RSSCategory: Superhero

#7 Caliente Freola

| November 7, 2011 | 0 Comments
Caliente Freola

Caliente Freola

#7 Twisted Sistah

| November 7, 2011 | 0 Comments

The next character in my spoof comic, Twisted Sistah:

Moesha Mack was the high school hook-up for the hottest new drugs on the street. Sister to a feared gang leader in Southern California, Moesha seemed untouchable. Dealing to children, supplying to parents and ruining families, Moesha cared about no one but herself and about making the next big sale.  It seemed the joke was finally on her when she tried a few new experimental drugs in a singular cocktail. While on her high, she felt a strong craving for toast and upon trying to plug her toaster into the wall, she stumbled, tripped and dropped it into a full sink of water which she grabbed to sustain herself. Electricity shot throughout her body in incredible force, but somehow, the drugs slowed her heart rate in a way that helped her to survive. Not only that, it transformed Moesha into a storm waiting to happen. Her body now has the power to give off heat or coolness into the atmosphere around her. By detecting the temperature of the air around her, Moesha only needs to give off an opposing temperature and the struggle of air pressure around her will cause the opposing air masses to spin in fury for dominance. Thus, this barometric babe can cause extreme wind damage and even sizable cyclones to form around her. With practice, she has learned to focus and direct these winds, and has decided to turn over a new leaf.

#7 Lob

| November 7, 2011 | 0 Comments

The happy little lobster who likes to mind his own business and get on with… being a lobster!

#6 Gazelle

| November 7, 2011 | 2 Comments

“Strong, fast, indestructible . . . yeah, I’m all of those things. I know my name doesn’t really reflect these qualities, but I didn’t get to choose mine. I was seen sprinting through the streets a few times, and next thing you know, some newspaper editor thought I looked elegant. He’ll know my displeasure soon; I have his car.”

– Gazelle

#2 Tech Knight

| November 7, 2011 | 1 Comment

Man, I’ve already fallen way behind! Let’s play catch up, shall we?

Tech Knight:

Cade Carter was the kind of student that every teacher despises: brilliant, but lazy. Able to do the very least amount of work and achieve above average grades, Cade was content to do just that throughout his collegiate career rather than pushing himself to be exceptional.

All that changed when, during an especially riveting sociology lecture through which Cade was trying desperately to sleep, a warrior clad in an advanced suit of armor crashed through the classroom wall, gunning only for Carter. Narrowly escaping, Cade finds himself trapped in the building’s labyrinthine basement, his attacker rapidly approaching. Just as he is discovered, Cade very conveniently finds a silver and black broadsword of strange and ornate design. Upon grasping it in a desperate attempt at defense, Cade is enveloped in silver and black armor and helmet, a hybrid of ancient and futuristic design. Finding himself possessed of amazing new abilities, Cade quickly disposes of his attacker, rushing back to the safety of his dorm without being seen before the sword disappears in a brilliant flash of light.

Over the next few months Cade finds that, whenever danger arises the sword seems to miraculously appear nearby. Cade uses it to defend against the increasingly strange occurrences and attacks on campus, learning in the course that the sword and armor can only be used by him.

In time Cade is contacted by a satellite orbiting the earth, possessing the simulated intelligence of his distant descendent, a brilliant scientist who, along with a team, created five weapons of incredible power. It soon became clear, however, that the corporation employing them was not an organization that should possess such artifacts. To safeguard them, the weapons were keyed to respond only to the scientists’ genetic codes. During a raid on their facilities, Cade’s descendent, in a desperate move, hid the weapons in the past, send along a digitized version of himself to watch over them.

Cade is now tasked with a vital mission: find the other weapons and guard them, before the Darelight Corporation, traveled back in time, can acquire them. His new mission, along with a glimpse at what his wasted potential can actually achieve in his accomplished descendent, Cade finds a new motivation and works to safeguard the past from the mistakes of the future.


Appearance: Tech Knight appears to be an armored knight of old (weird Mohawk helmet and all), but his adornments are distinctively futuristic, glowing with white inlays. He has a short, tattered cape flowing behind him, seemingly made of white energy.

Weapons and Paraphernalia: Tech Knight’s only weapon is his futuristic broadsword which, when held by him, covers his body in a nanotech armor.

Powers and Abilities: The full powers of Tech Knight’s sword have yet to be discovered, but so far it seems to be able to slice through any material, move with incredible speed and accuracy and project energy for a variety of effects, including slashing energy waves and continued segmentation of sliced objects.

His armor grants Cade superhuman strength, speed and protection from injury. Rocket bursts from his boots allow for swift dashes across the ground, as well as enabling him to leap more than once in mid-air. His helmet also feeds him constant intuitive updates to his surroundings, approximating a sort of psychic HUD.

#4 Scott Harper

| November 7, 2011 | 0 Comments

Report from General Rudolph Adams, Project: Chimera

April 20, 2011.  At 1300 today, Subject 009 lost control of his abilities and killed three of the soldiers under my command.  In attempting to apprehend him, 009 devastated the facility and broke free, fleeing to the downtown Denver area where he went underground.  Our mission here has been compromised and, as per orders, the entire complex has been destroyed and all those working here have been terminated.

May 9, 2011.  Report has come in indicating the Subject 009 has fallen in with our old friend Cross.  Seems he’s has a change of heart and has set out to liberate as many of our test subjects as he can.  All agents are to be on high alert; we cannot afford another Denver incident.









#7 Contrail

| November 7, 2011 | 0 Comments

Contrail - The Midnight Crusader

First sighting: Three Years Ago

Alias: The Midnight Crusader, Guardian of the Sword

Identity: Secret – Amir Hafiz Saifullah

Weapons: Retractable plasma whips which could transform into a lightsword on each hand

Skills: Trained in multiple martial arts and swordsmanship, mastery of detective and scientific skills, escape artistry

The House of Saifullah has existed for many generations. Some say they’ve been around since the dawn of time. They ruled the Kingdom of Ebony Sand in relative peace and prosperity, despite the “Sword of God” name. Even their relations with the US and Israel are less tenacious than their other Middle Eastern counterparts.

The current ruler of the Kingdom of Ebony Sand is King Hadir Saifullah. His son Amir and his daughters Suha and Uzma are his pride and joy. Hadir’s brother, Wafi, serves as the ruler of the military. When Amir turned 18, he asked his father if he could forsake his princely duties and see the world, which he allows.

Amir brings his wife Jamila with him to America where they settle and make their home in the northwestern city of Diode Falls.
Diode Falls is home to many businesses, including Tenstone Industries, a multinational conglomerate founded and owned by the Salifullah family. Amir became the company’s operator and owner. He is one of the largest employers of the city and the biggest philanthropist in the world, giving away $5 billion of his own personal fortune to individuals, charities, and other businesses in the country.

Rumor of a hooded warrior protecting the nightly streets from dangerous criminals have emerged over the past three years. This midnight crusader, Contrail, has become a beacon of light in this dark city. He has taken out many dangerous criminals and has become a target of many of the criminal syndicates that made Diode Falls their homebase as well.

Amir has taken his role as a hero to its zenith and relishes the role. However, when a family tragedy brings him back home, will he leave the cloak of Contrail behind and return to his princely duties?

Contrail: TM and (C) Jeff Harris dba Studio Lightcount

#7 Wom-Bat and Flittermouse

| November 7, 2011 | 6 Comments

The dominant theory regarding the Wom-Bat, as she came to be called-  from Woman-Bat- is that she is a human that somehow bonded with the alien, perhaps before birth, and the alien assumed control of  many of her vital functions at that time, and began the physical warping of her form.

A newer theory has been gaining traction however, which is that she is in fact an altered earth bat that the alien bonded with, whose DNA has been re-arranged by the alien to trigger the formation of a more humanoid body.


Wom-Bat & Flittermouse ©&TM2011MikeDubisch

Visit me at WWW.DUBISCH.COM and at !!

#7: The Black Man

| November 7, 2011 | 0 Comments

This is The Black Man. His costume is really all black and his gloves, eyes, and boots are white. He has little knives that he uses as weapons. He’s a good guy that sometimes helps my team, The Supers.

Thanks, Xavier

#3 – The Warden

| November 7, 2011 | 2 Comments

They faked the moon landing. It’s pretty obvious when you look really closely at the footage. How they did it, is plain as day if you know what to look for. Anyone with a bit of filmmaking experience and half a brain can tell you how. What they always miss is why. People think they faked it because they just plain couldn’t get there – that they needed something to fake out the Russians to buy some time, but that’s bull. We can get there. We’ve been able to get there since the ’40s. Hell, the Nazis nearly got there themselves. We can get there, but we’re not allowed.

The Russians found that out when Gagarin came back from orbit. They got some guy to pose as the returning hero, but the truth is that Gagarin, the real Gagarin, was torn out of his capsule, and literally thrown back to earth. Most of him burned up on re-entry, but I’m told by credible sources there are some remains – though hardly recognizable.

And thanks to the high level of Cold War paranoia, the Russians never told NASA, so Alan Shepherd bought it the same way. And you know, they keep trying, every few years. They’ve tried bombs, missles, decoys, what have you, but he’s always there, out in the dark. Waiting. He lets us have satellites, for some reason. Even those black-ops weapon satellites nobody’s supposed to know about. Guess he doesn’t really care what we do to each other. As far as the rest of the solar system, or hell, the rest of the universe for all we know, his message to humanity is clear. NO TRESSPASSING.

06 – Ms. Mercury

| November 7, 2011 | 1 Comment

… continued from Character #5, War-Dove…

… Henrietta Glass!

Dr. Glass is a biology professor who made her way to the Danaian landing site moments before the aliens arrived.  She came out of her own curiosity when she overheard her colleagues joking about some reports that amateur astronomers had begun calling in to the university.  She was the scientist with the quick wits who doused Senator Trent Day with the Danaian Elixir transforming him into the Gold Gladiator.

When the meteors began to fall, the golden Sen. Day shielded her and his wife, Hilda, from the initial impacts and left them in the back of an Army jeep.  A jeep that was unfortunately hit by small meteor throwing her and Mrs. Day out into the field unprotected.  That is when the coughing fits began.  Each breathe Henrietta took was followed by a painful exhalation of golden mist.  Henrietta watched in awe, still clutching the Elixir, as Hilda Day fought through her own convulsions and performed miraculous feats of strength.  When Hilda destroyed an incoming meteor Henrietta, like everyone on the ground, ran for cover from the falling debris.

Tripping in her search for shelter, Dr. Glass dropped the Elixir flask, breaking it and exposing Dr. Glass to the entirety of its contents.  Covered in luminescent liquid, she looked on in horror as a chunk of space rock came hurtling towards her.  The meteor fragment never made contact as it continued through the space Dr. Glass had been occupying unimpeded as her body separated into two smaller, chrome beings both, strangely, under her control.

Appropriately dubbing herself Ms. MERCURY, Henrietta Glass is the science officer for the Secret Soldier.  Her body has been completely metamorphosed into a mercurial metallic substance that allows her to split into smaller versions of herself, all controlled by her central consciousness.  In addition, her mirror-like body is hard to damage as most attacks will either pass through or cause her to automatically separate.

As the lead investigator into the change that occurred in those individuals present in that Michigan forest that historic evening, Dr. Glass discovered that these extraordinary transformations were the work of a virus of extraterrestrial origin.  Upon infection, the virus is capable of altering an individual down to the atomic level with wildly unpredictable results.  Take for example…

GO TO Character #7!

05 – War-Dove

| November 7, 2011 | 1 Comment

… continued from Character #4, the Enforcer…

… Hilda Day, professor of archaeology and wife of Senator Trent Day!

Through fits of coughing up a golden mist, Hilda Day shocks both the newly mechanized PFC Johnson and herself when she helps him lift a meteor pinning down a state trooper.  A meteor that weighs over ten tons!  Taking all of the weight herself she effortlessly tosses the space rock several hundred feet into the woods.  Looking about she sees her gilded husband helping a small group of soldiers while Johnson pulls the injured trooper to safety.  Hilda hears a voice coming from overhead and turns her attention to the heavens to see Captain Hughes flying under his own power pointing to another, larger meteor falling toward them.

Reacting without thinking, Mrs. Day leaps into the air, toward the plummeting boulder and flies past the hovering, glowing Hughes to intercept it before impact.  Misjudging her speed and power, Hilda plows through the meteor, shattering it into millions of pieces saving the people gathered below.  Taking a breath after her incredible feat, Hilda is tapped on the shoulder by Captain Hughes and realizes that she is watching the proceedings below while hovering in the air.

The events of that fateful day left Hilda transformed.  Her strength is astonishing, able to lift twenty tons given the right circumstances.  Her body, while not as invulnerable as her golden spouse’s, is very resilient and capable of shrugging up gunfire.  Donning a Nordic-inspired costume and the nom de guerre WAR-DOVE, Hilda Day fights along side her husband and fellow members of the Secret Soldiers!  In addition, Hilda can fly for short distances and provides some aerial assistance to the team’s resident aerialist, Azure Aviator.

While Hilda’s spontaneous heroics prevented those present at the Danaians first appearance, debris from the broken meteor nearly killed…

GO TO Character #6!

04 – The Enforcer

| November 7, 2011 | 0 Comments

… continued from #3, the Azure Aviator…

… PFC Rocky Johnson.  Deployed from a nearby Army outpost on the northern shore of the Upper Peninsula, PFC Johnson bore witness to the Danaian encounter and was present when the meteors began to fall.  Johnson’s quick thinking saved Captain Hughes’ life when he pushed the Army aviator out of the path of meteor that granted him his powers.  Unfortunately this maneuver cost the Private his hands and most of his forearms, as they were crushed in the impact.

In the ensuing confusion of the meteoric storm, the injured Johnson, in complete shock by this point, fell upon the dropped Danaian “disc of universal knowledge.”  The disc lit up at the Johnson’s touch and emitted a ray of light that pulled bits of metal from Senator Day’s helicopter and Johnson’s own jeep and fashioned them into large mechanical hands that were summarily fused to the ends of what remained of Johnson’s arms.

These mechanical hands, which upgrade themselves from time to time and automatically repair themselves from available materials, grant PFC Johnson incredible strength.  These powerful prosthetics, coupled with his skills as an Army boxer, allow Johnson, using the field name of ENFORCER, to serve as a capable combatant as a member of the Secret Soldiers.

Despite recent traumatic events, Johnson’s instincts again saved lives when he made short work of an incoming meteor with a mighty blow of his mechanical hands.  He found the limits of his newly acquired strength when he attempted to move a large asteroid that had pinned a state trooper named Korvus Kain.  Eventually the hefty rock began to move.  Johnson was surprised to receive aid from…

GO TO Character #5!

“Lucky Shamrock”

| November 7, 2011 | 0 Comments

“Angie Showcat: The Yoga Professional”

| November 7, 2011 | 1 Comment

#6 – Sally

| November 7, 2011 | 0 Comments

This is Sally and she used to be a superhero (name: supersally – powers: superstrength) but it got too messy so she quit. Being a retired superhero fits her just fine, she reads the same books over and over, knits, does laundry, has a very nice garden and – actually, she’s bored as hell and would go back to being a superhero except she lost her power and that is a bit annoying; especially since her nemesis Dr. Vicious never stops bothering her, kidnapping her dates, stealing her knitting patterns, laying deadly traps for her and setting fire to her garden.

#7 – The Three

| November 7, 2011 | 0 Comments

Hive minded villains are always creepy, right? Especially when they all talk using the same voice, or their eyes glow when they get angry, right? Taking over small towns and putting entire populations into stasis while they go about their grim work, building techno-organic gateways to the worlds between hell and damnation.

That’s these guys.



#7 – Venus Envy

| November 7, 2011 | 6 Comments

#7 - VenusEnvy
The next member of the supergroup THE BRATPACK, the hypnotic hotress, VENUS ENVY!

#7 Agent 4-W

| November 7, 2011 | 1 Comment

Click Here For More Tank-Monkey

#7 Red Killmaster,Freelance Secret Agent

| November 7, 2011 | 0 Comments


Red was hired by bored Trillionaire Percival Gaylord Foggybottom to be his bodyguard.While traveling in France, Red thwarted an attempt to steal the Eiffel Tower,and replace it with a copy made of licorice,by killing everyone involved in horribly violent ways.Inspired by this and wanting to “give back” to the world Percival started his own spy agency to “protect” the innocent.This protection usually involves dropping Red in,having him rip the front of the troublemaker’s head off,and punching them directly in the brain while their children watch and cry.He then deflowers all the “innocents” he can before collapsing in a drunken coma until the next mission.

#6 Flinch

| November 7, 2011 | 1 Comment


Ever heard of the phrase “Crazy like a fox”? Well they must have been referring to Flinch. This self proclaimed “Master of Mass Murder” is as deranged and psychotic as they come. He takes immense pleasure in the hunt of his victims. A trained killer, who works for the highest bidder, Flinch just might be the most dangerous animal being alive. Despite his nervous twitch (hence the name), Flinch is also an incredible marksman but prefers to get up close and personal with a knife.



Number 4: The Creater

| November 7, 2011 | 0 Comments

Full name: Unknown
Alias: The Creater
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Allignment: Mercenary
Race: Unknown
Height: Unknown
Abilities: Can combine his arms together to create different weaponry. Single- handgun/knife, Double- SMG/shield, Triple- shotgun/shortsword/hammer, Quadruple- assault rifle/longsword, Quintuple- LMG/greatsword, Sextuplet- sniper rifle/giant hammer

Appearance: Six arms, long black trench coat, low hooded face, glowing green eyes
Bio: Little is known of the gun-for-hire simply known as The Creater. It is rumored that he is a demon sent from the Underworld to wreck havoc on Earth, but nobody knows for sure. In fact, his name and his skill are all that is known about him. It is said that when a client gathers the resources the pay for his services, The Creater will appear and take the job regardless of the details, demanding half his pay up front. After carrying out his mission, The Creater may or may not collect on the rest, but as far as anyone knows, he does so completely arbitrarily. One thing is for certain, though, The Creater is not a rational being, he lives only to cause mayhem for whoever pays.

07 – Soul Fire by Beausephus

| November 7, 2011 | 2 Comments



CONCEPT: A group of young mystics seek to gain supposed “true power” and wind up trapped by the very forces they sought to control.  SOUL FIRE, along with THUNDER CROSS found themselves without a physical bodies , consumed by the power they sought to control.  SOUL FIRE rededicated himself to his study of magic and the mystic arts, determined to control the power that was literally destroying him.  He discovered a way to hinder the energy but not how to cure himself.  Bound in blessed metals and enchanted symbols, SOUL FIRE can now control the elemental energies, but he has seemingly forever lost his true human form and like the chains that bind his burning form, so too is his humanity trapped inside the inferno that engulfs him.


The original idea that became SOUL FIRE and THUNDER CROSS and his friends started during a period of really looking into and observing the Ditko Doctor Strange and the Simonson Thor runs.  Magic versus humanity.  So I took three selfish young mystics training to in some secret art who desire more and endeavor to find ways of achieving more raw power.  In a Faustian accident brought on by their hubris they find themselves dominated and possessed by the elemental energies they sought to control.  In the end, they decide to redeem themselves by using their powers for good before the energies that grant them their abilities consume them.  This basic origin created three characters – VENGEANCE, THUNDER CROSS, and SOUL FIRE…. magic based spandex superheroes. A recreation of the original design is below.

So when I went to re-envision these designs for the new century, I took everything down a more sinister path.  Instead of the characters merely gaining abilities they have questionable control over, the mystic energies possess and destroy everything that they believe makes them human.  Instead of donning metal gloves and a Ferro-Lad inspired helmet, THUNDER CROSS, must use physics, electonics, and rudimentary magic to create a harness that will allow him to keep a mostly human shape while he seeks a way, with his peers, to pay for their vanity and hopefully restore themselves to their true forms.  Instead of donning an obviously inspired Gambit style costume, SOUL FIRE, like THUNDER CROSS, is immolated by energy and mystical forces, but SOUL FIRE turns to the the truly mystic and magical to control his form.

If the exploration of a hero’s jounrey is what makes one a hero, I believe one first must rediscover who they are.  THUNDER CROSS and SOUL FIRE are examples of a characters whose choices damn them but force them to rediscover their beliefs right  down their very concept of self…. with a bunch of explosions and magic battles thrown in to keep things exciting.


The image above is a new take on a basic spandex superhero, but in all honesty, I like the original design below more than the revamped design above.  While I like the new direction of the characters’ stories, I feel the new THUNDER CROSS design is far superior to the new SOUL FIRE design.  Rethinking the design may be in order…perhaps an update will soon follow….

Death Winds Pilot

| November 7, 2011 | 0 Comments
A genocidal pilot with a jetpack who sprays towns.

Sprayer of soils and soiler of lungs.



When the public finally became aware of the NATO Program called “Hazed Earth,” the concentrations of barium and soil bleaches were increased nearly tenfold, transforming the hazy white seeding trails to a ruddy, blackened smear.  The consensus was reached by the global economic powers to begin spraying at the lower elevations, merely a few hundred feet above the fields and homes of the Western world.

A pioneer of the early demograph duster pilot program explained his motivation in this manner:  “You see, the developments in unmanned aerial vehicles were disregarded at the time because of the sheer costs involved in manufacturing so many machines.  It was easier just to build the tank and propulsion system for a single pilot, ironically in a reversal of the original purpose for going unmanned.  When we moved the forced labor system to being universal for all mankind, well, everybody could see the sense in volunteering to be taken care of and allowed to live through the purge in exchange for helping in the killing.”

#7 metrodome

| November 7, 2011 | 2 Comments

once believed to be a powerful man in a powerful armor suit, metrodome was receintly discovered to have thousands of tiny people living in it. the mobile city of major justice fights for the rights of all individuals, tall or small.

#7 Red Velvet

| November 7, 2011 | 0 Comments

An dangerous threat to all her enemies, Red Velvet  is an living weapon. She’s an operative with her superiors unknown to the outside world. She can kill with the snap of a finger. She’s beautiful as she as a killer. Her real name is classified by the organization she works for.

Height: 6’0 Weight:189 lbs. Age: Unknown but according to her records, she is 32 years of age. Racial background:Caucasian.

Personality: Always self aware of her surroundings, straight to the point, always ready for a challenge.


#6 Dr. Muahahahaha

| November 7, 2011 | 0 Comments

Dr. Hiram Muahahahaha is a mad scientist. One of the maddest as a matter of fact. He is somewhat scatterbrained, his practices are questionable, and he  frequently works for the bad guys, building semi-ridiculous super weapons.

What made him go mad you may ask? The systematic release of the Star Wars Prequels during Grad School made Hiram lose his mind completely.  In  1999 Hiram was one of the many fanboys drooling over the upcoming release of the Star Wars Prequels beginning with  the Phantom Menace written and directed by George Lucas. The utter disgust and complete disappointment totally devastated the young Hiram spiraling him into 1/3 complete madness. He continued his studies albeit somewhat jaded and twisted. Then in 2002 with the release of the disappointing Attack of the Clones Hiram again was  utterly devastated and sent careening into 2/3 complete madness. Finally with the release of The Revenge of the Sith in 2005 the sheer devastation of how horrible the films were,  finally destroyed Hiram’s mind sending him into total madness.

He may be mad, but Hiram does throw great parties!

#6-Brother Buddha

| November 7, 2011 | 0 Comments

Brother Buddha, oneness personified. For some unknown and mysterious reason, all of Nirvana was forced out it’s place in existence, many years ago, and brother Buddha is what remains. The forced physical manifestation of all that have reached enlightenment, discovered in the site of the Dali Llama’s long abandoned Indian temple, by Sam Stride the DCCCLXIV. Since then, the Strides have always been a friend to the Buddha, to help him regain his position in existence and keep him from altering humanity too much.

15 minutes late better then never. Spent the day working on my printmaking gallery show so it was worth it. Also had to use a buffer character from the Stride universe, probably going back to the Prick tomorrow.

#6 Space Carrie

| November 6, 2011 | 1 Comment

The time is the far off future, in the year 2002. Outer space is full of criminals, bandits, and outlaws. Only one bounty hunter can bring them to justice. And that is Space Carrie!

#6: Cell Phone Man

| November 6, 2011 | 0 Comments


If you are thinking… “Why Cell Phone Man?”  I’ll admit, I’m thinking the same thing.


#6 Calvin Adarsh

| November 6, 2011 | 0 Comments


Calvin suffers from something referred to as the Corner Stone syndrome. The main symptom is the inability to permanently die.  Sure you can kill his current physical form but then a molecular facsimile is created directly corresponding the time of his death. This new Calvin is almost identical save for a temporary .5712% increase in all physical attributes. He also appears directly next to his old body and can remember everything up unto the point he was terminated and reassembled with new matter. The universe will not let him die and he has no idea why. The marginal increase in his abilities doesn’t amount to much, but if he were to die several times in succession the effects would be quite dramatic. This increase is only temporary though and will fade after falling asleep.


(Picture is a pass for me, just created a character in DCUO’s interface to you for this. I am no 3d modeler. )