Category: Scifi
Day 2 – Fuse
This is the first in a set of characters based on/inspired by my electronic devices. Try to figure out who is based on what!
Fuse is a pro gamer who works as a DJ in a popular club. She’s part of Red Sect, a newer team who have only recently become popular in the pro gaming scene. She is well liked, even amongst people who don’t like pro gaming, because she donates almost everything she wins towards cancer research, although she doesn’t say why.
#2 Bakunin, formerly Municipal Maintenance Drone 1134
#2 RoboHobo
In the future there is still no safety from falling into destitution, even if you’re a robot. Once top of the line units, most have been phased out over the years for newer more efficient models. With new parts no longer being produced, these old robots quickly fall into disrepair and disuse. While most are sent for recycling a few wind up on the streets trying to maintain functions on what little they can come by.
Day 3 – bioSona
As a new service robot, bio is a revolutionary creation. Since the first model of bio technology, scientists have failed to code Human DNA into robots. But Sona, as the 7th model, has successfully been created with the capability to understand human emotion. She can even replicate and show it. Although the scientists believe this to be a simple coding mechanism that could easily be removed if they pleased, some believe that this capability of emotion may be making the line between what is natural and what is mechanical quite indistinct.
#3 – Plyron Accaf
Plyron Accaf is a member of the Ordati – a minor species in the Galaxy in terms of political power, but thanks to Plyron Accaf, a very wealthy one. They are an androgynous species whose don’t specifically have individual names in the human sense – Plyron is the house name (a house only established a few generations ago) while “Accaf” represents the specific place in the house, with each letter representing to which child they are.
Plyron Accaf however has not made himself and his house wealthy, but his entire species – his secret? He sits in his ship in near earth orbit and intercepts all earth broadcasts and acquires DVDs. Â He then duplicates films and television and sells it to the intergalactic market who lap up these products that are still exotic to galactic audiences and cost him nothing to produce. Â Earth Security forces are well aware of this, but to they feel it would be far too much effort to inform all the copyright holders, and have to deal with potentially centuries of litigation and costs in the trillions – what they don’t know can’t hurt them.
03: Dailuna
Brief Bio/Description:
Dailuna is a member of the cosmic council. She presides over the white dwarf maintenance department, and takes her job very seriously. She’s also one of the leading fashion trend-setters in her galaxy. Her “hair” is actually a cerebral-nervous window, which mimics the appearance of a galaxy. The more relaxed she is, the fewer the number of white star bursts and the calmer the changing of the colors. When she is agitated, the bursts are rapid and the colors swirl. She paints her lips and hooves and sometimes applies cosmetics around her eyes and on her facial skeletal pieces.
Style Commentary:
Dailuna is almost the lofty cosmic being I’ve had stuck in my head for three days now. Almost, but not quite. Again, I had a great deal of fun with the pencil-sketch brushes, and used about five layers in Photoshop to slap down a goofy background and basic colors on her. I wanted to do more with clothing today, so I played around and took a little extra time painting in the different areas and used a clipping mask or two to help keep her figure separate from the background. Honestly, the most impressive stylistic revelation, to me, is that I am exponentially faster at laying down and finishing rough colors now than I was even a few months ago. I love it!
Day 3: Rubicante the Space Bear
Cuddly by day and night. Loves butterflies and the innards of his enemies.
Day 3: Privateer Commando
Finally got my printer up and running again! As such, I should have 3D prints of these guys from here on out. The pieces are pretty small (about 20mm tall) so a lot of the detail won’t show through, but they’re serviceable boardgame pieces at this size to be sure.
#2 – Roland Wong
(Whew! Â This is a little late – mostly due to my deciding to work with the colors and inks in Clip Studio, a program I recently purchased. Â Nice program – lots of useful tools – but not the wisest choice I’ve made while laboring under a deadline. Â Also: Photoshop layer folder don’t work in Photoshop Elements, so I had to bounce between two programs to get the template to work right.)
Roland Wong is Cosmetigene’s best salesperson in the Greater Vancouver Archology. Â A man of great charm and charisma, he makes his living selling cosmetic gene enhancements. Â Want eyes that changes color via your mood? Â Looking for tiger-stripe hair or glow-in-the-dark fingernails? Â How about some chlorophyll in the skin to give you that extra bit of pep through the day? Â Cosmetigene has it all, and Roland can sell them to just about anyone.
It’s not a bad life… but Roland misses the days when he worked an entirely different job, as a plainsclothes detective in the GVA Police Force. Â There his charm had been used to coax testimony out of reluctant witnesses, and to ease criminals into confession. Â He’d been good at that job too – perhaps a little too good. Â On a corruption case, he found he’d angered the wrong high-ranking official, and soon found himself out of work.
But his past collides with his present when a routine sale becomes a terrible murder. Â One of Roland’s gene enhancements for a client was altered: instead of giving his client the robin’s-egg-blue skin she wanted, it turned her skin cells into toxin-producing factories, poisoning her from the inside. Â All evidence points to Roland, and his job, reputation, and freedom are on the line… unless he can find the real killer.
02: Oretta
Character Name:Â
Brief Bio/Description:
Oretta is an obnoxiously curious member of her family, and is well known in her tribe both for getting into terrible trouble, and making wonderful discoveries. She is best friends with the tribe chief’s children, despite being considerably older than them. She hates to be idle and has an insatiable craving to move and discover and try new things. Many of her tribes’ men and women admire her, but are sure to let her know about her short-comings. Having a large ego is frowned upon in her culture. Even still, the efforts everyone seems to make to keep Oretta from getting too big an opinion of herself also serve to make Oretta feel more like a burden than a blessing. At the core of her excitable, happy, and restless personality is a dark sprout of inadequacy and insecurity.
Style Commentary:
I started Oretta with a slightly different alien female in mind. I wanted a slight, androgynous frame and a body comprised primarily of straight lines and very slight curves. Oretta began like that, but as I hashed out her legs, I felt the need to make her more muscular and earthy. I was also excited to rediscover some incredible pencil-like brushes I’d purchased in Photoshop, and went to town with the sketchy quality it let me build on my digital canvas. I almost left her as just a sketch, but I really wanted to add a splash of color to her. So I blocked in her body shape, slapped on a clipping mask, and used some selective soft-edge, pressure-sensitive opaque darks and lights and reflective gold to throw some extra life into her. I’m really excited with how she turned out.
Day 2: Oil Change
Earl Viskus was working in the R&D division of an automotive supply chain, when he accidentally stumbled on the secret of alchemy, or a portion of it. With the ability to transmute dirty oil in to water, he could have gone down the path of a successful entrepreneur with the cleanest automobile maintenance service imaginable. Driven mad by the specific limitation of his discovery, he instead became a villain, obsessed with learning more transmutations, stealing to fund his research, and never succeeding beyond his first fluke….
E02: Agatha
Day 2, another black and white one due to the weather still being awful here and it really messes with my head when it can’t make up its mind. I might just do each day in black and white though and colour them once the challenge is over, it certainly is less time consuming.
Day 2: Rogue Psion
A player piece for the Privateer side of my new game, Pocket-Tactics: Demonstar. I’ll be printing this guy out within the next few days, so check back for a fully 3D game piece.
#1 Gel-7
Gel-7, One in a series of many Interdimensional Immigration Enforcement Automatons. Created by the Rygal Corporation for use in monitoring and apprehending subspace drifters. Highly durable and extremely task oriented, these units are sent between dimensions in place of delicate ‘soft-tissued’ organic agents who may not survive the stress of interdimensional jumping.
01: Sonho
Character Name:Â
Brief Bio/Description:
Sonho is a gender-less but male-identifying amorphous, amphibious being. His appendages, and the majority of his body, are comprised almost exclusively of muscular tissue. Lacking a proper skeleton, his body contains flexible cartilage which can be manipulated into different shapes and locations with enough muscular control. Sonho prefers to keep the majority of his cartilage in his head and torso. You could compare his abilities to a cross between those of a jelly fish and an octopus. He finds humans fascinating and loves human humor and sarcasm. He stumbled onto the website known as 4chan, and now he makes tentacle jokes all the time. His human friends often draw comparisons between Sonho and average teenage boys, despite Sonho claiming to have lived over a century already. He loves to eat sushi; not for the taste, but for the irony and reactions he gets.
Style Commentary:
In the past, I’ve had a very difficult time bogging myself down in the details. I resolved today to sit down, rough out a decent pose, and lay the character out with simple details. I’m determined to avoid plain human characters (though I may “cop out” and do a few at some point this month, if the whim strikes) so I can start broadening my skills and get some new research done. Like, for this guy! I wanted Sonho to be technically genderless, and when the tentacle appendages started happening, I wanted to keep in mind some semblance of a factual basis, so I looked up the muscular system of an octopus! Very cool! Back to technical style: I laid down a simple black outline over the pose sketch, then filled a base color, which I copied and changed to the shadow color so I could mask it away for a simple cell-shaded effect. Not my usual approach, but I had fun and didn’t bury myself in immense detail or color work, so: mission accomplished!
Day 1: Slithering Fiend
For the first post, I decided to go with one of the game’s monsters. I’ll have a 3D print of this guy before long (still waiting on a replacement part)
#01.) Jenni “Mayberry” Berette
This is Jenni “Mayberry” Berette- the post-apocalyptic flower child. When she was 8, she had acquired what was left of a book about gardening (which was written before the apocalypse). Ever since then she was been absolutely fascinated by the plants that had grown on the earth before everything went to crap. She holds a particular fascination with flowers above all else. Being an artist by nature, she often makes flower-shaped trinkets and jewelry out of whatever scrap she can find. She one days hopes to either be able to A.) sell her flower jewelry and B.) be able to see an actual flower in her lifetime.
#1 – Danielle Kostra
And we’re off! Â Since today was rather busy on the day job front, I only have a pencil image today. Â In any event, please give a warm welcome to Danielle Kostra.
Danielle is a biologist, specializing in non-terrestrial arthropods.  If it has an exoskeleton and no relations to Earth life, she wants to know everything about it.  And, as one of dozens of biologists aboard the Concordat Grand Survey Ship Tyio-9, she is pretty much in her dream job.  The Grand Survey’s mission is to explore every star in the galaxy, spending about a year in each.  With close to 400 billion stars, that’s a lot of worlds… and a lot of bugs, crustaceans and other exoskeletal creatures that evolution can cook up.
Danielle herself is not Earth-born. Â She’s from Sapphire, a beautiful world orbiting the star Epsilon Indi, and colonized by one of Earth’s slow-ships. Â When humanity was inducted into the Concordat (a vast collective of over 70 races, some of them extremely advanced), they gained access to the FTL technology that allows other Concordat races to hop across the galaxy with the same ease modern commuters can jet around the world. Â Still, Danielle and her fellow humans do face some issues, as many of the younger Concordat members feel threatened by each new arrival. Â Prejudice and mistrust have caused more than their fair share of friction between humans and their new allies, and people like Danielle, working on the front line of the Concordat’s push into the galaxy, can sometimes be caught in the middle.
Returning Challenger- John Tompkins, and first post- Crater Johnson
Crater Johnson is a space explorer/ detective/ tough guy. There is amazing stuff to find in space, and people will do amazing things to get it. Enter Crater Johnson, the guy looking for his own opportunity or to make a little cash by helping someone with their opportunity. But under the suit and tough guy persona is a heart of gold. Crater’s look was inspired by the old Fiction House sci-fi comics.
#1 Chip
Introducing Chip! He is one of the main characters to my own creator owned story, CLANDESTINE, that I am working on. Looks are based loosely on a young Barry Pepper/David Bowie. Chip was raised on base not too far from Area 51 due to his father working their prior to his birth. He was raised the base with little interaction from the nearby cities.
He is part of a two man team that orchestrates planned UFO sightings to perpetuate stories of aliens and flying saucers. Everything on the base is on a need to know basis and little interaction is had between Chip and other staff on the base. However Chip is fairly close to his partner Ed as part of this 2 man team that handles this very odd responsibility. The reasons why they have this job remain CLANDESTINE…
I had trouble drawing the hands and I can see his arms are too long and the hands are too big. This wouldn’t be as much of an issue if there was some perspective on the drawing from the top down with his head nearest to the viewer. Conversely his legs could be lengthened to sort this out.
DAY 1: The Eternal
Before humanity there was the Eternal, a vagabon-esque alien with the power to create worlds. Where is he now? Nobody knows…
#30Characters Chatter…