guinea Pig has occasionally required “upgrades” to make him a better lab assistant.

Guinea Pig’s enhancements include a bionic eye, a mechanical arm, a tentacle, an anti-gravity leg and an antenna for receiving wireless energy to power his bionic parts. Unfortunately, only Dr. Legado’s lab has the wireless energy power source. If Guinea Pig leaves the lab he will lose the use of his bionic eye, arm and anti-gravity leg.

Despite his limitations, Guinea Pig is affable and a loyal assistant to Dr. Legado. He’s a capable assistant, but not the brightest, which helps when you work with a mad scientist.

Day 3 “Stick Up Kid”

| November 5, 2011 | 0 Comments


Here’s # 3 entry for the 30 Characters challenge. I’ve had this idea for a character for a few days now and have been having a tough time settling on any one sketch. I’m not even 100% sure of this one but it’s much closer to what I intended.

These characters will all have a somewhat Hip Hop theme and will take place on earth and in space with a graffiti/underground comic cartoon style. I’m kind of doing a lot of copying of style at this point but I hope to arrive on a style I can call my own eventually.

Thanks for Checkin in! More updates to come throughout the weekend.

God Bless,
-Marshall aka Calmplex

Also Find me on Twitter, Facebook,YouTube, and DeviantArt. You can also email me here

#5 The Cosmic One

| November 5, 2011 | 0 Comments

The ultimate solipsist, in a battle of cosmic proportions. Obviously, his weapon is the singularity.

A retelling (regurgitation) of all those stupid cosmic battles in superhero comics. Perhaps a short comic.


5-Jet Disco

| November 5, 2011 | 0 Comments

Verde City’s biggest crime boss and #1 drug importer. Well, ex-#1 drug importer. Ever since the Pusherman showed up, Disco has quickly lost all of the footing he used to have. he’s hanging on by thread, and that’s only because he makes and sells the best stuff in town, selling to partying socialite’s to help fund his war with Pusherman. He’ll get his out of his way eventually though.

#5: Mister Heart Attack

| November 5, 2011 | 0 Comments

Name: Carson White

Aliases: Mister Heart Attack, Bringer of Light, Public Enemy Number One

Height: 4’2 (in wheelchair) 6’1 (while standing)

Weight: 121 lb

Hair: White

Eyes: Red (contacts, real eye color unknown)

Bio: Little is known about Carson, other than the fact he was born in the year 1943. Exact place is unknown, though we suspect him to be from the upper west coast.

When he was 22, Carson manifested his abilities. In a decade’s time, he had formed the Union of Superior Individuals as the chairman and first member.

In 1988, Carson was crippled in a battle with Third Day. He has been confined to a wheelchair since
Before the appearance of Entropy in 2004, Carson was the most wanted man in the world. There is a standing 25 million dollar bounty on information that leads to his capture or death.

Powers:  Carson can induce cardiac arrest in anyone who he is pointing at. Although materials like lead or concrete can prevent the unseeable beam from touching his target, those who are closer to him may experience an “explosion” of his powers that will induce cardiac arrest in everyone within a certain distance (estimated to be 13-15 meters.)

He is also considered to be an excellent planner, with an IQ estimated at near-genius levels. Before the loss of his legs, Carson was also a proficient hand-to-hand combatant.

#5 – Doctor Automaton

| November 5, 2011 | 0 Comments


To see the full information and origin story behind Dr. Automaton please see my website:

#5 Swordsmith

| November 5, 2011 | 0 Comments


Everyone said that Agent Vittoria was over the hill. Though she was once among of Italy’s best covert agents, she’d been in the game for decades, and some say she couldn’t adapt to the new tricks. Then she volunteered for the SPADA Project, and was transformed into the living weapon known as the Swordsmith. Now, still dedicated to her old school rules, and fearlessly devoted to her country, she’s an adversary to be reckoned with.



Day 5

| November 5, 2011 | 0 Comments

Day 4

| November 5, 2011 | 0 Comments

Day 2 Thoraxus

| November 5, 2011 | 0 Comments

Day 1 Jet Jockey

| November 5, 2011 | 0 Comments

#5 Schreck Baboon

| November 5, 2011 | 0 Comments

For More Tank-Monkey Click Here

#5 Thunder Fist

| November 5, 2011 | 0 Comments
Thunder Fist

Thunder Fist


The  alien explorer Tunder Fis was exploring this solar system when her craft had unexpected instrument failures due to the radiation emitting from the sun…she was forced to crash land on earth. After a tremendous crash landing off the coast of Venice Beach-she soon realized how dire her situation was…lost, without a craft, and with no way of contacting her native people she is forced to assimilate with the local humans as best she can. She soon adopts the dress of the locals and sets out to blend in…

This soon proves  impossible as she, like all of her people, has tremendous strength and incredible durability. She is soon discovered by a mysterious government agency who wants to use her powers for their purposes…she is code named Thunder Fist by a group of scientists unable to correctly understand her name.



#5 Fuzzy

| November 5, 2011 | 0 Comments

Fuzzy is one of the many citizens that Flump and his gang work so tirelessly to keep safe. Fuzzy is very quiet, but very confident, and willing to try new things.

#4 – Grand Master Koshi Yoritomo

| November 5, 2011 | 0 Comments


To see the all the information about Grand Master Koshi Yoritomo, please see his full listing on

#5 Astral

| November 5, 2011 | 2 Comments

Billy Whittaker is not exactly cool with having superpowers.  He doesn’t like it, not one bit.  Even though his power allows him to take energy from the “astral plane” and form it into solid force–such as a battering ram, a blade, or a set of “energy jaws” that can cut through just about anything–Billy curses whatever higher power exists out there for giving him what amounts to a “curse”.

However, he still goes out and fights crime, often by the side of the heroine Windwalker, or sometimes by himself, using the name “Astral”.  As a struggling college student, Billy’s a smart but reserved young man who never seems to have enough money, so no costume.  Even so, Billy’s not afraid of being caught on tape or having his image put up on the ‘Net.  You see, despite hating his powers, Billy uses them for good, not because it’s going to make him money or a star, but because, in his view, it’s the right thing to do.  It may sound old-fashioned, but Billy has seen enough people suffer because of crimes and the machinations of the powerful.  And his “curse” might be the only way to even the odds.

Alongside Windwalker and the new Red Raptor, Billy has clashed with members of Mitchell Baranovich’s team of super-powered enforcers.  One recent surprising development was the start of a relationship–sort of–between Billy and the former enforcer Firesprite (Lia Galloway).  Firesprite is now on her own, having left Baranovich’s clutches, and sometime she teams up with Billy.  Billy himself is not sure about where things will go in regards to Firesprite and himself, but…as long as she’s out of Baranovich’s grasp, that’s good enough.

Billy has no illusions about what could happen to him if Baranovich–or any of the criminal gangs–decide to really pursue him and bring the full weight of their power to bear on him.  Until that happens, though, Billy–as Astral–will continue to bring right to a world gone wrong.

#5 The Bulk

| November 5, 2011 | 0 Comments

Here’s my new character for today. She is another one for a story I will begin paneling out after this challenge. I hope the parody and “wink” are obvious. This character is called the Bulk.

You won’t like her when she’s hungry.

When most girls tried to lose a little weight, Marley Moore was trying her best to gain as much as she could. Her high speed metabolism was considered much more of a curse than a blessing and it was officially defined as a medical condition. Constantly eating and ever ravenous, Marley nearly ate her parents into bankruptcy. That was when they turned to a Russian scientist who was interested in her case and offered free services as an exchange for using her in her own experiments. The doctor’s hypothesis stated that Marley’s metabolism would regulate if she were able to consume enough sugars in her bloodstream through intravenous methods. Frustrated by mixed results and the ever-pressing complaints from Marley who had grown tired from months of experiments, the doctor took matters into her own hands. Mixing purified proteins and arterial dilators into the sugar enriched compound proved to be a deadly decision. Thrashing about the experiment table, Marley’s body distorted and deformed and the proteins raced through her muscles. Every artery and vein flowed blood at accelerated rates as they dilated. Blood rushing through the enlarged arteries shown through her skin, giving it a blue tint. The enhanced proteins caused her muscles to bulge and gave them strength to withstand the onslaught to her system. Bones grew rapidly, shooting pain throughout poor Marley’s system. Screaming from agony, Marley grew to ten times her original size and weight in a matter of minutes. Braces snapped and restraints ripped away. A giant bulk of a monster rose in rage and sought something large to eat! The poor doctor tried to run when suddenly the Bulk snatched her from her feet and ate her whole. The large meal caused a sudden reaction that stabilized Marley’s system.  The Bulk spun about dizzily. Sweat and water poured from her skin leaving large puddles on the floor. Marley’s original shape reformed as she passed out from the trauma. Her parents watched in horror from behind a lab window. When they saw she was no longer conscience they ran to her aid. The family soon realized that Marley was doomed to a fate of constant eating and that she would never be normal. Anytime that her appetite grows the Bulk within her threatens to grow as well. Turning herself into authorities, Marley met up with a super hero named the Lady Bug. The Lady Bug was nearly the same age, but was a scientist as well as a super hero. The Lady Bug promised to continue helping her with a cure and to give her a cause as well. Should the world ever need a huge, horrible Bulk to save the day, Marley would be there ready to withhold herself from a meal and to be transformed in the Unbelievable Bulk!

#3 Danielle “Dani” Stone

| November 5, 2011 | 0 Comments

From the notes of Doctor Erica Wallace, Chief Scientist, Project: Chimera:

September 21, 2011.  Subject 042 exhibits some of the most promising results of our trials yet — enhanced strength, endurance, resistance to injury and disease.  She would be a perfect specimen for our plans if not for her headstrong nature and utter contempt for authority figures.  Suggest we attempt to determine why her body has adapted so well to Xenovirus 121074 and isolate this factor for use in other subjects.


September 30, 2011.  Cross freed Subject 042 from our Los Angeles facility and is currently on the run from our military forces, having joined with his group of “Outcasts.”  Further studies have shown that her body hides the genetic variable that I have been seeking for years.  Must implore General Adams that I need her returned alive or else all of our years of planning and experimentation are for naught.