Category: Steampunk
Character 08 – Raye
Raye – a character I created during my animation lecture! She’s a part of a universe that I’m working on at the moment for a game I will one day make, and I like how she came out (especially the shoes)
She started out like a sort of steampunk superhero? Not sure if I got the vibe, she look more like a bandit or something with that mask XD
Day 3: Nic’norid
 Nic’norid (nic-noh-RID) is a rather strange creature from a strange place. His species doesn’t really have a name, though some are convinced that they are quite advanced compared to others. Their mouths now only function to take in needed nutrients are often hidden since they are pretty unsightly. Instead of physically speaking, they use a type of telepathy using the gems on their foreheads while the sort of “antennae” receive messages which is also useful in taking in information from other cultures so they can learn the language rather quickly. However, Nic’norid is too young to speak to other creatures, he can only take the information so he can understand what’s going on, which makes communication difficult for him with other species. He’s 127 (29 in human years), and most of his kind learn to “speak” with other species at age 250.
“Nic”, here, is actually rather high-ranking in his society. He’s practically a noble (the darker clothing indicates high status, but actual royalty are born with black skin and white eyes in his culture). He gets himself stuck with humans when a bandit finds him injured in the desert and takes him to some friends. There, he starts learning about human culture and eventually befriends the bandit and her friends, in a way asking them to take over his mission of why he was in the desert in the first place. And, because his people are native to more mountainous areas with lush forests, who better to take his place than someone more accustomed to the hot, dry desert?
Nic’norid is still a work in progress design-wise, but I like what’s here so far and now it just needs tweaking.
Because I’ve fallen…several days behind, expect more sketches and please excuse the messiness. Playing catch-up is never easy! I plan to get two more characters up today.
Sgt. Major Snowberry
Sargent Major Fernella Pettycoat Snowberry of the Northern Mountain Fusileers. Sgt. Snowberry’s primary assignment is to patrol and protect the southern border of the Northern coast, but she constantly finds herself embroiled in shenanigans abroad. Always at he side is Junior Cadet Sarah Morgan, who excels at tying up loose ends while Snowberry is attempting to board a moving train from horse back, or lasso an enraged Daplodiphadapodon (Think Wooly Tyranosoarus).
#2 L47 – Lookout Bot
Here’s L47, the Lookout Bot. In an alternate history where, in a sort of Steampunk universe, L47, or Larry, as his cohorts call him, watches for signs of the incoming enemy forces. It seems he’s witnessing yet another incoming sortie. Airborne forces, as expected, threaten their flanks, and it is his duty now is to inform the troops. A look of hate, but not surprise, paints an expression across his metallic features, leaving no doubt that this mechanoid can feel just like the beings that put him together. In an effort to be like his creators, he carries a telescope, more as a symbol than a useful tool. The spearheaded banner flapping in the wind yet another symbol of his alliance, will soon be fanned by the gusts of impending battle.
You can check out my creations over several places on the web. The Mad Scientist’s Art Lab, The Impulsive Sketching Journal, and a couple of other places such as Tumblr, and DeviantArt. You can find me online on Twitter, and Facebook as well.
#6 Aven Sionnach
 Aven is a 19 Kitsune by her mother’s blood. Her mother, Hotaru, was a beautiful many tailed kitsune. Aven has lived with her grandfather from a young age, due to the disappearance of her parents. Aven’s grandfather owns a mechanic shop, and Aven has taken an interest in such work. She does work along with her grandfather in the shop, and has proved to become a great mechanic. She also made Felix his prosthetic limbs with a little help from her grandfather.
Day 4: “French Vanilla”
“She stared up at the building with a trace of despair, a slip of paper in one hand and her purse in the other. The landlord had told her that it was a dreary building, but she was in no way prepared for the sight with which she was greeted. The paint was peeling from the window sills, the tiles were falling off the roof, and the numbers above the doors hung slightly askew.
She stepped back to the cafe on the other side of the street and ordered a coffee. As she drank, she looked at the paper she had with her. It promised an apartment with cheap rent and a street view. She didn’t really care about the rent or the state of the apartment, she just needed somewhere with her name on the letterbox. She wanted to get away from the world, away from overly curious people who cared about her and her life. Tomorrow, she would rent out another place, on the other side of town, under a completely different name.
Many people thought they knew her, but they only knew what she let them see of her. Each person came to know a different version of her. She learned to become like this out of necessity from a very young age, trusting nobody and expecting those around her to show the same level of mistrust.
She plucked a toothpick out of the canister on the table and chewed on it absent-mindedly.
She supposed that one day she would make friends again. She couldn’t live her whole life without
people, but for now she would give it a good shot.
Glancing at the clock on the wall of the cafe, she saw that she had five more minutes before she had to walk through those doors and become yet another version of herself. Hopefully, she would not have to keep this one up for long. She did not have the energy to do this much longer.
Standing up, she left her coffee untouched on the table. Carefully, she smoothed her dark blonde hair back under her hat and left the cafe.
Crossing over once again to stand front of the building, she looked at it with a different perspective. Perhaps this was indeed the wrong thing to do. No matter what though, it was necessary.
She took a deep breath and steeled herself before stepping through the doors.”
 Words: Lana, Art: Julian (Tosche)
Jack McPatch
Shrouded in mystery, little is known about Jack McPatch. His tendency to appear when you need him and disappear when you also need him, befuddle even the most ardent of the Northern Mountain Fusileers. With motivations beyond our knowing, McPatch has been labeled by some cultures as a trickster spirit and a demon to be feared or run out of town, where as other cultures just ignore him as an excentric. No one knows where or when he came from, some say he doesn’t know either. One thing is certain, It’s hard not to stare at a man who hovers one and a quarter inches off the ground.
#5 Super Mom
This Soccer Mom is ready for what ever comes her way and then some. Â Drawn and colored in Manga Studio.
Mins DelaCroix
 Mins Delacroix awoke having no memory of her past and who she was. Add to that, the gauntlets that were now fused to her hands. Screaming and crying in a child like state, the closest memory she has to her enigmatic past is a flash of blinding light, and the words “Electra-clytemnestra” .  For countless years,  she has haunted the witchfenns looking for answers to who she was and now is. She is accompanied by a silver grey cat named pyewacket.
#3 John Tyler
A snowman with the arms of a bodybuilder, the legs of a skeleton, and the wheel of a wheelbarrow. The only thing he wants is the most beautiful set of pearly whites in the world. And with his trusty hammer, he will find them all.
He shares his name with the tenth and best president of the United States
#3 – Gear Farmer
Looks like this crop ‘o gears is just about ready!
(Edit: Everyone is telling me this guy reminds them of someone from Spyro 2, but I haven’t played it, sorry!)
Day 2: Beda Foster
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Height: 5’9″
Weight: 134lbs
Species: Human
Bio: Beda was born to a family that owns a mechanic shop in a small town in the middle of the desert. Her mother died during childbirth and her father died when she was ten, so she now lives with her grandfather and is currently his apprentice. She’s considerably strong for a woman her age and surprisingly motherly, especially towards two children her grandfather brought to the shop a long time ago.
(Ack! I’ve fallen behind! Now I get to play catch-up when I’m not super busy! Also, this picture will also be put up on my Tumblr, here: And at the end of the month in a compilation of all the characters created this month on my dA, here:
#3 – BT Barnum
[The following was taken from reports to Interpol Director Francis Croke on the suspected personal of a international organization known as A.B.R.A.C.A.D.A.B.R.A. Whether A.B.R.A.C.A.D.A.B.R.A is a vigilante group, freedom fighters or terrorists is still being investigated]
Name: Betsy Traci Barnum
Alias: BT Barnum
Age: 29
Height: 5’9
Current weight:125
Hair: Red
Eyes: Green
Group Affiliations: A.B.R.A.C.A.D.A.B.R.A, Barnum Circus
Distinguishing skills/features: Expert in several fields of circus performing which helps her immensely in the field. Although she doesn’t have any formal combat training she uses her accumulated physical knowledge to be a fierce unpredictable combatant. When not in disguise she has a tendency to wear a ringleader jacket and top hat.
History: Born Betsy Traci Barnum, BT Barnum is the last living member of the Barnum Line and the majority shareholder of Barnum Circus the worlds largest and most well traveled Circus originally founded by her great great grandfather PT Barnum.
BT was orphaned at the age of nine when her parents were killed in a car wreck, and upon the examination of their joint will it was revealed that the majority shares would go to Betsy at the age of eighteen but in the meantime she would live with her fathers best friend and godfather Sergei Volcatov, a former Russian circus clown and current ring leader of Barnum Circus.
Volcatov proved a positive influence on BT and the rest of the performers became her surrogate family. In the intervening years she worked(and mastered) nearly every aspect of circus performing: juggling, animal training, tight rope walking, trapeze artistry, and even being a clown. But the part she excelled at was working as a barker as she displayed a gift for drawing people in and getting them to believe anything she said, a skill she would use to great effect later on.
Upon her eighteenth birthday BT was prepared to accept her majority shares of the circus, however when she went to the circus corporate headquarters she was informed by the board of directors she would be receiving nothing. Apparently they had exploited a legal loophole that completely cut BT out. Details are sketchy of this meeting but apparently after BT received some rather sexist comments from the board members BT calmly stood up looked around the room and proclaimed “In one years time I will be the only one left working here” and left.
Within a year the entire board of directors were either locked up, homeless, are attacked by rabid ferrets.
Its believed that during the year long “revenge world tour” BT was recruited by A.B.R.A.C.A.D.A.B.R.A, an organization her great great grandfather helped create. Â
Present Day: After reclaiming ownership over the circus BT left Volcatov in charge while she began her new life as a jet setting heiress accompanied by her assistant Harry and Driver Rodrigo. However we believe that this is just a cover for her real job as an agent of A.B.R.A.C.A.D.A.B.R.A. She has been sighted, if not implicitly linked, near several dozen scenes of mass devastation. Whether she was the cause of this destruction or kept it from getting worse has yet to be uncovered.Â
Psych Evaluation: BT Barnum has shown signs of survivors guilt most likely associated with the death of her parents, However she uses this guilt to fuel her endless desire to better herself which is why she is able to master multiple disciplines in relatively short amounts of time. This guilt does not seem to ruin her disposition however as she has been reported to be incredibly charismatic which she uses to great effect in business dealings. However she has also exhibited a sadistic streak when crossed, for this reason no allegations should be lobbied against her or at best we risk a a lawsuit. at worst we everyone investigating her will be ruined.Â
#2 Stella the Steamship Pirate
This is Stella the Steamship Pirate. Don’t be fooled by her timid look, she’s a tough cuss and can board dirigibles with the meanest of them. In her spare time she also likes to run illegal freight and enjoys long walks on the beach.
#2 Tyler
Tyler is called a fire wizard in his world, but he is able to keep control over fire through the tattooing hidden on his back and the knowledge of how the molecules of the fire work. He is sort of a king of thieves and outcasts. He’ll do anything to benefit his people but could care less about everyone else. He’s recently started smuggling things on trains to get supplies and other things to his people. When the knights (A from of military/police in that world) found out they certainly were not happy about it. Tyler already being on the wanted list went higher up on the priority list. And the Knights are always on look out for him. Ironically for Tyler he ends up in love with a Knight-to-be, who isn’t quite happy about this but promises to keep her friend’s secret.
#2 Conor Lowell

Michael Fassbender as Conor Lowell
The golden city before him seemed to mock Conor as he looked at it. It seemed to large, so close, but it was still so far off, bright and glowing against the smog filled sky. It was a place untouched by black, and it was where all that lived below it wanted to be. Conor was no exception to that wish.
However, unlike so many other dreamers, Conor knew that he was unlikely to get there. He was a hound, hired muscle to guard and protect, bound through promises made of words and promises made of mystical design. He was not in control of his fate unless the holder of his leash broke their bond, freeing him to attempt to breech the golden city’s walls.
Conor palmed the static spear on his back. It was an item that he was lucky to find, a great weapon, that, nonetheless, was troublesome in it’s own ways. It felt solid and strong against his palm; the switch was a heavy thing that wouldn’t be turned on if it were accidently brushed. It was a delicate weapon though, with just as much a chance to backfire and harm the wielder as a chance to harm the intended target. That was why he used it, after all. The danger his weapon posed to himself was just as intoxicating as fighting was for him.
And he would fight. He was a hound. Fighting was what he did.
Iris might not like it, especially when he came back with blood stains on his clothing and hands, the smell of another woman on his skin (he hoped that the second went ignored or not found… but the way that her face would pinch… she probably knew), but she would accept it. She always did, or seemed to.
Conor focused again on what was in front of him as his fellows shifted from wary relaxation, to wary observation. The static spear seemed to fly to his hand as he readied himself and took point. The spasm was coming, the bloodlust bubbling up from the pit of his soul.
The target turned the corner.
Conor switched on the spear. The electricity glowed on his face, giving it the cast of a demon’s.
Day Two: “Confederate Money”
 She collapsed in a chair in the kitchen and looked down at her muddied feet in dismay. What was her Aunt going to say about this? She’d only been in town for about 6 months and already she had gotten into more scrapes than she had back home.
She sighed and brushed her auburn hair away from her face, trying to arrange it in some semblance of neatness before going past the room with her Aunt.
She rummaged through her purse for her cigarette case and lit one up.
Her aunt had been ill for nearly a year now, she had moved to New York from Louisiana to care for her. During the day, she cared for her Aunt, making sure that her every need was cared for. During the night and early hours of the day, however, she would be out gallivanting on the town or around the docks, trying to calm her cravings for adventure. These romps were helping her develop what she saw as a true New York accent. From everyone else’s perspective, she became a broad parody of her ideal.
Tonight had been one such adventurous night. She had dressed for the occasion as well, wearing her favourite shoes and a beautiful dress. She would have to replace both those, and goodness knows what had happened to her shoes. She stubbed out what was left of her cigarette, and pulled herself out of the chair.
She left muddy footprints on the carpet as she crept past her Aunt’s open bedroom door.
Words: Lana, art: Julian (Tosche).
#2-Sam S. Stride the M-Updated
Sam S. Stride the M, an adventurer and leader of the generations-old business (recently transformed into a non-profit organization), Strides Ahead, in the far-flung future. Following in the footsteps of the 1,000 generations of Strides before him. They are the oldest and wisest family of Monument Mount., a city built into the side of the Rocky Mountains, started by the 481st Stride Generation in an attempt to bring the United States back to the economic pinnacle it enjoyed many centuries ago.
Sam S. Stride the M is the 1,000th son in the 1,000th generation of the Stride family. While some daughters have been born, for some reason in the 1,000 stride families that have existed to date have all been male first, and after which, that generation bears no more sons. Each male has always desired to take over for there fathers, though there have been some co-CEO’s in it’s time, with some daughters taking to the business as quickly or even quicker then the son of that generation.
Though the one thing that has yet to break in any son of any generation is there desire for good-old adventure, whether it be some mystical realm experiment with Brother Buddha or a stroll thru time with past Strides and other heroes past.
Sam S. Stride has just recently taken over Strides Ahead, and was the one to turn it into a non-profit organization (something that had been planned since the beginning.) His wife is pregnant with their first child, and for once all is at peace, with his only adventure that of his new organization. Sam the M was always hesitant of this part of his legacy, but willing to accept it, as all those before him. But once his company and his city have been threatened by a series of unnatural earthquakes, Sam the M must practice his fisticuffs again!
#1 Butler008
Name : Butler
Species : Half  Cyborg
Age : Unknown
Gender : Unspecified
Height : Unknown
Weigh: Unknown
Short desc.
He was a real human, before he died and was augmented into a butler, working for the highlanders in year 2276. He uses magnetic/wave force from his anti-gravity orbs to do his works, carry stuff, and etc.
Comment and critiques are welcomed.
#1 Tilly Mooncog (and Junkbot)
Tilly’s not the wealthiest of folks, but then again, nobody on the far side of Trigger IV has had much fortune smile upon them. At least she knows how to make a good junkbot. Around these parts that skill will get a girl some respect – not much, mind you, but some.
Character #1: Fire-breather
Hello. This is my character for day one. She breathes fire… out of her gun. Anyway, I’ll be updating my blog along with each new character daily so if you don’t want to dig through this tremendous number of posts hit up my website… Thanks! Good job so far, everyone.
#1 Felix Acadia
 Felix is a 17 year old boy who comes from a rich family in a steampunkish world. He lived with his mother, father and younger sister in their mansion. His parents weren’t home a lot and always busy running their business, but Felix and his little sister were very close. An unfortunate thing happened when Felix and his family were going on vacation,when he was about 11, and the train they were riding crashed. The crash killed all of Felix’s family and left him crippled. He lost both his arms and his right leg. He was found by a young kitsune named Aven and her grandfather, they immediately rushed him to the hospital. Over the time he spent in the hospital Aven visited quite frequently and when he was finally released he went and lived with Aven and her grandfather. Her grandfather was a mechanic who ran his own shop and with his help Aven was able to make prosthetic limbs for Felix. Unfortunatly for Felix he is unable to return home because he ended up with some memory loss after the train wreck and is unable to remember where it is.
#1 Enki
Enki is from a world at war. The animal like beings VS. Humans. The Technology is very steam punk and they have yet to invent good transportation. Enki works on the side building flying machines and is generally frowned at by those who are able to fly naturally. He is pudgy and proud.
#1 Sinclair
Unfortunately, I got a bit carried away, so this entry is ridiculously long, which I apologize for. Since I can’t draw, I hope that it’s alright if I use pictures that define the character rather than a picture of him or her.
Character Summary: A curious woman who resides in a Steampunk Version of Victorian England. She works on the Cavalier–a sky-ship owned by man who calls himself Captain Mowler.
Full Name: Unknown; goes only by the name Sinclair
Age: 34
Birth Date: January 15th, 1855
Birthplace: Bath, Somerset (UK)
Current Residence: The Cavalier Sky-Ship
Occupation: Member of Captain Mowler’s Crew
- Prof. Edward McCollum (Father)
- Unknown Mother
- Sir Oswyn Tyland (Caretaker from birth until age 6)
- Miss Helen Tyland (Wife of Oswyn Tyland)
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Race/Nationality: English (UK)
Other: She has several scars on her body; the most notable resides on her face as three long gashes that begin from the left of her forehead and end just beneath her lips.
Rich Douek – Character #1 – Whispers
Nobody knows exactly when Whispers took over the Renato Brothers funeral home. All anyone knows is that one day, he was just there, overseeing every step of the process, from embalming the bodies to putting them in the ground. His unsettling presence has spawned the rumor he is not a man at all, but some spirit or nightmare bound up inside an old man’s flesh. One might think this would be detrimental to his business, but the value of an undertaker that asks no questions, and speaks nothing to anyone is not lost on the various gang lords and criminals of Dockside.
He is utterly silent, known only by the light tapping of his cane on the cobblestones, and the curious rattle of the bag he keeps at his belt – rumored to contain the knucklebones of the unfortunates delivered into his care. When he wants to be heard, he gives the bag a gentle shake, and the air is filled with a thousand half-heard voices, whispering on the wind to make the will of their master known.
2011 Challenger: Josh Cherry
I saw this and said “Hey why not!” I think it will be a good exercise. I like making characters.
Here is a website I made called Go there Enter any website and let Lloyd tell you about it.
#30Characters Chatter…