RSSCategory: Superhero

G. Brett Williams #28 – Gunshy

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

Gunshy is the superhero name young Callie Johnson adopts for herself after the tragic death of her brother.  Callie is a high school student in an area of Capetown with a lot of low income families and a lot of problems with gang violence.  Her whole life, she has been very close with her older brother, Bryce, who is only two years older than herself.  Both Bryce and Callie shared an affinity for athletics, with Bryce being a star on both the basketball and football teams and Callie being an excellent runner and boxer, as well as an accomplished skateboarder and parkour runner.  Growing up where they did, it was hard to avoid the gangs.  Even though neither of the Johnsons were directly involved with the gangs, some of their oldest friends were.  Bryce especially had a hard time cutting ties with his friends who had taken to wearing colors, and it was that very fact that got him killed.  His Senior year, Callie’s sophomore, Bryce was involved with an altercation at a local hangout between his friends and a rival gang.  When that gang came seeking revenge, Bryce was caught in their retributive strike and killed, a bright future taken from him and his family.  On that day, Callie Johnson vowed that she would do everything she could to end the gangs and their stranglehold on her community.  On that day, she became Gunshy, the young female superhero who completely rejected the use of firearms.

#11- #30

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

hey guys, I had all these characters all but ready to upload, backstories thought through and everything then my laptop got fried, long story short the world hates me, so here are sketches of all 19 of them (plus one extra because I appear to have miscounted)

#17 Shadow Walker

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

“Shadow Walker”.  That’s the name that police found scrawled on a wall near the site of a robbery.  As it turns out, the place that was robbed was a front company of a powerful Mafia family…and whoever Shadow Walker was, they left incriminating evidence of this connection.

Over the next few months, reports began to come in about Shadow Walker–a young woman wearing a dark, skintight outfit with a mask and long, silver hair.  Skilled in several martial arts, Shadow Walker was capable of taking down opponents much larger than her.  She never carried any weapons save for a taser-like device and pepper spray.  Plus, she robbed only places connected to the Mafia, distributing the money to needy families.

Police are frustrated–but somewhat happy–at Shadow Walker.  She’s left no evidence behind that could give a clue about her true identity.  On the other hand, she’s caused a lot of disarray among the city’s Mafia families and has become a hero to the average citizen.  Who is she, really?  Again, no one knows…but the police seem to be ignoring the fact that young police officer Nancy Harrison always seems tired at the start of the day shift, even though she’s never worked the night shift….

#1 Rachel, Daughter of Lilith

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

Character Back Story:
Rachel is a warrior daughter of Lilith. Lilith was Adams first wife before Eve, refusing to be his subordinate and left him. Through the many centuries Lilith has slowly created an army of daughters and sons to take back the world. One of the strongest of these daughters is Rachel. She was raised from childhood to hate and pity the “Children of Eve”. One of her mothers most loyal warriors. Rachel has fought many campaigns against both angels and demons. Rachel is a cunning warrior and field general in Lilith’s army. She is always ready to fight in defense of her sisters, brothers and mothers beliefs.

Behavior Traits:
Short Tempered, Headstrong, Driven, Impatient, Loyal

Powers / Abilities / Skills:
Invulnerability, Flight, Super-Strength, Swords Master, Hand to Hand Combat, Expert Combat Tactician

Rachel originates form a character creation I did a few years ago. I mentioned her in the character back story of a character named Aurora Light. I’ve always wanted to go back to that story, this gave me a change to redefine the characters and the story. The working title for this comic is “First Legacy“.

Check out my other 2011 Challenge Characters

Let’s be friends: Connect with me on my other sites!


| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

Earthman granted super human creative energies for 30 days in November by the mysterious figure, TY-LOR-JAY-MZZ !

#30: Purplex

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments


Real Name: Reg Chapman

Age: ??

Height: 5’9

Weight: 192 lbs

Character info: Purplex is another villain of the Day 15 Character: The Blue Barrel. Purplex is a confusing character; even when he’s in a pleasant mood, he looks angry. He shakes with anger and his skin takes on a reddish-purple hue at these times. More confusing is his lack of a neck completely! Regardless, The Blue Barrel will always stop the Purplex’s insanity!

#23 – Diabolic

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

Forgive the lack of the proper formatting. I’ll come back and fix it; I just wanted to get this guy in before the end of the day.

Diabolic is based on Diabolik, the famous Italian thief. My version is also a thief, but I wanted to add more white accents to his costume, to make him really stand out. The inclusion of the “bat” ears was really to enhance the silhouette; to make him look like a demon (I actually considered adding a cape or a trenchcoat, but decided against it). The arm wraps are actually strength enhancers; when they’re activated, he can climb a building faster than normal, lift more (2x) more than normal but also, they have a sensitivity level that is unparalleled. Useful for cracking safes.

NOTE: I’m using Hero-O-Matic (aka Fabrica De Herois) to create my characters. Much thanks to Edu Reis!



I’m disappointed that I was seven characters short. I actually had three more I wanted to do (Vox, Dr. No-Go, and the Terra 5), but I just hit a wall, creatively, and couldn’t come up with designs. Limitations of being a writer, I guess. But I ended up created 101 characters in my own personal 100 Characters Challenge. Pretty proud of that. I’ll talk more about that on my website later this week.

Want to thank Tyler for inviting me in again. Praise to everyone involved, especially Gary Lister, Pablo Martinez, Kirk Manley and David Bednarski, whose work I enjoyed throughout.

Thanks again everyone!

-Vito Delsante

#27 – American Elf

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

a tip-o-the-hat to Jame Kochalka

30 – Monarch Mayhem

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments


… continued from Character #29, Amazinaut…


In the chaos of Queen Qobra’s attack on Washington and the ensuing Danaian invasion the public’s attention was focused on survival.  Korvus Kain’s attention, on the other hand, was focused on amassing power.

Immune to Danaian control, most likely due to his undead nature, he began stalking groups of people hiding from Danaian patrols of Many-Who-Are-One beasts and Neotitans.  Once an urban legend, Kain became a boogey man attached to stories of an unstoppable Danaian assassin.  Kain accumulated more life force than he ever had before, becoming more powerful than he ever imagined.

Seeking more power he drained his personal army of Murder Men and turned his attention on extranormals.  Specifically those injured and interred by the Danaian invasion forces.  He broke into their holding facility and found the cells containing the sedated superhumans and drained them one at a time.  Kain’s mass increased and he found that he could levitate by expelling some of his pent up power.  Kain’s break in and murder spree did not go unnoticed.  A squadron of Neotitans was called in to deal with the facility intruder.

The amped up Kain stood toe-to-toe with the metal colossi, toppling them in his escape beneath the waves of the ocean adjacent to the prison.  Finding refuge on a small, uninhabited Atlantic island, Kain bided his time, powers dwindling, until a freighter full of supplies destined for Europe in the wake of the defeat of the Danaians.  In Europe, Kain began his killing spree anew, trying to recapture the power he once possessed.

In Paris he caught word of a secret DGSE facility housing captured extranormals and extraterrestrials.  Making his way to the remote warehouse under the cover of darkness, Kain killed the ten men guarding the facility and entered hoping to quench his thirst.  In the first room he came to he found a single woman asleep in a locked room.  As Kain moved in for the kill, he was stopped in his tracks.

Reine de Chance rose from her feigned sleep armed with otherworldly technology.  Angered at a recent string of murders Kain committed that upset her business plans, Reine de Chance had a device cobbled together by a Donarrian, under much duress, to defeat the undead monster prowling her city.  When warned by the Donarrian, in the last moments of his life, that the device would as likely kill her as it would Kain, Reine de Chance replied “what is life without risks?”


While the device did kill Kain and not Reine de Chance, it did not leave her unmarked.  The powerful curse that once plagued Korvus Kain had found a new home.  The queen of chance’s empire includes stocks of synthetic Danaian virus, one used to empower Queen Qobra’s Soldiers of the Serpent, which ensure that this monarch has a steady stream of extranormal victims.

The evil that Reine de Chance once wrought will only pale in comparison to the destruction that is sure to follow Monarch Mayhem!

29 – The Amazinaut

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments


… continued from Character #28, Imperial Kaleidoscopic Conqueror…


The quartet of remaining heroes on the moon (The Man of the Moon, Red Giant, the Awesomist and Atomic-Ra) watched in horror as the planetary satellite they were standing on was being devoured by the Forbiddenaut’s released black hole beast.  All attacks on the growing monster were shrugged off or went unnoticed.  They continued their ineffective attacks while the beast ate the moon until the Awesomist tried his trademarked Awesome Vision.  The beast stopped.

No one moved as the tentacled terror writhed and turned its attention on the Awesomist, eyes still glowing from his energized blast.  The beast wanted the mysterious energy emitting from the telegenic hero.  Turning in terror the Awesomist pushed of the ground with his Awesome Strength sailing away from the beast in the moon’s lower gravity.  His escape was short lived as the black hole beast sped over the lunar landscape reaching out for the fleeing hero.  With surprising speed, a tentacle grabbed the Awesomist’s foot and dragged him into its enormous mass.

There was a pause and then a small flash of light from within the beast.  The light pulsed again and again, brighter and brighter.  The bursts of energy grew in intensity until the beast, to the tips of its innumerable tentacles was bursting with light.  Then, with a powerful wind the beast imploded.

The beast folded in on itself at an astonishing rate until it was pulled into the abdomen of the energy bursting Awesomist, the new home of the beast.  Where the Forbiddenaut, through means unknown, imprisoned the beast, the Awesomist provided the beast with some desired substance from his apparently limitless energy source.

This symbiotic pairing of the Awesomist and the black hole beast created a new entity, the AMAZINAUT!  The Amazinaut is in complete control over his powers and, seemingly, the beast that hides within allowing him to consume all forms of matter and energy.  After a brief trip back to Earth to aid the Secret Soldiers in cleaning up the last of the Danaians and their Neotitans, the Amazinaut returned to the moon in the company of the Man of the Moon as he was deemed to dangerous to remain on the world.

With the immediate threat of the Danaians circumvented, the world began to rebuild.  The public support of all things extra-normal replaced with distrust and paranoia caused all superhuman activities to go covert.  The Secret Soldiers initiative continues to keep watch over the world, with the aid of the Man of the Moon, for threats extraterrestrial in origin and those more homegrown.  Threats like…

GO TO Character #30!

28 – Imperial Kaleidoscopic Conqueror

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

(Click to enlarge!)


… continued from Character #27, Atomic Ra…


The Man of the Moon, accompanied by the Forbiddenaut, Red Giant, the Awesomist and Atomic-Ra, arrived on the moon as the Danaian Overlord Plexipus’s Imperial Kaleidoscopic Conqueror, carrying himself and several million Danaians bound for the colonization of Earth, destroyed much of the lunar outpost, operated by men of the moon for millennia, as the gargantuan craft landed.

Powered by a “civilization engine”, akin to, but more advanced than, that used by William Walker’s consciousness to control Mantropolis, the Conqueror presented an insurmountable threat.  While the collected might of the small contingency of Earthly heroes was impressive, the mechanized Conqueror was the size of a small nation.  The group of champions could barely scratch the craft’s dense metal hull.  Acting as an extension of Overlord Plexipus’s will, and that of a crew of engineers, pilots and strategist, the Kaleidoscopic Conqueror lumbered past the quintet setting its sights on Earth.

When all hope seemed lost, the Forbiddenaut began to spasm and expand with energy.  From within the man-sized suit an impossibly large being, writhing with energy crackling tentacles emerged, the black hole beast had been unleashed!

Starting at the base of one of the Imperial Kaleidoscopic Conquerors rear legs the beast began to feed.  The heroes stared in awe at the spectacle, while the Danaian invaders aboard the massive ship watched in horror, as the black hole beast slowly consumed the vessel.

Explosions aside, the Danaian warship was destroyed and Earth was spared.  Or so it seemed.  The black hole beast was not yet sated.


The heroes grabbed the shed body of Robert Spassky, which had housed the beast for years, and attempted to recapture the growing monstrosity.  The effort was in vain as the black hole beast consumed Spassky’s remains and began to consume the moon itself.

The fast thinking of the Awesomist, of all people, saved the moon but created…

GO TO Character #29!

27 – Atomic-Ra

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments


… continued from Character #26, Mechaman…


Relatively unfamiliar stateside, the mysterious hero known as Atomic-Ra made a name for himself in Europe, Africa and throughout the Middle East.  He became active in the mid-1990s gaining fame for saving the Sphinx and several pyramids in Egypt from Donarrian weapon seekers scouring the Saharan sands.  He was offered and accepted a post with the newly global Constellation agency.

Atomic-Ra boasts solar powers in the form of energy claws capable of slicing through nearly anything, including the armored plating of Danaian Neotitans, and devastating solar blasts.  The blasts leave him weakened as he recharges in our sunlight.  It appears that Atomic-Ra’s full body armor also serves as a solar collector constantly recharging the hero.  His powers let him take to the skies to watch over the areas in his charge, as dictated by his superiors in the Constellations.

Atomic-Ra’s armored mythological appearance hides his true nature as an extraterrestrial of the Heliopteryx race, who exist as sentient, bird-shaped fields of raw solar energy.  He was sent to Earth, after word from an outpost on the edge of our solar system that Danaians had visited the planet, by the mighty Horu-Sol, undying fire emperor of the Heliopteryx peoples.  Atom-Ra, as he is known in his own language, was commanded to observe the fledgling human population for signs of Danaian subterfuge.

Atom-Ra’s trans-spatial warp craft was hit by a Danaian light-minuteman sniper sending it hurtling to the Earth.  Atom-Ra was thrown and made landfall in the middle of the Sahara while his ship exploded, scattering its remains across the Atlantic and into the U.S.  One of the ship’s micro-sun capacitors burrowed into the ground in the wilds of the Great Smoky Mountains only to emerge with meteoric force in an Iowan field where it was found by Alden Barron, the Red Giant!

His presence immediately sensed by the Many-Who-Are-One mounts of the Danaian combat controllers, Atomic-Ra was immediately captured by a contingency of African Neotitans and imprisoned.  In captivity, the solar-powered hero learned of the impending arrival of Overlord Plexipus, the appointed ruler of Earth, and a population of Danaians to colonize Earth as part of their intergalactic empire.

Upon rescue by the Man of the Moon, Atomic-Ra revealed the plans of the invaders.  Looking into the night sky with inhuman sight, the Man of the Moon grimaced and, with a contingency of Secret Soldiers, took to the air and rocketed to the moon.  The group of heroes arrived just in time to meet the lunar landing of…

GO TO Character #28!

26 – Mechaman

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments


… continued from Character #25, Neotitans…


Born of cutting-edge robotics and acquired extraterrestrial technology, including the Danaian disc of universal knowledge that empowered General Rocky Johnson, Mechaman is the most advanced artificial intelligence on the planet.  A nuclear-powered battle field wonder, Mechaman’s brain patterns were modeled after top tier-military strategists, leading scientist in multiple disciplines and medical professionals of numerous specialties.  Mechaman’s AI system also incorporates many levels of “compassion software” that give the automated soldier a personality, though a gruff and focused one.  The innumerable plates of his body can shift to create a number of weapons, many of which are alien in nature, and reveal a multitude of compartments filled with battle field gear.

The Mechaman project was spearheaded by military leaders in the wake of the Constellation program becoming international under the direction of the United Nations out of fear of the superhumans being turned on the U.S.  This black ops venture remained a secret weapon of last resort due to its effectiveness in taking down rogue extranormals in clandestine operations.  The Danaian Neotitans were the perfect target for this newly unveiled warrior.

Fighting alongside the Secret Soldiers from their mobile base in Mantropolis, Mechaman was crucial in the first successful takedown of one of the transformed superhuman Neotitans in St. Louis beneath the crumbling Gateway Arch.  Finding a chink in the armor of these metal monsters allowed the Secret Soldier to begin effectively fighting back against their insectile oppressors giving hope to the subjugated masses.

The Combat Controllers realized the flaw in their designs and turned their attention on the destruction of the mechanical man responsible for the toppling of their titans.

Mechaman fought valiantly, but the onslaught of Neotitans and Many-Who-Are-One beasts that cornered the automaton were too great a force to handle and the mechanical hero fired his last rounds of ammunition covering his Secret Soldier comrades before he was crushed.  He had the last say in the battle, however, as his nuclear heart was ruptured and the ensuing explosion came with a heavy price for the Danaian attackers.

Mechaman’s death was not without reward, as the Danaian focused their wrath on the mechanical marvel the Man of the Moon and his companion, the Forbiddenaut were able to free, from Danaian imprisonment, the legendary…

GO TO Character #27!

25 – Neotitans

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments


… continued from Character #24, Combat Controllers…


Around the world, all of the genuflecting, virus-infected extranormals entranced by the Combat Controllers’ control devices all levitated into the air as one rotating to face away from their alien directors, eyes pulsating with golden energy.  The relatively small time villain Maximilian Mote was lifted into the air and twisted into unusual contortions as his size altering powers were drawn from his body and turned onto the collected superhumans in the thrall of the Controllers.

Letting out a collecting scream of pain, that haunts all who heard it to this day, these superhumans once again transformed.  Drawing energy and materials from their surrounds to their beings, these heroes and villains all began to grow.  When the process was completed and the already battle-damaged capital city was even further emaciated, the extranormals who once served and preyed on humanity were transformed into metallic behemoths collectively known as NEOTITANS!

This transformation went largely unopposed.  A blast from Blue Bazooka’s namesake weapon knocked her Secret Soldier teammate, the Azure Aviator, from the sky. It remains unclear whether this blue beam or the meteor fragments beneath his skin prevented the airborne avenger’s subjugation as a Danaian puppet soldier.  The now President Day watched helplessly as his wife was transformed into an inhuman metallic colossus almost in mockery of his own appearance, as his Elixir-born golden shell seemingly protected him from the controller’s calling.  This bestowed protection was shared by the equally metallic Ms. Mercury.  From the shadows of an undisclosed location, Korvus Kain watched these proceeding unmoved and untransformed.

Serving as the invading Danaians as a forward force, the Neotitans, under the direction of their Controllers, began to prepare Earth for occupation by its new masters.  These indestructible juggernauts leveled cities and militaries the world over imposing martial law and crushing all who opposed the Danaian warlords.

America, like the rest of the world, was in shambles, ruled by extraterrestrial invaders and their homegrown human weapons.  The remaining, free superhumans continue to fight a resistance to their alien oppressors, hoping to stop the approaching full scale occupation of their planet.  To aid in their fight, the Enforcer’s Secret Soldier initiative produced…

GO TO Character #26!

24 – Combat Controllers

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

(Click to enlarge!)


… continued from Character #23, Queen Qobra…


Mounted on beasts of the species to which the infamous The-Many-Who-Are-One belonged, Danaians in battle armor left their vessels and entered the war torn city of Washington with strange devices held high, pulsating with golden lights.  It was later revealed that the original Many-Who-Are-One monster was sent to Earth as a test to see how far along the Danaian-born virus has changed humanity.  These warriors spread out among the frozen masses, thousands of eyes following the pulsating lights held aloft.

The Man of the Moon hovered impassive over the scene as memories flooded back to him.  He remembered keeping his lonely vigil over the Earth, looking away from his home world out towards the universe.  It happened fast, there was a flash out in the void, like a distant supernova, and then the lunar guardian was not alone.  A pair of heavily armored lepidopteran soldiers stood before him flanking a large metallic container with something big thrashing about inside, a black hole beast.  While one Danaian invader shot the Man of the Moon, the other released their captive predator.  The Man of the Moon fought the beast with all his might to a standstill, leaving the beast buried beneath the surface of the moon and him unconscious at the bottom of crater of his own making.  This battle cleared the way for contingency of Danaian “first contact scouts” to visit Earth.

When all alien soldiers were positioned throughout the city, and other cities around the globe, they all began to chant, in unison, in their insectile native tongue.  All extranormal individuals, heroic and villainous, empowered by the alien virus, real and synthetic, released on first Danaian visitation, found themselves enthralled and moving toward these mounted Danaians, the Combat Controllers!

The gathered extranormals dropped to their knees as one before the alien warriors, all eyes glowing and pulsing with their control rods.  Government agents and Secret Soldiers alike braced for the inevitable attack from the Danaians.  They were unprepared for the simultaneous transformation of all virus infected individuals into…

GO TO Character #25!

23 – Queen Qobra

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments


… continued from Character #22, The Awesomist…


Trent Day’s inauguration as President of the United States of America just after the turn of the millenia would go down in history as one of the most tumultuous eras in the history of the world.  The popularity of extranormals was at an all time high.  As the founder of the now global Constellations and trusted intermediary to all things super-powered, Day won his election bid in a landside victory.  Spending all his time in his gilded form as the Gold Gladiator as it slowed his aging, allowing him to live out his life with his seemingly immortal wife, Wardove, Day’s swearing in as Commander in Chief was a momentous and picturesque occasion.  The celebration was short lived, however.

As Day uttered the final words, cementing his place in U.S. history, chaos reigned from the sky onto the Capitol steps.  While the attending Secret Service agents, Constellation heroes and hidden Secret Soldiers were ready for any number of terrorist strikes, they were not prepared for the sheer number of enemy combatants that fell from the sky led by ex-Constellation Serpens, now operating under the guise of QUEEN QOBRA!

Nadia Septemus, under the codename Serpens, was a standout operative in the U.N. Constellation program whose cunning in combat was legendary in the organization.  Due to operational parameters and standards, a mission in the jungles of Central America resulted in the destruction of a small village and its population.  Angered that her organization was responsible for these unnecessary casualties, Serpens left the Constellations and went underground.  She founded the Soldiers of the Serpent as first a mercenary group and then as an underground movement to wrest control of the world from those, in her eyes, responsible for the turmoil it is constantly suffering.

Discreetly funded by the notorious Reine de Chance, Soldiers of the Serpent are armed with cutting edge armaments and empowered by a synthetic derivative of the extraterrestrial virus that gives many of the world’s heroes their extraordinary abilities.  The virus grants the soldiers invulnerability and super strength.

Finally ready to make their presence publicly known, Queen Qobra chose the Gold Gladiator’s momentous inauguration as her stage.  The hundreds of serpentine soldiers descended on the crowds were met by the numerous government agents and extranormal operatives in the crowd.  The newly sworn in President and First Lady led the charge meeting the Queen in a battle that engulfed the capital city.

While battle raged outside and national monuments crumbled under superhuman might, a light began to blink in a small room adjacent to the Oval Office.  In the dimly lit space a crimson light pulsated and a low hum emitted from a golden beacon given to, of all people, Trent Day by a trio of extraterrestrial visitors in a remote Michigan forest a quarter of a century ago.  The Danaians were returning.  The thundering conflict in Washington, D.C. was stilled by the appearance of numerous ships slowly falling to Earth from the void beyond.  Heroes and villains alike watched wide-eyed as the ships landed, their portal doors opened revealing…

GO TO Character #24!

Day 30 – Moxie

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments


Meet Moxie – a spunky, rocket-pack-wearing, gadget-loving adventure girl.

#13 – Redbreast

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

Redbreast used to be a young computer genius on the edge of the law. Magpie uncovered a criminal plot that was to exploit his talents and recruited him for his side. Through rigorous physical training, he became an excellent hand-to-hand combatant, and uses the rocket wings for flight even better than the far bulkier Magpie.

He invented most of the new accessories the pair uses for crime-fighting, like a slightly radioactive tracer fluid that looks like bird-poo for tracking criminals.

Later finds out about Magpie’s doublecross and decides to kill him and assume his identity as the new Magpie, using his dead partner as a front and finally regaining a private life.

However, in the end he is unable to pull it off and tries to save Magpie in an heroic effort, but fails.

#12 – The high-flying Magpie, reformed master-thief

| November 30, 2011 | 1 Comment

Magpie used to be a thief, turned himself in and served a prison sentence.

Upon his release, he took in a young scholar and turned superhero.


Secretly, he has established for himself another secret identity, as the dangerous criminal “Two Slash”, unbeknownst even to his sidekick, and continues his criminal exploits, the Magpie always close on the chase. A perfect cover for his crimes.

30 Characters 2011 Raul Aguirre Jr.

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments


Below is a gallery containing all 30 of my  creations for the 30 Character Challenge.















28 Emily Spielbreken

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

Emily’s power absorbs magic.

#30 The Triplets

| November 30, 2011 | 2 Comments

Crazy runs in the family.

Note from the artist:

If you check out my introduction post, you’ll see that I haven’t been drawing in a while. I’m at the end of this challenge, and I don’t have a lot of time, so I thought it might be neat to look in an old sketch book. This is from 1996.



| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

Back in August of 2008 on a dare a couple friends and myself challenged ourselves to create a new Green Lantern. My friend Jeff Marsick and co-creator/writer of our comic Z-Girl and the 4 TIGERS, wrote a short story about a female Green Lantern called “Kima’s Tale” It blew me away and was the catalyst for our coming together and collaborating on Z-Girl. But Kima never went any further. So when I was stuck for another character to create Jeff suggested I go back to that short story and bring Kima to life. I realize that Green Lantern is not an original character but Kima certainly is. And who knows maybe somebody at DC will be as inspired by Kima as I was and want Jeff to write her story and me to illustrate it. Hey, we all have to have dreams.:-D


30 – Bison by Beausephus

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments


DATE OF CREATION:  Early 1990’s

CONCEPT:  A mythological minotaur style demon is conjured and trapped in the modern era… a bas-ass ancient minotaur getting into hip-hop culture, playing b-ball in the West Village, and pulling out a gigantic cleaver when he gets fouled.



So this character was just a guy I liked to draw and to call him a fully fleshed out character is stretching the truth a bit.  I tried to pair him up wit different character, mining the same vein as one of my favorite comics as a kid, POWER MAN AND IRON FIST.  So when I last left Bison he was the Kevin Bacon of street level and mystic characters he was connected to everyone.  I’m not sure if he’s a lead character, but the very broad concept of Bison makes for some great secondary character/comic relief gold.


So…the final entry…

30 characters in 30 days.


I really learned a great deal about what I want out of my own style and creative outlets, but I also received so much great feedback and support from the inspiration comments from so many great folks and just the talent that this contest unleashed into my world… this is why the interent is so mazing….all of these amateur artists and creators getting a wide audience to just show our little corner of the artistic universe in one place.

Thank you so much to everyone who stopped by and checked out my work and I cannot express how muc it meant ot me and my son to read all of the great things those of you sent messages wrote.


So thank you to the organizers and iFanboy for reminding me to sign up, and to everyone else…much love…


–  beausephus


#30-Charles Ivy, The Void Bearer

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

Captured by a cult and intended for human sacrifice, Charles and his friend Lawrence were inadvertently saved when the ritual was interrupted by a girl and her young babysitting charge stumbling into the proceedings. Unfortunately, the ritual had begun, and Charles was already wounded and dying.

During the magical backlash that occurred from the ritual being interrupted, Charles was possessed by a spirit of the Void, the negative balance to all other elements. While this saved his life, it is unclear how much of his own mind remains, uncontrolled by the spirit. He and the other 3 children caught in the ritual now have to deal with using their abilities to help others and survive the continued attentions of the cult.



#30 White Meca Soldier(Leader of the Meca Soldiers)

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

This is it. My final entry in the challenge. Yes, I spelled the word Soldier wrong, my bad. I created this character as part of a book I’ve been pulling things in my brain for years called Super Action Team Mecaforce, my love letter to the Tokusatsu(Japanese for Special Effects) /Super Sentai(Japanese meaning “Task Force”) genre.

White Meca Soldier is the team leader of The Meca Soldiers, a team of heroes whose abilities come from the powers of the animals they possess.  He possesses the power of the Lion, and is an natural born leader. His real identity is Jordan Davis, a college student that convinced the other member in the team to join him. He’s the voice of reason, a good friend, and able to do what it takes.

Height:6’0 Weight:221 lbs. Age:21


His abilities come from the essence of the lion itself. Some hand to hand combat skills, some martial arts training.


Confident, willing to settle things before it gets somewhere dangerous, the voice of reason, never backed down from a challenge.

#29-Lawrence Kirkfield, The Water Bearer

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments


Captured by a cult and intended for sacrifice in a mad plan to harness the power of elemental spirits, Lawrence and his friend Charles were accidentally rescued when a young girl babysitting a boy interrupted the ritual. In the magical maelstrom that resulted, Lawrence was bonded with an elemental spirit of water, and became a vaguely humanoid pillar of liquid, able to control all aspects of the element. This has somehow not enhanced his ability to talk to girls.


#28-Andrea Lopez, The Flame Bearer

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments




Andrea was a typical 15 year old girl, trying to grow up in the city, deal with parents that were away working most of the time, and care for a precocious child she babysits regularly. One evening while hurrying home, she and the boy accidentally stumble upon a magic ritual, with a mad cult intending to harness the powers of elemental spirits and use them to take over the world. Unfortunately for the cult, young Arthur has impulse problems and interrupts the proceedings, resulting in the unleashing of unimaginable forces and the accidental empowerment of Andrea, Arthur and two other children intended for sacrifices by the cult.

Now Andrea is the Flame Bearer, able to manifest as a being of fire and plasma and control the elemental forces of thermal energy. Powers she finds most handy in keeping Arthur in line.

#29 Palmstrong ( aka The Walking Palm Tree)

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

Plamstrong : status: hero

Neovidual abilities : Palmstrong possesses extreme strength , resistance to injury, and mass level regenerative properties. Palmstrong , being half man, half palm tree, can also root himself into soil anchoring his body to an extant that few forces would be strong enough to move him. A peaceful man, Palmstrong will grow fierce in battle in the defense of his friends.

#27-Arthur MacManis, the Earth Bearer

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments


While being escorted by his babysitter, young Arthur was caught in a failed magical ritual designed to bind the power of elemental spirits to flesh and blood. While still a simple 5-year old in mind and soul, his body has become transformed into a nearly indestructible form of stone and magma, and he has absolute control of the earth beneath our feet. Luckily for us, his babysitter was also empowered by the magical backlash, or else our supply of cookies and Spongebob Squarepants merchandise would be completely devastated.



The Alanis Morissette Septet

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments
Seven Singers and Alanis Morissette

Isn't it ironic?


They’re loud, they’re on note, and they’re possibly a bit drunk, too.

“It’s like raaaaaain, on your bedding, hey!”

Frequently switching up their acts, these seven like to stand out in a crowd.  Hell, if they had their way, they’d outnumber the crowd.

“Isn’t it ironic?  Don’t you think?  Hey, wait, don’t forget me!”