Category: Superhero
#18-Jack of All Trades
Jack is a man who has walked every end of the Earth, and learned from every trade-hand and master in-between. He helps who he can along the way, using his millions upon trillions of talents to handle it.
Twist, the leader of the UN taskforce, has been trying to get him into the larger cases and events recently, but something always seems…off about the entire prospect.
Leader of the UN’s first tier Super Hero group, his weather-control powers usually manage to control most situations presented in the world nowadays. He tries to get his team out and stretch their legs every so often, but problems on their level have disappeared.
Twist is adamant though, that they need to be ready, anything could be coming.
21 – Red Giant & the Solar Sword
… continued from Character #20, Blue Bazooka…
… the RED GIANT!
Alden Barron was working as a farm hand on an Iowan farm plowing a field when the saucers streaked across the sky. The trio of disks came to stand still after an impossibly quick stop and hovered over a grouping of silos adjacent to the ethanol plant run by the farm. Blue circular ports on the under side of the vehicles began to glow and blue skinned humanoids armored in gleaming silver metal armed with silver rifles crackling with energy. Barron looked on in shock as the invaders turned their weapons on everything in their paths, letting loose bolts of lightning smiting anyone caught in their line of sight. Amidst this show of power the ground shook knocking Alden to the ground, still a safe distance from the chaos.
True to their United Nation’s sanctioned word, a contingency of Constellation agents arrived at the scene and joined the alien attackers in battle. Another quake shook the ground toppling a silo full of grain. Constellation agents were distracted from the fighting to save a group of trapped farmers and engineers. The weapons of the intruders once again began to fire and wreak havoc. This time, however, their electrifying volleys were joined by massive beams of intense light from their hovering saucers that gouged massive trenches in the ground. Again the ground shook. It shook for a long time with increasing intensity ending with a large fiery boulder erupting from the ground landing near a thrown Alden Barron.
Barron looked over and saw the broken remains of the Earth-born missile.  Among the shattered remains of rock was a golden gear-like wheel. The aliens saw it too. All three flying disks moved toward the wheel and Alden. They were thrown backwards off course by an unseen force. On the ground, armed alien infantry was likewise knocked back, many falling into freshly wrought trenches. This time the cause of their misfortune was obvious as the Man of the Moon descended from the air with his staff held high with the Forbiddenaut not far behind. The lunar hero pointed at Alden and told him to protect the Solar Sword, indicating the golden gear. Alden moved into position just as a rifle wielding invader charged from the opposite side. Alden reached the wheel first, but slipped and fell onto it.
The golden wheel was still excruciatingly hot from its journey through Earth’s interior but Alden did not notice. Alden Barron was consumed in blinding light as crimson fire exploded from his body. Alden began to grow in size becoming a hulking thirty feet tall giant with burning hot skin. The golden sun-like gear had also changed, shifting and releasing a blazing massive blade burning with the same energies that coursed through Alden’s transformed body. The Man of the Moon looked on impassively and directed the confused Barron to aid in fighting the enemy.
Leaving smoldering foot prints behind, the RED GIANT made short work of the three flying alien craft, cleaving them in twain with his flaming sword. The ground troops tried to escape the wrath of this new foe only to be captured by Constellation heroes.
The Man of the Moon identified the captured blue-skinned warriors as Donarrians who search the universe for artifacts to use in their eternal wars. Alden has been linked to the Solar Sword, which he carries strapped to his back, and can become the fiery Red Giant at will. Alden has a new life as a member of the Enforcer’s new Secret Soldiers.
Not all new extra-normal humans have such patriotic blood running through their veins. Take, for instance, the case of…
#22-Cat Astrophe
Cat Astrophe is the whirlwind dervish of destruction. Leave her home alone too long and you take fate into your own hands. Don’t let her cuteness fool you, as long as this little tornado is around nothing in the house is yours, it all belongs too her.
#22: Wrest
Real Name: Kelly Hart
Age: 28
Height: 5’6″
Weight: 129 lbs.
Powers: Telekinesis that also emits mystical light energy
Character info: Wrest is a character I made up when I was about 17 years old; she’s pretty much the same except originally her name was “Warp” and her powers were slightly different. She doesn’t really conform to the standard superhero spandex club, opting to wear her own clothes when going into a necessary “battle”. I currently have plans for her to appear in one of two different comic/graphic novels I am working on.
No. 16 – 19: The Super Steel Action Warriors

I was trying to make an epic shot of them all posing but realized how bad that would be. Also, Squeaky always comes out looking all jacked up.
Group Name: The Super Steel Action Warriors
Alias: Hybrid Thesis
Short Background:
No one could have predicted the amounts of success that the hip-rock band Hybrid Thesis would generate in a few short years. While nowhere near the levels of most musicians, they have certainly etched out a place for themselves. Another thing people would probably be surprised by is the fact that the band plays second fiddle to the groups real calling, killing the legions of monsters unleashed by the evil Lord Destruction-Anderson. No matter where they are, they are ready and willing to call upon the spirits of the long dead Steel Squadron and transform into the Super Steel Action Warriors. And should things prove to be too much, their Ultra-Mega-Super Mechs are always ready for a fight.
Individual Characters:
Will Stevenson- As the leader of both the band and the Action Warriors, Will is steadfast and dependable. However, he is also very insecure. While he doesn’t say so, Gray’s rising popularity makes him worry that he will soon be relegated to second fiddle in both groups. To ensure that doesn’t happen, he is now pushing himself twice as hard to stay top dog.
Will plays guitar and provides the lead vocals. He is the Red Warrior and pilots the Kodiak Mech.
Simon “Squeaky” Fox- The youngest member of the band. He is constantly underestimated by the others, but is loyal to a fault. He looks up to them and is constantly looking for ways to get better. He is a bit of a nerd and spends a lot of his time trying to make new gadgets for the team. He’s kind of like Alpha 5, but not as annoying and much more useful. Due to his young age, he is constantly watched over by his older twin sisters. If they only knew what he was capable of.
Simon plays bass. He is the Off-White Warrior and pilots the Gorilla Mech
Gray Wolf- The girl of the group. Originally created in a lab by geneticists, Gray escaped with her “sister” Timber. They lived like nomads until one day, Gray found the Action Warrior Medallion in a pile of trash while dumpster diving. Since then, her life has gone one hundred and eighty degrees. She has become the drummer of the band and is gaining her own fan base. Despite people’s sudden interest in her, she doesn’t really want the spotlight and would much rather stay in the background.
Gray is the drummer. She is the Silver Warrior and pilots the Wolf Mech.
Thaddeus Hightower- Thaddeus was once nothing more than a one-hit wonder rapper living off of the royalties of his single hit. Suddenly after buying the Action Warrior Medallion from an old homeless man, he found himself a member of an elite team of fighters protecting the world. By an unlikely coincidence, all of them were musically adept. Skip ahead a few years later and their band “Hybrid Thesis” is slowly taking the charts by storm. Thaddeus is more interested in the band and less so with the heroics. He wants to do the right thing, but doesn’t want to miss out on his second chance at success. Only time will tell if he can juggle both fame and the responsibility of being one of Neo York’s last lines of defence.
Thaddeus is the rapper. He is the Purple Warrior and pilots the Rook Mech.
#23 and #24 – Mister Neat and Mister Tidy
I grew up on spooky English shows where budget’s were pretty non-existent and the props people had to be inventive. For some reason this made the ordinary always seem more unusual for me.
I was channel a combination of Roger Hargreaves Mr Men books and the television show Sapphire and Steel on this one – and Jonathan got the vibe instantly!
The art is from an unused page in issue one of The Hero Code – something which was re-worked and dropped, but might make it’s way into a future issue.
#22 & 23 – Stasis & Fluxx
Another quickly-sketched iPhone upload while on the road. This is a half-cheat. Fluxx is an old super hero character of mine, but Statis is new. I was trying to come up with a partner for Fluxx that would be his opposite.
#19 – Ezra Resnick
There was never any doubt that Ezra Resnick was going to have a tough time in life. He grew up in a small town with an alcoholic stepfather at home and bullies at school. If nothing changed, he probably would have been on a path to poverty and meaninglessness.
Instead, he finds that he has the ability to move through solid matter.
It happened accidentally the first few times, but after his chemistry teacher lectured about how electrons are supposed to repel each other, Ezra realized that he had a genuine superpower on his hands. He practices and plays with it, and then he makes a plan: on a trip to Washington DC, he decides that he’s going to visit the President in the Oval Office.
And there isn’t a damn thing anyone can do to stop him.
Read his story here: Self-Guided Tour
#21 King Sexytime
King Sexytime
when low-key gay middle manager Kendall MacCready  says the magic word “SWAJAM†he transforms into anarchic pansexual libertine KING SEXYTIME, and gains superhuman powers:
The Passion of Sappho
The Orgone energy of Wilhelm Reich
The Willpower of Aleister Crowley
The Perception of James Joyce
The Intelligence of Anais Nin
The perversity of the Marquis de Sade
It’s not known where Kendall McCready goes when he says the magic word, but it’s implied that he can see what KS is doing, and he doesn’t generally approve. He’s usually reluctant to say the word, seeing KS as a disgusting pervert. But he hates King Sexytime’s nemesis even more: villainous, repressive (and repressed) RAMROD, an armored enforcer who commits deeds of ugliness and violence with his face covered, during the night, or during peaceful gatherings of people during the day. Ramrod is rumored to not be a cop at all (and his badge is usually covered up), but in fact a reclusive billionaire. King Sexytime stops Ramrod’s violent rampages, usually by making him really, really uncomfortable. He just wants this uptight guy to relax and let go a little bit. Is that so bad?
The comic he’s in is called SEXYTIME ADVENTURES, and it is not for younguns.
#22: St Peter
I had this crazy idea of doing the Saints as Super Heroes, and this just sort of grew on the page.
He’s St.Peter, special power over rocks and fish. 🙂
22 – Power Rhino by Beausephus + Son
DATE OF CREATION: November 18, 2011
CONCEPT: Â “There’s a a whole town of Rhinoceroses that live in a maze and there’s one Rhinoceros who has to protect Rhinoceros Land from people going through the maze to get the treasure. Â Power Rhino is a superhero with a big sword and a sword on his leg. Â He has a big cape because he is a good guy.”
So when the mood strikes my son (and that is quite often) and he wants to make up “superguysâ€, “superdudesâ€, “supermansâ€â€¦ I pull out a bunch of templates I made for him and he picks out everything from the style of boots to the color scheme of the various costume options presented before him.  I then draw quick sketch, and he edits, adds, etc…  I then draw up the character and he hangs them in his room…if they meet his ultimate judgement.  Then I make him come up with a story for each character.
My 4 year old likes to draw mazes. Â Now they may look like aimless scribbles to the untrained eye, but he will show you with exact precision what each oddly formed square is ( a trap, usually) and how the interweaving lines are actually paths that when he is finished will make perfect sense. Â So, the other day he was guiding me through his newest maze and he lead me through a series of traps, jungles, volcanoes, a Rhinoceros Land, and a river before having to jump through another trap to get to the treasure. Â Now I had him back up and tell me about this Rhinoceros Land. Â Rhinoceros Land is just that, a land of Rhinoceroses who do magic and tell stories. Â They have one Rhino called Power Rhino who carries a sword and protects them all from “bad guys who go in the maze to get the treasure.”
He really wanted a strait up superhero design with a rhino in a green spandex outfit, red mask, white gloves, and a blue cape…with a big sword and a sword strapped to his leg. Â He really did not like the version drawn above. Â He wanted a straight up superhero, but the big honkin’ sword concept got me thinking of Cloud from Final Fantasy VII and then of the Joe Mad comic series “Battle Chasers.” Â Then I realized that my kid was essentially describing to me the plot of the recent Thundercats series subplot involving a village of mystic forgetful elephants. Â So I went with the RPG style costume pictured above. Â he is not happy that the version he wanted is not posted here and he has sworn to do his own version which, if he finishes it, I will post below.
Thanks for checking out our ideas,
#21-Dash Boldman, DDS.
A character for a webcomic that I’ve got planned. He’s from an alternate retro-future..where they DO have jetpacks. He’s also a defender of the meek, fighter of injustice and patron of good dental hygiene. Using Superscience to combat the Supernatural! (don’t forget to floss)
#22 Belleza (Member of DR809)
Belleza(pronounced Be-je-sa) is The Dominican Republic’s answer to an amazon warrior in a modern world. Her real name is Lorena Acevedo. Lorena is the second in command of DR809 and is the sexy strong confident powerhouse of the team and the mother figure to the team. In her off time, she’s a Television and film personality and has a body most men(and women)will pay attention to on a daily basis. Lorena at one point as also a professional wrestler and body builder and loves going to the gym in her spare time.
Height: 5’10 Weight:240 lbs. Age: 25
Superhuman strength due to her years as a bodybuilder, able to pick up anything with ease, has hand to hand combat skills, and an healing factor.
She has a way with men, sometimes a flirt, not afraid to show emotion even if it cost her being alone. A go getter, and able to have a conversation and not be a pushover.
#22: Midnight
Lurking in the night, a stranger prowls… on adorable booted feet! Oh, it must be Midnight, the magnificent masked meow-er! She’s on her patrol as usual, keeping those keen eyes of hers on the lookout for baddies.
#17 – Doc Sage
It was 1925, and science had done all it could for Doctor Leonard Sage Jr..
Having grown up as the only son of famous scientist Leonard Sage, science had been the only true friend and family that he’d ever known. Science comforted him for every moment of affection his father refused him. It motivated him for every nod of disapproval and every sigh of impatience. Science even had to make due when his mother finally left her father, running away with the family bodyguard, never to be seen again. So, for Leonard, finding out that he was dying of a very aggressive case of cancer at the age of 21 and that there was nothing science could do about it was probably the biggest moment of betrayal of his life.
Initially, Leonard refused to give up and started researching his disease, confident that science would find a way. After three years of constant study, cooperation and experimentation that resulted in nothing, Leonard even went as far as going to his father for help. But his father just gave him the same response science had already given him: There was nothing to do.
He was a walking dead.
For the next year, Leonard lost himself at the bottom of a bottle, trying to fill the void of science with liquor and women.
But nothing could take away the fear and the anxiety. Nor his ever-growing desire to live.
By this point, he was desperate and willing to try anything and look everywhere for a cure. It was in this crucial stage in his life that Leonard realized that now that he was no longer shackled by the cold logical methods of science, a whole new world of possibilities and opportunities was open to him.
Leonard travelled around the globe, meeting all sorts of people and visiting all sorts of places that science had once thought him were nothing more than charlatans and hoaxes, but now willing to believe, death having lifted the veil that covered his eyes all these time. For three more years he travelled and studied, learning magic and mysticism from all schools and strains. From ancient Roman auramancy to Haitian voodoo, and from medieval alchemy to Nordic rune incantations, anything that could offer him a cure or even the chance to continue living.
His journey came to an end at the top of the lost mountain, Solomon’s Peak, in the Himalayas. There, he took everything he had learned so far and using his own experimental methods, fused his magic expertise into a single binding spell that would keep the tumors in his body dormant, allowing him to continue living while he still searching for a cure.
With a new lease on life and a new World view, Leonard triumphantly returned to L.A. in 1932, boldly declaring his victory over cancer and announcing he would make his mission in life to once again introduce the study of magic within modern society, claiming science had narrowed our view of the World and denying us of thousands of possible advancements in various fields. However, the media took his declarations and made him look like a mad man, discrediting his efforts under the orders of Sage Sr., who would go on to become his son’s biggest detractor and critic.
In order to achieve his dreams, Leonard founded Sage Solutions, a company dedicated to use both magic and technology for the betterment of mankind, as well as finding ways for both to help each other progress and evolve.
With the assistance of Pamba Yan, the keeper of Solomon’s Peak who agreed to return with Leonard to the modern world and continue instructing him in the ways of magic, Professor Arthur Snark, Leonard’s old tutor and closest friend, and Silvia Munroe, his personal assistant and business manager, Leonard, who would be come to be known as “Doc Sage†would go on to defend Los Angeles from all sorts of threats, both magical and scientific, in the name of mankind’s betterment through knowledge and clarity.
#20 – The Gentleman Archer
I have no idea why I came up with this character. I love Robin Hood, I like Green Arrow…still, the thought in my head was, “What if the Spirit used a bow and arrow?” That’s pretty much it!
Still behind one day…gotta try to make that up.
NOTE: I’m using Hero-O-Matic (aka Fabrica De Herois) to create my characters. If you’re a writer who can’t draw (like me!), you might want to try it!
Sophisticated artificial intelligent robot programed  to copy the abilities of the worlds meta-humans!
#21 Dice
Miles Preston is the most laid back superhero in the world. He saunters around the battlefield with a confident smile. He never directly engages any threat. Every few minutes he takes out his pair of dice, throws them on the ground and says: “A pair of fours… Pop the cap on that fire hydrant and push that car into the middle of the intersection… Count to thirty then charge out of that alley way.†No one knows how he reads his dice, or how his bizarre plans always lead to swift victory, but his teammates trust him to make the right calls.
Day 21: Sidearm
Since 1981 as an implimentation of THE METAHUMAN REGULATION AND VIGILANTE PROHIBITION ACT OF 1978, a Department of Metahuman and Extralegal Affairs was created. Its enforcement arm is known as MEGA: Metahuman Enforcement Goverment Agency. It is basically a band of sanctioned super powered individuals policing other metahumans and costumed vigilantes. One of MEGA’s members is the enigmatic individual known as SIDEARM. This person’s origins lied burried in government secrecy. All that is known is he most likely mute, communicating to other members through gesture. He can morph his arms into some form of organic gun barrels of various shapes and sizes, that emit a likewise organic projectile that will either fire on contact with target or through mental command by Sidearm.
#14 Deep Ocean Demon Eel
Dr Spector got a lot of positive feed back, so i decided to start creating characters and creatures from a Dr Spector Universe. This beast is an ancient deep ocean monster Eel that is demon possessed and as such only Dr Spector can prevent it from rising out of the ocean depths and reigning destruction on the world. Wish him luck. 😀
20 – Blue Bazooka
… continued from Character #19, Major Ursa & the Constellations…
Mary Beedle enlisted in the U.S. army shortly before the Gulf War. She served with distinction and was selected for duty in secret superhuman operations directed by General Rocky Johnson, operations that neither side of the conflict will ever to admit to occurring. Inspired and envious of the powers of those she supported, Pvt. Beedle wanted to be a hero. During a raid on a reported extraterrestrial armament facility in the rocky wastelands of Iraq, Mary became pinned down by fire and out of ammunition. Looking around for a weapon, she came across what looked like a mirror-polished chrome bazooka. Her armed assailants closing in, she grasped the weapon, rose and fired.
The weapon whirred, clicked and then let loose an explosive blast of sapphire concussive energy took out her attackers, the side of bunker and most of the western face of a nearby mountain. The strange silver housing absorbed what must have been incredible amounts of force, leaving Pvt. Beedle standing unmoved from where she fired with a mixed look of shock and glee.
The weapon was taken to General Johnson and, after failed testing due to what men in white lab coats called a “genomic identification lockâ€, given back to Pvt. Beedle. Beedle was given additional training and armaments, some terrestrial some not, and the unimaginative codename BLUE BAZOOKA as the first member of General Rocky “Enforcer†Johnson’s Secret Soldiers. The Man of the Moon later identified Blue Bazooka’s weapon as a modified thruster engine for a sub-light speed orbital craft favored by intergalactic arms smugglers. This was not the last extraterrestrial artifact to end up in the hands of man. In the mid 1990s, for example, a meteor erupted out of the Earth, ultimately creating…
19 – Major Ursa & the Constellations
… continued from Character #18, The-Many-Who-Are-One…
… Constellations under field leader MAJOR URSA!
The appearance of individuals born with extranormal abilities in the wake of the Danaian visitation, and the accompanying alien virus, left the U.S. government with a burgeoning population of superhumans in need of training and direction. The Gold Gladiator, Senator Trent Day, as the Secretary of Extranormal Affairs founded the Constellations program to help these special youths. Taught by adult superhumans, who themselves were new the powers game, and military personnel, those enrolled in the program grew into a capable fighting force. Graduates of the program are issued codenames based on stellar constellations and stars and are official members of the Constellations team of operatives.
The first graduating class of thirteen heroes had been relegated to search-and-rescue missions and dealing with criminal elements that were troubling law enforcement agencies. Use of America’s heroic generation abroad was stalled due to the quagmire that international relations had become in the wake of the new superpowers arms race. Gold Gladiator’s call to arms against The-Many-Who-Are-One was the Constellations first appearance on the international stage.
Under the leadership of Major Ursa, the Constellations were successful in the take down of the extraterrestrial horror and in saving of all captured United Nations members, though some were worse for wear, made the world take notice of the power in the hands of not only America’s youth, but empowered children world wide. The Constellations moved from America’s future to the official protectors of Earth under the sponsorship of the U.N. The team was expanded with foreign member and became fully global using the old Secret Soldiers base, the Strato-Sphere, as their mobile headquarters.
Tasked with monitoring and protecting Earth from further extraterrestrial invasion and watching the movements of other, less friendly Earth-bound extranormal individuals, the Constellations have become a point of interest around the world. The Man of the Moon observes them with distant concern from his lunar lair, while the U.S. government, none too pleased with the loss of their superhuman army, watches with growing concern. America’s anxiety has been addressed with the re-establishment of the Secret Soldier iniaitive beginning with…
18 – The-Many-Who-Are-One
 (Click to enlarge!)
… continued from Character #17, Mantropolis…
The world was largely unsurprised when the existence of extraterrestrial life became common knowledge. Reality seemed tenuous at best as American cities could apparently transplant themselves for aesthetic reasons. If questioned before the visitor made Earthfall, most people would have expected an alien encounter to be very “Hollywood†in nature; a sleek ship descending from the heavens opening to reveal a peaceful alien race looking to befriend Earth and exchange knowledge. Those people were wrong.
The people of Earth were introduced to life from beyond with a destructive meteoric strike that leveled a five block radius and damaged the United Nations building in New York City. The large asteroid hovered with a blue glow in center of the impact zone, held aloft by luminescent crystals familiar to the Azure Aviator. The asteroid shuddered and cracked open. Amidst a deluge of translucent green goo, a massive horrific figure emerged with one body and many heads.
The-Many-Who-Are-One, as it called itself in grunted English, began a reign of unprecedented terror beginning with holding those in the U.N. hostage. Through telepathic means the invader took control of the delegates in a bid for global domination, or destruction, its goals were never that clear. The Five Points of Freedom assembled but were no match for the six acid streaming maws wielded by the elephantine fiend.
Realizing they were unequal to the challenge, the Gold Gladiator called in for support. He activated the Department of Extranormal Affairs’…
#21: NegaTori
Real Name: Tori Avondale
Age: 22
Height: 5’4″
Weight: 117 lbs.
Location: Liberty City, USA
Powers: Able to negate another hero or villains superpowers by being within close proximity.
Character info: NegaTori will show up in a future story arc in “The Adventurers of Liberty City” as a reluctant superhero. She’s not too fond of her powers and feels like she’s being used because of them. She’s not one much for hand to hand combat and has no true defensive powers of her own. However, her negation abilities do come in handy when threatened.
#21 Taika Blaze
One of the most powerful arcane benders in the society of arcana, she is widely respected, and admired. Â This has made her haughty, over confident, and has developed a sense of superiority.
#30Characters Chatter…