RSSCategory: Scifi

#1: The Catterpital

| November 1, 2012 | 0 Comments

the Catterpital


| November 1, 2012 | 3 Comments





























Not much to say about this guy, except he is part cat (yay!) and part spider (eww). He fishes with his tail and binds his prey with web until he is ready to feast!

Marc O’ Anthony

| November 1, 2012 | 0 Comments


#1 Atomic Automaton

| November 1, 2012 | 0 Comments


Done in pencil via a sketchpad. Atomic Automaton’s seen better days…

Comes with the territory though.

#1 Bomber

| November 1, 2012 | 0 Comments

Intergalactic con-artist from the year 20xx.


11/01/2012: Fabiano Porcini, Pigman Rocker

| November 1, 2012 | 0 Comments

NAME: Fabiano Porcini  ORIGIN: Pig-Earth OCCUPATION: Rock Star

Formerly the head of the trans-universally acclaimed hair-metal band, Iron Thunder, and four-time winner of Battle Axes (a Teledrome production) Fabiano now makes a paltry living on an ill-received solo act. Once considered the foremost Power-Grunter in the known universes, Fabiano’s poor leadership skills failed to keep his band together. Though he spends most of his days in the Nexus Undercity in between casino gigs, Fabiano has recently received noteworthy praise for his back-up grunting on Hott Trapp’s latest album, Kold Swett.

Model designed in TinkerCAD and Sculptris (3D print pending…)

#1 Filbin Monroe

| November 1, 2012 | 0 Comments

First timer to the 30 character challenge, presenting Filbin Monroe tech saavy goblin private eye.

Presentation and Day 1 Character – Cortex “Lucky” Mite

| November 1, 2012 | 0 Comments

Hi there! My name is Aluísio! I’m a returning participant from the 2010 edition, for which I wasn’t able to complete haha! So let’s try my luck again! I’m best know for my work as the artist for Image Comics’ Grim Leaper series. I hope you enjoy some of my own creations!

To start with:

Lucky is a special acari species. Very inteligent, it feeds of brains, and no, it’s not a zombie, but does have a symbiotic parasite  lifestyle. The more it feeds, the more smart it grows, and the bigger it gets. The species is literally immortal as long it can find a new host to be a parasite of.
The most famous Cortex Mite in the universe is known as Lucky – the right hand of a gallactic mob leader. Guess what? Some of these mites get so big it’s essentially a fully grown brain – Lucky has taken over an entire human body’s brain, and commands it as a hollow shell. Lucky has been living this way for 5 hundred years already. His plans include taking over his own boss, possibly changing bodies whenever he catches him asleep!

#1 Chupacandelabra

| November 1, 2012 | 0 Comments

It’s a well known fact that chupacabras are scientific alien experiments that have been draining Latin American livestock of their blood since the mid-90s. Or they used to. After many years of protesting and finally correctly filling out the proper paperwork, the chupacabra has been upgraded. Presenting the chupacandelabra. Now with the ability to cook their food. And be fancy about it.

#1 Rudy

| November 1, 2012 | 0 Comments

Rudy is a character in a hypothetical story set in a post apocalyptic universe.  Earth is still inhabited by survivors, but humans search beyond the planet for other habitable planets. Rudy is human, however, all surviving humans, due to consequences of the Final War, must be sustained by life support suits which keeps them alive in the absence of a fully developed body, which usually means they have no skull to protect their brain.

Day 1: The Pulse

| November 1, 2012 | 3 Comments

A mysterious android of unknown origin, The Pulse, as the news media called it, appeared near Chicago’s Lake Shore Drive. Though it did not harm any civilians who looked on in shock at the strange machine, The Pulse proceeded to drain the entire downtown area’s power grid. Police response was met with a wailing shriek that sent the police flying and overturning cars and waste bins. One unfortunate officer opened fire and was met with severe electrical shock to his body.

And just as mysterious as it appeared, it vanished into a huge pillar of light. The incident was called “The Pulse Incident.” From time to time, The Pulse would appear around different parts of the world, siphoning off energy from urban areas or power plants and defending itself upon confrontation. Though speculation runs rampant, no one truly knows what the Pulse is doing with all its stolen power, and even more terrifying, what would happen should it “accomplish” its unknown task?

Abillities: The Pulse possesses a limitless capacity for energy absorption that it collects and regulates via the torso and various lights on its body. The Antenna on its head seems to be the Pulse’s point of focus, as it is the first indicator of an attack as electricity flows from the antenna. With energy absorbed, the Pulse is capable of energy projectiles, teleportation, enhanced strength and energy conduction.

Inception: The Pulse was based on the design of Ultimate Captain Marvel from years ago. I’ve refined the idea over time to make it more machine than human, but kept aspects of Ultimate Captain Marvel while adding the new Iron Man suit. The energy pulse coming off its torso was an idea I thought of, as I pictured a machine that was a “walking EMP” yet contradictory,as it is a machine that shuts off other machines save itself. Or does it? The main purpose of this character is up in the air, as the premise is what I made of it and feel a mystery character will be fun to flesh out over time during an arc or a superhero campaign.

No 1

| November 1, 2012 | 2 Comments

2012 Challenger: Michael Beckett

| October 28, 2012 | 0 Comments

Hey there, everybody! Michael Beckett, returning challenger here. My project last year was History Classes, a series of historical figures designed to fit RPG character classes; George Washington as an Onion Knight, Carrie Nation as a Berserker, that sort of thing. It spawned a whole other blog, Thematic Conversion, which combines different ideas every month to create something new. This year, however, I’m doing something a little different. I’m calling this year’s project Blobby Little Monsters, and it’s my first real experiment in world building. So first let’s talk about the setting, and then I’ll get on to the nuts and bolts of character creation. ^^ Continue Reading


| October 19, 2012 | 0 Comments

Hello one and all!  This is Dan Nokes of 21st Century Sandshark Studios fame and notoriety!  I was a participant in last year’s 30 CHARACTERS IN 30 DAYS CHALLENGE!  I am writing to inform my fans and fans of this endeavor, that I will once again, be stepping into the ring to belt out another 30 characters!  Here are a few choice pics from last years efforts for you guys to gander and get an idea at what I do and what I plan for this year!

For more info please feel free to visit my homepage at!


Jared Lewis – 30 Characters in 30 Days 2011

| December 3, 2011 | 0 Comments

#1 Glorious Sentai Gokaider Red#2 Aurora#3 Sixth Carbon Lama#4 Longtalon#5 Phione
#6 Deadeye Huitzilo the Vaquero The Duke of Brixton#9 The Sky Bandit Beatrix Sprawling#10 “Upstairs Bigfoot”
#11 The Uzbek#12 Xaiyoi#13 & #14 Las Hermanas de La Sombras Vigilantes (Isa)#13 & #14 Las Hermanas de La Sombras Vigilantes (Magda)#15 Skaggs
#16 Goroh#17 Munson#18 Quozark the Unflinching#19 TheBinMan.EXE#20 The Outsorceror
#21 Fe-Male#21 Fe-Male#23 Mynah#24 Caldera#25 Biata Boombata
#26 Oosailoo#27 Wee Andrew of Glenclover#28 The Dingo Demon Formerly Known as Sig#29 The Tungsten Rhino Support Crew#30 Tremendous Rowdy

Made it. Just barely. Overall, I’m happy. I had a busier schedule, but there were hours here & there where I could’ve focused & gotten better results. Ultimately, just happy to hit 30 for a second year. I will probably be posting more about the whole experience sometime soon on my sketchblog. Until then, I’ve got some projects to get back to. Thanks for the feedback & support, & great job to everyone who participated this year. Hope to see you next.


Alex Holt – 30 Characters, 2011

| December 3, 2011 | 1 Comment

I am quite surprised to find that I finished this year, a day ahead of schedule despite starting 6 days late due to a holiday.  This has ended up a 30 character 23 if you will!

The characters below all are designed to exist in the same Universe – very much an “anything goes” Universe along the lines of the Marvel or DC Universes.  It does however, have a bit more of a magical leaning than those, so something like Hellboy is probably a better comparrison.  These characters are all “good guys” and, white not a superhero team (although Kesari, Amanda, Shiqi, Rosaline, Samuel, Daisy/Percy, Charcoal, Hrolf and Zhang are all in the superheroics game andmay team up from time to time) their grouping is more that they correspond with each other to help with their own adventures.  Given that these 30 includes a detective, a bontanist, a diplomat, a lawyer, a police officer a chef and a doctor the level of action varies a fair bit!

Anyway, any comments here or on the indivdual character posts would be immensely appreciated, hope you like them!

 – Alex Holt



30 Characters in 30 Days

| December 1, 2011 | 0 Comments


David Bednarski’s 30 Character Round-Up!

| December 1, 2011 | 5 Comments

Here are the 30 characters I managed to create for this wonderful challenge!

If you view them in order and read their text you find a chronological story of a new universe created specifically for this challenge!

I am not through with these characters.  They are all pencil drawings begging for inks and colors, so stay tuned to my deviantART page or my blogspot page for more complete images.  If all goes well there might even be an art/story book with additional images and characters not included in this challenge but are mentioned in the text story!


This was a terrific challenge and I look forward to participating again next year!

No Thumbnails, but …

| December 1, 2011 | 0 Comments






Couldn’t figure out how to quickly make the thumbnails and didn’t really have time.  However, here is a montage of the total images that I created for the month of November.  These characters are a good start to my planned graphic novel.

Here is a trailer to my graphic novel that features the characters from November’s challenge.

Trailer 1

You can also see the trailer on my blog.

J. James Final Characters

| December 1, 2011 | 0 Comments

What a busy month, I don’t remember sleep.  Thanks for all your support who kept me motivated on this project, and those who volunteered to be a part of it. Take care of yourselves, and I’ll see you next November! J. James

Nathan Seabolt-My 2011 Characters Overview

| December 1, 2011 | 0 Comments

Here are the characters I created for the 30 Characters in 30 Days Challenge 2011.

Click the images to view the posts.


















They’re definitely not all gems, but it was tons of fun to do this challenge. I’ll be back next year!

Educatexan’s Other Land

| December 1, 2011 | 0 Comments







#31 BONUS! – Z

| December 1, 2011 | 0 Comments



Z is a mysterious young woman who uses agility, a tenacious attitude and some massive firepower to combat the forces of darkness. Sort of like Kolchak the Night Stalker or Supernatural, if those shows featured a borderline insane girl who seems to have escaped from a manga into the quasi-real world.

Coming in a comic series in 2012!



| December 1, 2011 | 0 Comments


This is a character for a book I’m working on with writer/creative partner Bill Woodcock, Jr called  BLACK MASKS. Doc Sirius is a re-visioning of public domain superhero, Power Nelson. In the dieselpunk-meets-superhero world of BLACK MASKS- Dr. Gene Nelson West; A science-wizard-criminal of the year 1986 from an alternate universe, escapes to our Earth  in an Interdimensional starship. Dr. West’s crimes- stealing and selling weapon and other high technology to international criminal “Emperor” Seng, Warlord of NYC. West always wanted power. Seng was more than willing to trade money and the benefits of his nefarious network to get whatever technology West could successfully steal, copy or make himself to aid Seng’s goals for global dominance. In the end, the allied Earth forces deposed Seng. In the last moments of his boss’s standoff, West betrayed Seng to the invading allies- buying him time to launch himself off-planet in an experimental spacecraft containing the contents of his laboratory as well as  precious metals/gems. Dr. West, predicting the demise of his despotic employer,  had been studying an alternate universe as a getaway- surmising that an alternate Earth, back in time enough, would give him an technological advantage that would make him powerful and rich beyond his dreams. Finding a universe whose Earth was 60 years younger than his own, West used a quantum-time-space drive to escape to our unsuspecting Earth. The drive was experimental and malfunctions- West arrives on June 30, 1908. He appears over the North Pole colliding with a massive electromagnetic force emitted by Nikola Tesla‘s Wardenclyffe Tower– during a secret testing of his infamous “Death Ray”. Crashing in Tunguska, Russia, West’s ship drives itself underground and causes the most mysterious explosion in Earth’s history. Eventually rescued by a team including Tesla, Admiral Byrd and expert pilot David Nelson I. Various others vie for the wrecked craft- a motley crew of disparate villains and mysterious agents- but to no avail.

West manipulates everyone around him easily. He weaves a tale of being the sole survivor of the planet Sirius-Prime; a planet of science-wizardry destroyed by the evil despot Emperor Seng. West claims to be the sole survivor- losing his family and friends- forever mourning his lost home. Operating at first in secret, West begins to amass a technological/financial empire with David Nelson and makes allies in other technocrats like Howard Hughes. As a result, he accelerates the technology of his new home- in very limited amounts, but it comes with a cost. Science villains appear, threatening the world, but ultimately, threatening West’s power. So Dr. West decides to become a science hero taking on the mantle of his heroic ruse- DOC SIRIUS, Man of the FUTURE!






#20 Victory

| December 1, 2011 | 0 Comments

Character Back Story:
Fights with a recovered Battle Staff from a Foot Solder of the Cyber Lords

Let’s be friends: Connect with me on my other sites!

#19 Doctor Julius Spektor

| December 1, 2011 | 0 Comments

Character Back Story:
Studies found technology from extraterrestrials. Is the lead scientist studying the super hero Solarus and his sons.

Let’s be friends: Connect with me on my other sites!

#18 Priests of Radiance

| December 1, 2011 | 0 Comments

Character Back Story:
Followers and police of the Radiant Guardian and his new reshaped world.

Let’s be friends: Connect with me on my other sites!

#15 Horace Jefferson

| December 1, 2011 | 0 Comments

Character Back Story:
Young man who has discovered he and his girlfriend Alison Heart have gained the power of telekinesis.

Let’s be friends: Connect with me on my other sites!

#12 Composites

| December 1, 2011 | 0 Comments

Character Back Story:
Cyborg creatures from the wastelands of  the “Shatter Earth”

Let’s be friends: Connect with me on my other sites!

#10 Madam Blue Eyes

| December 1, 2011 | 0 Comments

Character Back Story:
Ruler of half of New Las Vegas in the “Shattered Earth”

Let’s be friends: Connect with me on my other sites!

#9 The Kings Mafia

| December 1, 2011 | 0 Comments

Character Back Story:
The King of New Las Vegas soldiers. They enforce the Kings laws. Fight against the Pack on a regular basis.

Let’s be friends: Connect with me on my other sites!