Category: Scifi
Day 1 – Plasmama
Plasmama had both a normal childhood and a normal teenage life, until the day she lost both of her arms in an accident she doesn’t talk about. Not wanting to spend the rest of her life without arms, she had a pair of plasma ones built for her instead. She can change the shape of them at will, and can even make them relatively normal if she wants. Of course, when she’s out fighting crime she prefers something a little more intimidating..
(Had fun with her proportions, wanted to make her super curvy and a little psychotic looking. I started colouring her, but wasn’t happy with it so I fixed up the lineart instead)
09: Ubskyura
Character Name:Â
Brief Bio/Description:
Ubskyura: self-named fetish model and body artist. She has a history with several circuses, freak shows, and adult entertainment businesses. She doesn’t like speaking. She prefers people to know her based on what they see, how she moves, and what actions she takes. She tends to be a loner, but settles in to small groups easily, often letting her quiet, obscure mystique transform her into the center of attention. She does not believe in romance, exclusivity, monogamy, or virtually any other Christian-founded orthodox construct. Her reason for living is finding new ways to change, improve, and enjoy herself. This includes, but is not limited to: body modifications, piercings, plastic surgeries, orgies, and more alternative lifestyles than any single textbook lists.
Style Commentary:
Ubskyura was influenced, in part, by two amazing people I know. One, Skye Kearney (aka, Infamous Insomniac and Silver Coils) is an amazingly beautiful, versatile, non-conforming ball of awesome. She ignores standards and labels and does what she wants. Both her artwork and her modeling career have been tremendously inspirational to me, and I cannot express how lucky I count myself for getting to know her in person. The second, Ms. Azreal Robles (aka, WooshCookie) is an explosion of wonderful independent attitude combined with a love for classy things with interesting twists. She grabs life and makes it take her where she wants to go, and I admire her immensely for that! Both of these people also happen to have pretty radical hair – which I love <3
Publishing Note:
CC2012 entries 05-09 are SUPER LATE but I wanted to get them online anyway. I did them in November, but was unable to get them online due to life’s circumstances and general busy-ness from November until now.
07: WOMan
Character Name:Â
WOMan (Wireless On-board Maintenance)
Brief Bio/Description:
WOMan, or Wireless On-board Maintenance, is a humanoid computer system designed to complete repairs and general maintenance in various space, land, air, and sea vessels. WOMan comes equipped with full schematics and mechanical instructions installed, specifically for the vessel in which it will be used. WOMan also comes with a self-preservation pod, for repairs and updates to its chassis and software. This pod is also a storage space for any time when WOMan is not in use. Please consult your regional distributor for price quotes and package information.
Style Commentary:
I believe I’d gotten myself into a Ghost in the Shell kick when I started this one. I believe I’d also re-watched Hugo around that time. I wanted to create a mechanical character, one that was very obviously non-human, but still held an element of female attractiveness. I enjoy the idea of many pieces coming together to create a whole, and had a great deal of fun setting all the lines and joints and bolts in her design. It was also fun to eliminate the need for human anatomy, and focus on a more purely mechanical approach to a humanoid form. The flexible compression support that makes up her waist was definitely a move toward blatantly disregarding normal human proportions. Which is fun to do, sometimes!
Publishing Note:
CC2012 entries 05-09 are SUPER LATE but I wanted to get them online anyway. I did them in November, but was unable to get them online due to life’s circumstances and general busy-ness from November until now.
The End( is Nigh)- 30 Charas in 30 Days
I’m not sure if I learned anything, but I do think I’ve improved upon my time management as well as trying to draw things I’m not comfortable with.
(lookie!! Hardly any girls!! lol)
Post#16 — Captain Silverfox
Post#16 — Captain Silverfox: Is an anthropomorphic cartoon character set in the Star Trek universe. I designed this character to be a part of my Trek newsletter (USS Silver Fox Newsletter, a chapter of
Unfortunately, this will be my last posting for this year’s Challenge. I’m kinda disappointed with myself for putting out this small a number of pictures. Part of the reason was scheduling, and part of it was me just not feeling like drawing during parts of the month. It was not a lack of creativity, as I had months before this year’s Challenge to whip out more than enough characters (and more characters as the month moved on).
But, that doesn’t mean that this year’s challenge wasn’t worth the effort. The month’s concentrtated push to create all these characters showed me where my strongths and weaknesses are as an artist. Parts of the illustrations I did add this year was an improvement over last year’s efforts. One thing that helped me was having the time to sketch out and expand on each character I developed. This is a common practice; the artist doesn’t just settle for just one solution to a problem, but looking at a character from a number of angles (situations, interactions with other characters, etc.).
Thus, I’m glad to have been part of this Challenge this year. See you guys next year!
#22 Intelligent Landing Pod
Future landing craft will be equipped with strong A.I. computer companions.
Tiph Hunter – 30 Characters in 30 Days – Mayan Glyph SuperHeros
Completed!!! That is All!
(drawing 1 character a day for the month of November 2012 by following the Mayan Calendar for those days)
#30 – The So-Called “Princess” of Some Far Away Plant Land
Another subject in a series of bio-experiments, this young woman was transformed into a humanoid plant-like creature. Â She can easily be mistaken for a princess of some far away plant land.
11/30/2012: Malithraxus, Void Dragon
NAME: Malithraxus  SPECIES: Dragon (Observer-Spawn) ORIGIN: ???
Spawned in the cosmic winds and seeded with an intelligence from beyond the Bulk, the cosmic dragon, Malithraxus was born to raze the pillars of reality and birth new life into its smoldering foundation. A being of pure magic, it soars aloft on vast, membranous wings, dripping with the scintillating colors of creation. Its claws and fangs rend through flesh and starship hulls with equal ease, casting those within screaming silently into the void. Its breath is the fire of chaos, giving new form to all that it touches. It is the harbinger of violent change. It has hears the voices of Nexus City, crying for a savior to release them from their prisons of biological and mechanical conformity.
Model designed in Sculptris and TinkerCAD (3d print pending….)
#30 – Hidden Temple
The Secret at the Center of Everything. It is both the dwelling place and the in-dweller. Simultaneously occupying all points in Unknown space. Carved out of dark matters. Bejeweled in souls. Synchronicity its cornerstone. It is always there but never found. The world is something can never be grasped, never be known, its foundations are illusory, but the temple — the hidden temple — resists entropy, dynamically becomes both the foundation and the structure upon it, a huge ever-growing pulsating brain that rules from the center of the Ultraworld. The world they have not told you about, that whispers in your ear at night, just before you go to sleep.
Where geometry is character. Position is personality. Density is destiny.
Here, Molly Megaton is remembered as the greatest of Space Generals. King Lonesome is always singing “Justine”. It whispers the future to Hoshimaru; it is the home of the real person Phone Tree Woman desperately seeks and will never find. It drives Old Man Clock Killer to search for justice; it lives in the advanced soul of General Mister Whiskerkins. It’s the new thing that awakens the Petrikin, and the source of the strange star-stone that gave Sacco Hammers his powers. It is the cradle of Edam Pu Eman, and the grave of the Man of Sorrows. It’s what John Triggerman dreams in the day; the White Devil‘s elusive Big Score that stays just out of reach. To Lumumba Sagan, it is communication frozen in space, eternal. It’s where Genzy looks when reading the Akashic Record, the memory of all the People of Earth; yet it holds no sustenance for the Hype Eater, coalesces into no style that can be bitten by Swagger Jackson.
Here, Ta’aru loses its disquiet, cooing as it sleeps behind the Hidden Temple’s eyes. The Mapper is sketching its contours in his notebook, in the spaces between his drawings, it’s dawning on him. It’s John Henry‘s crucible, continually re-spawning him for his endless crusade. It is the gateway to Ekthuul the Raiser‘s coveted ‘Steady State’. The origin point of Rosebud Juarez‘s magical wound. Here, the unutterably ancient creators of the Ambassador Engine find their rest, at last.  The code for sax-13‘s ‘x module’ lives here, and breathes, together with the forgotten persona of Gloria Vaines.
The 93rd wanders here, in conversation with his Holy Guardian Angel, unaware he passes in the presence of The Legendary‘s Book of Rhymes, where Skyclad’s hometown of Black Rock City lives the other 51 weeks of the year. It is Jen Prime‘s elusive concrete evidence of the Subjective. It is the one place Eschaton can never go, for it has no end.
Haven’t you seen it? It’s here, right now, even in this very room. You’re looking right at it.
It is thinking of you. It is thinking you. It is you, thinking.
The idols inside are carved with your face, your real face, the one from before you were born. Don’t you remember?
Day 29: Spyrus
S.P.Y.R.U.S. is the universal company of Lego Space Pirates! They hunt down whatever is shiny, techy or useful to their cause: to be rich!
And this is the archnemesis of Black Steel, their bloodthirsty robotecha leader, Spirous Speram!
#30 CeeCee Anderman, Pareidolist
CeeCee Anderman is a Pareidolist — she can cause anything that seems to have a face to her to come alive briefly, conversing with her about whatever it has seen or heard. Or about wattage and ohms — outlets are always going on about that rubbish.
#29 and #30 – Amorphous Mass and the Terminal Core
Welcome to the final boss! Were you wondering about Mr. Holmson’s reason for fielding a partner whose only real strength is in manipulating ooze specifically owned by someone else? Or perhaps curious why Cynthia believes slime monsters to be sentient? And why someone who believes this would partner with a critter whose main ability essentially disconnects nanoparticle material from any kind of control? Ooo, or what Beelzebub was REALLY developed to do? Well, here’s your answer!
The Terminal Core is the result of early attempts by the construction companies to regain control of rogue nanoparticle material. Though it did initially overpower virus-infected ooze, it quickly went out of control and began collecting the stuff on its own, rejecting any further outside commands. Over the years, the Core has extended its reach, driving more and more nanoparticle material rogue, even going so far as to generate the stuff of its own accord. The NMSA’s interest in controlling the Terminal Core has some fairly obvious factors; if they can regain control over such a powerful manipulator of ooze, the Agency can effectively end a major source of continuing embarrassment to the companies that control it.
There have been attempts to shut the Core down before, so now it retains a significant defensive setup in the form of a large ooze colony. Much like Angela’s shifting partner, Wendigo, the Mass is a constantly changing opponent, but with a nasty surprise; the Core’s unique ability to propagate new ooze on command, combined with its unparalleled control of the basic programming of the substance, allows it to cover huge areas with its attacks and form nearly impenetrable defensive barriers.
Perhaps the most curious part of the Terminal Core and the Amorphous Mass is the relationship between the two. Although the Core is making all of the tactical decisions, it was the virus in the ooze that corrupted the Core and led to its present condition. So is the Core really controlling the Mass, or is this all set up according to what the ooze wants? Is the nanoparticle material genuinely sentient, or is this all just the virus playing out?
Day 30: 21st Century Sandshark Studios Presents: Doctor Millennium
in conjunction with
DAY 30
Character Biography: The man known as Doctor Millennium’s origins are shrouded in mystery.  He has been to and lived in the future, but at the same time can recall being amongst the Neanderthal man some 60,000 years ago.  What we do know is that he is long lived, having being documented throughout human history reaching from The Egyptian Old Kingdom to Han era China, to The Italian Renaissance.
What we do know is that from roughly to the end of the 17th Century, Doctor Millennium has  been the head of a cabal of illuminatiesque shadow men known as The Paradise Society.  Its end is to bring about the political and social upheaval that will bring about a one world order under their control.  In the beginning things were much more subtle which ranged from the benign, such as funding scientific invention, to more hostile such as backing and instigating revolution and war.
But over time the good Doctor saw these methods as TOO SLOW.  So by the end of World War II and the introduction of the Atomic Bomb, Doctor Millenium started using advanced scientific super weapons, and infiltrating various public and private venues in order to bring about the end of civilization in a grand cataclysm, and then restructure and rebuild the Earth into his own utopian mold.
He has come quite close on several occasions, but was thwarted in the past by the ocean faring adventurer and scientist known as Manta Ray Barstow, and his team of fellow companions. Â But these setbacks have only strengthened the Doctor’s resolve to bring his one world vision to bloody light!
Characters 21-30/30 (Mission Complete!!)
21/30 – Amelia. She’s a ghost!
22/30 – Blech. Another WTF creature.
23/30 – Righteous Slaughter. A true founding father of this great nation.
24/30 – Avenging Pequot Warrior. In honor of the 700 massacred Pequot Native Americans.
25/30 – Slugger. He punches things. In space.
26/30 – Fluffy the Pirate. Named after one of my PAX Enforcer brothers, I mostly just wanted to draw a pirate with a Lemmy.
27/30 – Artslinger. This is the front turnaround for another contest, but I drew it in November, so whatever. Think having powers like Green Lantern, but through art supplies.
28/30 – The Scholar. Ended up looking like Gordon Freeman. Unintentional.
29/30 – Tengu. I didn’t draw any anthropomorphic creatures for this thing. Not my bag, really. Still, gotta cover all the bases.
30/30 – s133pDEAD! Okay, so it’s kind of a cop out, but I’m super stoked to have completed this challenge and also my beard deserves to be immortalized!
#30- Caterpede
And thus the challenge comes full circle. I seriously was just like.. what the hell would work for a celebration of monsters… Oh what the hell lets make the caterpital ‘human’. (and yes, I did come up with this today/this morning) lol.)
*she totally has two left feet on her last set of legs XD
#28 – Griffon Rezal
Griffon Rezal grew up, an impoverished thug on the streets of Barkala, the largest coastal city on the planet of Axan Prime. Griffon’s home was a planet born out of colonization and warfare, when the first surveyers came across it hundreds of years ago, a mad rush to lay claim to its vast natural resources followed, a rush that was decided in blood, as multiple factions warred to gain control of most of the planet’s habitable surfaces. Four different spacefaring nations managed to dig their hands into Axan Prime, each vying for their own slice of the the pice. After another century, the various people of Axan Prime banded together, and organized a immense revolution that saw the planet find its own independence.
For that revolution, may of the nations that once owned part of Axan Prime have never fully forgiven it, and for all of its natural resources, Axan Prime has never reached the primacy and advanced status as other colonized planets. Even as its cities grow larger, most of its populace lives an impoverished life under a openly corrupt central government.
Griffon’s home city was located on a fault line of sorts, the border between two of the nations that used to control Axan Prime ran right through the city, and since revolution, the citizens there have managed to live together, mostly in peace, despite their differences. However, frustration with the authorities has grown in recent years, and it seems that conflict is coming to Axan Prime.
Griffon does not fancy himself a political person. An opportunist, Griffon has spent much of his life preying on those weaker than him. The gang he runs with are your average street thugs, running prostitution, smuggling and protection rings in the small little section of the sprawling city they have come to see as their entire world. Like many of his friends, the 19-year-old Griffon has never left the city in his entire life. But as violence on the streets increases and the authorities find themselves increasingly powerless to do anything about it, Griffon and his friends are being increasingly swept up in the conflict.
Griffon is, at his core, a young man desperate to find family, after being driven out of his home by his parents. He has come to understand street violence as a basic mode of communication, and fervently believes that the only true thing he has to his name is his pride. But for all of his street smarts, he is naive, short-sighted, and completely incapable of imagining a world outside of the small section of Barkala he has spent the last decade in. If you asked him, he would describe the growing fighting and violence as an opportunity, but deep inside, he believes he is facing a wave that is far, far over his head.
#18 : Zintar
The last wish of Joseph Zintar was to live forever. His son, a scientist working on the CHAMPS project granted him that wish. Before he died, his son transferred his brain waves into an experimental synthoid giving him everlasting life.
#30Characters Chatter…