RSSCategory: Superhero

#7 – Showgirl

| November 10, 2011 | 0 Comments


I created her during one of my breaks in between my classes. I imagined a bit of DC’s Misfit in her and a bit of Cyborg… really strange combination. Showgirl does her mission like a performance, with her best foot forward.

#10 – Mercy

| November 10, 2011 | 0 Comments

Nora Campbell, codename Mercy. As a teenager, Mercy went by Magpie; possessing powers of flight and shield abilities, she fought crime as part of a superpowered team. An enterprising villain permanently stripped her powers, and though he was defeated, Nora had to face the world as a normal person. But she had earned her place on her team and loved them like a family, and it was beyond her to sit on the sidelines while they risked everything, so Nora did what any girl would do: she went to med school.

Now she works as a medical intern by day and her team’s personal doctor by night. She trains in martial arts for self-defense, but took a vow to do no harm and as such spends her time sewing her friends back together, curing whatever weird illness or state of weakness their enemies might come up with and administering life-saving medical aid to bystanders at the scene. She risks her life every time she goes out, but Mercy can’t sit idly by. She’s a hero. Not a civilian.

(Still fiddling with her design. Her costume needs work.)

#5 – Terra Soldier

| November 10, 2011 | 0 Comments

Terra Soldier

A prototype name is a prototype name. He still relies on the nanobots to fight. It increases his muscle strength up to 300%, also slightly increasing his mass. I’ll probably work on him more.

#10: The Devil

| November 10, 2011 | 2 Comments

This is The Devil. He’s in The Supers, too, but he’s half good and half bad. The other team members don’t know if they should trust him.

Thanks, Xavier

#10: Rock Solid

| November 10, 2011 | 0 Comments

Real Name: Tyler Hamlin

Age: 15

Powers: Arms made of brick-like material, allowing him enhanced strength.

Character info: I was a teenager when I first got the idea to make a character named “Rock Solid”. I just had the name in my head, nothing else. About 10 years ago, I got the idea to create a superhero team and an early version of Rock Solid came to life. This version was a college student, however, and he looked more like he belonged to Marvel’s Wrecking Crew. While I had a pretty solid idea for that particular team, I scrapped the idea, but the name has always stuck with me.

When I decided to reimagine the character for this challenge, I got the idea to add him to a team of teen superheroes I created. I’ve been kicking a graphic novel idea around in my head involving this team, so I want to establish the roster. The idea for Rock Solid’s look just came to me as I drew it actually. He’s a cocky, sarcastic guy who suddenly has all this power. He’ll be a great addition to the team and he’ll really be tested when times get tough…

#7 Tuff Stuff

| November 10, 2011 | 0 Comments

She may look frail and non-threatening, but this tiny dynamo packs a wallop. The strongest member of the team, Merissa (Tuff-stuff or “Tuff” for short), possesses strength that has yet to be limit-tested. She has raised buildings, pushed locomotives, and lifted naval vessels off their moorings. She is impervious to damage of all kinds as her cells are unusually bonded to one another in a way that has mystified science. Her hair can of course not be cut, and oddly has not grown since her powers manifested themselves, (something Tuff is not a fan of). Like Mosh, Merissa first became an abuser of her powers, but her morality got the better of her and over the past year she has begun setting her past to right.

She is also fluent in French and loves her dog.

(PS – Happy Birthday Melissa!)

09 – SPUNGE!

| November 10, 2011 | 3 Comments


… continued from Character #8, СУПЕР ЗВЗДА …

…the ever-expanding SPUNGE!

The Secret Soldiers led by the Gold Gladiator, whose public identity as Senator Trent Day was covered up by rumors of a debilitating illness that rendered him unable to effectively represent the people of Michigan in the U.S. Senate, executed a number of clandestine operations during the first years of their existence taking on the growing threat posed by Korvus Kain and his murderous henchmen and thwarting a number of international, super power related, incidents.  Their presence, once a national secret relegated to conspiracy theories, became publicly known when the first American not present at the Danaian encounter manifested extra-normal abilities.

Sandra “Sandy” Summers hadn’t been feeling well and had acquired a rather obnoxious cough.  She wasn’t going to let a little thing like that stop her from enjoying a day at the lake on the beach.  While lying in the sun, Sandy started coughing uncontrollably.  A stranger gave her a drink of water between convulsions.  The water helped and Sandy stopped coughing but realized how thirsty she had become.  She found a water fountain and began drinking, and drinking, and drinking.  While her thirst was marginally quenched, Sandy started to grow and change; absorbing all of the water she had been imbibing.

When the water fountain began to sputter, Sandy became enraged and with he new found size and strength, tore the fixture from the ground and bellowed for more water.  Turning she saw something that could quench her thirst, the lake.  Shambling toward the body of water, leaving large wet foot prints behind, Sandy waded out into the water and immediately began to grow.  Sandy’s altered appearance loss more humanity and gained more mass the more water she absorbed; and she soaked up a lot of water.

The beach born behemoth posed a threat to not only the people running for safety but for the nearby city as Sandy absorbed more water.  In B-movie tradition, the National Guard was brought in to deal with this human sponge.  When they proved ineffective, the U.S. government saw no alternative short of sending in the Secret Soldiers, though redubbing them the FIVE POINTS of FREEDOM for this public appearance.  With a combination of distraction, for none of the super soldiers could harm the water-logged menace, and a surgical strike to Sandy’s mutated brain, executed by Gold Gladiator and Ms. Mercury, the team toppled the titan, who shriveled down to human size and returned the lake water to its rightful place.

The Spunge was taken into custody and the Five Points of Freedom became national heroes, more so when the Gold Gladiator’s identity was revealed.  Though the first new extra human, the Spunge was hardly the last.  The Five Points faced another unusual challenge when they faced…

GO TO Character #10!

#10 Umoja

| November 10, 2011 | 0 Comments

Umoja means unity in Kwanza.  Umoja is a olympic runner in her naive South Africa. She has enhanced running abilities and able to run around the world in over two hours according the Guinness world record. Her real name is Utende Samonto. When she’s not honoring her duties to her country as well as saving her village in the town of Camptone, she also owns a business there and is CEO of that company.

Height:5’5 weight:110 lbs. Age:25


Running in all speeds, able to use vibrations in all forms.


Positive, honest, able to stand up for what she believes in, and has a sense of humor.

#10 Abtu Abyss

| November 10, 2011 | 2 Comments

He has become a living embodiment of the dark star APM 08279+5255, which seeks to drown reality itself.


Abtu Abyss ©&TM2011MikeDubisch

Visit me at WWW.DUBISCH.COM and at !!

06 – Dr. Amanda Gonzales

| November 10, 2011 | 0 Comments

Widely regarded as the world’s greatest living scientist – Dr. Amanda Gonzales is one of the most gifted minds in the whole of history.  Completing her first PHD at the age of 15, she went on to achieve three more before deciding to focus on her research.  Her most famous tool, is of course, her omni-purpose suit.  In itself, it is an ingredibly ingenious piece of equiptment, but it is also infused with Dr. Gonzales advanced nanite technology – and which can be customised o nthe fly at the atomic level.

Although very iconic, the suit is merely a means to an end – it allows her to traverse any environment imaginable – high in the air, deep space, ocean ravines, the centre of the earth, alternate dimensions, planets with poisonous atmosphere, and shrink down to travel around a body at a cellular level and many more.  It is also allows her to do the odd bit of superheroics from time to time, and she is known to lend aid readily to most who ask it of her.  Most of the time however, she spends in the lad, planning where she will explore next!

For this character, I really wanted to create a pulpy-science superhero in the veign of Reed Richards or Hank Pym – someone who does crazy science and superheroics.  Most of those characters are middle aged white males, so I thought it would be a little more diverse to have a non-white woman.  The suit is perhaps a little Iron-man like, but it’s more designed for exploration than combat, although the properties it has for some of the more extreme functions of that are certainly helpful.

#10 – Ice Maiden

| November 10, 2011 | 2 Comments


This one was based on drawing done several years ago, lost in my stash of archived art. Not 100% happy with the pose but I think it’s pretty successful. Enjoy!

#10 – The Living No-One

| November 10, 2011 | 0 Comments

Anyone who know me, knows how big a fan of Jack Kirby’s Fourth World characters I am. In particular the design of Darkseid – if I get sketches from artists, it tends to be of this character.

When we started working on the Hero Code, I really wanted a big, malevolent character in the background, up to no good, out to destroy the universe – this is my Darkseid, and Jonathan nailed it!

When I saw this design my first though was “wow!” followed quickly by “this would make a great action figure!”

One day…. one day…



#10 – Sean Messinger

| November 10, 2011 | 0 Comments

Sean Messinger has a rare and terrifying ability – he is a pyrokinetic, born with the ability to create and control fire.

His early years with the power were difficult, and not without their tragedies. He learned to control it, however, and with that came a fierce love of order and creativity. He came to view his power not as an uncontrollable force of destruction, but an ability with the potential to create. In his free time, he makes art. He welds metal sculptures and woodburning, as well as some painting and ceramics. He sells what he makes in his online shop, which gets him a nice amount of pocket money.

During the day, he is a librarian in the historical Fairport City library. He does the varied and complex jobs that a librarian does, including taking care of special exhibitions such as the display of historical journals that are on display in the library’s exhibit hall.

When a fire breaks out in the hall, he thinks he’s the only one who can deal with it quickly. What he discovers, however, will change his life forever.

Read his story in A Reason to Burn.

#9 – Jakinda “Jax” Rivera

| November 10, 2011 | 0 Comments

To read Jax’s origin story please visit

10 – Hook by Beausephus+Son

| November 10, 2011 | 0 Comments



CONCEPT: “He throws hooks at bad guys and hangs them up so the police guys can put them in jail.  He also has goggles that let him see far and into space.”


So when the mood strikes my son (and that is quite often) and he wants to make up “superguys”, “superdudes”, “supermans”… I pull out a bunch of templates I made for him and he picks out everything from the style of boots to the color scheme of the various costume options presented before him.  I then draw quick sketch, and he edits, adds, etc…  I then draw up the character and he hangs them in his room…if they meet his ultimate judgement.  Then I make him come up with a story for each character.


My son loves my carabiners, and is really interested in the climbing gear he sees the teachers at our school use and loves the climbing gear section at REI.  He also loves the very concept of grappling hooks.  When he wanted to use hooks in a character design, I misinterpreted and started small…a hook handed pirate character in goggles.  My son was not amused.  He wanted bigger and better hooks, and ropes, and a bear skin cape.  Where he got that last idea, I have no idea.  So HOOK was eventually a character who is tricked out with hooks and ropes of various styles and sizes…  And he uses them as stated above, to hang bad guys up from light posts like Spider-Man and Batman.  That’s pretty much it.


I like this character mainly for the ridiculous amount of hooks and rope, but really the bear skin cape puts HOOK over.  Full disclosure – I did not re-draw this character and I am posting an older sketch.  Time is tight this week.  I will draw a revamped version this weekend and add it below this post.

Thanks for checking my stuff out.


#5 Shrapnel

| November 10, 2011 | 3 Comments

Art by Michael Powell (@mpowelljr)
Words by Rolando Garcia (@roshow)

Shrapnel was raised the kind of feral kid that only exists in cities or woods. His parents were homeless most of  his childhood. He ran away from foster care and lived by himself for years. He’d sleep in alleys, squat in abandoned buildings, steal food and do whatever he could to stay alive.

His peculiar talent of growing broken glass-like crystals from his skin manifested at a younger age than usual for people with metabilities. For years the timid boy only used it defensively – no one is going to harass the homeless boy spending the the night behind the dumpster if the boy is covered in broken glass. Then he met Uproar who taught him to use his powers more “proactively,” and become an effective muscle. Shrapnel took to being an enforcer like a fish to water.

Today, Shrapnel is one of the most feared men in the Ultra City underworld. He’s still the right hand man of Uproar to whom he is forever grateful for giving him direction in life. Shrapnel is also learning some new tricks, including how to project his crystals like flying shards of glass. But he’s never lost that feral instinct and if he thinks you’re a  threat, he will come at you with all he’s got and never let up.

#8 – Harold Bradley (the Hipster Hacker)

| November 10, 2011 | 0 Comments

To view the Hipster Hacker’s origin story and full details…please visit my site at


Day 5 Skorn

| November 10, 2011 | 0 Comments


Thanks for Checkin in!

God Bless,
-Marshall aka Calmplex

Also Find me on Twitter, Facebook,YouTube, and DeviantArt. You can also email me here

#10 – Insomniac

| November 9, 2011 | 1 Comment

And now for something completely different… A super hero!  Insomniac is a character I’ve had in mind for a long time, but could never land on a design I liked.  I’m pretty sure I like this one, though.  As a “dark knight” type character, her cloak includes a good so she can look look more dark, mysterious and scary. Her staff is retractable and can be kept in a pocket on the side of her boot. That metal thing on her right arms houses a computer with communication and navigational capabilities. Her mask includes night vision lenses.

In my world of supers, mental powers manifest themselves in different ways. In Insomniac’s case, she’s got a sixth sense that warns her of danger (like Spider-Man’s spidey sense), along with an unusually high intellect.  Also, as the name implies, a side effect of her powers is that she doesn’t sleep; she doesn’t need to. (This was inspired by an article I read a few years ago about why we sleep; it’s our minds that need it, not our bodies, so it makes sense that a person with a super-human brain might not need sleep.) This has given her a lot more time to perfect her fighting skills. It also allows her to live a double life.

Insomniac is Japanese, and because of her genius finished school early. When she was younger, she traveled the world, learning new skills and earning lots of money. She eventually settled down and set up her own company in  big city (haven’t decided where yet, but it will probably be a fictional Asian city state; Singapore meets Gotham?).  Most of her life she has used her powers only for her own good, but after a crisis occurs (???) she decides change her ways and use her powers to fight the crime and corruption of the city she calls home.



G. Brett Williams #9 – The Aces Wild Programme

| November 9, 2011 | 0 Comments


Aces Wild – It was the 1930s and everywhere you looked, if you knew what to look for, you could see that the world was spoiling for war. The avarice of the 20s had led to the financial collapse of the early 1930s and the Great Depression had left many countries in the world weak and susceptible to totalitarian countries and radical ideals. As the world reeled from the Great Depression, wars popped up all over the planet, with smaller nations falling prey to the machinations of dangerous and powerful conquerors. As the world slipped further into despair and poverty, new threats of the scientific and the strange emerged, only now they were more often than not tied to the ideologies of these various warring nations. What had once been the evils of madmen became the implied “progressiveness” of dangerous nations. Samuel Wilde, in his time as the Wilde Card, had fought men such as Master Midnight, a master magician and scientist bent on furthering his own agenda. That was the order of the day for the 1920s. It was a time of exploration, of opulence, of self-involvement, but the Depression had ended that. Now men of Midnight’s ilk worked for dictators and religious leaders, using their powers and their skills to further deadly agendas. Combating these terrifying new villains with backing from some of the most powerful and wealthy nations in the world would require a special kind of vigilance. It would require a team.

In 1932, Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected President of the United States. His New Deal policies would help combat the continued threat of economic collapse. But what the American people knew nothing about was FDR’s decision to join with the British government in an attempt to reinstate the Wilde Card program. Believing that the failure of the first program could be attributed to their strict insistence on keeping the Wilde Card largely isolated from personal relationships, the British suggested that a team be developed. The team would consist of four people with complimentary skills. The hope was that having to work closely with one another would engender the kind of close relationships in the field that the Wilde Card felt he was missing. They also hoped that having differing opinions and suggestions for how to deal with certain situations would keep the entire team sharp and competitive. The British were contracted to run the program, appointing special officer Nigel Blackthorne to head up the new program, which was now being referred to as Aces Wild. A worldwide search was undertaken and possible team members were culled from various nations friendly to the cause. From China they pulled a martial artist trained in various combative arts. He was a master of barehanded and armed combat, and it was deemed that he would be the Ace of Clubs. From France came a talented and intelligent young adventurer, a woman renowned for her anthropological and archaeological knowledge as well as her ability with a firearm. She would be the Ace of Hearts. America contributed two people to the team. The first was the young heir to the largest munitions developer in America. His family had made munitions for the American armed forces since the Civil War and had done very well for themselves for it. This young man was an engineering genius and preferred to use his family’s money and resources to create gadgets and technology on the fringe of science. He would be the Ace of Diamonds. The second American contribution was something of a mystery. A professional gambler and former soldier, the man was a master with edged weapons. His background was pedestrian compared to the rest, but his connection to the team’s first mission made him invaluable. He would be the Ace of Spades. Those four members would make up the core team and would liaise with various agents and other sympathizers throughout the globe as they carried out their mission to save the world from the terrifying new threats it faced. Each of them was given a codename and they were all strictly forbidden to divulge too much personal information about themselves to one another.


| November 9, 2011 | 0 Comments


#4 Uproar

| November 9, 2011 | 0 Comments

Art by Michael Powell (@mpowelljr)
Words by Rolando Garcia (@roshow)

Uproar was always one of the scrappiest, smartest  and most opportunistic kids in the North Central slums of Ultra City. He was running his own little gang by fifth grade. But at home he was low man on the totem pole. His mother was never without a boyfriend and they came in all shapes and sizes with two things in common: they liked to screw his mom and beat him up. Uproar’s propensity to talk back didn’t help things, earning him fat lips to go with the rest of the bruises.

His sonic scream developed in his mid-teens. Unfortunately for mommy’s last boyfriend, he chose to smack Uproar around at the wrong time. When Uproar talked back this time, the boyfriend’s insides exploded. Uproar realized he couldn’t speak without letting loose an uncontrollable sonic blast. No problem: he texted his gang to come over. Without speaking, he walked them through getting rid of the boyfriend’s body. The cops never even came looking, anyway.

His inability to talk without blow things up made him intimidating and his willingness to do it made him a force. Before long, Uproar and his gang rose to the top of their heap. He still controls all the major illegal activity in North Central.

Unknown to the general public, Uproar has been able to talk for the past year, thanks to a voice box. The clever device fits in his collar and regulates his voice, allowing him to control you hear him talk or feel your insides liquify. Uproar received the voice box as payment from an employee at Lunar Labs that he helped to move some regulated substances. But Uproar likes the dread his silence provokes in the average Joe, so he keeps it a secret. Mostly it helps Uproar in negotiations with the other bosses and expanding his gang’s reach.

#9-Ron Priest-20 years later

| November 9, 2011 | 0 Comments

Ron Priest was an up and coming DA the first time the Prick appeared. Believing in him he, helped him in cases and used him as a police agent, though not being able to publicly, often being forced to chase him down when it wasn’t just the two of them. He’s been known to play dirty, but always with reason. He would run for Mayor (with the help of some unknown and elicit promises, he eventually was elected), during which time he would build his own police force, behind even the Prick’s back. When Jet Disco attacked in his new Metahuman state, he used the police force to take him out. He tried to get the Prick to join up with it, but Prick was hesitant for some reason. A year later, the Prick would be hunted down in the streets by the Elite force, and disappeared after getting away. Priest continued to use his force to clean up the city, but eventually, he used it to control it. The city may no longer be the dump of previous years, the slums are worse then ever. The Prick appears to have returned in them, but poses not threat to Priest. Currently.

No sketch, probably get around to it tomorrow. Put up my gallery show today and want to take care of something special tonight.


| November 9, 2011 | 0 Comments

Symane Braxis


General Symane Braxis comes from the planet Argonis, a founding member world of the Unified Interstellar Conference.  Braxis comes from generations of military service and rose prominently in the UIC Starcorps to the rank of Field General of the 1st Frontier Army.  It was there that Braxis first met a promising young officer by the name of Kraul from the reptillian race of the Sal H’ar.  Kraul’s prowess as a soldier was matched and surpassed only by his ambition.  Braxis took Kraul under his wing and together they were instrumental in the UIC/ Thrallian Starwar of 2480-2485.  But Kraul believed the peace afterwards was too soft on the Thrallian Empire.  Lustful for conquest he eventually betrayed the UIC and switched sides.  Braxis although not at fault was held responsible for not having the forsight of Kraul’s betrayl.  He was relegated to desk duty as a result, and was being transfered to a backwater outpost for stationing.  Braxis would eventually get retribution for his dishonor by joining the adventurer group Golundan Corp and its many dealings with The Thrallians and their military Commander Kraul…

Day 4- Caffeine

| November 9, 2011 | 0 Comments

#4- The Expedient Caffeine

#3- Mr. Mittens

| November 9, 2011 | 0 Comments


| November 9, 2011 | 0 Comments

An explorer of superior intelligence who navigates the globe using a vast array of his own high tech weapons!

#9 I-Hero

| November 9, 2011 | 0 Comments

William Kanachie was a gifted student, who when he reached the end of his human body, he downloaded his personality into his MP3 player. On that day I-Hero was born, and he fought those who oppressed musical expression.

#9: Judgement

| November 9, 2011 | 0 Comments

Real Name: Unknown

Age: Unknown

Powers: None; vigilante crime fighter

Character info: Judgement was a character I created when I was around 12 years old. He was a true vigilante character…he made my “darker” superheroes look like wusses. He was a “shoot-first-ask-questions-later” kind of guy. Judgement always found himself doubted and questioned by other heroes, but, as much as they hated to admit it, he was a skilled marksman, good in hand-to-hand combat, and got results. I never revealed any secret identity for him, but there was speculation in my comics that he was a former superhero that was thought to be dead. He even had a strained romantic relationship with a female superhero and she ended up pregnant with his child (yeah, I wrote some very soap opera-esqe comics as a pre-teen).

Even though he’s got a stereotypical vigilante look and backstory, I always really liked the character and I’ve wanted to bring him back for sometime. I might find some way to work him into one of my comics and so much of me wants to leave him just as I created him almost 20 years ago!

#9 – The Oracle

| November 9, 2011 | 0 Comments

#9: Master of Coins

| November 9, 2011 | 0 Comments

Name: Unknown

Aliases: The Master of Coins

Hair: None

Eyes: Black

Height: 5’2

Weight: Unknown

Bio: There is no confirmed information about The Master of Coins. We only know he has spent much of his recent life in Peking, China, before emigrating to the United States in 2004. All information on his passport has been rendered irrelevant by massive plastic surgery.

Powers: Utterly unpredictable. The Master can transform any coin he is holding into the Omni-Coin, and each time he flips it, he manifests a new power.

Depending on the flip, the Master can either be a match for altered humans like Hedgehog or for physical gods like Entropy.

The Master is physically in his 80’s, though we suspect him to be much, much older. As such, he is rather frail in combat without a flip.