Category: Superhero
#8 cover charge
with his lame lighting powers and a lame superhero name, arron alderman set forth to leave his slacker lifestyle for one of superheroic apptitude. unfortunately he’s doing it his way
#7 – Nox
To see Nox’s origin story and full listing information please visit my website:
#7 “Control Freak” Charlie Windinsky
Universe/Storyline: The Band
Universe details: In the isolated city of Crescent where these characters live, superpowers spring from close encounters with death. Only people born in the city can gain these powers, and since this is a relatively new settlement, the first generation of people born there are just starting to show signs of super-fication. This means mostly kids and teens. Of the teens, Camille, Max, Amelia, Walter, and Rin decide to team up and form a band. They take it upon themselves to help other kids who are just getting powers/dealing with death. Eventually, when The Band realizes that everyone deserves to be informed about the city’s unique predicament, they try to reach every kid in the city at once by putting on a live concert.
Height: 4’ 10â€
Body Type: Prepubescent child.
Hair: Sandy blonde and shaggy. It was a bowl cut once, but it’s grown out since then and obviously hasn’t been well cared for.
Eyes: Blue
Race: White
Age: 11
Attire: Whatever dirty, torn rags he can scrounge up. He’s been wearing the same clothes for many years so they’re often too small for him or worn out.
Superpowers: Mind Blank, Conscious (primary)- By his command, CF can empty the mind of anyone within his gaze. The effect can be temporary, as in when he only empties the conscious mind, knocking his victim out. But, he can also blank memories and even the parts of the brain that control bodily function, effectively killing his victim.
Possession, Conscious (secondary)- After a victim has been mentally blanked, a space is left for CF to transfer his mind into theirs and inhabit/control their body. While possessing someone, CF has very little conscious control over his own body; he is basically alive but behaves like a mindless zombie, sitting and staring into space. Without a guardian to watch over and feed his vacant body, he would certainly die. However, CF can return his mind to his own body at any time in case it needs to be taken care of. There is a chance that his host will regain consciousness while he is outside their body. CF takes with him all of the memories he generated when inside a host body, leaving the host confused if they wake up.
Personality: CF relies almost completely on instinct and undeveloped emotions in his use of power. He has essentially raised himself during the years since he accidentally killed his insane mother in self-defense. Occasionally Rin visits him and brings him food and other necessities. She harbors ill will toward him because she doesn’t know the exact circumstances of what happened between him and her mother. Charlie doesn’t take much comfort from her courtesy visits; instead he seeks a replacement for his weak and pitiful body in order to defend himself against the harsh world.
Power Sources/Backstory:
a.     Memory Erasure (proximity, precision, at will, not permanent)- He killed his mother accidentally when she came after him with a pair of garden shears.
b.     Mental Transplantation- In the same moment he kills his mother, he takes the shears and gets power #2.
Theme Song: Master of Puppets- Metallica
#8 Olga “Vodka” Romonova
Born in Russia and was forced to leave to America under unknown circumstances, and became an assassin for the Russian mafia for a short while, but was arrested and sent to jail. She had two opinions, continue in a life of killing people for profit or pursue a life as a operative. Of course she choose the later. Able to use her skills with all forms of weapons, hand to hand combat, and quick reflexes, she now works for The Cero(Central Emergency Readiness Organization) Agency, A top secret government agency created for the protection of the free world.
Height: 5’8 Weight:198 lbs. Age: 27
Confident, sometimes hides her emotions, doesn’t take no lick from anyone.
#7 The Golden Unicorn
The product of the union of a human female and a male unicorn (unicorns are attracted to human virgins after all), Bruce Monocerus was born with magic powers and a chimera body.
Fierce and solitary, Bruce is also selfless and just, traits he acquired through his unicorn heritage. These traits combined with his enhanced physical abilities made Bruce a natural superhero. Adopting the guise of The Golden Unicorn, he joined the Squardonnaires.
Bruce’s golden horn gives him the ability to neutralize poison and absorb great impacts. He also has gay-dar.
#2 Speedbump
Art by Michael Powell (@mpowelljr)
Words by Rolando Garcia (@roshow)
Where to start with Speedbump? Well, she’s a speedster. She was always hyper as a child but no one expected it to get so literal in her teenage years. Since then she’s been on the move and constantly plugged in.
She facebooks, she tweets, she emails, she texts, she calls, she’ll swing by your house: Speedbump always stays in touch. If you need to get a message to or from someone, she’s the one who’ll get it, if she hasn’t delivered it already.
Notice those big headphones? She never takes them off. She’ll have a whole conversation with you while listening to a podcast or a new album or eavesdropping on some phone line she’s hacked into. Speedbump multitasks, even conversations.
Speedbump works as a freelance fact checker for magazines and newspapers. She loves the job because she’s constantly learning about new subjects. Along the way, Speedbump has picked up all manner of random facts, figures and skills that often come in handy.
However, Speedbump has been known to come to a grinding halt and get blazed. Often. She loves to get high and sit on her couch, slowing down and catching her breath before the world zooms past her. The superhero community doesn’t love that Speedbump isn’t secretive about her habit but she’s barely a B-lister in their world so she flies under the radar.
And she likes it fine that way!
Day 7: Gekk Orrsan
Day 6: Hobo Hero
Nothing is known about this mysterious man that roams the alley ways. It is possible that he is just an insane hobo. The other possibility? That he has uncovered the most assured alter ego of any superhero.
It seems crazy, but there has been a sharp decline in crime.
Listen citizens, for this would-be champions self-bestowed theme song. If in trouble, it may be the clarion call of your hero.
#7 Hobo
Jonathon Rockefeller lost his parents at the age of twelve, where he and his younger brother William divided the money. While William listened to his parents financial advisers, Jonathon didn’t. He gambled and spent his money on frivolous things till it was all dried up, and he had to live on the streets. That was fourteen years ago. In the streets Jon was reborn, ditching his last name, and making a new life for himself. Then The 1% showed up, a philanthropist hero, using his vast riches to help the poor. But Jon had seen were hand outs leave you. So he vowed to stop The 1% at any cost. He wears a chest plate made from discarded cans, and his feet are only protected by two planks of wood duct taped to the bottom. Even his pipe, the poor mans weapon of choice has been taped to his arm, in a sad attempt to mend the broken limb. He is poverty, He is Hobo!
#6 Santa-1
Santa-1 is an agent for the United Nations Secret Committee on Extra Normal Events. U.N.S.C.E.N.E. is a clandestine organization that investigates extraterrestrial and supernatural threats and oversee activities of the superly-abled.
It is unknown whether agent Santa-1 is the true Santa, a clone or just an imposter. The only thing known about Santa-1 is that he has been an agent with U.N.S.C.E.N.E. since its secret founding by the United Nations in 1947, after the Roswell UFO incident alerted the U.N. to the existence of extraterrestrials and also released an energy that would later mutate people conceived after the crash.
#6 The 1%
There comes a time in everyone’s life where they must choose to work for themselves or for the common good. For William Rockefeller it came in his mid twenties, during the events of “Occupy Wall Street.” He realized that as a member of the one percent that hold the wealth, that he should help those in need. Thus he stepped out of the penthouse and into the streets protecting the poor.
#4 The Dungeon Master
Day 4 – The Dungeon Master
Project:Â Charlie Chainsaw Has a Dream
The Dungeon Master, as he likes to call himself, is a pudgy 20-something with a love for tabletop fantasy gaming. Upon inheriting an evil magical multi-sided die, The DM gained the ability to control a set of puppets – an elven archer, a surely dwarf, a wise wizard, and an Amazonian warrior princess. Unfortunately for him, the usefulness of his puppets is a numbers game, depending on the roll of his magic die. If you wish to defeat this overzealous gamer, you must play the game with him and submit your well-being to the force of his black magic and his imagination. Otherwise, the puppets – and their master – are unstoppable.
(Quick note: I realize this one isn’t as polished as previous 30 Characters entries from me, but I was away all weekend and unable to really do much drawing. I hope you’ll appreciate its quality as a sketch instead of comparing it to previous efforts, and remember that I’m only a human and not an art machine. Theeeeenks!)
#7-The Prick-20 years later
Ten years into the Prick’s career, the first meta-human appeared and it just so happened to be Jet Disco. Having never dealt with this threat before, he is soundly defeated and almost killed until his friend, former DA and new Mayor Ron Priest sends in a new elite police force that take down Disco and manage to contain him. Prick is unsettled by the sudden appearance of both Disco’s powers and a force powerful enough to counter it. The vigilante trusts his friend, but is suddenly suspicious, and disappears. The following year, he is publicly chased through the streets by the Mayor’s police. While not much is known about the outcome, he was released, at which point he disappeared and it was assumed he retired.
In the past five years he seems to have come back…though different. No longer is he in peak physical condition, in fact he seems to be drunk most of the time he’s patrolling the slums (or the closest things to slums since Mayor Priest’s apparent take over of the city.) Despite his drunken outbursts and other annoyances, the Mayor and his forces let him be, as he still only attacks the scum of the slums. They keep a close eye on him though, with a unit devoted specifically to cleaning up his messes.
Back to The Prick’s universe, in a way. I have never been sure what angle to take this story from, though I’ve always leaned towards this one. Anyways, going to link to the rest of these characters in case people get curious.
#3- Doctor Vibro
Doctor Claudio Vilmer was a determined vibrologist who invented a procedure that uses vibrations as medicine that is used to rehabilitate spinal injuries and was on the verge of curing his daughter from debilitating injuries suffered from birth when a rival doctor stole all traces of Dr Vilmer’s work and crushing any hopes of his daughters living a normal life due to not returning to the delicate process making his daughter worse than before.
Doctor Vilmer, set on a path of vengeance, creates weaponized vibronic technology and he means to use it on the pharmaceutical corporation the rival doctor represents in the new personage- Doctor Vibro.
G. Brett Williams # 7 – The Black Synonym
Here’s a quick departure. Â The story behind this is pretty funny, actually. Â When trying to come up with an appropriately dark and mysterious name for Caliginous without using something that had previously been used in comics (eventually I gave up and went with Caliginous), I found that almost all synonyms for the words “black” and “darkness” have been used to name comic book characters. Â I posted my frustration over this to my Facebook wall and sparked a hilarious discussion with friends wherein they kept suggesting things and I kept informing them that I’d already exhausted their suggested options. Â In response to this, my friend made a comment about the vocabulary avenger, The Black Synonym. Â The Black Synonym gave birth to other characters such as Antonym Ray and Thaddeus T. Saurus, the dinosaur linguist.
I’m really not sure what to say about the Black Synonym. Â I envision him being right at home in a superhero lampoon such as The Tick. Â A sort of jovial Batman analogue who gets fed up with the complete lack of spooky things to call himself with out infringing copywright and decides to refer to himself as The Black Synonym. Â He is joined by a crusading bunch of word enthusiasts who take to the streets in an attempt to stamp out the poor education that leads so many to a life of crime. Â The Black Synonym is of course annoyed by this, as his name is meant to be a joke, not a linguistic call to arms. Â Nevertheless, he fights crime alongside the tenured professor of English and anthropology at the local university, who happens to be a half man/half dinosaur, Thaddeus T. Saurus and the scientist and entomologist Ray Antz, who through a freak accident of Kafka-like proportions is transformed into the educationally crusading ant scientist, Antonym Ray. Â Antonym Ray has a raygun that turns people into their exact opposite for a few hours, the effects of which can be quite hilarious.
G. Brett Williams #6 – Caliginous
Caliginous is the shadowy leader of the rebellion forces that rise up in opposition of Cyclone and his regime in the years after the Faceless War. While very little is known about Caliginous, even among his own followers, the truth is he is was a masked hero operating in the years before the Faceless War. Choosing to conceal himself and to work from the shadows, Caliginous, as he prefers to be called, was referred to by many different names; The Eclipse, The Twilight King, Springheel Jack, Tenebrous, and others.
Caliginous operated in the five boroughs of New York City. He rarely made his presence known and was never one for the “team-ups” popularized by many Evo heroes in the years before the Faceless War. Caliginous was concerned with helping the helpless, defending the underprivileged, and he didn’t care for the notoriety that accompanied that for most Evos.
When the United States began registering known Evos and pressured the UN security council to institute the practice in every major country, Caliginous went completely off the radar. Despite pleas for his return from many of the poorer neighborhoods of New York, Caliginous never operated in the city again. He was gone, completely off the grid.
Caliginous saw the forced registration of all Evos as the first step toward a civil rights crisis that couldn’t possibly be controlled, a crisis he expected to spill over and annihilate the fabric of government throughout the world. At that time, he went into hiding and set himself up as a rebel leader of sorts, organizing various Evos who wanted to escape registration and helping them to avoid discovery by international forces. What he didn’t plan for was the Faceless invasion.
Recognizing the Faceless as a dominant threat to all life on Earth, Caliginous organized his Evos throughout the world and did his best to fight the invasion. Seeing that he and his people were genuinely outmatched, he counseled those who followed him to join forces with Cyclone and his resistance where they could and to go back into hiding if they couldn’t. Then he fell silent again, falling out of radio contact with his whole network. But he didn’t completely disappear. In fact, quite the opposite.
Caliginous is the most powerful Evo on the whole planet, and the only Evo who developed the abilities which he possessed. Caliginous was able to shapeshift into any humanoid with whom he came into contact. His ability, essentially, copied the DNA code of the person he was impersonating and laid it over his own. Therefore, when Caliginous copied another Evo, he copied that Evo’s power as well. He spent the Faceless War operating under various codenames of his own design, moving in and out of various pockets of the resistance and doing what he could to aid Cyclone’s forces without ever revealing his identity or coming into direct contact with Cyclone.
After the war, Caliginous reached out again to his network of allies, wanting to let them know that he was alive and that he would aid in the rebuilding process as best he could. Over the years, as Cyclone’s reach and power grew out of control, Caliginous amped up his recruitment of Evos. He saw Cyclone as particularly dangerous and was very uncomfortable with his continued use of the Dragon Soldiers in militaristic roles. When Cyclone re-implemented the policy of Evo registration, Caliginous saw it for what it really was; a way to find and weed out psychics, the Evos Cyclone perceived as such a great threat. As registration increased and the disappearance of pyshcically gifted Evos increased, Calignious began rallying many Evos to his banner.
In the current timeline, Caliginous has a vast network of Evos working for him, though he only appears in person to a very select few of them. He even has people inside of some of Cyclone’s closest circles, which allows him to rescue many of the psychics Cyclone has targeted for elimination. While he has no way of locating Calignious, the whispers that he is the one behind this organized opposition reach Cyclone’s ears and his inability to capture Caliginous dogs the ruler.
While he is content for the time being to rescue the Evos Cyclone has targeted and give them safe haven in some of his many holdings, he nevertheless recognizes Cyclone as a threat that must be eliminated and slowly develops a plan with which to remove him from power.
Caliginous travels constantly, though his main base of power is located in Siberia, where he operates under the silent protection of Mars and the Red Hand.
#7 MatÃas Adams
MA: Hello, officer. Man, you missed one hell of a game last night. The Flyers got their asses kicked by the Leafs. Can you believe it? Leafs in the Stanley Cup finals. December 12th went by and the world didn’t end then. It’s probably not a sign of the Apocalypse or Ragnarök, either.
MA: Oh? You thought I didn’t understand English? ‘Course I know English. You got a folder on me. Thick one, too. Colour me impressed, Señor Carling, you got me. That’s the last time I do that, by the way. Just look up my education. Better yet, ask your daughter what I was like in high school. She’ll remember me.
MA:Â Nah. I never ‘had designs’ on your ‘little girl’. Are we in the sixties or shit? Mom raised me right: never kiss a girl if you don’t think you can be with her forever and there’s no way I can be with a cop’s daughter ever.
MA:Â Couldn’t say why you brought me in. I don’t have any Vulcan mind tricks. Get your facts straight: this is reality. Shit like that doesn’t happen.
MA:Â Would you like me to stop cursing and talk with bad grammar to fit into your image of a stereotypical Mexican, which I’m not? You can go **** yourself and your pappy, too.
MA:Â Yeah, turn off that recording device and camera. Do you want to go behind the fake mirror and tell your partner to go get some coffee? I can wait. I got all day now, thanks to you. Hey, that’s a good idea. I want mine with cream and five sugars.
MA: So what would you like to know? Gang affiliations? Drug trafficking? Any crime you think I might have done because my skin is darker than your peaches-and-cream?
MA: What? That’s it? Where I was a week ago yesterday? Christ on a ****ing stick. There was a game last week! Sens versus Bruins. Boston won, two-one overtime. A real shame. It would have been great if Ottawa made it to the finals.
MA:Â Yeah I can ****ing prove it. I got credit card receipts. I was at Mikey’s on Third and Gordon. Jimmy was bartending that night. Just ask him.
MA:Â Did you even ask him? Ask Susan then. She works every night there. Knows just what I like. Bombay gin and tonic. She never lets me drink more than I can handleaaarrrghowshitwhatthehell
MA:Â What the **** wasss that? Oh ssshit. You got me, officccer. Cat’ssss out of the bag. Do you like it? I wasssn’t fond of the ssscalesss at firsst, but they’ve grown on me. I got rainbow wingsss too, just under my shirt. The Pride parade isss next week. Think I’ll be out to go to it?
MA:Â I bet you want to know: did I kill that girl last week? Kitty Barton. Uptown girl, blue eyesss, brown hair. Eighteen. Her folksss funded sssome important ssshinding in March ssso that’sss why you care, isssn’t it?
MA:Â You’re resssearch isss lacking. Do you know who Quetzalcoatl is? Nah, ‘courssse not. He’sss just another one of thossse heathen godsss to you. Well, the Internet won’t tell you ssshit about him.
MA:Â He didn’t kill that girl, and neither did I. We know what did, though.
MA:Â Bingo. It wasssn’t human and–oh ****. One minuteeeeeee.
MA:Â Ah, that’s better. Do you know how annoying it is to talk like that? Anyway, you’re right: what killed her wasn’t human. How you even thought I wasn’t human is beyond me, though.
MA:Â Right. The thing. It’s got a name, but I’m not saying it.
MA:Â No, nothing like that shit. Voldemort’s an angel next to this sick ****. You saw what it did to her.
MA:Â It’s new to the city. First time I’ve seen one with my own eyes, but Quetzal knows what it is.
MA:Â A vermin is what it is. The lowest piece of trash that ever walked this earth. Kitty’s lucky that I chased it off before it could skin her.
MA:Â Yeah, the girl’s dead, but at least she’s resting in peace now. Wouldn’t be able to do that if that thing got her skin and wore it like a pelt. It’d be hell for you guys as well: dead girl in your morgue, monster wearing her skin above.
MA:Â Why? Like hell I know why. To blend in, I guess. It’s an ugly ****er. I don’t know a lot about this thing. Quetzal doesn’t like talking about it. Too many s’s, for one. There is one thing I know about it, though? If you want to know, undo these cuffs and let me go. Guns and shit won’t work on it. That’s not the thing, just so you know.
MA:Â Fine. You uncuff me, I tell you, then you let me go.
MA:Â Man, you do those things up tight. Right, the deal. Do you want to know what it is afraid of? Yeah? It’s only afraid of one thing.
MA:Â Me.
#7 Green Grocer
Alexis Floros is a greengrocer by day and the Green Grocer in the late afternoon. By consuming only the freshest of vegetables Alexis gains the ability to fly and throw produce with alarming accuracy.
Day 6: Lighthouse
Unfortunately I haven’t been able to draw lately.
(No big loss)
I’ll try and input a drawing here later.
Lighthouse is the superhero name of a young man in his late teens. His real name is Jeffrey Weber and he was born with his ability.
Jeffrey can shine two bright lights at will from his eyes.
With effort, he can focus the light into thin pinpoints or flood an area with light.
Because of his birth, he was chosen at a young age to be trained to join a superhero league.
Jeffrey hasn’t seen his parents but for a few hours over several years. He misses them or what little he remembers – neither have any abilities and because of this, Jeffrey’s father suspects his wife of an affair and over the years has grown to hate her because of it.
Jeffrey tries his best to uphold the laws and ideals of the league he’s a part of.
#6 Candy Tom
I like to ask my facebook friends from time to time for suggestions of what to draw. Someone suggested I draw “ A zombie cowboy with a pistol that shoots candy riding a zombie unicorn with a mullet.†so this is the result.
Backstory to come later.
#7 Icy Myst
This is Icy Myst. Â Another character inspired by the wonderful mind of my wife Beverly (ya, myabe it’s cheating a little, but it’s awesome that she even wants to have input. Â Love her so much!
#7 DanBoy
When SuperDan was feeling down, he got out his favourite crayons and created DanBoy! His faithful sidekick who thought he was the greatest superhero ever, in times of great need and stress SuperDan will take out the piece of paper with DanBoy drawn on it (which he keeps on his person at all times) and think to himself  ‘What would he want me to do’. Recently however in light of a great tragedy in SuperDan’s personal life DanBoy sometimes appears to come to life on the page to give SuperDan the aid he needs… he is however not the faithful young ward SuperDan imagined, instead bitter about being poorly drawn he often insults SuperDan into action or is no help at all because of all the crayon whiskey he drinks mid-mission
#7 Word
Jasmine Leroi is one of the most powerful psychics in the world. According to records in the Department for Investigation and Control of the Enhanced (D.I.C.E.), the young woman known as Word has class 5 telekinesis, pyrokinesis, teleportation, and telepathy. She activates her power only through speaking, usually whispering or singing, and invoking obscure words like “blink†and “slide†that activate various abilities. Word wears her powers like a second skin and activates them like breathing. She has little interest in globe-hopping adventures, but uses her talents to keep herself, and her urban community, safe.
Day # 7 – Terrance Tsui
Terrance Tsui, professional athlete, and pyrokinetic. Not entirely separate parts of his life either. The newest trend since the rise of the “superhumans” is MMA inspired matches where combatants beat on each other until the judges declare a winner, and they are of course allowed any means nessisary. Not every affect “superhuman” needs participate in fact it’s discouraged. Only those who have the pedigree of professional athletes, as well as the durability of a tank. It’s not a sport for the faint of heart, although superhuman healers are definitly it’s biggest asset. Terrance is obviously a firestarter, and one of the top contenders. He enjoys the sport for the sports sake unconcerned about the dangerous political undertones. He’s actually quite a composed guy, very neutral in regards to the brewing revolution. Though it won’t be long until he’s forced to take a side.
#6 Mosh
A level 3 Porter, Mosh is quite a bitch. Years of being able to be anywhere at any time has twisted her somewhat; being an international assassin for hire for the last 5 years has made her quite the target for nearly every country. Her only out: joining the other circus freaks on the team…
#7: Paul Mutuus
Name: Paul Mutuus
Aliases: N/A
Height: 5’3
Weight: 121 lb
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Bio: Paul is the younger brother by 14 minutes to Avery Mutuus. He was born with a physical birth defect, believed to have been onset by his sister crushing him against the wall of the uterus. His left leg is malformed, and Paul has walked with either a brace or a crutch his entire life.
Despite his handicap and naturally small size, Paul excelled at academics, and attended the University of Florence with his sister, whom he is inseparable form. Following the death of their parents in 2010, Paul and Avery joined Operation: At the Gates.
Powers: Paul is a telepath of mild ability. At his most powerful, he can knock his foes unconscious, but his primary ability is to confuse his opponent’s mind or senses. Like his sister, Paul’s powers intensify the closer he is to his sibling. As the two fight as a duo, they are a formidable team when together.
#7 Red Raptor
Francis Velazco served his country as a loyal soldier. Upon returning home, he decided to serve his city but in the guise of the crimefighter “Red Raptor”. Taking the name from a hero of the 1940s, Francis–with the help of friends in key areas–created a suit that gives him maximum protection from bladed weapons and small arms fire. That doesn’t mean he can be stupid and charge right into danger, though.
Combined with his military training and dedication to protecting others, Francis, as the Red Raptor, deals out his own particular brand of justice: he never kills. The guns he uses are special weapons that fire “electro-shock” bullets–basically they are mini-tazers that can put even a big brawler down for a few hours. As a soldier, Francis saw enough killing, enough death…and he doesn’t want to inflict that on anyone else, even criminals.
The Red Raptor–along with Windwalker and Astral–formed a trio of heroes that went up against Mitchell Baranovich’s criminal network. Their efforts would inspire new heroes to take on the challenge of opposing Baranovich and his super-powered enforcer team.
#30Characters Chatter…