Category: Scifi
06: Space Wraith
Character Name:Â
Space Wraith
Brief Bio/Description:
The space wraith is not, in fact, a ghost. It is a living creature that floats throughout the vacuum of space. The method of reproduction is unknown. They have been observed hurtling through space, with unchecked momentum, and bursting into tiny gelatinous blobs upon impact with space debris. Each bit of the space wraith’s flesh will independently develop its own primitive appendages, until it consumes enough organic space dust to grow, or until it manages to reconnect with other small space wraith flesh bits. Due to their ability to split and merge, they exist in a great range of sizes – from mere molecules to the size of a gas giant. The most common size is between ten and twenty meters in length. While they look menacing, most space wraiths are material scavengers and do not actually consume meats or many plants. Recorded encounters between space wraiths and humans have been remarkably uneventful and boring.
Style Commentary:
Honestly, I got really wrapped up in that persistent Galactic Overseer idea again. Today, though, I realized my image for it is too humanized for me to be happy drawing it right now. But now that I’ve settled on that, I was perfectly comfortable doing another space alien thing! I had a great deal of fun with the background (found myself a new, gargantuan pack of really neat Photoshop brushes) and worked the character on top of it. First I blocked in a shape/rough silhouette, to shake things up. Then I roughed in a white pencil sketch on top of and around the silhouette to fill in details and help refine and define the creature’s body. Once I had a good visual and solid mental image, I laid down a clean black pencil line layer, scrapped the silhouette and white pencils, and made a new base color layer within the confines of the clean lines. I decided at that point that I wanted the creature to be slightly transparent. I worked at 100% fill and used a single clipping mask, and once I was done, brought everything down to 67% and got exactly the result I was looking for!
#6 Det
Here’s a cool guy Det who’s part of this vicious race called the Ha’arthians who live on Arth. Their society’s similar to Sparta’s but they’re pretty advanced in the ways of technology. Even then, all Ha’arthian soldiers are fitted with basically a swiss army glove and armor, so both can expand, contract, and change properties depending on the warrior. Det’s just a pretty basic guy.
Day 6 – Greater Horned Xexel
Sentient aquatic species on unnamed planet in the Sirius star system. Approximately 2 meters long. Hunts and communicates through sonic pulses. Documented briefly during the unmanned Werner’s Expedition of 2115 as several of the creatures attempted to interact and communicate with the probe. Not to be confused with the smaller, less colorful subspecies with which the Greater Xexel seems to have a symbiotic relationship.
Fred 05: Shanie Nona
Shanie’s job is to build giant robots, specifically the brains. She very good at it. Her employers’ dress code is formal, hence the tie.
#4 Rocket Billy Mechanized ExoSuit Mk. “Deuce
The Naval ExoSuit Defense Squadron has had a long (albeit mostly secret) career. Fending off alien invasion forces & stomping evil machinations developed by evil scientists, their three-story-tall battle mechs were often the first & last line of defense since the end of World War II. But in this day & age of cutbacks & fiscal belt-tightening, there was just no way the US Government could feasibly foot the titanic cost alone. Enter the “edgy organic fast food” chain Rocket Burger (a subsidiary of the Scrimm Group). After ponying up 150% of the squad’s annual operation budget, the company was now calling the shots. The last three remaining Mk I ExoSuits were given new Rocket Burger paint jobs, with the corporate mascot, Rocket Billy & his trusty jet pack emblazoned on their carbon fiber chestplates. Veteran pilot Lt. Chance Murphy couldn’t help but feel like a complete shill. But at least he was still piloting.
And then Jakarta happened. Members of the squad still don’t like talking about the incident, or the hellish volcano beasts from deep with in the Earth’s Mantle that they had to face that day. In the end, Chance was the last pilot standing (with one KIA, while the other, struggling with a severe case of PTSD, may never be mentally able to pilot again), his ExoSuit torn limb from limb. Though the day was barely saved, the future of the squad once again looked uncertain. That was until Rocket Burger came back with another, bigger check.
Using whatever scraps they could, the crew combined the working elements of the three demolished suits into a single, new & improved unit, all tucked into a Rocket Burger-approved chassis. “Rocket Billy,” standing at roughly 18ft & shaped to the exact proportions, is the spitting, robotic visage of the fast food chain’s mascot. Equipped with two rockets made from the parts of old Titan warheads, he can even fly through use of his working jetpack. Carrying a concealed weapons payload tucked away in various parts of his body, Rocket Billy can tackle pretty much any threat quite handily. But the atomic rays tucked into his each palms are usually enough. The execs have taken to calling him the Mk. Deuce, as a matter of cross promotion synergy after the Deuce, Rocket Burger’s special variant of the double cheeseburger.
But, at the end of the day, Lt. Chance Murphy, the last remaining exopilot, didn’t sign up to play the role of corporate mascot. Jaded by having to fly the world over, opening a brand new Rocket Burger location almost daily, he feels like he’s gone from shill to complete corporate goon. “At least you’re still piloting. At least you’re still piloting.” He mantras, before hitting the coupon cannon that fires a shower of buy one, get one free vouchers to a greedy, overly-enthusiastic crowd. He bides his time until the next global threat.
I’m kind of obsessed with the idea of how corporations would operate in a superhero comic world, so that’s where the kernel of this idea started. Endorsing superheroes & funding things like this just as a means of advertising & promotion doesn’t seem outside the realm of possibility. I mean they’ll rename historic sports stadiums like it’s nothing. I think the look came from the continuity of the Big Guy & Rusty cartoon & the idea of combining the two. Ultimately, I think I opted too rockabilly hipster versus atomic age robot. Figured he’d be scuffed up & battle damaged some too from previous scuffles, but I might’ve over done it. The flight crew member is there just to give an idea of scale. I like how the tailcode came out. Figured it would probably have to have something like that.
More soon. Getting really good feedback & a lot of kind words. I really appreciate it!
Day 3 Mysterious Astronaut
In 2058 while prepping a departing shuttle from Mars base Galifrey, this strange and silent astronaut was discovered standing by the launch pad. He was brought to the main compound and interrogated. He would not remove his helmet. None of the bases personal were able to remove it. He would not respond in any way to questioning. No communication of any kind. The markings and technology of his space suit could not be identified and appeared to be not of any known Earth equipment or materials. He was put in confinement for observation. In the morning he was no longer in the sealed and locked containment cell. No one saw him leave. No cameras or sensors picked up any movement. The containment room never opened during the night according to all sensors. The mysterious Astronaut was never seen again.
8 – Black Sparrow
Japan, more than any other nation, has gone in for cybernetics in its security forces, and there are many combat enhanced cybernetically enhanced humans in the police, military and paramilitary. Â During the 90’s their most successful of these agents has a woman who codename was the “Sparrow”, who boasted not only top of the line prosthetics, but a genuine gift for this kind of work. Â In early 2003 she took part in a mission against a cybernetic terrorist cell who were hours away from destroying half of Asia using Biological weapons. Â She was successful, and the plot was not only thwarted, but the cell and all its leaders were killed. Â Unfortunately, so was she, and while her body was initially recovered, her human brain had taken far too much damage and she was declared dead.
However, her mechanical body was unharmed, and it was stolen from a government facility 2 weeks later during the autospy. Â Subsequently, whoever took the body seems to have installed an AI in it, and the body of the hero formerly known as Sparrow is now referred to as Black Sparrow – an incredibly dangerous assassin and terrorist for hire. Â No one is clear who took the body, but whoever it was will be dangerous, as they are presumably guarded by effectively one of the most dangerous combatant of recent memory.
Day 6: Separatist Contractor
Another player piece for my WIP, 3D print-and-play board game, Demonstar.
#5 Sword Killer
A vampire so old that she took up the sword’s name instead. The sword’s made of space gallium that’s contained within a special refrigerated sheath that keeps it at optimal temperature.
Day 5: Cage Match
Shapeshifting synthetic being, only able to take the form of characters portrayed by Nicolas Cage. Powers unlocked through phrases such as “Not the bees!”, “Put…the bunny….back…in the box.”, or “I can eat a peach for hours.”
#5 – Experimental Micro Killer Robot
An “experiment” in creating a series of small killer robots. Â Each robot would have its own set of weapons, should the experiment be successful. Â This one in particular, was rushed mid-production, and as a result he may would up being rather useless. Â This one appears to have been recently activated.
Wu 04-05: Amy Diamond & TomBOT
Amy Diamond is a student at a normal highschool of Nth New York (the namers stopped counting after 89th destruction through shenanigans) – a city full of life and lights. She is almost blind and cannot ever recover her vision, but she still keeps being cheerful and likes to be around people, despite the occasional bullying. She studies to become a captain of a starship and dreams of commanding one of her own – just like her father did.
TomBOT is a small A.I. robot who accompanies Amy wherever she goes. It was a gift from Amy’s father before his disappearance. It has a cheerful, yet a little naivë look at things and often fails to realise it is in danger. It tries it’s best to be the best helper and friend for Amy. TomBOT mostly functions as eyes for Amy, but does other tasks as well, like cooking, shopping and cleaning. It manages all chores with it’s small arms usually hidden in the circular compratments.
Star Crasher
Star Crasher is a hi-speed multi-system wanderer, capable of blowing his way through a star (or planet for that matter- which makes him a threat to anyone who knows what he can do!). He is making his way from system to system looking for any evidence of what happened to the Scarlett Legion- the unit he was assigned to when they were attacked. During the battle he was knocked unconscious and has no memory of who attacked and what happened.
ADAM Day 1
Adam was the first sentient humanoid robot life form created by humans. Adam sparked the beginning of the robotic revolution and the extinction of organic life on Earth. His “electronica manifesto” become the basis for a new robotic society which now rules the planet Earth and is rapidly conquering other planets through out the Milky Way Galaxy.
Day 3 – Orion Azure
Kinda bummed that I haven’t been able to colour these, but that’s what full time work does to a person ^^;
Anywho, continuing on with the theme of humanized electronic devices, this is Orion Azure. He’s a well-known commentator and socialite who dabbles in photography and astronomy in his spare time. He will often have a clear plastic umbrella when it’s raining.
day 4- Ysmin
Today’s monster girl is Ysmin the Golem. I realized after drawing her that she reminded me of the monster summon things from Persona. I left a couple of the thumbnails in this time too. If I could only afford my new scanner sooner, I wouldn’t have to deal with the nonsense that is that blur.
E03- Karma
Lagging behind here. Anyway, will try and do day 4 and 5 tomorrow (or I guess its technically today now where I am)!!
Some sort of space alien chameleon assassin lady, she does her job well.
04: Humbert
Character Name:Â
Mr. Humbert Greyfellow
Brief Bio/Description:
Humbert is a self-made man – well, whale-man. He had a knack for business and made his first small fortune by giving the people in his town what they wanted and needed, for a competitive price. Which, at the time, was the news. He worked out the best possible routes to serve the most people in the shortest amount of time and was able to fill more orders on his own than several other postal veterans could with their combined efforts. His mind for mechanics and logistics took him through several local businesses, until he started his own, in furniture. And protection. He doesn’t like to be called the Boss. And his kindness is genuine. But, it’s still “Mr. Greyfellow” to you.
Style Commentary:
I wanted to break way from the alien-people I’ve been doing, so I flipped through the first few pages of deviantART today, and I got hit with this image of a round, hunched, maybe-jovial, maybe-scheming whale-like creature. So, I took to my Photoshop pencils and drew him. Twice, actually (I messed up my layers and had to re-do him). I almost stopped at the sketch stage, but since I’ve been doing so well with colors, I pushed through! I wanted to make him subdued and somber. He still has a little bit of a domineering presence, but his peak is behind him, and he is growing slowly tired of his business empire. Perhaps now he seeks peace and rest, and an heir to his dominion.
#6 – The Ivory Tower
The Ivory Tower is to outwards appearances a huge building perched high in an obscure corner of the Canadian Rockies, but further inspection reveals far more than meets this initial inspection. Â For one the white substance it is clad in is not rock but carved vertebrae from some gigantic animal. Â Secondly, records of the building go back as far as anyone was present in the area, and appears in the legends of the native peoples. Â No one knows how it got there or what it was originally for, but to those in the know, it represents the most terrifying intellect on the planet. Â What isn’t obvious from the outside is that 98% of this titanic structure is filled with something resembling brain matter, and it is active and conscious.
The remaining 2% represents a slender spiral staircase at its core while lead up to a small spherical room where one may interact with the Tower, though the front door of the place only opens to exceptional intellects. Â What little is known about the tower is that not only does it possess tremendous brainpower, but telepathic powers on an incalculable scale, suggestions are that it works to the point where it manipulates the basic thoughts of the entire planet if not further in subtle ways, trying to steer us towards some future goal. Â It also seems to have access to communications and be able to make trillions of subtle alterations per second to messages passed, although to what ends these happen no-one knows. Â No one has been able to ascertain what its eventual goals are, and while those who do get admittance may ask for any knowledge in the world l (excepting things about itself), doing so is playing with fire, as even though it always seems to answer truthfully who knows what subtle plots the Tower sets up with its answers…
Day 4: Lopeing Fiend
A monster piece for my WIP, 3d-print-and-play board game, Demonstar. Once all of these guys (and the tiles, counters, etc) are finished, you’ll be able to download the rules and parts for free on
#5 – Elias Winston – The Futurist
Elias Winston is a man from the year 2103 who has returned to the present to instill his values on the present to hasted the creation of the world he lives in. Â It just so happens that he isn’t the only one who that sentence applies to. Â Time Travel is a bit of a strange thing, yet compared to inter dimensional travel it is very easy, however because various futures can come about from one present, you can end up with a case like that of the two Elias Winstons. Â They both traveled back in time to our present, which is a past they share.
Elias Winston (aka The Futurist) is the World Leader of Future Timeline designate BZ2-0002346-2103, commonly referred to as “The Age of MegaCorps” – in this timeline Starlin-style hyper-Communism was rampant leading to massive oppression of the people when Elias Winston was born.  There is some suggestion that his bloodline may have something to do with the Order of Solomon (see Samuel Bonaparte Khan) but most believe he was purely just a perfect storm of genetics and upbringing that made him an unparalleled talent in technology, leadership and genetics.  After a starting and winning a revolution over 16 years, he decided to travel back into the past to instill his perfect world order back when the beginnings of the Communes were taking route.  Fortunately despite his prodigious talents have been held back by another time traveler: The Revolutionist – Elias Winston, the World Leader of Timeline AF6-0093925-2103, whose own desire to travel to the past and change the past to match his Commune based World directly opposes the future of the Futurist, and thus fortunately, the great fighters of the world have not had to deal with his full intellect…
The Futurist is an expert in power armour, advanced energy sources and weapons, military tactics and corporate dealings. Â He quickly established a power-base in countries with a more lax approach to being invested in by Time-travelling Despots and is believed to be behind various Technology companies off the books. Â He has also amassed a substantial private military, but due to various setbacks caused by attacks by the Revolutionist, he has only been able to use it fairly sparingly.
#4 – Elias Winston: The Revolutionist
Elias Winston is a man from the year 2103 who has returned to the present to instill his values on the present to hasted the creation of the world he lives in. Â It just so happens that he isn’t the only one who that sentence applies to. Â Time Travel is a bit of a strange thing, yet compared to inter dimensional travel it is very easy, however because various futures can come about from one present, you can end up with a case like that of the two Elias Winstons. Â They both traveled back in time to our present, which is a past they share.
Elias Winston (aka The Revolutionist) is the World Leader of Future Timeline designate AF6-0093925-2103, commonly referred to as “The Commune” – in this timeline run away Capitalism was rampant leading to massive wealth disparity into which young Elias Winston was born. Â There is some suggestion that his bloodline may have something to do with the Order of Solomon (see Samuel Bonaparte Khan) but most believe he was purely just a perfect storm of genetics and upbringing that made him an unparalleled talent in technology, leadership and genetics. Â After a starting and winning a revolution over 16 years, he decided to travel back into the past to instill his perfect world order back when the Mega-Corporations were taking route. Â Fortunately despite his prodigious talents have been held back by another time traveler: The Futurist – Elias Winston, the World Leader of Timeline BZ2-0002346-2103, whose own desire to travel to the past and change the past to match his Capitalistic Corporation-State based World directly opposes the future of the Revolutionist, and thus fortunately, the great fighters of the world have not had to deal with his full intellect…
The Futurist is an expert in cybernetics, advanced energy sources and weapons, espionage and guerilla warfare.  He quickly established a power-base in poor, financially frustrated countries which didn’t have a problem harbouring  Time-travelling Terrorists and is believed to be behind other terrorist groups in secret.  He has also amassed a substantial terrorist network, but due to various military assaults by the troops of the Futurist, he has been unable to make broader assaults on other corporations and states.
Day 4: Dice Slicer the Librarian
Dice Slicer the Librarian, takes care of the knowledge and books on the Armada.
#30Characters Chatter…